The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 346: Under the starry sky, there is one more suffering man

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Lu Shui frowned.

Impossible to challenge?

This is what Jianyi is going to do?

Is it something he can't even mention?

"Why is he going to challenge the impossible?" Lu Shui asked.

He didn't directly ask what the impossible is. If the sword is not mentioned, it is difficult to say what will happen to such an incomplete person.

Lu Shui knew his strength, and currently he couldn't solve that kind of existence.

The danger is not dangerous either. He wants to escape, and the other party can't catch him, mainly because he can't continue to explore Midu.

Midu or Midu, the location of this person is very peculiar.

"Because..." Ming said with confidence, but when he wanted to continue speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong?" Lu Shui asked.

He looked forward, and there was no power to influence him at the moment.

And they are still in the passage, there is still some distance away from the passage.

This passage is not close to the location of the island.

Then came a doubtful voice:

"I obviously knew why Jianyi did this, but for a while I realized that I didn't have this memory.

It should be on the other part. "

Lu Shui frowned, but he didn't say much.

Instead, ask about other things:

"The day the true **** fell, do you know where you were?"

"Knowing half, I know that I am fighting, fighting hard, forgetting life and knowing death, betting on all battles.

But I don't know whether I won or lost in the end, and I don't know what I fought for.

All I know is that the final battle ended and the true **** fell. "Ming said.

Lu Shui was a little curious and said:

"Fight? Who is your enemy?

Is the battle scene far away from the true god? "

This is still more important to Lu Shui, after all, he has to know whether this person is besieging Jiu or fighting with others himself.

"The enemy is a man, I remember his appearance, but the memory of his name is not with me.

As for the true god, I have this kind of memory, and the true **** is far away from us.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, there was no true god, but in the end there was news of the true god's fall.

As for how it fell, this memory does not belong to me, but I remember that I only sighed in my heart at the time, not much surprised.

As if already knew that the true **** would fall.

It is also possible that other emotions are not with me. "Ming said.

Lu Shui nodded without speaking.

This person's strength is indeed extraordinary, he knows Jiu.

But what you know is half and half, which makes it difficult to find accurate things.

As for why he wanted to go to war with people, Lu Shui couldn't know.

He is even more unable to draw conclusions about who the enemy is.

A man, how do you guess this?

But the other party may know that Jiu is destined to fall.

Then there is only one possibility.

He must have participated, killing God.

Then Lu Shui thought of the last normal person on the list of Killing Gods, the Moon Clan, Mingyue.

"Are you Yue Clan?" Lu Shui tried to ask.

"I can't answer this question, there is no relevant memory, but I feel that I should be a human." Ming said.

Lu Shui didn't pay attention to this anymore, it was a clue, and he would know it accurately then.

"How much do you know about the true god's fall?" Lu Shui saw that the passage was about to reach its end.

It's really white outside.

"That was a long time. I left the normal cultivation world and went to other places.

It seems to be above the moon.

A big event happened later.

I only have one idea about that. After that, I stayed in Midu, as if I had promised someone to guard here.

What is guarded, and when will it need to be guarded?

I have no idea. "Ming's voice was puzzled.

He felt that he didn't know more than he knew.

It seems that more parts are elsewhere.

"Do you know the struggle of the three ancient powers?" Lu Shui asked.

"No impression," Ming said.

Lu Shui understood that the big event the other party said should be the battle that took place at the end of the ancient period.

That is to say, after that incident, Lu let him stay in Midu, guarding certain things.

"It seems that he doesn't know the news related to the prophecy slate." Lu Shui sighed in his heart.

He was also helpless, and what he encountered was either dead, just showing up, or incomplete.

When can I meet a normal one?

Judging from the current situation, the most normal thing should be the secret of heaven, but the secret of heaven is shrunk and dare not come out, making people have no choice.

Tianji Building does not know much.

"It's coming." Ming's voice passed through at this moment.

Lu Shui followed Ming's gaze and saw everything in the vast expanse of whiteness, but his gaze was a little fuzzy.

Soon, Ming left the passage, and finally appeared in the mist, a mist that couldn't see his fingers.

"How long will it take to get to the island where you are?" Lu Shui asked curiously, seeing the fog where his eyes were.

In theory, it should be close.

"How long will it take?" Ming was a little confused, and then said:

"Already here, we are already on the island."

Lu Shui was stunned, then said:

"Put your hand out and put it in front of you."

I don't know why, but I still stretched out my hand.

Then Lu Shui saw Ming's hand, which was vague, but it was indeed a hand.

"What's going on?" Lu Shui was puzzled for a while.

Is the fandom too special, or is Ming's senses deceived?

"Everyone sees Midu, is it different?" Lu Shui asked.

Hearing this sentence, he was stunned for a while, and then he realized:

"I remembered that fans need to come in person to see it, and they may not be able to see it through my eyes."

"Wait for me to get off, I fly up, and when I reach the edge, the impact shouldn't be that big." He said that he flew directly.

Lu Shui could feel that the other party was moving fast on the layman.

Soon, he found that the fog was getting less and less.

Light began to appear.

"It's daytime on your side?" Lu Shui asked suddenly.

"No, I don't have a dark night here, and the situation in Midu cannot be replaced by common sense." Ming is still moving up.

Soon Lu Shui saw it, a fog-wrapped area, and it was completely impossible to see what was inside.

But the picture is still a bit blurry.

"Is the world in your eyes blurred?" Lu Shui asked.

He found that everything he saw was vague.

At first he thought it was a signal problem, but Ming had returned to his body, but everything was still so vague.

This made him have to ask.

"No, everything I see in my eyes is very clear, can't you see?" Ming asked.

"Why do you think?" Lu Shui asked directly.

Ming was silent for a moment, and finally said:

"It's not the problem of my spells, it should be the influence of Midu."

So fans do have their own blurry special effects?

Lu Shui immediately thought of the person who wrote the book.

In other words, the fans are clear when others see them, and they are all fuzzy when they see them.

In other words, as long as you don't see it with your own eyes, the fans are all blurred?

Such a mystery made Lu Shui a little puzzled.

He had never seen what it was that would possess such characteristics.

And Ming's place is Midu, and it has something to do with Lu.

What did Lu put here?

No matter what he thought, Lu Shui couldn't get the slightest guess.

He knew too little about Lu, and he knew that Lu was very strong and was the promoter of ending the age of true gods.

Like the true god, Lu chose to fall by himself.

But unlike the true god, when Lu Mei fell, there should be no one who could end his existence.

A person who can be forgotten by death is extremely special.

Even more than the true god.

Lu Shui was thinking, but he was also watching his surroundings.

He wanted to see if there was anything else he could see besides the fog.

If there were only these, it would be difficult for him to find here.

At this moment, a figure suddenly broke into his gaze.

"Stop." Lu Shui said immediately.

Ming, who was still moving upwards, stopped immediately when he heard Lu Shui's cry.

"What's the matter?" Ming asked.

"There is a figure in front, have you seen it?" Lu Shui asked.

He saw it, and there was a figure standing right in front.

But I can't see any other concrete things.

It was a figure in the mist.

"I see, there will always be people here, but I can't communicate. I tried it and got some conclusions.

The other party seems to be in front, but in fact it is far away.

In other words, the figure is just a figure, and it has no other things at all.

There is another possibility, that is, a figure left by someone passing by. "Ming said.

Lu Shui frowned. If it's just a matter of distance, it's naturally not a problem.

Distance doesn't really affect them, whether it's Ming or that figure, they definitely have their own specialties.

What can really affect them is Midu.

Or maybe it is the Mist City, if Mi Du is really in the Mist City.

Therefore, the latter two guesses are more likely.

After all, in Lu Shui's eyes, the figure did not move.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a normal person.

"I'll give you a rune, you try to see if you can communicate with the other party." Lu Shui said.

"Good." Ming responded directly.

He tried countless ways, but none worked.

The only thing useful is that channel.

If this person has a way, he will have more possibilities to escape from Midu.


"The Tang family basically controlled it?"

A deep voice came from the cave in the big mountain to the north outside of Tang's house.

The cave was pitch black, and there were four figures in the darkness, unable to see their faces, even their clothes.

"Life and Death Gu has already taken effect, the Tang family is too weak, and it has only been discovered that Life and Death Gu exists until now."

"What about things?"

"There is no news, it is suspected to have been transferred, but from the current point of view, it is still in the Tang family."

"Shoot in and look for it?"

"The risk is very high, even if those people are caught in the life and death Gu, but the other party's background is not thin, we have nothing to look for in secret, and once a large-scale attack, then the other party will inevitably fight with us.

We have too few people. "

"What should we do now?"

"I have a spatial treasure here that can remove part of the Tang family, find important people, and send it outside.

This prevents us from entering the Tang family.

But it must be near the life and death Gu people. "

"Then choose a candidate?"

When the voice fell, everyone remained silent, as if thinking about who should be better.

Someone spoke soon.

"It's possible for the core young people. Those who don't die must be removed one or two."

"People outside the island shouldn't need it."

"No, have you observed recently that the Tang family has welcomed some guests."

Upon hearing this, someone immediately said:

"People from the Mu family? You mean, it is certain that the Tang family might transfer things to the Mu family?"

"It is said that it is the wife and daughter of Mu Jia Mu Ze. Is it normal for such an important person to visit suddenly?"

"Human feelings are sophisticated and normal."

"That's why it's abnormal."


No one spoke for a while, it was true.

It seems normal, but it is too normal.

"Are there traces of life and death gu over them?"

"Yes, but it seems to have been discovered. This Gu is too anxious."

"Don't worry about that much, move out first, and send someone to let them eat the gu worms, to see people when they live, and the corpse when they die."

"Take action."

For an instant, in the dark cave, there was no more sound, and no trace was left.

The four figures have also completely disappeared.


"Gu god?" Mu Xue was a little surprised when she heard the report from the head of the goddess.

What is Gu God?

"We also happened to hear that it was the highland Gu raisers who discovered the existence of Gu God.

They rushed out, looking for Gu God.

It is said that Gu God is the origin of all Gu worms and Gu poison.

As long as the Gu God is obtained, it is equivalent to opening the broad road for Gu people on their plateau. "The head of the goddess replied immediately.

The Lord Goddess suddenly came to her, naturally she didn't dare to neglect the slightest.

The origin of all Gu worms and poisons?

Mu Xue thought for a while, feeling a bit familiar.

It seems that land water has been studied before.

"It sounds like the **** of all things, she seems to be using Gu worms as her body." Mu Xue was not sure for a while.

She and the goddess of all things are still considered to know each other.

After all, she gave the **** of all things fifty years to solve herself.

Lu Shui wants to study, this is no way.

(If you don’t remember this person, you can search the full text of the God of All Things, and it appears once.)

But the Mother God of All Things should be an immortal, but it exists like a **** in certain areas.

Then the fame reached Lu Shui's ears.

Finally on the test bench.

In this world, no one can stop Lu Shui from catching these gods to do research.

Facing the land and water, these gods had only two choices.

One is to cooperate and suffer less.

Second, Lu Shui forced the other party to cooperate, and the treatment was somewhat inhumane.

Some people are more rigid and would rather die than follow.

The right to last life and death are both deprived.

Under the starry sky, there is another suffering man.

Had it not been for her to blow up the Lushui Secret Chamber from time to time, she would not know how many creatures would lie down on the test bench.

Of course, if she hadn't been pregnant, there wouldn't be so many creatures lying on it.

But every time Lu Shui stretched out his hand to the starry sky, countless people were trembling.

Mu Xue stopped thinking, and inexplicably thought of Lu Shui.

Obviously a lot of bad deeds, but she just likes it very much.

"Well, it may be because of me that Lu Shui became like this. I am really a woman full of sins, oh, now I am a girl."

But for the Gu God, Mu Xue should not be able to see it, so she didn't know if it was the Mother God of All Things.

If it is, she feels that she needs to show the other side a clear path instead of going the old way.

But Mu Xue thought for a while, and felt that Lu Shui shouldn't open a secret room for research in this life.

"By the way, have you inquired about the Deep Sea Dragon Palace with the Sea Monster?" Mu Xue asked.

Just contact the head of the goddess, just ask.

"I just got the news tonight, I originally wanted to talk to Lord Goddess tomorrow." The head of the goddess explained and continued:

"The Great Marine Master Wuya said that at that time, the Dragon Palace arrived in the God's Realm, and someone activated the God's Realm that had been silent for countless years.

Being a male may be related to the One True God. "

"It turned out to be God's Domain." Mu Xue was a little surprised, but she had never thought that it was the residence of the only true **** Jiu.

"But why is God's Domain in the water?" Mu Xue asked again in her heart.

After all, that bad little baby also lives in the water.

I was offended by Chacha several times.

"What happened later?" Mu Xue asked.

She naturally knew that the person was Lu Shui, but why Lu Shui went in and what else he got, she didn't know.

But one thing is clearer, Lu Shui seems to have been in contact with the things of the One True God.

It might have something to do with the Lu Family. After all, the Only True God is too close to the Only True God.

"Later the demon cultivator was killed in the Dragon Palace. When the dragon king was about to be killed, that person walked out of the gods' realm, defeated the two demon cultivators with one finger, and permanently imprisoned them out of the gods' realm." The next is over.

Mu Xue frowned:

"What is the level of the two magic repairs?

What is special about that person's power? "

"The level is at the ninth level, the power they said is not so detailed, it seems to be the power of the same origin in the gods." The goddess replied.

Mu Xue nodded, so it wasn't Lu Shui's power anymore.

If Lu Shui could defeat Tier Nine with one finger now, then she would have a headache.

Especially since she didn't perceive the power of heaven and earth there, it was even more headache.

Fortunately, the power of God's Domain.

After that, Mu Xue had nothing to care about.

When she wanted to end the communication, the goddess said something else:

"By the way, there is one more thing to tell Lord Goddess."

"What is it?" Mu Xue was curious as she sat on the edge of the bed.

She remembered nothing else.

But she has no plans to rest now.

If you don't guess wrong, the Tang family will not be peaceful tonight.

Although she didn't care, Aunt Tang and Yayue Yalin were here, and she couldn't rest assured.

Of course, it's best to do it tonight.

She can clear it all at once, and there is no big problem with Aunt Tang staying at Tang's house.

But if only the inner island makes trouble, she is not easy to manage.

It depends on what these people do.

Mu Xue didn't care much about the Tang family's affairs.

"It's about magic repair and Wuying." The goddess explained.

Upon hearing this, Mu Xue directly gave up thinking about how to raise Gu people on the plateau, and immediately said to the head of the goddess:

"What's new?"

"Yes, after we collected evidence from various sources, we learned that one month later, Shen Xuanzong would send the magic weapon of Demon Cultivation Fighting Shadowless to the practice site of Demon Cultivation Supreme.

The cultivation of Mo Xiu Supreme is in the Blood Flower City, and the Shen Xuanzong is not far away from the Blood Flower City, but how the opponent will go is still unknown. "

Mu Xue was a little surprised after hearing this. The other party seemed to be telling them the course of action on purpose.

"It seems that the target of Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying should be Lu Shui, otherwise Lu Shui will not be able to intercept the opponent's magic weapon if it happens in his life."

There are so many people who know, and the escort's cultivation level is certainly not bad, and there is no expert around Lu Shui.

It doesn't look like it can grab a super magic weapon.

However, it succeeded unexpectedly.

Thinking about it now, it's not normal at all.

According to the current situation, Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying was deliberately sending out news, and then waiting for someone to intercept it.

And this person is Lu Shui.

The other party's route should not be made public. Which way Lu Shui takes, they will follow which way.

"In this way, what I need is not to intercept the treasure, but after the treasure is intercepted by Lu Shui, catch this Zhan Wuying, and then go to Lu Shui to settle the account."

Because he wanted to torture why this Zhan Wuying wanted to target Lu Shui, all Muxue felt that he should not rush to kill first.

"Sure it's a month?" Mu Xue asked.

"The current news is that I don't know if it will be changed midway," said the head of the goddess.

"Continue to pay attention. If the time does not change, follow up on the whereabouts of Moxiu and Wuying." Mu Xue ordered.

The head of the goddess will naturally not have any opinions.

Not long afterwards, they ended the communication.

Mu Xue exhaled.

"One more month, 11 thousand punches, teach Lu Shui how to be a man."

Mu Xue smiled, and then remembered an important thing:

"Oh, there is another leg."

As for stuffing, it depends on whether you remember to wear it that day.

If the location is hidden, small clothes are also possible.

It's just a bit perverted.

It's airy by land.

When Mu Xue thought so, she suddenly frowned.

She looked outside and found turbulence in the space.

"The goal is here, why would the plateau Gu raisers directly target this place?"

In Mu Xue's view, Gu people on the plateau were raised for Gu God, and if Gu God was in the Tang family, the most likely place would be the inner island.

How could you suddenly target outside the island?

But there is really no Gu God here, she can be sure of this.

"The magic weapon of space, to be removed in this way, it must be ill-advised."

Mu Xue hesitated and didn't do it directly.

If you interfere with the space magic weapon, Gu people on the plateau, they will definitely kill them directly.

80% of them would think that there is a Gu God here.

In the end, Mu Xue did nothing and waited to be removed.

But at this moment, a huge space formation quietly appeared in the sky.

Then a few lights fell.

Only one beam of these lights is not on the inner island.

The light naturally fell in Tang Jun's house.

When the light appeared, everyone in the house was taken aback.

Cha Cha, who was asleep, immediately opened his eyes.

"Is something going to happen?"

Just when Chacha was planning to get I suddenly felt that I was going to be sucked away by something.

Countless thoughts flashed through her mind at this moment, and finally she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the clothes are well dressed."

Then Dongfang Chacha disappeared directly.

Yayue and Yalin were still catching the Fire Cloud Beast, and Yalin disappeared in place as soon as they caught the Fire Cloud Beast, and Yayue who followed disappeared.

Tang Yi, who was just going to see his mother, disappeared after seeing the light.

Mu Xue watched the light fall, and finally let the space power send her to another location.

It depends on what the plateau Gu raisers plan to do.

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