The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 347: What will happen if you kill Yayue Yalin?

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The mountain far away from the Tang family.

The mountains in the middle of the night were extremely quiet, and all the spirit beasts were resting.

And at this moment, the light broke the tranquility of the mountain.

In an instant, dozens of beams of light fell from the sky.

As if there is a figure in every beam of light.


The light fell on all sides of the mountain.

There is very little light next to the light.


When the light fell to the ground, a dull sound came out, as if all the people who landed fell to the ground.

At this moment Mu Xue fell from the air, she was floating in the air, showing no sign of being dropped.

The light on her body will not bring the slightest harm, on the contrary, it will set off her.

Like a fairy descending to the earth, purple light radiated from her body.

Unfortunately, no one saw this scene.

Then the light disappeared, and Mu Xue slowly fell to the ground.

Take it easy.

"The points are very open, it seems that the other party's cultivation is very average, this kind of magic weapon is not good." Mu Xue looked around and guessed.

But soon I found that someone was coming here.

The person who should be a magic weapon also knows that he is not in good control, so people are arranged in various places.

Then Mu Xue saw someone appear near her.

It's two people.

Under the moonlight, it is easy to see these two people clearly.

They are two men in strange costumes, with a good level of cultivation, around 3.5.

Cha Cha encountered, it will be more difficult.

Dongfang Chacha has superior strength, but its fighting talent is too poor.

"Ordinary people?" The two people who came over suddenly were a little surprised.

Mu Xue looked at them and did not speak.

The two looked at each other and said:

"According to the original plan, her mobility was abolished first, and then she was fed the poison and captured."

Mu Xue frowned, and then ignored the two men and walked in other directions.

According to the other party, if Ya Yue and the others met, it might be a little dangerous.

Fortunately, the distance is not far, even if there is no mark, as long as her life is in danger, she can pass the first time.

She has not yet sensed the danger of Ya Yue and the others.

As for Chacha, the eye of merit is there, and it is not easy to catch her.

Cha Cha always ventured out and knew how to protect herself.

Regardless of Cha Cha is not very clever, the survival ability is still very strong.

Seeing Mu Xue who turned around and left, the two Gu raisers were taken aback.

Is this a fool?

Thinking like this, the two directly cast the spell, intending to make this person lose resistance.

Blame it on your bad luck.

Must be born in the Tang family.

Then their spells hit Mu Xue directly, but they didn't make any waves, even the fairy skirt didn't blow.

The two were stunned.

Some can't understand.

Then they were shocked and thought of something terrible.

Turn around and flee the first time.

However, they just turned around, and they stayed where they were unable to move.

The shock still remained in his eyes.

Mu Xue ignored the people behind, she could perceive that Chacha was nearby, and the taro was a little far away.

Ding Liang was looking after Yayue Yalin, but now he seems to be on the side of Xiangyu.

Their strength is not bad, Mu Xue doesn't worry much.

Then Mu Xue found that Yayue Yalin and Aunt Tang were at the same place.

Aunt Tang's strength is much stronger than the others, as long as she is not targeted, the problem will not be too big.

As for Senior Chen, he seemed to be with some maids.

Mu Xue, who knew the general situation, planned to find Cha Cha first.

She gave good advice, and the tea and tea warfare is still very strong.

As for the Gu raisers, so far, there has not been a main player.

"People from the Tang family are also coming here, and it seems that some important people have also been sent over."

Thinking like this, Mu Xue disappeared in this jungle.

The two Gu raisers in the back were still standing there.

At this time, a breeze passed by, and then the two disappeared into the breeze like dust.

Mu Xue has no habit of being touched by other men at all.

Except for Lu Shui, who can touch it casually, others can't even touch her clothes.

Although she didn't understand anything in the last life, she still understood what it meant to marry.

However, I still felt that I changed a place and lived in the yard.

Unfortunately, Lu Shui had to spoil her so much to make her happy.

It makes her feel that the world is different.

The night road is not easy to walk, Mu Xue walked all the way, there are always some monsters staring around.

She didn't make a move, but when the monsters wanted to come over, she let out some aura.

Don't dare to move too much.

Worried that the Gu raisers and the Tang family would notice this.

"I don't know what Lu Shui is doing now, whether he continues to look at his heaven and earth formations, or ran to do something." Just thinking of Lu Shui, I wondered what the other party was doing.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to call.

"Call him again tomorrow morning to tell him that he is going back.

I don't know if he will be happy or uncomfortable. "

Happy Muxue is also happy, if it is uncomfortable, Na Muxue will give another punch.

Then Mu Xue came under a big tree, she looked up, and Dongfang Chacha was hiding in the tree at this time, watching her surroundings.

"Chacha, what are you doing?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

At this time, Dongfang Chacha actually has a hidden Fajia body, using the power of her eyes.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find out.

Originally hiding from the chacha around me, I was shocked when someone called her.

Almost jumped off the tree to fly away with the sword.

However, it was quickly realized that it was the cousin.

She was in danger when the taro was absent, so she went into hiding for the first time.

When encountering strange things, no matter whether it is dangerous or not, you must pay attention to concealment.

This is what Xiangyu taught her.

The taro is right.

When she is invincible in the world, she doesn't have to listen to the fragrant taro to hide.

She thought about how to refute the taro.

‘The enemy fell down before I tried hard, why do you want to hide? ’

"Cousin, someone just came over, I'm hiding from them.

Xiangyu said that most of the people who suddenly appeared in a sudden situation were probably enemies.

Observe first if you want to hide. "Dongfang Chacha jumped and Mu Xue said immediately.

She won't be afraid to have a cousin with her.

Mu Xue looked at the hidden places and spells of Dongfang Chacha, and didn't say anything.

Cha Cha, although not very clever, but obedient.

"Where are they?" Mu Xue asked.

Dongfang Chacha looked around and said:

"I don't know where they went."

"Then let's find Aunt Tang and the others." Mu Xue said softly.

Dongfang Chacha naturally has no objection. If you don’t know what to do, just listen to your cousin, listen to the taro.

Just when Mu Xue and the others were about to leave, an arrow flew suddenly.


The arrow came directly to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue didn't pay attention to this sudden attack.

But Dongfang Chacha moved.

She sacrificed her sword for the first time and collided with the arrow.


An explosion sounded, but it was not a big impact

After all, Cha Cha can block it.

"It doesn't seem to be very strong." Dongfang Chacha, who blocked an arrow, suddenly found that he was quite strong.

"Cousin, I think I am a little swollen now, I think I can beat them." Dongfang Chacha retreated to Mu Xue's side and said.

Mu Xue looked in the direction where the arrow flew, and two people came out over there, also two third-tier.

It seems that they are also sending people out depending on their strength.

Whether it's her side or the Chacha side, they are not very strong Gu raisers.

The strong should be concentrated elsewhere.

"Then try against them, in case you win." Mu Xue looked at Dongfang Chacha and laughed softly.

When Aunt Tang and the others are not in danger, it doesn't matter if she doesn't pass.

And if you need to do it after the past, it will be very troublesome for her.

So you can wait, in case the Tang family can solve the trouble by herself, by the way, let Chacha get used to her strength.

In the past few months, Cha Cha has advanced so quickly that I haven't done much.

She didn't know much about her own strength.

Otherwise, when Lu Shui couldn't use the strength of Tier 3 or above, he wouldn't have no counterattack power.

"Is it really possible?" Dongfang Chacha was a little excited.

She usually couldn't beat people when she was away, and Xiangyu wouldn't let her clashed with people casually.

But now there is a cousin, and it's okay if I can't fight.

If the cousin didn't let her fight, of course she couldn't fight.

Will cause trouble to the cousin.

The most important thing about going out to explore is not to cause trouble to people.

Mu Xue nodded gently:

"Try to beat them, don't worry about anything else."

At this time, the two people had already walked over.

"I said it must be hiding." A man's voice was a little hoarse.

When he walked over, some of the grass under his feet was withering.

It's Gu poison.

"Quick fight, abolish them, and keep alive." Another man followed.

Said the two men rushed directly to Mu Xue and Dongfang Chacha.

At this time Dongfang Chacha is also ready.

She held the sword in her hand and moved like a gust of wind.

He has no distractions, does not worry about the consequences, and has unparalleled self-confidence.

This confidence is given by my cousin.

There is a cousin who loses, she is not afraid.


The battle is on the verge.

Mu Xue was just watching from behind, she wanted to see how much Cha Cha could play.


"What's going on?" Tang Jun stood on the mountain, looking around with a little surprise.

There is a middle-aged man beside him. He has a mustache and frowns.

This person is Tang Tianyu, the head of the Tang family.

With a seventh-level cultivation base, Poison Gong was born into transformation, extremely powerful.

In the same forces, few people do not fear him.

Mu Yuan, the head of the Mu family, did not dare to relax in front of him.

Although the two were in the same realm, Tang Tianyu had been in the seventh rank for a long time, and if he really fought, Mu Yuan would definitely lose.

It depends on who enters the Tao first.

Entrance to the Dao is very different from the seventh-order non-entry.

Of course, the family is better than the heritage, not where the family grows strong, the family is stronger.

Just like the Lu family.

No matter how strong the Mu family and the Tang family chief are.

Their background was in front of the Lu family, and they were vulnerable.

"It's a person who raises Gu on the plateau." Tang Tianyu frowned.

He didn't expect the other party to do it so early.

"So the patriarch actually knew that the highland Gu raisers were targeting our Tang family?" Tang Jun said in a low voice.

In other words, his wife suffered so much for nothing?

People in the clan knew it was Life and Death Gu, but didn't tell him?

Tang Tianyu glanced at Tang Jun and said:

"Don't think too much, I listened to you about the life and death Gu, but we felt something was wrong, but we didn't know what it was.

Now it seems that many people in the clan are about to lose their combat effectiveness. "

"Why is the Gu raiser doing this now?" Tang Jun asked.

He could detect that many people had been sent out, and he couldn't determine whether there was an accident in his family.

"They are looking for something, probably to transfer all the suspicious people out.

Other people in the clan should also start to act, but it is faster to raise Gu people on the plateau.

coming. "

Hearing this, Tang Jun couldn't think much, the most urgent thing was to face the immediate crisis.

Of course, he is also trying to look around to see if there is any news about his family.

There is a purpose for raising Gu people on the plateau, and there are people in his family who have caught life and death Gu, which may be one of the goals.

At this time, two people walked up. They were also wearing strange clothes. They saw the smile on Tang Tianyu's face:

"Patriarch Tang, might as well return the things to us, we will leave immediately."

Faced with the two people who appeared, Tang Jun didn't say a word. He found that these two people were very strong.

His Tier 5 strength not long after, could not contend at all.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly erupted elsewhere.


It is the impact of power.

At this time everyone looked over there, it was under the mountain, a little far away.

"You go, it seems that the people of the Tang family are very tricky." The plateau Gu raiser who had spoken before said to his companion.

The other Gu cultivator left and disappeared above the mountain without saying anything.

Tang Tianyu didn't look at it. He stared at the plateau cultivating Gu human being on the opposite side:

"Yours? If Worm Valley says it's theirs, do you still say it's yours?"

"But isn't the Worm Valley not coming out?

Chonggu raises insects but does not raise Gu, and Gu worms are not insects. "Gu people on the plateau, Miao Huxi said calmly.

Tang Jun stood behind and did not speak.

He didn't understand.

The news is too bad.

"Gu worms are poisons, shouldn't they belong to my Tang family?" Tang Tianyu said with a calm expression looking at Miao Huxi.

The surrounding area had already begun to fight, and the Tang family was at a disadvantage.

But Tang Tianyu is still calm, no one can know what his inner thoughts are.

This is the contemporary patriarch of the Tang family.

Tang Jun knew that as the head of the Tang family, Tang Tianyu was the only one who could not express too much emotion in front of the enemy.

He is also the only one who cannot shrink from being timid.

Tang Tianyu is this kind of person and has this ability, but Tang Jun knows he is not this kind of person.

He is still trying to find his family.

"But now the Tang family can't keep that thing.

Don't mention your Tang family's background, you have it, and we also have it, but you and I both know that the background can't be used at will. "Miao Hu Opera said with a smile.

"If you want, why don't you do it?" Tang Tianyu looked at Miao Hu playfully.

"Not on you, I just need to watch you." Miao Huxi looked at Tang Tianyu with a smile, and continued:

"Do you think we can know the whereabouts of Gu God?"

Hearing this Tang Tianyu frowned slightly.

And Tang Jun finally knew why they were arguing, Gu God.

No matter how you look at it, it's not ordinary.

No one in the entire cultivation world should know this thing.

Even Worm Valley may not know.

Neither the highland Gu raisers nor the Tang family wanted to be known by Worm Valley.

Because Worm Valley may make a move.

This is fatal to them.

The highland Gu raisers belong to the first-class forces, but if they leave their area, they are not considered first-class forces.

The Tang family is not afraid of the other party either.

But Worm Valley is a top-notch force in the real world.

If they are interested, there is a high probability that nothing will happen to them.

However, Tang Jun was not qualified to participate in these matters.

He was originally a peripheral person, far away from the Tang Family Power Center.

If it wasn't for life and death Gu, he wouldn't know these things.

But soon, Tang Jun stopped thinking. He seemed to have found his daughter and two grandchildren.


Yayue hugged Yalin, Tang Yi took Yayue back, and someone behind them kept attacking them.

Tang Yi kept defending.

Fortunately, the opponent is not that strong.

Barely able to cope.

If she hadn't brought her two daughters, perhaps she had already escaped.

But this is her daughter, how could she ignore it?

But it didn't take long to escape, and suddenly there was another attack behind him.

Before the attack arrived, Tang Yi was aware of the strength of this power.

Better than her.

boom! !

When the power came, Tang Yi resisted with all his might.

With a bang, Tang Yi was directly repelled some distance.

Yayue was taken aback.

Immediately holding Yalin and ran to her mother's side, worried:

"Mother, are you okay?"

"Mother." Ya Lin also cried out in fear.

"It's okay, you go first." Tang Yi said with some difficulty.

The opponent is too strong, she is not comparable to her at all.

"You don't need to escape separately, you have no chance to escape at all." At this time, a female Gu raiser appeared in front of Tang Yi and the others.

Three people followed her.

Tang Yi is the key object of their care, and it is impossible for people to escape.

"I heard that you are from the Mu family?" the female Gu raiser looked at Tang Yi and asked.

Tang Yi frowned, she didn't know what the other party meant.

Is it against the Tang family or the Mu family?

She is not only a member of the Tang family, but also a member of the Mu family.

But her two daughters can only be regarded as Mu's family.

"What does the senior want to ask?" Tang Yiping regained the shock just now, and asked with a sullen face.

The other party has blocked the road near her. With her strength, it is difficult to escape unless...

A pill appeared in Tang Yi's hand.

As a member of the Tang family, she naturally repaired poison.

Later, Mu Ze didn't like it, so she switched to another one.

Others are people who don't like to repair drugs, because it easily affects the people around them, including children.

Tang Yi gave up, but she still has a lot of knowledge.

For example, using poison to overdraw her life and gain powerful strength.

If necessary, she will not hesitate.

"When you came to the Tang family, did someone give you anything?" the female Gu raiser looked at Tang Yi and asked.

"I don't understand what the seniors are talking about. We just came to the Tang house and we were suddenly teleported here.

I wonder if the predecessors misunderstood something? "Tang Yi looked at the other party and said.

She really didn't know what the other party was saying.

But she knew that she must have been involved in the grudge between the Gu raiser and the Tang family.

The other party should be looking for something.

And now the other party suspects that something is with her.

This is not a good signal.

Because what the other party believes, no matter how she denies it, it is of little use.

"With or without, I hope your Excellency will come with us.

In order to ensure the safety of the three, I hope to swallow our Gu worms. "The female Gu raiser took out three pills.

Gu worms are contained in these three pills.

They can take people back as long as they eat it.

Tang Yi frowned, what's the difference between eating the other party's Gu worm and sending him to death?

It is better to flee here with her daughter desperately.

Looking at the female Gu raiser, Tang Yi threw a magic weapon directly.

At the moment the magic weapon was thrown out, Tang Yi chose to detonate the magic weapon.


The huge impact of power directly blocked those people.

Tang Yi didn't hesitate, and took Yayue to escape with Yalin.


The next moment the power fluctuation was directly dispersed by the female Gu raiser.

"Chasing, I want to see how many magic weapons she has lost." The female Gu raiser said with a cold face.

At this time, Tang Jun just noticed Tang Yi.

He watched the patriarch confront the Gu raiser, and tried to retreat.

However, just as Tang Jun was about to retreat, Miao Hu moved.

His power broke out directly, attacking Tang Jun.

Seeing Miao Hu's play, Tang Tianyu did not hesitate at all, and directly chose to fight back.

With a bang, an incomparably powerful force erupted.

Tang Jun was trapped in the power, and it was impossible to escape.

After the blow, Miao Huxi looked at Tang Jun and chuckled:

"This fellow Taoist, where are you in a hurry?"

Tang Jun frowned and looked at Miao Hu Opera, without speaking for a while.

He couldn't possibly say he was going to save his daughter.

Tang Tianyu didn't speak, but just looked at Miao Huxi, the other party was very strong, so strong that he couldn't ignore a single bit.

He found that the poison on his body had no effect on Miao Hu Opera.

Everyone is a master of poison, but the form is different.

The poison of Gu Poison is no worse than his.

Miao Hu Xi looked at a certain position down the mountain and said:

"Did this fellow Taoist see them?"

Tang Tianyu also scanned the bottom at this time and found that it was Tang Yi.

Tang Jun's daughter, Mu Jia Mu Ze's wife.

Ordinary people, he would certainly not remember so clearly.

But the Mu family married Tang Yi, and as the patriarch of the Tang family, he knew better than anyone else.

After all, the Mu family is no worse than their Tang family.

If something happens to the other party in Tang's house, he is not easy to explain.

It seems that we have to find a way to let Tang Jun go.

"If I attack them, guess what." Miao Huxi directly stretched out a finger to attack Tang Yi and others who were running for their lives.

The powerful force whizzed away instantly.

Tang Jun was shocked and was about to stop the blow directly.

But his strength is so bad that it is too late.


With a loud noise, the powerful attack was cut off.

It's Tang Tianyu.

At this moment, Tang Jun fled directly to Tang Yi's side.

But as soon as he left the mountain, he was forced back by a powerful force.

A figure appeared in front of Tang Jun, very powerful.

"Gu worm clone?" Tang Tianyu wore a haze on his face.

He could hold Miao Hu Opera with all his strength, but adding a clone would be difficult.

This is still close to the sixth-order clone, which Tang Jun cannot resist.

"Without these strengths, how can you talk to Patriarch Tang face to face?" Miao Huxi smiled playfully.

These people care so much about the people below, so it is naturally possible for them to have something on them.

It depends on whether their people can catch each other.

If he can't, he doesn't mind doing it himself.

At this time, Tang Yi took Yayue and Yalin, and they were about to be caught up.

She has no magic weapon to explode.

Finally Tang Yi took out the long-prepared pill.

This is a crimson pill.

Swallow, there is no second way to choose.

"You can't escape. UU reading" the voice behind it came again.

The voice is getting closer, and the pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

Tang Yi knew that if he didn't be more decisive, it would be too late.

She looked down at the two daughters who were a little frightened, and looked at Yalin who was holding the Fire Cloud Beast in fright. In the end, she ate the scarlet pill without any hesitation.

"Mother." Yayue is not a child, she naturally knows that this medicine is not simple, and she looked reluctant when she saw her mother see them.

I was very disturbed.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Tang Yi comforted softly.

At this moment, the pill had an effect, and she began to explode with powerful power.

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