The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 348: Goddess 1 thought to kill invisible

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Tang Yi exploded with power far surpassing her strength.

This sudden burst of power gave her the ability to escape from hunting and killing.

And the female Gu raiser who originally chased Tang Yi was also startled.

No one can suddenly burst out so much power, if there is, it is paying a sufficient price.

This price may be irreversible.

"So crazy? So it's possible that something is on her?" The female Gu raiser frowned, but she soon figured out another thing:

"If it's on her, she has no reason not to run away directly.

She did not want her life to take the two children to flee, there was absolutely sufficient reason and reason.

Is something on those two kids? "

The moment she reached this conclusion, she also tried to catch up with her explosive force.

Even if you can't catch it now, it's enough as long as you don't catch it.

The opponent won't last long.

"It seems to be waiting for rescue." The female Gu raiser sneered:

"I want to see, who else in the Tang family can come to rescue you."


Tang Jun, who had seen Tang Yi and others, began to go crazy.

She saw her daughter's power suddenly explode.

This is eating Burning Blood Pill.

After taking the Burning Blood Pill, the physical condition can no longer be reversed.

In the end it can only be burned out.

"Damn it." Tang Jun went there like crazy, maybe he could still think of a way in the past.


The Gu worm clone directly blocked Tang Jun's path.

"Go away." Tang Jun broke through without saying a word.

"The courage is commendable, the momentum is amazing." Miao Huxi's Gu worm clone said with a smile:

"Unfortunately, the strength gap is difficult to bridge.

But the girl was willing, and she didn't want her life.

To cooperate with us does not necessarily have to sacrifice life.

It seems that things are on her side. "

"It's really stupid." Tang Jun looked at Miao Hu with a cold eye and said:

"She is protecting her daughter and has nothing to do with your Gu God.

She just came to the Tang family and didn't even know what Gu God was. You would actually think that something was on her.

Stupid. "

"For my daughter?" Miao Huxi was stunned and laughed:

"What if this is just your trick to deceive me?

And we raise Gu people, don't believe this. "

Yes, people who raise Gu not only raise Gu, they also exist almost like Gu.

How can there be any family affection at all.

Tang Jun didn't say much, he still wanted to break through.

Tang Tianyu just watched and restrained Miao Huxi by the way.

He would help, but he couldn't be as desperate as Tang Jun.

What he cares about is not a family, but a family.

It is not yet time for him to desperately.

"It seems that Patriarch Tang doesn't care very much. I guessed it wrong?" Miao Huxi said softly, looking at Tang Tianyu.

"Is it not on their side?"

"If you are, why don't you take it yourself?" Tang Tianyu said with a sullen face.

"In this case, I'll get it now." Miao Huxi went directly to Tang Yi.

Tang Tianyu naturally did not allow the other party to disappear here.

Everyone restrains each other, and no one wants to act.

It depends on who can stick to the end.


The two directly fought, and a powerful atmosphere swept all around.

The Gu worm clone of Miao Huxi directly gave up Tang Jun, gathered strength, and attacked Tang Yi.

Tang Jun wanted to stop, but found that he couldn't do it.

"Do not!"

There was a boom.

The attack fell directly to Tang Yi's position.

Tang Yi, who had fleeed with her two daughters, naturally discovered that there was a fighting there, and she had fled in another direction.

But what she didn't expect was that the sky suddenly had power coming towards her.

At that moment, Tang Yi knew that this power was not something she could deal with.

You can't even escape.

Without hesitation, Tang Yi chose to protect the two children.


The terrifying force directly attacked Tang Yi's location.

With a bang.

Tang Yi was knocked out, and Yayue Yalin was also knocked out.

The Fire Cloud Beast and Shui Yun Beast fell directly beside Yalin.

They are still young and have no resistance for a while.

Yayue fell to the ground, and she looked at her mother for the first time and found that her mother had suffered a lot of injuries at this time.

She immediately got up and went to her mother's side.

Although he suffered some injuries, he was relatively light.

"Mother." Yayue immediately came over to help Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's breath was disordered and she was seriously injured. The pill pill was still burning her body.

"Where is Yalin?" Tang Yi said with difficulty.

Only then did Yayue discover that Yalin had fallen out of her arms.

However, she saw Yalin for the first time, not far in front of them.

"In front, it's okay." Yayue said immediately.

Then she got up, planning to carry Yalin back:

"Mother, sit down first, and I'll bring Yalin here."

Yes, Yalin was sitting on the ground at this time, she looked around with a little fear.

But soon I saw my mother.

She immediately got up and wanted to run to her mother.

But Yalin was just about to get up, and Yayue walked halfway, when suddenly a wave of pressure fell.

This pressure far exceeds the endurance of Yayue and Yalin.

They couldn't move for a while.

You must know that Yayue hasn't got a second-order yet, Yalin has just started practicing.

Any two second-tier and third-tier are not powerful enemies they can face.

"Hey, he can run like this." The voice of the female Gu raiser came over.

Her figure also appeared not far from Yalin.

As soon as she approached Yalin, the Fire Cloud Beast and Shui Yun Beast stood in front of Yalin and snarled at the female Gu raiser.

If they were just ordinary first-order and second-order spirit beasts, they might be useful.

What he could face was a female Gu raiser far beyond the second and third ranks. Two newly born spirit beasts were of no use.

With a bang.

The two spirit beasts could not move because of the coercion of huge power.

Growled again and again.

They can't do it if they want to protect the Lord.

Both Yayue and Tang Yi looked at the female Gu raiser in horror, she was about to approach Yalin.

"In order for you to cooperate, I will abolish this little guy first. You should have no objection?" The female Gu raiser stopped in front of Yalin.

At this time, her power began to confine her all around.

Never let these people escape her control again.

At this time, the three people also appeared in the other three directions to prevent any accidents from happening.

"You, what you want, really, really isn't with us.

Yalin is still a child, she can't know anything. "Tang Yi said with difficulty, pleading in his voice.

"What if you put things on the children?" The female Gu raiser looked at Yalin, and began to gather strength in her hands.

Yalin looked at the female Gu raiser at this time, a little dazed.

"Let me abolish her first." The female Gu raiser said directly.

"Stop it." Tang Yi shouted.

And Tang Jun on the mountain also roared:

"you dare."

He said he was going to rush down.

But the clone of Miao Hu Opera still blocked Tang Jun:

"Let me see if things are on them."

Tang Tianyu glanced at him, his face expressionless, but he was relieved.

The actions of the other party showed that they did not have the ability to directly know the whereabouts of Gu God.


Mu Xue looked at a figure flying in front of her.

She took a few steps back.


Dongfang Chacha fell to the ground and rolled a few times by the way.

"Oh, oops."

Bidding while rolling.

At last Dongfang Chacha immediately jumped from the ground.

It's swollen and can't be beaten.

Mu Xue looked at the embarrassed Chacha, and planned to give guidance.

The strength gap is actually not big, and there is hope to win.

But before she could say the words, she was stunned.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the mountain, purple gas beating.

"Aunt Tang is in danger? Yalin's numerology is pinched?" Mu Xue was a little surprised.

Normally, Aunt Tang and the others shouldn't be in danger so early.

It may be safe to wait until rescue.

"Be targeted."

Without the slightest hesitation, Mu Xue directly locked on Yalin.

The distance is not too far, even if there is no mark, it can pass.


At this time, the power of the female Gu raiser was about to attack Yalin.

Yalin was dazed with her eyes open.

The fire cloud beast and the water cloud beast were roaring, but they were of no use.

Aunt Tang wanted to do it, but she couldn't.

Yayue was panicked, her cultivation level was not enough.

And just when everyone felt that Yalin was going to bear the attack.

Suddenly the female Gu cultivator stopped her attacking hand.

Because she felt a terrifying sense of crisis.

She stepped back some distance subconsciously.

Somewhat at a loss.

This sense of crisis had no origin, but it did scare her.

The others were all taken aback, wondering what is going on with women raising Gu.

The Miao Hu opera who watched all this on the mountain was also a little surprised. What happened that caused the sudden retreat?

However, just when they were puzzled, when the whole mountain was fighting.

Suddenly a purple light flashed across the sky.

In the next moment, the purple gas came three thousand miles from the east.

The entire sky is occupied by purple gas.

The night was replaced by purple light.

And what appeared together along the purple air was supreme coercion.

Panic Tianwei, suppress all directions.


The whole mountain, no matter what kind of person it is, no matter what cultivation level it is.

It's hard to breathe directly under this terrible coercion.

Miao Hu was panicked, he felt unimaginable pressure, and fear subconsciously grew in his heart.

As if there was a big hand grabbing all of them, life and death could not be achieved by others.

"This, what terrible existence is this?"

The same is true for Tang Tianyu, he can't even stand firm.

The great horror in my heart is all over my body.

Death was like beckoning him.

Tang Jun was also under extreme pressure.

In the mountains, only a few people were not covered by coercion, while the others were all forced to kneel.

Most people simply cannot stand under this pressure.

This is true regardless of whether it is the Tang family or the people who raise Gu on the plateau.

But no one knew what happened.

But soon someone remembered what it means to be purple.

Miao Huxi watched Ziqi come three thousand li from the east, his eyes were panic, he guessed who the other party was.

"Purple Goddess."

He never thought that he would meet the goddess in purple clothes at this time.

Moreover, the purple-clothed goddess was thousands, tens of thousands of times more terrifying than he knew.

He thought he should have the ability to escape facing the purple-clothed goddess.

Now he is wrong.

I am like an ant.

Tang Tianyu was even more horrified. He didn't know how this existence would usher in the vicinity of Tang's house.

For Gu God?

If it is, he is willing to hand it over.

At the moment when he felt this terrible pressure, he knew that it would not be too difficult for the other party to erase the entire Tang family.

Even if their background is all out.

The purple-clothed goddess is more terrifying than the rumors.

But they still don't know why the other party appeared.

Just when they were surprised, Zi Qi suddenly began to move down.

Everyone's eyes followed the purple air and looked down.

At this sight, everyone was stunned.

They saw that the place where Zi Qi was going was the position of the female Gu raiser just now.

No, to be precise, the location of the child.

How is this going?

Both Miao Huxi and Tang Tianyu were panicked because they felt that the goddess might want to target them.

And the most frightening is the female Gu raiser. She felt that the whole world was replaced by killing, and she was being shredded by killing one by one.

But she couldn't do anything except panic in her eyes.

I can't move it.

Tang Yi also saw the purple energy condensing in front of Yalin.

There seemed to be a figure condensing with the purple qi.

Yayue was also panicked, she didn't even know who the other party was.

But she knew that the other party must be too strong.

The entire sky was purple. Although she didn't feel any pressure, this phenomenon was enough to scare her.

Yalin was still in a daze.

But in the blink of an eye, a woman wearing purple clothes, purple hair and a purple veil stood in front of Yalin.

As soon as she appeared, the world trembled under her feet.

Tang Yi stared at this existence blankly, but it was definitely not an existence that anyone she knew could face.

The purple-clothed goddess is definitely the legendary purple-clothed goddess.

Tang Yi wanted to say something, but couldn't say it for a while.

She was badly injured.

At this time, everyone was looking at the purple-clothed goddess. What she did next decided who lived and died.

Miao Huxi and Tang Tianyu looked nervously, they were scared in their hearts.

Tang Jun was also afraid, this goddess definitely appeared because of one of those people.

Under everyone's gaze, they saw the purple-clothed goddess squatting down and reaching for Yalin.

"No." Yayue said with difficulty at this time, as if overcoming the fear in her heart.

She did not endure the coercion, but the presence of the other party scared her.

Mu Xue glanced at Yayue, um, no injuries.

Then he turned his gaze back to Yalin, reached out and gently picked up Yalin, and let her stand on the ground.

After Yalin stood up, Mu Xue wiped the dust off Yalin's mouth and patted the dirt on Yalin's clothes.

Then he grabbed the water cloud beast on the ground and gently placed it on Ya Lin's head.

Then he placed the Fire Cloud Beast in front of Yalin, who mechanically grasped the Fire Cloud Beast.

After doing this, Mu Xue stood up.

However, everyone who saw this scene was a little unbelievable.

Tang Yi didn't understand what happened.

Why, why would the purple-clothed goddess help her daughter?

And also helped to pat the dust, which is not normal.

Does the other party know Yalin?

Yayue couldn't believe that this terrifying existence was actually hugging her sister?

How is this going?

Could this existence suddenly appear just for Yalin?

The female cultivator at the back looked at all this, filled with regret.

This little girl is not something she can touch.

How could this be?

The others who saw this scene were also stunned.

The most desperate is Miao Hu Opera, it's over, it's over completely.

They raise Gu people and offended a child by mistake.

Tang Tianyu was also a little panicked. If the other party really came for this child, then he would be held responsible for the enemy that his Tang family provoked.

The strong are moody and whether the Tang family can survive or not depends on whether the other party will impose the responsibility on them.

If he had known that there was such a terrible existence behind this little girl, he would even give up holding Miao Huxi and go directly to save her.

But there is no if.

Miao Hu's face is as gray as death, why didn't he say that there is a purple-clothed goddess behind him?

If they had known it long ago, they wouldn't have done anything to the Tang family at this time, and would definitely wait for the other party to leave before doing it.

If things are really in the hands of the other party, they give up voluntarily.

Tang Yi looked at the purple-clothed goddess, and she knew her daughter would be fine.

So she feels at ease.

She couldn't hold it anymore.

However, just when she thought she was going to be unable to hold it, she suddenly saw the purple-clothed goddess stretch out her hand, and the next moment she felt the purple air envelop her.

Yayue also saw it, and the purple qi of the goddess in purple clothes enveloped her mother.

The mother, who was originally pale, suddenly seemed to be getting better.

Is she saving her mother?

Mu Xue naturally wouldn't let Aunt Tang have any accidents.

Her Hunyuan Ziqi kept pouring into Aunt Tang's body.

Then moved his fingers.

A crimson light appeared in Aunt Tang's body, and the light rose along with Mu Xue's hand gently lifting.

Soon the light floated out of Aunt Tang's mouth.

It is Burning Blood Pill.

Yayue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the pill appearing.

It was her mother who swallowed this pill that she suddenly changed.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a good thing.

And Tang Jun, who watched this scene, was a little speechless.

Once the Burning Blood Pill is eaten, it is impossible to reverse it.

Even if the pill was taken out, the beginning of the burning could not be stopped.

Even if it is stopped, the person who devours the pill will not escape bad luck.

But he still looked at the purple-clothed goddess, hoping that a miracle would happen.

This time Tang Tianyu was also staring at Tang Yi, and he also hoped to heal the other person.

As long as it can be cured, the possibility of the Tang family being blamed will be lower.

Sometimes a little possibility can determine the survival of a family.

Tang Yi herself couldn't believe it, she didn't expect this existence to save her.

But can she really be saved?

Tang Yi, who was still wondering, was stunned soon.

She found that the other party's purple gas kept pouring into her burning place.

The original overbearing burning was directly extinguished at the moment when it encountered the purple gas.

This was somewhat different from the Burning Blood Pill she knew.

Doesn’t it mean it’s hard to extinguish?

In an instant, Tang Yi felt that all the flames on his body had gone out.

She, survived?

But something unexpected happened to her.

Because she burned herself, she suffered a lot of damage to her body.

But this Ziqi kept repairing her body, repairing everywhere, without missing any details.

She doesn't understand.

Why did the other party spare no effort to help her?

When the Zi Qi receded, Tang Yi felt that her body was better than ever, as if she had stepped into the next realm. With just a single thought, she had a blessing in disguise, and her cultivation level had been greatly improved.


Tang Yi couldn't believe it, not just her, but the Tang Jun and Tang Tianyu who were observing here, even Miao Huxi couldn't believe it.

How terrible is this existence?

Can actually reverse this kind of injury that hurts the root at will.

After doing all this, Mu Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Aunt Tang suffered a bit, she was fortunately surprised.

Before leaving, Mu Xue turned to look at the top of the mountain.

Her gaze was directly on Miao Huxi.

At the moment when he felt the gaze of the purple-clothed goddess, Miao Huxi panicked, and he immediately explained:

"Predecessor, misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding, I..."

When Miao Hu's jokes were over, he stopped.

Tang Tianyu could clearly perceive that the other party's breath of life had disappeared.

It disappeared in an instant.

He felt scared.

But something that made him even more panicked happened, and he felt the purple-clothed goddess's gaze on him.

At this moment, great horror and fear grew in Tang Tianyu's heart.

He squatted directly on the ground and said with a trembling:

"Please forgive the goddess, the younger generation will surely make up for their mistakes.

No offense. "

Tang Tianyu felt that death was right in front of his eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

And when he finished saying this, he found that his eyes began to disappear.

Tang Tianyu felt fortunate at this moment.

It can be said that the Tang family escaped.

Mu Xue just took a look. The other party was from the Tang family, and she didn't plan to intervene in the affairs of the Tang family.

However, Aunt Tang's injuries were caused by the Gu raiser.

She needs to deal with it.

After doing these things, Mu Xue gently helped Ya Lin turn her body, and then carefully pushed down, making Ya Lin go in the direction of her sister and mother.

In the next moment, Yayue saw that terrible existence, as if the same gust of wind had disappeared.

Followed by the disappearance, but also the purple gas that obscures the sky and the sun.

At this moment, Ya Yue didn't care about anything else, she ran over and hugged Ya Lin, and she still held her peace of mind.

When Yayue hugged Yalin, Yalin looked at Yayue in a daze, and then burst into tears with a "wow".

It seemed that the shock was all vented at this moment.

Tang Yi was puzzled, but he came to his two daughters for the first time.

She is leaving with her two daughters.

But she wanted to thank the goddess.

Although I don't know why the other party wanted to save them, it would be a question of whether the three of them could go back without her.

Now that the enemy is still there, they cannot be relieved.

Tang Yi kept the two children behind, trying to find a chance to break through.

However, at this moment, there was a breeze in the woods.

The wind moved the treetops.

Blowed over Yayue Yalin, blew past the female Gu raiser, blew past the three people who surrounded them.

The next moment, Tang Yi was stunned, even more startled.

She saw the female Gu raiser in front of her, disappearing with the wind.

The same is true for the other three people. The wind directly blows them away and no longer exists.

What kind of power is this?

How terrible is the Purple Goddess?

Tang Yi doesn't know but she knows that everything is so small in the eyes of the purple goddess.

Her existence is beyond the reach of others.

But this kind of existence would actually come to help her daughter get up, and would use so much power to help her solve the crisis of life and death and help her repair her body.

why is that?

Tang Yi didn't understand and couldn't get any clues.

Yayue also looked around in surprise.

In other words, when the existence just appeared, he actually helped them solve the enemy?

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