The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 357: Lu Shui's invitation

   He Jin and the three of them were stunned when they heard what the old man withered tree said.

   They couldn't believe it.

   "Senior said that the young master is an Eastern Daoist?" He Jin asked.

   "Probably." The old man withered tree said calmly.

   The young master has always used a pseudonym, how could he know what pseudonym the young master used this time?

   Young master doesn’t like to use his real name anyway.

   He may understand a little bit.

   After all, Lu Shui's reputation is not good at all.

   How can there be a flow of fire?

   Even if you don't need a good reputation, any pseudonym is better than Lu Shui by many times.

   I just don’t know when the young master’s real name will come back.

   has become a much-anticipated existence in the cultivation world.

   At that time, when you mentioned Lu Shui, it was not Young Master Waste, but the number one arrogant in the realm of cultivation, unique forever.

   "Big, probably?" He Jin really didn't understand.

   But he discovered one thing. If the young master referred to by this predecessor is an Eastern Daoist, then the Eastern Daoist is not actually surnamed Dongfang?

   More importantly, is the Eastern Taoist Fellows actually the young masters of the great power?

   is not an ordinary force.

   This terrible existence needs to listen to the words of the Dongfang Daoist, it is not normal in any way.

   Which strength is the Eastern Daoist Fellow?

   "Predecessor, senior, things are gadgets, they are not valuable, please tell Dongfang Taoist friends, we don't need the collateral." He Jin said immediately.

   To be honest, he dare not ask.

   The strength of this senior is far beyond his imagination.

   Their master might feel similar to them in front of this senior.

   Horror, powerful, and terrifying.

   Although it is gone now, they can't forget the feeling just now.

   "The old man only follows orders." The old man withered tree took out a book.

   He handed the book to He Jin and continued:

   "Remember this is collateral.

   One day our young master will redeem it, and you need to return it.

As long as it is not damaged during   , we don’t care.

   Young Master will not bother. "

  He Jin is a little at a loss. He doesn't understand why it is so troublesome.

  What kind of collateral do you need for an ordinary thing?

   However, when he saw the book handed over by the old man withered tree, he was stunned.

   was replaced by shock in his eyes.

   It's nothing else, because he saw five big characters in the previous book-Wanmu Rejuvenation Jue.

"This this..."

   He didn't know what to say for a while.

   But he was a little afraid to pick it up.

   He Xi and Yan Yu also saw it. This is the Wanmu Rejuvenation Art they have been looking for for a long time.

   If just ordinary people are sent to them, they will question.

   But the opponent is a super strong.

   is strong enough to destroy their sect at any time.

   Will people like this deceive them?

   disdain at all.

   But He Jin thought of an absurd possibility.

  Because the Wanmu Rejuvenation Art is in the Lu family, and Dongfang Taoist Fellow sent a message directly to his family.

  Qiuyun Town, who has this kind of energy?

   And the other party is still a young master.

   Dongfang Taoist Fellow, is the Lu Family Master?

   He Jin's heart is shaking at this moment.

   If this is the case, did he say that he was going to challenge him when he landed on the water?

   The other party kindly reminded him to be more cautious.

   What kind of collateral, what no spirit stone.

   It's obviously that the other party sees them like this, and is kind to help them.

   It cannot be damaged, but it can be seen.

   From the beginning, the Eastern Taoist Fellow explained it.

   A first-grade spirit stone matter, no one cares, but this is an opportunity.

   An opportunity for Young Master Dongfang to send Wanmu Rejuvenation Art.

   That's why there is a collateral.

   That's why this scene happened.

  He Jin was a little at a loss, but he still reached out and took the Wanmu Rejuvenation Art:

   "Thank you."

   For them, this is the life-saving straw of the sect.

   He can say nothing but thank you.

   One day, he will repay the kindness of this collateral.


   Lu Shui took Mu Xue all the way forward.

   They plan to go shopping again to see if there are other things to buy.

   But buying one requires one collateral.

   I don’t think I can buy a few.

   "Master Lu wants to choose someone?" Mu Xue handed the flowerpot to Lu Shui, and said:

   "Can't the three of them work?"

   "No." Lu Shui took the flowerpot and put it away before continuing:

   "He Jin's cultivation base is stronger than mine, but the others are too weak to meet the requirements of the Three Elders.

   And there are no bright flashes on He Jin.

   The three elders may not agree. "

   Mu Xue nodded, and then curiously said:

   "What about tea?

   Tier 3 cultivation base, his body is even more special.

   There should be no one in the cultivation world who can surpass the cultivation level of Cha Cha at the same age.

   Is this always suitable? "

   "Eastern **** is really suitable, but relatives are not in the selection.

   The three elders should also disagree. "Lu Shui thought for a while and said.

   has nothing to do with the Lu family, although Dongfang Zhazha is not from the Lu family.

   But she is familiar with the Lu family.

   Although many are naturally cooked.

   But in the Lu family, she has a higher sense of existence than many people.

   Dongfang scum can go everywhere for a long time.

   is said to be an adventure.

   She hasn't finished exploring for a few months.

   Mu Xue nodded, so it seems that it is really hard to find.

   But Mu Xue is very curious, if Lu Shui uses Liuhuo's reputation, can he find someone?

   In theory, it should be possible.

   Liuhuo is too famous.

   There should be many people willing to work with Liuhuo.

   "By the way, do you want to buy some soil for the bean sprouts?" Mu Xue asked suddenly curiously.

  The bean sprouts seem to have never been planted with soil.

   Is it really suitable to get out of the soil like this?

   "Soil?" Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

   "We can go to the back mountain to get some. The soil in the back mountain is very good."

   The second elder will not be so stingy.

   Mu Xue: "......"

   She thinks that Lu Shui is probably only the three elders.

   After all, only the three elders would punish him.

   Then the two of them walked out of the park and strolled around and found nothing interesting.

   As for the inheritance, I saw two or three.

  The world of comprehension is full of opportunities.

   But the two of them don't even want to look at them more, let alone buy them.

   Some unique spirit beast eggs are also mutated, but they are definitely not good-looking.

   Otherwise, Lu Shui would also buy it at a high price to let the other party earn this opportunity.

  Lushui wants to buy, of course, it is the seller's chance.

  Because he only buys at the original price, is it a bitch?

   Sorry, his family is not short of the money.

   Of course, this is not bad luck.

   "Two fellow Taoists, please stay." As soon as he walked out of the gate of the park, Lu Shui heard someone calling them from behind.

   looked back and found that they were two people.

   A man wearing white clothes, short silver-white hair, and a slight smile in his eyes.

   There is also a woman in black, with her hair draped, looking a little expensive.

   Both are eighth rank, the man has already asked.

It's them?

   The two black-robed men who had appeared in Jianyifeng instantly appeared in Lu Shui's heart.

   The high-level Hidden Sky School who claims to be Flowing Fire.

   See you for the first time, not disappointed.

   Very good high-level.

   It needs strength and strength, and it needs temperament and temperament.

   Be bolder.

   actually came directly to Lu's family to find him.

   "What's the matter with you two?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

  Muxue also looked at these two people at this time.

   She naturally knows that these two people are not easy, but the other person seems to be approaching them on purpose.

  For the land and water?


  "The whole body is restrained, walking on the road as if hiding in space.

   This is a member of the Hidden Sky School.

  Lushui people?

   No, it doesn't look like it at all.

   Did you discover that Lu Shui was a fake Sect Master who came to confirm?

   Still not like it. "

   Mu Xue didn't know why for a while.

   But she is not in a hurry.

   Give these two people ten courage, and they don't dare to do anything to Lu Shui here.

   But Mu Xue was also very curious, Lu Shui's current strength, could he beat the two of them.

  "If it only started when the marriage was retired, then it should be impossible to fight.

   However, Lu Shui can't use common sense to understand, it is not impossible to come back. "

   As for her, she never worried about the issue of Lu Shui turning over.

   "That's it." The silver-haired man looked at Lu Shui and whispered:

   "We came to Qiuyun Town for the first time, and we didn't know any delicious noodle shop nearby.

   wants fellow Taoists to help lead the way.

  Of course, we won't let the little Taoists work in vain.

   By the way, I'm in the next step, and next to me is my fellow junior, He Yuye.

   We are from Taoism. "

   Lu Shui looked at Li Qianchi, it was the first time that he knew this person's name.

   But He Yuye, I seem to have heard of it somewhere.

  "Noodle shop? It's a nice new one.

   can take two people. "Lu Shuiping replied quietly.

   He also wanted to see what happened to this person.

   This person is likely to be the high-level person who picks up the customer list.

   "Thanks to the little Taoist friends, I don't know what the names of the two are?" Li Qianchi said modestly.

  He came here to look at Lu Shui specially.

   Let the other person remember his appearance, and then teach the other person how to behave.

   let him understand that the cruelty of the realm of cultivation lies in the inconspicuous person in your eyes, who may be the one who will kill you.

   humbly asking for directions, or someone who deliberately approached you to inquire about the news.

  This list of customers, they have tried their best.

   "Dongfang Shili, next to my fiancé Xueji, we belong to Jianyifeng." Lu Shui said.

   Li Qianchi: "..."

   Master Lu just lied when he spoke, without blinking his eyes.

   This is a bit different from rumors.

   does not seem to have any obvious shortcomings, it is not a waste.

   "Then thank you fellow daoists for leading the way." Li Qianchi thanked him.

   Mo Xiu He Yuye didn't want to talk, the Lu family was not a good place to mess with.

   It's a painful thing to come here to join in the fun.

   But in order to avoid the fairy garden, it's good here.

   Many people.

   can even find the people in Xian Ting.

   They are not the ones who only get beaten.

   Mu Xue always felt that Lu Shui had a subtle relationship with this Hidden Heavenly Sect.

   But she didn't care about Lu Shui's false name.

got used to.

   It’s Dongfang Shili facing seniors, and Dongfang Shili facing ordinary cultivators.

  Of course, the main thing is that every time Lu Shui tells her fiancée clearly.

   After a while, it should be a Taoist couple.

   "The Eastern Daoists came here to enter Shimen?" Li Qianchi asked as they walked on the road.

   At this time, Lu Shui and Mu Xue were walking on the left, and Li Qianchi and Mo Xiu He Yuye were walking on the right.

   Lu Shui and Li Qianchi are in the middle.

   After all, the two of them have to talk.

   "The elders of the sect asked me to find a few like-minded dao friends to go in.

   By the way, what is the cultivation base of Fellow Daoist Li? "Lu Shui looked at Li Qianchi beside him and asked curiously.

   "It's Tier 3, it's not bad." Li Qianchi said with a smile.

   But the third order is countless years ago.

   "Does the Daoist friends are interested in going in together? The Daoist friends are so powerful, and my parents will definitely be able to look up high." Lu Shui asked.

   Hearing this sentence, Li Qianchi jerked, and immediately said:

   "No, no, we just come to stroll around and see the world.

   Our sect has Junior Sister Yu Ni, and she is the protagonist this time.

   I heard that you also have great people from Jianyifeng. "

   "A powerful person?" Lu Shui smiled and said:

   "The Taoist friends said Jianqi, right?

   Jianqi is the most promising seed of the sect.

   I heard that as long as Jianqi grows up, he will be the strongest person in this era.

   is much stronger than your Yuni, I don’t know how many times. "

   "Friends of Daoist, you are not right, we Yuni, born with an empty heart, and Dao Yun added to our body..."

   "That's all superfluous special effects. Our sword is a peak sword. There is nothing fancy, the sword in his hand is his everything.

   No matter who the opponent is, he dares to draw his sword.

  He has a sword that can slash all enemies in the world. "

   "Daoist, this is too fake for you. You just want to kill all the enemies when you are so old. This is to be enchanted."

   "Sword repair looks at the heart or not at the sword. Everyone who looks at the sword is a sword repairer, and when it looks at the heart, it is sword repair."

   "Friends of Daoist have nothing to say, as long as you give Yu Nie time, at the age of Jianqi, Jianqi will definitely not be your opponent."

   "Then let the sword pressure the cultivation base, let them try?"

   "We Dao Sect is still afraid of not succeeding? If my Dao Zong Yu Nie loses, I will eat **** on the spot."

   "Do I need someone to prepare for fellow Taoists?"

   He Yuye: "..."

   Mu Xue: "......"

   Why are these two people talking and arguing?

  Who is strong or weak between Jianqi and Daozong Yuni, and has half a dime relationship with you?

   But He Yuye is even more helpless, this person is here to cheat and drink.


   "Okay, here it is." Lu Shui stood in front of the noodle shop and said to Li Qianchi.

   "Although Jianqi is very strong, we are still strong with Yu Niie, otherwise I will show you **** now." Li Qianchi said while holding a plate and eating a black thing.

   Lu Shui frowned.

   I feel nauseous.

   "Hawthorn, eat noodles for appetizer." Li Qianchi pointed at the dark thing on the plate and explained.

   "No need to explain, I understand." Lu Shui said directly.

   Li Qianchi: "..."

   You know a hammer.

   Mo Xiu He Yuye has already walked in.

   stay with Li Qianchi again, she will have no appetite to eat noodles.

After   , Lu Shui and Mu Xue turned and left.

   Li Qianchi did not go to see Lu Shui and they left, walked directly into the store, and sat opposite He Yuye:

   "Don't tell me, this young master is much more interesting than I thought."

   "It doesn't match the rumors, no wonder someone always fails." Mo Xiu He Yuye whispered.

   In the Lu family, they still dare not make a high profile.

   The sect disappeared by accident.

   Compared to Xian Ting, they are more afraid of the Lu family.

   The Lu Family is a real fight, and Xian Ting is famous in ancient times, and currently no damage is seen.

   In short, I have suffered from the Lu Family’s losses. Although I am afraid of Xianting, I have not suffered.

   "There are indeed some inconsistencies. Perhaps it has grown during this time, but I still think Daozong Yuni is great." Li Qianchi said while eating the black hawthorn.

   Mo Xiu He Yuye: "..."

Ha ha.

   "The next time I meet again, it will be when I pick up the customer list. Then I will be Liu Huo, and see what his expression will be." Li Qianchi looked at He Yuye and said:

   "What do you think he will be frightened?

   This seat is the main fire of the hidden Tianzong Shao Zong. "

   "When the time comes, I will put on the mask first and then take off the mask, so that the young master will know the cruelty of the cultivation world." Li Qianchi added.

   Mo Xiu He Yu Ye smiled.

   I've been playing with fire, if the parents always take action, let alone eating shit, **** and urine are useless.


   Lu Shui and Mu Xue would naturally go shopping again, but the appearance of Li Qianchi let him know one thing.

   Sword Yifeng Swordsmanship may really come. If you choose people, their brothers and sisters are very suitable. If you have the material to write a novel, you will be directly three people.

   "What did Master Lu think of?" Mu Xue asked curiously, walking beside Lu Shui.

   "I seem to know who to choose." Lu Shui said.

   "Sword Yifeng rises from the sword?" Mu Xue asked.

   After all, Lu Shui was just talking about these people.

   "Yes, I saw this person once when I was out before, and I barely knew him." Lu Shui slowed down and continued:

  "Although I am not familiar with it, it has a certain success rate.

   I just don’t know if it’s coming. "

After   , Lu Shui didn’t care about it. Instead, he looked at the flower rain and snow season not far away and asked Mu Xue:

   "Miss Mu, would you like dessert?"

   "I just finished eating the meat buns, and eating desserts will make you fat." Mu Xue walked beside Lu Shui, whispering.

   There was dissatisfaction in his voice, with a little squeamishness.

   It seems to be strange Lushui buying meat buns for her.

  Lu Shui felt a little itchy in his ears, but chose to ignore this feeling:

   "Miss Mu can lose weight."

   "Will Master Lu accompany me to reduce it?"

   "No, I won't get fat after all."



   Qiuyun Town is a relatively remote residential area.

   Chuyu sat on the stone table in the yard, a little curious and said:

   "I didn't even see my thighs, I haven't brought some words to him yet."

   "Why do you give it to Dongfang Daoist?" Jianqi asked, standing aside.

   "That senior just asked to speak, but didn't say why." It was his sister Jian Luo who answered Jian Qi.

   Now Jianluo wears modern clothes, which is very suitable for hands-on casual wear.

   "But why is it related to me?" Qiao Gan sat aside without any sense of existence, but he still asked curiously.

   In fact, he is now a trash master, and it is unimaginable to be able to stay with people like swords and swords.

   Even if he does not waste, there is no such possibility.

   The gap is too big.

   What he just asked was about the last time he was asked to wear a black robe.

   If he is discovered, he doesn't know what will happen.

   But it is inevitable to leave here.

   Because he stayed, Grandpa Grandpa would only feel that he was embarrassing the Qiao family.

   was also thrown to a family like the Lu family.

   is intolerable.

   "It should be related to the thighs. The senior was afraid of the thighs, and was so afraid that it was incomprehensible." Chuyu thought for a while and continued:

   "As for what the relationship is, I don't know what it is, and I won't say it after asking.

   Anyway, it doesn't hurt us at all.

   may have unexpected benefits. "

   Joe nodded without saying much.

   If it is really because of land water, then they really cannot suffer.

   Lu Shui never finds people to find volunteers, but to hire thugs with remuneration.

   However, Lu Shui couldn't find the door, he couldn't continue hiding here.

   He knows how to keep a low profile and knows to protect himself, but he also knows how to be in awe of the strong.

   Everything is to survive.

   It's just that he can't stay here for too long. It's the end of the month. His sister sent a message to remind him.

   "By the way, are you engaged in the snowy icefield?" Chuyu asked curiously.

   Yes, Chu Yu first found out what Qiao Gan said about it, nothing else.

   It is their sect who received the invitation.

   The invitation finally fell into his hands.

   I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it.

Isn't    Qiao Ye?

   "It was arranged in the family." Qiao Gan said in a low voice.

   is really not a glorious thing.

   He was just a victim of two forces, and he also accepted this sacrifice.

   It is impossible to hide without paying the price.

   If you want to get this, you have to abandon that. This is life.

   "Is one invitation enough for three people?" Jianqi asked.

   They didn't have an invitation, even if the other party had someone who invited Jianyifeng, the invitation would not fall into Jianqi's hands.

   Jianqi is too good for Jianichifeng.

   In their view, the entire Jianyifeng, for countless years, there has not been a disciple of Jianqi.

   They want to protect, but as a sword repairer, they can't protect that much.

   The path of sword repair was all made by himself, not protected.

   So, they can't take the sword too much.

   "The bridegroom is here? Let him write one more sheet. The room where the novel is written is not cleaned very much. Follow him to go too dirty." Jian Luo said coldly.

   Chuyu didn't pay attention to Jian Luo at all, and then looked at Qiao Gan, as if asking if he could have another one.

   Qiao Gan looked at these people, and finally nodded.

   "Actually, this is just a formal engagement. When that person gets married, it must be truly grand." Qiao Gan said softly.

   "Who?" Jianqi was not sure who Qiao Gan was talking about.

   "Who?" Jian Luo asked.

   "Could it be the thigh, right?" Chu Yu asked.

   Jian Qi and Jian Luo were a little unbelievable.

   How can he get married if he is so powerful that he can't be more powerful and powerful?

   The great future is right in front of us, there is no time for the love of children.

   But they all looked at Qiao Gan, the news was a bit smashing.

   always feels fake.

   However, Qiao Gan nodded his head:

   "Yes, I heard that the wedding day is at the beginning of the year."

   Everyone: "..."

   But soon they found a big problem, UU reading www. Why would Qiao Ye know such a thing?

   Because they only knew that Dongfang Haoyue was Liuhuo, but they never knew who Liuhuo was.

   I have always heard that the young master is fake.

   But what their true identity is, they have never known.

   So Qiao Ye knows?

   "I, I dare not say more." Qiao Gan said with his head down.

   He could see that they were curious about who Liu Huo was, but he couldn't say.

   Lu Shui hasn't said it, and he dare not say it.

  Who knows if it will affect the land water.

   "Master Qiao does know Dongfang Daoist." Jianqi said.

   He met once.

   was when I was in Dozo.

   When he saw Dongfang Haoyue meeting Qiao Gan, he took the initiative to call Qiao Ye.

   This shows that the two of them have known each other a long time ago.

   So what Qiao said should be true.

   "It doesn't matter whether it's true or false, the important thing is, do we have to find a way to mix an invitation?" Chuyu said.



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