The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 358: The identity of the only true god

  Lu Shui returned to Lu's house, but in the end they didn't eat dessert.

   Not only did it fail, Lu Shui also saw that Mu Xue had memorized a long notebook.

   Of course, Lu Shui bought something else for Mu Xue to eat.

   How could he make Mu Xue hungry.

   But just walking around, one day passed.

   "The time I spent with Mu Xue was really fast." Lu Shui returned to his yard and found that it was dark.

  Because he stayed with Mu Xue, today, he didn't practice effective methods, let alone inaction.

   There is a price to be with Mu Xue.

   It's just that he doesn't care about the price.

   In the last life, he would take Mu Xue to watch the beautiful things and see the unseen beauty.

   This life is the same.

   The sea of ​​flowers that I haven't seen in the previous life will definitely be seen in this life.

   The sea of ​​flowers on the east side of the mountains, with Xu Fang and his wife taking care of it, shouldn’t be a problem.

   This is what he forced to cure their daughter in exchange.

   "When is it suitable to go to see?"

   This is also troublesome for Lu Shui.

   For the sake of big plans, this matter can only be postponed.

   But it didn't take long.

   More than four months.

After   , Lu Shui stopped thinking about it.

   Continue reading.

   Tomorrow Zhenwu must ask Jianqi if they are in Qiuyun Town.

   If not, let them come to Qiuyun Town.

   I can’t find anyone.

   Sword Qi, this Tianjiao, the three elders always see it, right?

   If this is all brushed down, then the three elders are going to send him into Fengshuanghe.

   In the night.

   Lu Shui has been reading.

   Zhenwu came to the courtyard at this time, but he did not disturb Lu Shui, but waited.

   When there is just a gap, he will speak.

   But before Zhen Wu waited long, Lu Shui closed the book.

   "Did you find someone?" Lu Shui asked.

   He just turned the book through.

   As for Zhenwu, there is no need to disturb him.

   He will save some, and then report everything.

   And the most likely result this time is to find someone.

   "Yes, master, we found four very suitable people." Zhenwu said.

   "Very suitable?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

   Who would make Zhenwu use very two words?

   and four directly.

   He also wanted Zhenwu to find Jianqi and wait for someone.

   "Yes, I ran into them by accident." Zhenwu said.

   "Who is it?" Lu Shui was a little curious.

   "The sword rises, the sword falls, Chu Yu, Qiao Gan." Zhen Wu finished and explained:

  "We happened to see Chuyu and learned that all four of them were in Qiuyun Town.

   So I asked them directly if they would like to cooperate with the young master. "

   "It's actually them." Lu Shui whispered.

   Reasonably unexpected.

   He originally planned to let Zhenwu find them, but who knew Zhenwu would just find them all.

   But Qiao Ye was there.

   Shouldn't he be busy with his wedding?

   Oh, you don’t need to be a young master.

   He didn't do anything after all.

   Just wait until then to post an invitation.

   Other clan members will help him arrange it.

   The three elders must be familiar with this kind of thing.

   It’s just that the days are so close, there is no reason to be here.

   "So the four of them agree?" Lu Shui asked.

   "Yes, as long as the young master is okay, they are okay." Zhenwu said.

   are old acquaintances, they must be fine.

   "I will see them tomorrow." It is necessary to see them, and Lu Shui will take them to let the three elders have a look.

   So some things must be made clear.

   "They are all in the small town for the time being, so the young master can see him at any time, yes." At this point, Zhenwu thought about it and continued:

   "Chu Yu asked me to bring a sentence to the young master, saying that the senior asked him to pass it on to the young master."



  Lushui was a little surprised:

   "What is it?"

   "The internal space of Shimen, in a very remote place, no matter what happens inside, it will not involve the outside." After speaking, Zhenwu paused, and then said:

   "These are the original words."

   For this sentence, Chuyu and others don't know much, but Zhenwu has some understanding.

   High probability is a question of identity.

   But he still can't figure it out.

   Even if he really interfered in the Lujia area, he would not be recognized.

   said that the young master was worried about the exposure of his identity and felt unfounded.

   Can’t worry about being bad for Qiuyun Town, right?

   The young master can casually lead the existence like the end of the road to the small town, and it is impossible to worry about the small town problem no matter how you look at it.

   "That's it." Lu Shui thought this secret secret was really interesting.

   He didn't count him, but he knew what he wanted to know.

   Is this connected to the main route?

   is not easy at all.

   "Anything else?" Lu Shui asked.

   As for whether what Tianji said is true or false, he will check it out at that time.

   But for the time being, I feel relieved.

   At least there is enough reason to go in.

  The most feared thing is that after entering, I find that I can't do anything casually.

   It might as well stay at home to accompany Mu Xue.

   "Not for the time being." Zhenwu said.

   Then he retreated.


   Xian Ting High-altitude Islands.

   Five figures appeared on the floating stones again.

   "I heard that the stone gate of the Lu family has been opened, are our people ready?" the senior in charge of the matter asked.

   "I have already gone, but where it is, I need to contact seniors." Listening Yun Xi said.

   Yun Sanxian has recovered very quickly recently, and the power of the three people combined, she is not an opponent at all.

   If there are things they need in Shimen, then the battle power of the three immortals in the cloud will increase a lot.

   The strength is amazing.

   She can't afford it.

   The senior who presided over the matter nodded. In fact, many of the immortals in the fairy garden have already awakened, but the five of them couldn't help it.

   If it weren't for the God of War, they couldn't help it.

   If Hoshiji Xianjun is there, it would be better to say.

   But the five of them are still preparing the necessary work.

   If Xian Ting’s old department were to take over their work, they would be happier.

  Because of their accomplishments are enough.

   just wait for the emperor to wake up.

   But the only one who can be qualified to take over the work from them is God of War.

   But the God of War didn't care about them at all.

   Xingji Xianjun didn't mean to interfere with them either.

   In short, these two immortals still feel that everything is centered on them.

   Other immortals have no right to speak.

   Of course, some immortals are not easy to move.

   Actually, they thought they would join the meeting as soon as they wake up, until they were marginalized in the end.

   But Xianji Xianjun didn't let anyone influence their decision.

   So their members have never been added.

   "Is there any progress on Taiyixianjun?" the senior in charge of the matter asked.

   "Soon, it's faster than expected, and smoother than expected, maybe it will be able to wake up successfully within half a month." Gao Yuan said.

   He was surprised.

   is indeed too smooth.

   The world is changing, and everything is developing for the better. Of course, part of the reason is in Taiyixianjun himself.

   Taiyi Xianjun is really strong.

   should be stronger than God of War.

   "Half a month?" The person in charge of the matter thought about it and continued:

   "Don't pay attention to other things during this period, wait for the Lord Taiyi to wake up, and then decide on the next step.

   The changes in the world are a little beyond our cognition, and we need to ask the God of War and Taiyixianjun how to treat them. "

   The others nodded, yes, the world has changed a bit strangely.

   can't change like that when it gets better.

   They can more or less perceive that the vitality is all over the realm of comprehension.

   This is definitely not comparable to more auras.

   Life and death is a cycle, always changing for the better, which means that once the bad comes, the impact will be very terrible.

   "It's not just us who dare not act rashly. The Buddhism and the gods have not made any obvious actions.

   seems to be similar to what the predecessors said, and they are also responding to this change. "The Demon Sword Slayer said.

   "By the way, the coast of the other side has not been closed until now. If it continues, the passage between the dark land and the pure land may be directly opened." Someone said.

   The strength of Pure Land and Ming Land is there.

   No one can ignore.

   Following the coast of the other side, they also have some knowledge of the Underworld and the Pure Land.

   There is no specific knowledge, but the other party still has strong cognition.

  "For the time being, pay attention to it first, and wait until it is really turned on. This is not a matter for our Xianting, but a matter for the entire cultivation world.

   The top priority is to wake up Taiyixianjun.

   It is not yet known where the end of the world change will be. It would be easier for us to have a fairy a little earlier. "The senior who presided over the matter said.

   Nobody else has any comments.

   The world has changed for a long time.

   No one can understand.

   Even the level of God of War is only perceived as a problem.

  No one knows what the source is.


   There is a glacier on the endless sea.

There is a calm lake in the center of    glacier.

   At this time, a black light appeared by the lake.

   Then the black light disappeared, and what appeared was a young woman.

   is wearing a black dress, black hair, and black pupils are particularly noticeable.

   "Have a decision?" At the moment the woman appeared, ripples appeared on the surface of the lake, and the goddess of the ice sea emerged from the bottom of the lake.

  And the one by the lake is naturally hesitating whether to find the goddess of darkness.

  The appearance of the goddess of darkness at this time means that there is a certain answer.

   "Yes." The Dark Goddess nodded.

   "What's the answer?" The Ice Sea Goddess asked.

   "I want to try, but I need your blessing." The Dark Goddess said seriously.

   The blessing of the Lord God is not an ordinary blessing.

   can almost resist crises.

  Especially the blessing between their seven main gods.

   is almost a superposition of power.

   This is a very risky thing, because everything is damaged.

   The Binghai Goddess did not reply immediately, but looked to the side and said:

   "You agree?"

   When the voice of the goddess of the ice sea fell, a beam of light fell in the previously uninhabited area.

   Then a shiny man also appeared by the lake.

   is the **** of light.

   "According to the goddess of the ice sea, even with our blessings, we can't survive in the hands of Lu Wuwei, the elder of the Lu family, right?" Guangming God naturally did not agree immediately.

   He also needs to be measured.

   "It's not enough." The Binghai goddess whispered.

   Her voice has never been emotional.

   is just explaining a fact.

   "I use a clone, a clone of my own blessing." The Dark Goddess said.

   Whether it is the **** of light or the goddess of ice sea, they care about whether the goddess of darkness survives.

   Once the Dark Goddess dies, the two of them are damaged.

   They will have a hard time facing Buddhism and Xian Ting.

   But as long as the Dark Goddess is still alive, then they will have enough spare energy.

   The darkness of the Dark Goddess is of great help to them.

   "You can take a gamble." The Ice Sea Goddess spoke directly.

   As long as the Dark Goddess knows how to choose, she won't let her body fall.

   Then even if they lose, they won't lose much.

  There is room for buffering.

   Once the Dark Goddess successfully enters the stone gate, she gains the power of the true god.

   Then they will walk in front of everyone.

   Guangming God was silent for a while, and said:

   "In other words, are the three of us going to be fully alert during this period of time?"

   "Yes." The Dark Goddess nodded

   "Then, let's start." Guangming God said.


   Bitter Sea Buddha Hall.

  The Core Fire Ancient Buddha looked into the distance.

   "The Buddhism is still weak after all, but there is no direct conflict between Buddhism and the Lu Family.

   This is the biggest advantage. "

   "I hope I can gain something this time."

   Although there are two ancient Buddhas in Buddhism, the ancient Buddha of Youluo is limited to this life, and currently only he is guarding the Buddhism of Kuhai.

not enough.

   Need a new ancient Buddha to return to Kuhai Buddhism.

After   , everything in Buddhism will be much smoother.

  Although it is going well now, this is due to changes in the world.

   If he could, he would rather not have such a change.

   I don't know why, this change made him a little frightened.

   The Buddha's mind is a little unstable.

   The end of change is definitely an unbearable disaster for them.

   In the end, Xinhuo Ancient Buddha declared a Buddha's name and closed his eyes.

   Everything is ready.

   is the end.

   If he can, he wants to go to the Shimen of Lujia by himself, but he can't now.

  Without a last resort, he will not leave easily.



   The second elder took a bag of pills and walked in the bamboo forest step by step.

When    was about to arrive, she put away the pill.

   Then put his hands in his coat pockets.

   After a short while, I came to the pond.

   When the second elder came over, there was a breeze in the pond.

   "Your state is not right." The second elder said.

   "There was an accident in the Mist City a few days ago. Someone from the outside intervened in the unknown area." A gentle voice sounded over the pond.

   "The gods seem to be interested in Shimen." The second elder continued.

   She didn't ask about the Mist City, because that was not something she needed to take care of.

   also exceeded her abilities.

   "Nothing." The gentle voice belonging to the great elder sounded again.

   "Qi has entered Shimen." The second elder said.

   fell silent, and the as usual sound from the pavilion of the pond sounded:

   "She started to recover."

   "I saw her full name." The second elder looked at the pond and continued:

   "But I didn't see her identity."

   "We are just following the ancestor's legacy, and no one has been in the last floor to see it. Maybe it's not time.

   But a secret, one day, it will not be a secret again. "The gentle voice floated in the air.

   seems to be coming from a long distance, and it seems to be in my ears.

   The second elder was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

   Not long after the second elder left, a breeze blew in the pond.

   Then everything returned to peace.

   There is no more sound in the pond.


   The next day, Lu Shui went to Qiuyun Town.

   Mu Xue did not go today.

   looks like he was called away by his mother.

   Dongfang Slag was also called away together.

  Who knows what they are going to do.

   probably made it, let Muxue and Dongfang scum to try it.

   But when Lu Shui thinks about it, he feels it should not be.

   Because of the taste, he will also be called.

   If it is related to marriage, there are some aesthetic things, his mother would never ask him.

   Of course, even if he was told to go, he would not go.

   go to die?

   His father may still be in a wheelchair.

   But it seems unlikely that his uncle pushes his father to bask in the sun every day.

   may be on the way to the sun at this time.

After   , Lu Shui didn't care about anything else, and now he is in Qiuyun Town.

   Because Mu Xue didn't follow, Zhenwu Zhenling followed Lu Shui.

   "Master, they are in the park now." Zhenwu said.

   Lu Shui nodded, and then went to the park.

   There are stalls in the park, and naturally there are also places with few people.

   Hatsuba and others are located at a lakeside.

   There is a pavilion here.

   And there are four people in the pavilion.

   Two people are standing and two people are sitting.

   was sitting with a relaxed face of Hatsu, and fell with the beautiful girl holding a sword.

   Standing calmly Jian Qi, and Qiao Gan in a black robe.

   "The thigh is coming." Chuyu immediately stood up and said.

   The thigh took the initiative to find them, which surprised them a bit.

   Qiao Gan also knew why that unknown senior would let him wear a black robe at that time, so that he could be a thug for Master Lu.

   seems to need just four.

  If he is not there, it might be too troublesome for them to find another one.

   "Eastern Taoist Fellow." When Lu Shui walked over, Jian Qi said softly.

   Lu Shui looked at these four people:

   "You want to enter Shimen?"

   These four people swords and swords fall. Needless to say, they may be too good.

   Chuyu is not a genius, but Baihuagu should not have a lark art that can surpass him.

   is not a genius better than a genius.

   And Chuyu, as a nanny, even if it was really worse, the third elder wouldn't say anything.

   It is very important to have a nanny in the team.

   As for Qiao Ye, who has cultivated the Heavenly God, and has experienced life and death, his personal awareness should be relatively high. Besides, he has a broken arm. The characteristic is that he has.

   is also stronger than him.

   plus this black robe plus body.

The characteristics of    are even more obvious, and I hope it will not make the three elders feel too distinctive and feel uneasy.

   As for why Qiao Ye wears a black robe, it is understandable.

   After all, Lu Shui often wears it himself.

   If these people don't wear it in the future, Lu Shui will let them wear it.

  "Eastern Daoist fellows need our help?" Chuyu asked curiously.

   "Be a thug for me, I can guide you and improve your strength." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   Chuyu has nothing to say, his lark technique was guided by Lu Shui.

   Jian Luo and Qiao Qian had nothing to say, Lu Shui’s guidance really made them progress fast.

   And there are actually quite a few chances with Lu Shui.

   Although Jianqi grasped the invincible sword, he needed corresponding training.

   Even if Lu Shui is not a sword repairer, it is very easy for the sword to bear the training.

   Seeing that these people had no objection, Lu Shui continued:

   "Before you go to Shimen, you need to meet someone with me."

   "Meet people?" Jianqi, they didn't understand.

   This is the first time this has happened.

   Is there someone more special than Dongfang Haoyue?

   "An elder in my family." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   The task of the three elders, what can he do?

   I dare not disobey, who knows what punishment will be.

   It’s better to be the second elder.

   Answer all questions, and will not punish him.

   is mainly cute.


   Hatsu and others are a little puzzled.

   Even Qiao Gan didn't quite understand why Master Lu needed to take them to see his elders.

   Young Master Lu’s elders, just a few people.

   Either his parents or the third elder of the Lu family.

   Lu Shui can't explain this kind of thing. After all, it's easy to get rid of it if you don't explain it.

   Then he briefly explained.

   Hatsuyu and others were stunned by hearing it, it turns out that you have to listen to what your family is saying if your thighs are so powerful?

  If he is so good, he would never listen to the words of his senior sisters and masters, and he would not marry if he said he would not marry if he got married.

   It's a pity, there will never be such a day.

  The third-tier him, given him thousands of years, can't catch up with his senior sister and master.

   "Where are the elders of Dongfang Taoist Fellow?" Jianqi asked.

   "I will take you there now." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   then leads the way.

   Zhenwu Zhenling immediately notified the three elders and young masters that they had found someone.


   "By the way, there was an invitation for me to go last time.

  Master Qiao is getting married too? "On the way, Lu Shui looked at Qiao Gan and asked.

   Qiao Gan, who was walking behind, lowered his head and said softly:

"  " is the engagement, at the end of the month.

  Master Dongfang is going? "

   Qiao Gan was actually very surprised.

  Chuyu and the others had already surprised him very much, but he didn't expect Lu Shui to also go.

   "The elders threw it over, I will take someone there when the time comes." Lu Shui said casually.

   Of course he is going to take Mu Xue.

   "By the way, I remember the time is the end of the month, aren't you busy?" Lu Shui asked.

   Get married at the end of the month, the bridegroom will have something to do more or less.

   After all, the day is too close.

  He is from here, understand.

   "Yes, I'm getting married." Qiao Gan whispered.

   is a little embarrassed.

   Lu Shui: "???"

   Chuyu and the others are not surprised, they seem to have understood the details.

   Lu Shui feels like everyone is running away from marriage?

   That little fat girl is also running away from marriage.

   Is this popular now?

   Did he miss something if he didn't escape the marriage?

   Of course, it's better to miss it, after all, this thing is terrible.

   "By the way, the invitation hasn't reached me yet, who is the woman?" Lu Shui asked.

   "The ninth female of the owner of the Icefield Snow Territory, Bing Shui Ji, Lin Huanhuan." Qiao Gan said.

   Lin Huanhuan’s name is really scary.

   Just after Lu Shui listened, he was taken aback:


   "Bing Shui Ji, Lin Huanhuan." Qiao Gan repeated.

   He felt that Lu Shui might have heard the name.

   should also know that the other party is a fat girl.

   But he is a one-armed young master, and he is not much better.

   or worse.

   He didn't have too many requests.

  What's unacceptable for Lu Shui to accept his marriage?

  Ms. Mu's family is also an ordinary and Lu Shui is the number one arrogant of the ages, an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the world.

   He can get married, what can others not?

   Lu Shui: "..."

   These two people are really interesting.

   But he didn't say much, looking forward to follow-up development.

   Come to Qiuyun Town together to escape the marriage.


   Above the main hall of the Lu Family, the third elder sitting there was a little surprised.

   "Are you sure Lu Shui found someone?"

   The third elder asked the old man withered tree in the hall.

  "Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was spreading the word like this, and he is now on the road.

   should be true. "The old man withered tree replied.

   He doesn't know how the young master found people.

   don't know who will find.

   But the young master must not dare to tease the three elders.

   "Then wait and see, I hope it's not crooked."

   The three elders sat at the top of the hall, speaking in a low voice.



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