The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 407: Lu Shui: Kill Mu Xue

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"Name? My son's name is Lu Shui, and my daughter's name is Lu Miao." Lu Gu said.

Speaking of names, he remembered those names said by the Only True God.

For example, Lu Xiaofeng or something.

It's hard to reach.

"Isn't that three times more water than my son?" Dongfang Li Yin asked.

Three times more water than their son, what should I do?

"From another angle, what if it is three times better than his son?" Lu Gu said, looking at his wife.

Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Gu, then said:

"Which aspects of the son's performance are better?"

"Good bully, compared to second grade?" Lu Gu tried to ask.

"That is triple good bullying, triple second?" Dongfang Li Yin said.

Then the two were silent for a while.

Silently choked.

"Let's say something happy, the moon is so bright tonight." Lu Gu broke the tranquility.

"The happiest thing is to watch the night with the patriarch of course." Dongfang Li Yin looked up at Lu Gu.

At this time, Lu Gu also looked down at Dongfang Li Yin.

The two looked at each other affectionately.

At this time, Lu Gu saw a light flashing in Dongfang Li Yin's eyes.

Dongfang Li Yin also saw a flash of light in Lu Gu's eyes.


The two spoke at the same time.

"I saw a flash of light in your eyes." Lu Gu spoke first.

"Me too." Dongfang Li Yin also said.

The two felt very strange.

But nothing bad was felt.

However, to be on the safe side, Lu Gu decided to find the second elder tomorrow.



There was a gust of wind blowing in the pavilion of the pond.

A sword chant sounded slightly.

It seems that power is beginning to gather here.

And at the moment Jian Yin appeared.

The second elder and the third elder appeared by the pond for the first time.

"What happened?" the second elder asked.

"There is an inexplicable sense of crisis, and it is impossible to know the origin." A gentle voice followed.

The second elder frowned.

A crisis that can be felt by the Great Elder.

It's definitely not a trivial matter.

The faces of the third elders are not pretty.

The great elder's sense of crisis means that he may not even have the qualifications to participate.

What will happen?

What did the second elder say before?

He naturally heard from the second elders that a major event would happen to the inland family within two months.

This major event can change the future direction of the cultivation world.

Yes, eight achievements are.

"The heavens and the earth began to be shielded, and everything began.

I didn't expect it to be so fast. "Jiu stood beside the Great Elder.

No one can detect her.

Except for the second elder.

Jiu seemed to be observing the invisible Great Elder.

"Little cute, do you think your senior elder is in the second grade? Why is it in this state? Can't you show your face properly?" Jiu's voice continued.

The second elder ignored this, but directly addressed the senior elder and them:

"The heavens and the earth began to be shielded, and everything began.

Faster than originally expected. "

"How specific?" The voice of the great elder was as steady as ever.

"Heaven and Earth are making a welcome, no one can see through this, but everything is happening.

What is certain is that something big will happen to the Lu family.

A major event that changed the entire era. "Jiu answered.

But the great elders couldn't hear them.

The last two elders began to repeat:

"Someone told me that heaven and earth are making a welcome, no one can see through this, but everything is happening.

What is certain is that there will be major events that will change the times in the Lu Family. "

The three elders couldn't understand.

But soon they felt a gust of wind.

The figure belonging to the great elder began to appear.

It is a gathering of strength.

The great elder gathered all the power back.

"Wait for that thing quietly." The gentle voice came out again.

The second elder and the third elder didn't say anything.

Instead, he intends to leave.

"You said Xiao Wuwei is single so far, is it because of too little words?" Jiu asked when he returned to the second elder.

"There is a lot of words on the side." The second elder replied Jiu.

But there is no need to speak.

As for those who talk a lot, they naturally refer to the three elders.

When the third elders were young, she watched them grow up, and she taught them.

At that time, there was a lot of talk about bargaining with her.

Almost went on a crooked road.

After a few hits, I'm aware of it.

"I think Xiaobuzheng is single because you have a fear of the opposite sex." Jiu poked the second elder's cheek and said.

Cute, so cute.

How can it be so cute?

The second elder waved his hand and tried to pat Jiu away, but unfortunately it had no effect.

She can't do anything about Jiu.

"I asked before, and he said no." The second elder said blankly.

The second elder and the third elder left.

The Grand Elder didn't care about the others.

He hasn't paid attention to the matter of the Mist City for the time being.

There should be something overflowing again in the Mist City.

The changes in the world have brought endless impacts.

There is no way to know good and bad.


The end of the sea.

The verification system that Dongfang Liyin had contacted before began to shine.

The data is constantly beating.

System sounds began to come out:

"An unknown force has been detected to lock."


"The system is starting to crash..."

"Reload and start parsing."

"Unresolved, unnamed."

"system breakdown."

"Unable to load."

"The system begins to collapse."



"The system wants to beg for mercy."

"The system knew it was wrong."

"The system reloads and the analysis begins."

"The analysis was successful."

"The unknown lock disappears."

"Summary of the system crash log."

"Unknown power is unmatched, beyond system cognition."

"Unable to perceive, incomprehensible, and not to offend. Once being watched is the beginning of destruction."

"Summing up the final conclusion: Kneeling decisively, there can be no fluke in memory."

Early in the morning.

Lu Shui sat under the tree and read a book.

This is a good place he chose, and no one will come here.

It can be said to be an exclusive place.

He also let Zhenwu Zhenling arrange some things.

But it's not a trivial thing, just decorate it casually.

The influence without his power is ordinary decoration.

As for his things, none of them were taken out.

The main reason is to worry that the other party will notice something, and then flee here.

This is very difficult.

So let the other party know that he is really just an ordinary young master of the Lu family.

Only in this way can you invite you to enter the urn.

"When someone comes, remember to withdraw as soon as possible."

Lu Shui once again reminded Zhenwu and Zhenling.

It's already dawn, and people should come here.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling glanced at each other, they really didn't know what would happen next.

"Master, is it really okay?" Zhenwu asked.

It always feels like big things will happen.

If there is danger, they will call for help as soon as possible.

When encountering the weak ones, they can do it.

However, if they are too powerful, their role is to ask for help as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, everything is in my plan. If you don't cause me trouble, there will be no deviation." Lu Shui was extremely confident.

Being a rebirth, plus personal experience.

Plus the accumulation of one life.

This matter is settled.

All under control.

As long as Zhenwu and Zhenling don't lose the chain.


Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately responded.

They will naturally not cause trouble for the young master.

Although they are weaker, they understand their responsibilities, let alone make it difficult for the young master.

Lu Shui no longer said anything, but took out the super magic weapon.

Just plug it in front.

Not to mention that this super magic weapon has special effects.

Inserting it is the same as inserting a peerless sword into the soil, with a very crisp sound coming out.

I don't know what the person who set it thinks.

Although he is a waste young man, he doesn't have any insights, right?

Treat him as a fool?


Nothing was discovered in the last life.

It's really miserable.

When I was young, I didn't know anything about myself.

But it's okay, and it has grown up later.

After all, after marrying Mu Xue, he was no longer alone. He really started to work hard.

Then he understood the pattern of heaven and earth by accident, and the door of Xintiandi opened for him.

But in the beginning it just didn't tell anyone.

At that time, I was looking at the formation of heaven and earth in front of Mu Xue.

Sometimes it will change one or two pens.

right now...

He didn't dare to look at the heaven and earth formation in front of Mu Xue, and didn't dare to outline the heaven and earth formation in his mind.

But this kind of hard time is coming to an end.

Wait for his big plan to be completed.

Lu Shui didn't think much about it, how could he be distracted while waiting for his life mentor in the previous life?

"It feels too bad." Seeing the sun rise, Lu Shui felt that it would not take long to wait for the other party.

He has thought about his lines.

"The world of cultivation is more cruel than you think, and this cruelty requires the cost of life to understand."

"This is what I teach you."

"If there is a next life, it is best not to forget."

Then send him on the road and help him build a monument, which is the super magic weapon.



Demon repairing the realm.

The sea-monster Xiaotao and the goddess are still squatting, they are very focused.

The open life is so sturdy, there is no need to rest at all.

"Um?" Sea-Monster Xiaotao said immediately:

"Moved, the breath moved."


Hearing this news, the goddess head became excited, she didn't hesitate at all, and immediately contacted the goddess.

That magic repair moved, and this was the main purpose of her coming here.

Notify Lord Goddess that the other party has left.

She didn't know what Lord Goddess was going to do, but for this task, Lord Goddess could only succeed and not fail.

This is something that has never happened before.

This incident can be said to be the most important one in history.

She can't make mistakes.

It is better to report an error than to miss it.

Soon the goddess head and the sea-monster Xiaotao saw someone flying out above their heads.

It was the person they were staring at.

"Why do you use flying for human beings who are worthy of the Queen and Goddess to intervene personally?" Sea-Monster Xiaotao didn't understand.

You should open the space door and leave.

Otherwise it does not meet the premise that the queen and the goddess value it.

Of course, Sea-Monster Xiaotao didn't think much before she saw a purple figure appeared behind her.

It's a real figure, not a figure of strength.

The deity of the purple-clothed goddess descends.

This incident is really outrageous.

"My Goddess." The head of the goddess knelt down immediately.

She found that she hadn't seen the real body of Goddess for a long time.

This time, Lord Goddess actually came personally for this. Fortunately, she didn't take care of the matter, otherwise the Heavenly Nv Sect would be over.

She is the sinner of the Heavenly Girl Sect.

She swore to her mother that she would keep the Heavenly Nv Sect forever.

As long as she lives.

"Thank you." Mu Xue looked down at the head of the goddess and let out a soft voice:

"Let's go back."

Then a purple light flashed.

The Sea-Monster Xiaotao and the head of the heavenly girl didn't have any other reaction, and they disappeared in place.

Mu Xue is now in the state of a goddess.

She stood still looking at the sky.

In her eyes, the enemy has naturally been locked.

She is really busy decorating the room these days.

Aunt Tang gave her many choices, and she wanted to ask Lu Shui.

But in the end, Mu Xue decided to listen to Aunt Tang.

She just follows.

Fortunately, I can take a break today.

She woke up very early because she had been thinking about Lu Shui all the time.

Restless sleep.

Sure enough, I received news from the head of the goddess early this morning.

Finally waited until this day.

She wore a fairy skirt, very beautiful, Lu Shui liked it.

However, Lu Shui couldn't see it with purple gas.

She actually picked nice socks.

There are small clothes.

In short, it will be time to determine what to plug.

Mu Xue didn't think too much, she had to set out to solve this magic repair first, otherwise it would not be good to let him get close to Lu Shui.

She doesn't want to be stunned now.

It's troublesome to be run away by Lu Shui.

However, the location has not been determined yet. I don't know if there is any news from the head of the goddess.

In theory there is.

If she ran out secretly, if Aunt Tang found out, she would definitely ask her why she was going.

It will be difficult to explain at that time.

So, finish the call early and go back early.


Xianting God of War, he set off after watching the sunrise.

When he left the magic gate, he flew out.

Space doors are not impossible to open, but inconvenient to open.

Now he is hidden in the magic door, and he does not have the strength to open the space door. Once exposed, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

At that time, it will affect the plan.

Then it falls short.

So this kind of thing cannot happen.

It is safest to fly out.

Just fly all the way there.

It’s not very far away, so it’s easy to figure out what's nearby.

If there are too many people, you have to find a way to go to places with few people. Once the Lu family finds out, it will end in failure.

Whether it can escape in the end is a question.

So at the last minute, there must be no problems.

It was just that when God of War was flying, he suddenly felt a little strange.

The surrounding space seems to have changed.

Someone is intercepting him.


At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was in a strange space.

The space here is not simple at all, it takes a lot of time for him to go out.

Who has such strength?


Or Buddhism?

Just as the God of War guessed, suddenly a purple gas appeared.

Soon there was Mu Xue's figure in the distance.

"Goddess in purple clothes?" The low voice of God of War came out.

He never expected that the purple-clothed goddess would appear here.

Moreover, the strength shown by the opponent was somewhat beyond expectations.

"It's just barely within the bounds of the avenue."

Mu Xue's voice came out.

In this way, too much time will not be wasted.

"The tone is not small."

The God of War stared at the purple-clothed goddess. He couldn't look at the face of the other party, but he could feel the aura of killing around him.

He can cope, but some do not understand:

"What is the purpose of the purple-clothed goddess suddenly appearing here?

There is no grudge between my demon sect and your heavenly female sect. "

Yes, he didn't understand why the purple-clothed goddess appeared.

However, the thing that surprised the God of War, answered him with countless killing auras.

At this moment, the earth changes and everything is broken.

The Hun Yuan killing that belonged to Mu Xue revealed a corner.

The destruction starts from the edge.

Mu Xue wouldn't talk nonsense with this person.

Let's talk half-dead first.

When the time comes, let the goddess head torture.

When the killing realm is opened, heaven and earth must give in for her power. It is really troublesome to kill a strong person in the range of a big way, but as long as it is not a relatively strong big way, the problem is not big.

At this time, the **** of war was fully guarded, in his eyes, it seemed that the world was being destroyed, and the world was collapsing.

What level of power is this?

He has never seen it before.

The purple-clothed goddess is stronger than he expected.

However, as the **** of war, how could he be frightened, who had already experienced many battles.

At this moment, the power of God of War began to be revealed.

A spear appeared in his hand.

"I want to see if you can stop me."

An extremely powerful force burst out, and the God of War directly killed Mu Xue.

The surrounding killings were directly broken by the God of War.

The momentum is like a broken bamboo, and the strength is increasing layer by layer.

As a **** of war, naturally, the more you fight, the more courage you are.

Mu Xue frowned as she looked at this person who was getting stronger and stronger. She had already opened the killing field, but she could not solve the opponent.

Then she raised her hand, palms together, black and **** flowing in her hands.

Power flows, condensed at her fingertips.

The world is divided into black and white in the killing field.

Black is death, white is killing.

Destruction is just one fingertip.

Mu Xue raised her hand, white and black surged, killing the world.

With one instruction, the world shattered, the space collapsed, and the vitality vanished.

The God of War approached the purple-clothed goddess a little bit, and his power was condensing.

Then he saw black and white, and saw the finger of the purple-clothed goddess.

At this moment, he seemed to see the existence beyond the heaven and the earth, she was standing there, and the world was under her feet.

It was trembling, panic, and fearful.

And these things appeared on him in the blink of an eye.

Faced with this sudden finger.

Panic and fear appeared in his heart.

The great terror in my heart began to erupt.

The heart of fear made it difficult for him to move and face.

The only thing that can be done is to wait for death.

However, he is the God of War.

At this moment, the **** of war bit his tongue and put a needle in his mind.

The power surged again.

The hand that was about to release the spear clenched tightly again.

"My Lord, there is nothing to fear."

The endless roar sounded.

The spear waved and attacked the purple-clothed goddess.


At this moment, the power belonging to the God of War touched Mu Xue's finger.

An invisible voice came out.

The power began to spread.

Then black and white began to erode everything.


A crack appeared in the spear.

Then a little bit of disintegration, a little bit of falling.

"Kill, shock the world."

Mu Xue retracted her hand and said her name softly.

After that, Mu Xue turned and left.

There is no need to fight anymore.

But this time it was really expensive.

The avengers are really troublesome.

But you can beat Lushui right away, and it's worth the trouble.

Her fist is ready.

Then Mu Xue's figure disappeared in place.

The space here is still closed.

After all, we have to torture.

Should still be alive.

I guess so.

Wait until Lu Shui is beaten to make sure, even if he is dead, let the goddess head torture him if he doesn't die.

Then threw it to the two Hidden Tianzong people.

Send land water.

Mu Xue left, but the spear belonging to the God of War was still shattering and falling.

A little bit of disintegration, has disintegrated into the hands of God of War.

Cang Dang.


The second half of the gun fell directly and shattered.

At this time, the God of War's hand also began to crack, and his body was also cracked little by little.

The **** of war, who was unparalleled in fighting spirit, was replaced by horror in his eyes.

The heart is occupied by fear.

At that moment, he felt that what he was facing was not a person, but an incarnation of killing, a killing existence that could kill all creatures.

She is not human at all.

The world that belonged to the God of War, shattered under this finger.

Everything collapses.

Even he himself is destroying.

Body, soul, consciousness, cultivation base.

Nothing can escape this destruction.

Boom! !

The rift-filled God of War fell to the ground, his heart was still alive, and he was still insisting.

He is still struggling.

Struggling in death.

Lu Shui sat under the tree and read a book.

I just don't know why some can't enter.

"Because of nervousness?"

He closed the book, a little puzzled.

Judging by the time he has survived, he shouldn't have such emotions.

Not facing Mu Xue, how could he be nervous?

"Perhaps I don't know myself enough, this kind of place where I fell in the previous life, I will stand up soon, there is indeed the possibility of tension."

Lu Shui thought to himself.

After all, he was not sure what cultivation base the other party was.

If it is too strong.

In other words, it is so strong that he has nothing to do.

So this time he has to be taught to be a man again.

This is the black spot of life, and you really should be nervous.

"Speaking of it, it's been so long, why haven't you come?"

Lu Shui looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

Now that the sky is bright, the other party is not punctual.

Good morning, it was wasted like this.

But he didn't care too much, there were no people here, and there shouldn't be any influence.

After that, Lu Shui didn't plan to read anymore.

Instead, he put away the book and stood up.

Stand with your hands.

Temperament, let the other party know your temperament.

Keep calm.

"Put away the chairs." Lu Shui reminded Zhenwu.

Zhenwu immediately put away the chair and table.

Just put the table and chairs away, and suddenly it started to wind.

it's very windy.

They knew something was going to happen.

Then look into the distance for the first time.

The world is changing, and the woods are moved by the wind.

Lu Shui naturally felt it too, but it was a little different from what he knew.

Didn’t the opponent play like this in the previous life?


In the previous life, the other party just came here very plainly. UU reading

"Changed the special effects?"

Lu Shui was puzzled.

But soon his face began to change.

Because of the sky at this time, purple gas appeared.

"What happened? Why is there Hunyuan Ziqi here?"

Lu Shui was dumbfounded. This is different from the script. Who changed his script?

Why is Mu Xue appearing here?

Where's the magic repair?

Where is the magic repair he is waiting for?

But Lu Shui soon discovered a bigger problem.

At this time, a misty voice came from the emptiness:

"I heard that Young Master Lu took my super magic weapon?"

The voice was so clear that others couldn't hear it, but Lu Shui could.

It was Mu Xue's voice.


I grabbed your magic weapon?

So, are you the magic repair I'm waiting for?

Are you here to teach me how to be a man?

Deceive people too much.

Lu Shui's face darkened.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling could clearly see that the young master was serious and angry.

Is the young master going to do it?

Are they going back?

Lu Shui opened his eyes and sneered in Ziqi's direction:

"Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, come on, kill her."

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