The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 408: Purple Goddess VS Lu Shui

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When Lu Shui's voice fell, he turned his head and looked back, mainly to see Zhenwu and Zhenling.

After all, they are required to take action.

Just turning his head to look at Zhenwu Zhenling, he was a little surprised, the two of them had stepped back a little bit.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Shui asked.

Is this going to leave him running?

"Don't the young master said that someone will come, let us retreat first?" Zhen Wu asked in a low voice.

He just did what the young master said, what's wrong?

"You don't need to retreat now, the other party has killed him.

Go and delay for a while. "Lu Shui's voice was as calm as ever.

It seemed that everything was under his control.

"Yes." Zhen Wu Zhen Ling nodded immediately.

Then the two went in the direction of Ziqi.

According to what they know, this is the purple-clothed goddess, right?

How could the purple-clothed goddess come here suddenly?

Judging from the performance of the young master, the two sides are still in a hostile relationship, which is somewhat different from what they had previously recognized.

But before the shot, they still looked at their young master to see what the young master was doing at this time.

Maybe it's preparing.

Just looking at it, they were a little surprised.

Master, he... ran away?

At this moment Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling were shocked, the young master turned around and ran away, something that had never happened before.

What a mighty young master.

They have seen it with their own eyes.

Is it because the young master has other plans?

It must be so. When did the young master fail in doing things?

Every time I have my own ideas and plans.

Calm and confident.

They didn't think much, but planned to complete their duties and buy time for the young master.

Zhenwu and Zhenling glanced at each other, then nodded.

They want a sword.


As soon as the two nodded, two maces hit the back of their heads.

Then the two fell to the ground with a bang.


Mu Xue fell on Zhen Wu Zhen Ling in the state of a purple-clothed goddess, and then a purple light shrouded them.

Make sure they are not in danger, and make sure they are trapped inside.

Loss of perception, loss of viewing ability, and loss of listening ability.

"Get a good night's sleep."

Mu Xue's voice came out, and then she looked at Lu Shui who was running for her life.

If you are not promising, you will run away directly, and you can only use Tier 2 strength to escape.

Can only use the second order to escape, it is really happy to chase.

Mu Xue looked at the disappearance of Lu Shui, and then disappeared directly in place.

Lu Shui was in a mess. Mu Xue interrupted what he planned for so long.

He just said that Mu Xue didn't show the appearance of beating him recently.

I didn't expect to wait here.

But why is Mu Xue waiting here?

This is unreasonable.

"She knows what I am doing here?"

Lu Shui was a little surprised, he was not sure.

"Perhaps she knew that it would happen that I was educated to be a human being. First, she wanted to help me pass this barrier, and second, she wanted to educate me personally.

Then said that the super magic weapon is hers.

It's reasonable.


Why should I be taught to be a man after I was born again?

Achievement once in a lifetime.

Lu Shui was angry, but if he couldn't beat Mu Xue, he would have suppressed it backhand.

In short, let's run first.

It's just that Lu Shui didn't run long before he felt a purple light appeared in front of him.

The light flashed, and a small fist suddenly came into his eyes.


The opponent punched too fast, and Lu Shui was knocked out without avoiding it.


He was punched in the left eye.

It doesn't hurt, but it can't stop it.

Or it can't be stopped.

It is impossible for him to do this for the second-order, what should he do?

How can we break the game?

Zhenwu Zhenling was so useless, he could not stop Mu Xue.

Lu Shui steadily fell on the ground, staring at Mu Xue who was still in front of him, and said coldly:

"Purple Goddess?

Are you an enemy of me? "

"You took my super magic weapon." Mu Xue's voice came out.

Only some special effects.

You can add more special effects anyway, so you are not afraid of being discovered by me?

Take your magic weapon?

Take it, what's wrong?

"Your super magic weapon is in the back, I just think the treasure is there, and I help guard it, and I don't mean to take it." Lu Shui said immediately.

He felt that he explained clearly enough that everyone should understand it.

"I heard, you said I was ugly?" Mu Xue asked Lu Shui softly.

As for the super magic weapon, I can't talk about Lu Shui, of course I won't talk about it.

Whoever said it was a super magic weapon, just wanted to find a reason to beat him.

Just hit it if you can't find it.

The punch was too light just now, and my eyes didn't swell up.

"Did the goddess hear the rumors? The young master only sees his wife who has not been through the door, and he will not talk about the appearance of others at all." Lu Shui said solemnly.

"Master Lu meant that he didn't put me in his eyes?" Mu Xue's voice came over.

What Lu Shui said was useless, no matter how good it was.

Unless you call your wife on the spot.

She can hit two less punches.

Lu Shui: "..."

"It seems so." Mu Xue's voice sounded again.

Then she took a step forward.

Then appeared in front of Lu Shui.

The fist followed.

Facing this sudden fist, Lu Shui was shocked and stretched out his hand to defend.



Lu Shui covered his eyes and stepped back.

This person couldn't stop it at all.


This punch hurts.

The next moment he felt a little bit unable to open his eyes.

"Wait a minute." Lu Shui immediately reached out his hand to stop.

"What's the matter?" Mu Xue stopped, wanting to see what Lu Shui wanted to say.

"Can I make a call?

I may be dying, and I want to say a few words to my wife who has never been through. Lu Shui continued:

"I don't want her to worry."

Mu Xue said that he was moved by Lu Shui's true feelings:

"You hit it."

It can't get through anyway.

She picked up the phone.

"Thanks a lot."

Thanks, Lu Shui took out his mobile phone and started making a call.

Mu Xue just watched.

Soon, Lu Shui's call was connected.

At this moment, he immediately shouted:

"Father, come and save me, I am going to be killed."

Lu Shui spoke quickly, almost finished in one breath, he thought he would be interrupted.

But after he finished speaking, he was surprised to find that Mu Xue did not interrupt him.

This made him a little puzzled.

He looked at Mu Xue, and when he saw Mu Xue, he motioned for him to continue:

"Aren't you used to calling someone while listening?"

Hearing Mu Xue's voice, Lu Shui felt something was wrong, then took a look at the phone, and found that there was no signal.

In other words, at the moment it was connected, Mu Xue was blocked here.

Shameless and despicable.

Lu Shui hesitated and didn't throw the phone out.

He looked behind Mu Xue, a little excited:

"Elder, save me."

Seeing Mu Xue turning his head, Lu Shui was about to run for the first time.

Just about to leave, found that he couldn't move, he was caught by Hun Yuan Ziqi.


It's over.

"Master Lu will deceive people." Mu Xue came to Lu Shui in an instant.

She knew that the elder must not be here, but she just wanted to look back.

If Lu Shui wanted to lie to her, he would lie to Lu Shui.

Make Lu Shui happy.

Lu Shui wanted to speak, but before he could say anything, his stomach felt as though he had endured a tens of thousands of catties.


The bile has been beaten out.


Then he fell heavily to the ground.

Also rolled two laps by the way.

He clutched his stomach and felt a huge pain.

This punch is too heavy.

"Three punches." Mu Xue's voice came over.

"Master Lu said I was ugly, and I decided to fight 20,000 punches. If Master Lu is still alive, I will let Master Lu leave." Mu Xue came to Lu Shui.

At this time, the land water was lying on the ground, and some couldn't get up.

Mu Xue's punch shut off his strength.

Unless you use the power of heaven and earth, you can't compete with Mu Xue at all now.

Not to mention the second-order surface repair.

Even the real strength of Tier 5 is useless.

Mu Xue beat him like a big child.

But 20,000 punches...

"Is it too much?" Lu Shui asked.

"Bargain, add a punch."

"I have spirit stones, treasures, can I get a discount?"

"Try to buy out the punches and add two hundred punches."


If you want to hit me, just say, what are the excuses for?

Do it, punch me.


Lu Shui cried out in his heart, but didn't say a word.

"It seems that you have no opinion, then I'm going to do it." Mu Xue said softly.

But Lu Shui was lying on the ground now, it was difficult for her to punch.

Then Mu Xue came to the front of Lu Shui. She sat on Lu Shui's belly, looking at Lu Shui's face and said:

"Do you count yourself or do I count for you?"

Isn't it not suitable for you to sit on me like this?

It seems strange.

Is this something strangers do?

However, Lu Shui didn't think much about it, Mu Xue's fist struck him.


The sound was very loud, and the surrounding leaves were directly blown away by the fist wind.

Lu Shui was dumbfounded.

The punch blinded him, but still hit him in the eyes, blindness.

But something more terrifying happened.

He saw countless fists coming in ceaselessly.





The surrounding leaves were blown away continuously, and the ground even broke.

Lu Shui's brain jumped left and right, feeling that he was close to the Dongfang scum.

Mu Xue said something in her mouth:

"Left punch, right punch, uppercut, lowercut.

Tell you to put my book away, tell you not to buy food for me, tell you to leave me alone, tell you to make me angry, tell you to tease me, tell you not to say good things.

Tell you that I am fat..."

After a long time, Lu Shui was beaten into the soil all over his body.

Mu Xue stopped.

She waved her hand, so sour.

At this time, Lu Shui's nose was blue and swollen, and the bridge of his nose was almost beaten crooked.

"Yes, can you not slap your face?"

Lu Shui's voice came out.

He felt the world collapsed.

I don't understand what happened.

Mu Xue's fist was so heavy, but it didn't hurt him at all.

But the pain has not diminished in the slightest.



Knowing that she could not learn to kill herself before, it should leave a loophole in Hunyuan Qi.

commit a sin.

At this time, Lu Shui heard Mu Xue's voice:

"Master Lu, can I stuff you a sock?"

Lu Shui was a little surprised: "????"

Has Mu Xue awakened any hobbies?

Lying on the ground, Lu Shui vaguely saw Mu Xue sitting on him, and then began to take off his socks.

Did not set off the fairy skirt.

Soon the socks were taken off.

"After using one, I only wear one, which feels a bit strange.

What about two? "

Mu Xue opened her mouth as if asking Lu Shui.

Lu Shui: "..."

Why don't you take off your little clothes?

At this moment, Mu Xue just hesitated, then looked at her chest.

Why don't you try?

Lu Shui saw this scene.

"Are you a pervert?" he asked subconsciously.


With a loud noise, Lu Shui was punched into the soil by Mu Xue.

Three points into the ground.

This punch is heavier than all the previous ones combined.

"You are abnormal." Mu Xue blushed and stared at Lu Shui.



"what are you doing?"

In the backyard of the Lu family, jumping up and down, as if looking for something, the second elder asked.

"Lu Shui and Mu Xue started fighting, I'm looking to see if there is a way to take a sneak peek." Jiu said.

The second elder looked at Jiu, she felt that this one true **** knew too much, no wonder she would fall.

It always feels like someone is peeping.

"Who is peeping?" Jiu looked at the second elder and said:

"I never need permission to look at people casually."

"Why did Mu Xue and Lu Shui fight?" the second elder asked curiously.

These two people are more special than the other.

Fighting inexplicably, it always feels abnormal.

"According to what I saw, the result was a unilateral beating.

The reason, of course, is the spouse's taste. "Jiu said.

The second elder no longer asks more.

It does not affect the relationship between the couple.

Anyway, these people have to let them draw a prize.

At this time, the sword intent is looming in the back mountain.

It is the great elder who raises the sword.

"It's so strong." Jiu praised as he looked at the sword intent of the elder.

"Compared with the sword?" the second elder asked curiously.

Jiu shook his head:

"If Jian Yi hadn't died, he might have reached the end of this world.

If you compare the strength of the sword before death, it should still be a bit stronger. "

"Where is the strong?" the second elder asked.

"Tao is difficult to express in words. Let's put it another way." Jiu thought for a while and said:

"Do you know the realm above the Daoist?"

"The legendary realm, the highest heaven?" the second elder asked.

The great elder mentioned it to her once or twice.

She has no idea of ​​this realm.

In the known history of the cultivation world, there is no such existence.

No one knew about it in ancient times, so it's unclear whether it was there at that time.

At least there is no record.

"Well, the legendary realm." Jiu nodded and said:

"The reason why this realm is the realm in the legend is because basically no one can reach this realm.

And the sword can go in.

Xiaowuwei is just qualified to try.

This is the difference. "

"So much difference?" The second elder was a little surprised.

"Not much." Jiu said while sitting in a chair with her feet on her feet.

"Just a little bit.

Only at this point, the entire cultivation world, throughout the ages, only Jian Yi has been on it.

Xiao Wuwei is still young and still has a chance to go up.

Well, there is actually one other person who can be counted, but he was not ranked in the ancient times.

He stayed out of the matter, his way was indisputable, but no one could contend with him. "

"Who?" the second elder asked.

Jiu looked at the second elder, snorted, and said:

"I won't tell you."

Second elder: "..."

Then she bowed her head and continued to organize her elixir.

It's just that not long after she lowered her head this time, she suddenly noticed something.

Suddenly, he looked up at the sky.

"Perceived it?" Jiu said.

Not surprised at all.

"This is... what's going on?" The second elder looked at the sky with a strange feeling.

Feel the world shaking.

Everything is broken.

"The order of heaven and earth is chaotic, and everything is beginning to show signs of collapse.

However, because of the recovery of the world during this period, the chaos was suppressed.

The order remains superficially normal.

The threshold of order has not been broken. "Jiu began to explain.

"Is this what you said?" The second elder was a little unbelievable.

She has a feeling of falling apart.

What is it that can cause such changes in the entire world?

"No, it should be a sign.

Waiting for the world to stabilize is the end of world change.

What happens at that time is the real big thing. "Jiu also looked at the sky:

"And what will happen, I don't know.

The order is chaotic, the avenues are somewhat unstable, and the numerology is even more vague.

Otherwise, I can see how Lu Shui and Mu Xue are fighting. "

The second elder understood a bit, the great elder was constantly gathering strength because of this.

Her cultivation base is weak, so she doesn't know as fast as the elders.

No wonder even the elders feel the crisis.

This is simply a world-class disaster.

But what terrible thing will happen?

"The influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the aura is recovering.

Will the chaos of order not exceed the threshold? "The second elder asked.

When the time comes, the order will collapse, and the place that is not covered by the avenue will be instantly broken.

"Don't worry, not only will it not exceed the threshold, few people in the cultivation world will notice it.

Ordinary people will have some side effects at most.

For example, the signal is chaotic, the sun is relatively large, and the tides are somewhat unusual.

Compared with the obvious phenomenon of a great explosion of spiritual energy in the cultivation world, it is trivial. "Jiu's face was calm.

The second elder believed Jiu's words very much.

Just like when he first saw Jiu, Jiu said.

She believes in Jiu.

There is no basis, just a feeling.

The second elder didn't think much, and continued to deal with the elixir in her hand.

With them in charge of the Lu family, there shouldn't be any major problems.


Kuhai Buddhism.

Xinhuo Gufo looked out of the temple, somewhat surprised.

He felt as if the world was beginning to lose order.

This situation has never been met before.

But the aura is also growing.

Nothing bad happened.

Faced with this strange situation, Xinhuo couldn't see the essence, let alone know the reason for everything.

However, the changes in the world have allowed them to recover better.

"After this great change, it should be the final destination.

I don't know what will happen. "Xinhuo Ancient Buddha declared a Buddha's name and muttered to himself.

He couldn't understand this kind of thing, and Xian Ting and others should not understand either.

No one can perceive the source.

Xinhuo Ancient Buddha looked at the Miao Zun Ancient Buddha who was shrouded in the light of Buddha, and felt somewhat emboldened in his heart.

If he is alone, then it is very difficult.

Although the ancient Buddha of Miao Zun appeared in the next life, it would take a long time to recover to enter the temple.

And with the help of the things left by the ancient Buddha of King Ming, it can be directly restored to the point where it is close to the ancient Buddha of King Ming.

Has the power of ancient Buddha.

Barely within this range.

After all, the number of years that the ancient Buddha of Ming Wang has recovered is very long.

After that, Xinhuo Gufo stopped worrying about it, but just felt the changes outside, and waited until the end of the world's changes.


Above the ice sea, in the glacial lake, the goddess of the ice sea appears again.

She looked at Tiandi and frowned.

The world is a little out of order, as if everything is likely to collapse.

However, this situation has been suppressed again.

"Did heaven and earth evolve, or is there someone in control of it?"

The voice of the goddess of ice sea is a little cold.

She could not know.

But in this situation, it feels like the self-change of heaven and earth.

Because Tiandi felt that there was a problem in the world, it began to recover in advance to block the change.

This is the law of nature.

But all changes must have their roots.

Perhaps after this great change, it's time to see where the source is.

The end of world change should be in these few days.

Maybe it will be tomorrow.


Not only the Buddhism and the gods, but the Taoist masters also looked at the sky.

They cannot understand this situation.

"How can there be such a sudden change between heaven and earth?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the three major forces, they have all been active recently.

The forces that belonged to them began to recover, and for us, it was a great threat. "

There are two different voices in the Taoist school.

"We have known the Lu family for generations, and there should be nothing wrong with the Lu family at this time."

"Well, but this change should come to an end. What exactly caused the change, you should know at that time."

Daozong was communicating, and so was Jian Yifeng.

Nanchuan held the roast chicken in his hand and looked at the sky.

At this time, he was an ordinary disciple of Jian Yifeng.

"There have been many major events in the cultivation world this year. I don't know what terrible things will happen this time."

After that, Nanchuan didn't think much about other things, and couldn't think of the answer when there was no sign of it.

Wait for the final outcome with peace of mind.

Face what needs to be faced.

You don't need to face it, and everyone is happy.

"Ancestor, your complexion is not pretty." Qiao Yunzong Hongsu asked Ningxia.

"There are major events in the cultivation world every year, but there are so many things this year, and one is bigger than one." Ning Xia sighed, shaking her head.

Disorder of heaven and earth can happen.

Now one by one Bacheng will guard their sect at any time.

The order of heaven and earth collapsed and fell into chaos, with a huge impact.

Without great power to maintain order, it is basically impossible to escape death.

"What's the big deal?" Hong Su's cultivation was not enough, and she couldn't perceive the chaos of heaven and earth.

But she could feel the aura increased a lot.

It is really the resurgence of spiritual energy and the awakening of the earth.

"Heaven and earth are beating on the edge of disorder, but the sudden recovery of the earth suppresses chaos.

Nothing has happened yet.

But it's not easy to say if something will happen.

But once the chaos subsides, the world change should come to an end.

At that time, no one knew whether the cultivation world would usher in the source of change. "Ning Xia frowned and was a little worried.

In theory, it will definitely appear.



In the woods, the figure of Lu Shui was flying around and was punched by Mu Xue.

Lu Shui actually said that she was abnormal, too much.


With a loud noise, the land and water hit the tree directly.

The tree is not but Lu Shui's rib is broken.

Mu Xue started too hard.

At this time, the land leaning on the tree trunk lowered his eyebrows and looked at the ground.

There are all injuries on the body.

The other bones are good, but the ribs are broken.

You hit almost 20,000 punches, right?

The soul will be broken up.

At this time Mu Xue came to Lu Shui.

Seeing Mu Xue coming over, Lu Shui only glanced at it slightly before fainting.

"Dizzy?" Mu Xue who came over was a little surprised.

No, Lu Shui shouldn't have any other injuries besides pain and trauma to his body.

Then Mu Xue approached Lushui.

Just as he approached, the corner of Lu Shui's mouth rose.

"Stupid woman, finally approached."

There was a hint of excitement in Lu Shui's heart.

Without hesitation, he raised his arm.

With five fingers clenched, he punched Mu Xue's side face.

Repent, Mu Xue.

Do you really think I am the husband who is at your disposal?

I am now the second-year-old junior in the Lu family, and there is nothing I dare not fight.

boom! ! !

This punch was three inches from Mu Xue's face.

Can't deposit anymore.


Broken five-finger bones.

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