The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 480: Celebration book fire

Before dawn.

Mu Xue opened her eyes and planned to get up to make some breakfast. Lu Shui hadn't eaten her breakfast for a long time.

Just when I wanted to get up, I felt my hair was pulled.


Some pain.

She reluctantly lay down again.

Then he looked at Lu Shui who was sleeping with her back facing her.

When I woke up in the morning, what I saw was not a face, it seemed that I didn't want to see my wife.

Make a note.

But you have to get up first before remembering.

She pushed Lushui:

"Master Lu, you are pressing my hair again."

Lu Shui, who was originally sleeping, opened his eyes, then turned around and looked at Mu Xue. He condensed scissors in his hands:

"Miss Mu, it's time to cut your hair."

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui coldly, her voice a little cold:

"Master Lu, you dare to move my hair and have a look."

Today she will be able to let Lu Shui have a meal and open his mouth.

"What's so good about long hair?" Lu Shui sat up, no longer holding down Mu Xue's long hair.

Only then did Mu Xue tidy up her hair, and then simply tied it up.

It fell apart last night.

"I'm getting married soon, how can I marry someone with short hair?" Mu Xue glared at Lu Shui.

The cultivation world has lived a long time ago, and everyone is accustomed to long hair.

Married is not long hair, it always feels out of touch.

It seems that he is not a person of the same age.

Although it is not of the same era, Mu Xue also likes long hair.

In the last life, he was the long-haired self, which Lu Shui liked.

She doesn't want to use short hair when she marries.

What if Lu Shui doesn't look amazing with his long hair?

Great days are just like the last life.

"That's right." Mu Xue suddenly looked at Lu Lu channel:

"Master Lu thinks that when I get married, shouldn't I be more serious?"

"Huh?" Lu Shui was stunned and said immediately:

"Miss Mu, sometimes you should laugh or laugh. Relax on the wedding day and don't be so serious."

"Humph!" Mu Xue turned her head and looked to the side:

"I won't laugh, Master Lu, laugh yourself."

Then Mu Xue arranged her dress and planned to leave.

"By the way, Master Lu gets up early. I have to make breakfast and remember to come and help." Mu Xue turned into purple light and disappeared in place.

Lu Shui: "..."

I feel like I'm losing out.

Mu Xue doesn't laugh, how can this work?

The favorability level is so high, he will suffer a blood loss.


In the early morning, Lu Shui came to the yard where Mu Xue was and waited for Mu Xue to come out.

But for a while, Mu Xue came to Lu Shui in a long-sleeved dress, her hair tied with a wide red hair band.

It looks a lot like a cook.

"Master Lu has been waiting for a long time?" Mu Xue asked.

"It's been three minutes." Lu Shui nodded slightly:

"It's been a while."

Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui, said nothing, took out her notebook and remembered it.

Execution of justice tonight.

When she remembered it, she looked at the landing channel:

"What will Master Lu want to eat?"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs." Lu Shuidao.

Mu Xue nodded, expressing her understanding:

"Okay, just eat mushroom and lean meat porridge."

Lu Shui: "..."


Lu Shui helped Mu Xue wash the things she needed, and then took out all the tools.

"Miss Mu, please."

At this time, Mu Xue was also scouring the rice and cooking.

Just ready to catch the land water.

She stretched out her hand and asked Lu Shui to fold up the fallen sleeves.

Lu Shui folds up Mu Xue's sleeves very carefully.

At this time, Mu Xue started to cut meat and shiitake mushrooms.

Lu Shui sat and watched, he had nothing to do.

"Master Lu, see how I cut vegetables, you will have to cook them for me in the future." Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui stared at Mu Xue and nodded:

"it is good."

After Mu Xue finished cutting, he looked at Lu Shui beside his eyes, and Lu Shui was still staring at her at this time.

"Master Lu, do you understand how to cut meat?"

"Huh? Finished cutting?"

"Master Lu, concentrate."

"I'm very attentive, I'm paying attention to Miss Mu."


Do you think that if you praise me, I can let you go?

"Then I will teach you next time." Mu Xue said with a smile.

It is also very happy to teach Lu Shui.

But it seems to have been taught in the previous life.

Yes, Lu Shui remembers very clearly that Mu Xue had taught him many times in his previous life.

Not at all.

It's just that Mu Xue said that he would cook, but in fact he didn't give him a chance at all.

So he never learns, just watch Mu Xue.

It's much happier than looking at the formations of heaven and earth...

For a while, Lu Shui came back to his senses, did he fall into Mu Xue's beauty scheme?

Actually not to become stronger, ran to indulge in beauty.

how come?

Just look at Mu Xue.

Look at it for a while.

After a long time.

Holding a bowl of porridge, Lu Shui watched Mu Xue leave.

"Master Lu, you have to finish eating before I come back." Mu Xue said that she went to Aunt Tang's courtyard.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue had already had a bowl of porridge just now.

However, Muxue left him a bowl again, regardless of whether he drinks it or not.

Lu Shui finds a quiet place and drinks porridge while reading a book.

By the way, have some side dishes made of muxue.

It's also leisurely.

His cultivation is very close to 6.3, and he should be able to achieve it tomorrow.

There are almost no days wasted.

The main reason was that Mu Xue was not around a few days ago, so his advancement speed has been very stable.

Although there will be an impact now, most of the impact will be at night.

It's also okay.

"As the realm improves, intuition becomes stronger and stronger."

Lu Shui looked helplessly at the formation of heaven and earth.

So far, he has not been able to successfully slap his instinct.

It seems that it is certain that he will be promoted directly to the seventh rank.

"I don't know if Mu Xue has this kind of intuition."

"should not."

Mu Xue had no cultivation base, so she wouldn't have this kind of intuition.

This is very difficult.

But their numerology is almost connected, if the intuition is strong enough, it can affect Mu Xue.

Lu Shui stopped thinking about it, and looked at the formations of heaven and earth with peace of mind.

Regarding the altar, all those who should participate have already participated, and now we are waiting for the result.

At the latest in December, he will resolve the three stars in the sky.

There is enough time for them to finish. If they don’t finish, they probably didn’t care about it.

Fortunately, it can reduce a lot of spirit stones.


Perhaps those who are spiritual stones will be more desperate.

After all, the spirit stone is real, and the problem is a little fictitious.

Thinking of this, Lu Shui thought of Lan Yeguo, and seemed to have not asked them about their situation.

Taking out the Hall of Valor, Lu Shui summoned the old man Guying.

Soon, the figure of the old lonely shadow appeared in front of Lu Shui.


The old man Guying bowed his head and spoke respectfully.

"Is the altar prepared?" Lu Shui asked.

If it doesn't, it won't actually be used.

The Worm Valley Million Altar, the Pure Land is not bad, and so is the Kraken.

In short, there are many large households.

He definitely has no shortage of altars.

However, the Blue Night Country is more special, and that place should be able to provide a lot of nectar.

Of course, the Blue Night Kingdom has a certain connection with the natural gods, so it is easy to be discovered.

Even Lu Shui had to take a trip to the Kongming Sea in person to be relieved.

"It's ready, just wait for the king's order." Old Man Guying said.

How dare they hesitate for a moment about the king? The altar was taken out on the same day.

If it weren't for danger, they could get countless altars out.

Make a way for the king.

Lu Shui: "..."

This is definitely the fastest one.

"Where are the coordinates?" Lu Shui asked.

He needs coordinates so that the undead can receive it.

The old man Guying didn't dare to hesitate. After he informed the coordinates, he immediately said:

"Wang, although the Blue Night Country is dangerous, we can actually leave the Blue Night Country."

All soldiers in the Hall of Heroes are willing to die for the king.

They have no fear and no regrets.

"No, it's enough." Lu Shui shook his head.

After hesitating, he took out an invitation:

"Remember the wedding?"

Lu Shui looked at the old man Guying, and thought it was okay to invite him now.

I said it last time, but the invitation was not posted.

It’s okay to reissue the invitation now.

"At the beginning of the year, I remember it very clearly." The old man Guying answered immediately.

How could they forget the wedding of the king and the queen?

This incident caused a sensation in their Blue Night Country.

At that time, they will all do their best to celebrate the whole country.

"The wedding is ahead." Lu Shui wrote the three words Lan Yeguo on the invitation, and then handed it to the old man Guying:

"Don't worry too much, just come with a few free people, don't affect them to rest."

The people in the Hall of Valor really need to sleep.

As for the people of Blue Night Country, they are not in the same world with the outside world, and it is not good to disturb them.

It will have a big impact.

Many things require a process.

Every place has its direction. Let's see where they can go in the future.

In the end, who can go further is unknown.

"Change, change the time?" The old man Guying was a little surprised that their gifts were still being prepared. If it was too early, it would be too late.

He looked at the time and breathed a sigh of relief.

There are still thirty or forty days, too late.

There is still plenty.

As for what Wang said, don't disturb others...

For the quota, they have chosen for a long time.

There was a fight.

One by one, there is no sound at ordinary times, and this time is alive and well.

They can only come to nine at most, and more will not be suitable.

Nine are actually too many.

"Well, it's almost two months early, will it affect you?" Lu Shui asked.

"No effect." The old man Guying shook his head.

This naturally does not affect.

"Good." Lu Shui nodded slightly:

"After that, I will go to the Kongming Sea to make sure that the altar on your side is okay.

It's good to attend the wedding on time, don't be embarrassed. "

"Yes, Wang." The old man Guying bowed his head respectfully.

Then Lu Shui let the old man Guying go back.

Naturally, Lan Yeguo wanted to ask, which helped him a lot.

After that, Lu Shui continued to read, and there shouldn't be anyone who needs him to contact him personally.

Lao Zhangren needn't please.

Mingyue, please don't move.


South city.

On the street stalls.

"The boss comes to root hot dogs, yes, the cheapest kind."

Chuyu's voice sounded.

While reading the book, Jian Luo glanced at Chu Yu and said:

"If you don't have money, you have to give it to others to eat, and you have to face and suffer."

"You a fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks in the world, what do you know?" Chu Yu took the hot dog and looked at Jian Luo, and said:

"This is called interpersonal relationship, and senior is a great ability.

Let's respect it, and the senior will remind us if there is danger next time. "

Jian Luo snorted coldly, and then continued reading her book.

She wants to graduate successfully.

Naturally it takes effort.

She has bought what she wants, and it will be there in a few days.

You don't need to look at Chuyu's face when you buy things, it feels much better than before.

"Speaking of which you don't even buy clothes?" Chu Yu asked curiously, looking at Jian Luo's school uniform.

Jian Luo is just two sets of clothes.

The rest are lighter clothes, which tend to be ancient costumes. There are some fairy skirts, but they are not suitable for wearing.

Swords seldom wear fairy skirts when they go out, especially when they need to do it.

She doesn't need to use hands, she appears brainless, if she needs to use hands, she is not so brainless.

Jian Luo glanced at Chu Yu, but did not speak.

Two hundred yuan is not enough.

"Understood, no money." Chuyu expressed his understanding, and he had also felt it.

"Aren't you on fire?" Jian Luo looked at Chu Yu and said:

"I'll trade the spirit stone for you."

"Go and leave a message for my old book, saying that the next book will be popular." Chu Yu said.

"Ill." Jian Luo replied calmly.

Then took out the phone and left a word.

"Okay." Jian fell.

Chu Yu was a little surprised. He looked at the phone and found that there was indeed an additional message: logic is chaotic, and the heroine is still abused, rubbish, cut it, the next version will become popular.

Chu Yu turned to look at Jian Luo.

Jian Luo dodged his gaze, not daring to look at Chu Yu.

His face was red.

"We will discuss logic in the lobby tonight." Chu Yu said.

There is no time for discussion at this time, and it is time for school.

Jian Luo didn't speak, and looked down at the book.

Not long after, Chuyu came to the window of the security room and naturally saw the uncle security who was preparing to eat instant noodles.

"Uncle, I want to ask you something." Chu Yu handed the hot dog in and said:

"Can I get fire this time?"

Uncle Security looked at Chu Yu and nodded:

"Congratulations, there is going to be a big fire."

"Hey." Chuyu smiled and said:

"Uncle you are polite."

"False." An empty voice came.

Of course, no one cares.

Uncle Security looked at Chu Yu and said:

"There is a sentence that you need to pass on for me."

At this time, he put the hot dog into the instant noodles and added meals, which was really good.

"What is it?" Chuyu asked curiously.

"A drop of blood from the undead can help him." Uncle Security said.

"Good." Although Chu Yu didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, he nodded and said:

"I'll talk to them later."

Then Chuyu and the others disappeared in the security room window.

Uncle Security looked at the direction Chuyu was leaving, a little surprised.

"What kind of opportunity is it? You can actually make money by writing books."



In the early morning of the next day, Lu Shui left Mu's house with Mu Xue.

This trip goes to Dongfang's home.

Dongfang's home is not too far from Mu's home, it can be reached before the sun goes down.

"Sister bye." Yalin waved and shouted.

A look of unwillingness.

Mu Xue also waved goodbye.

Seeing Yalin hugged the Fire Cloud Beast tightly and waved, Mu Xue wanted to laugh.

At this time, the fire cloud beast was almost strangled to death by Yalin.

After a while, Mu Xue couldn't see Yalin and the others.

But I will be back soon, so there is nothing.

When I came back, I would play with Yalin and the others for a while.

It's about a month.

This trip took about seven days.

That's only the middle of the month.

There is still a month left to marry.

"Master Lu, won't Zhen Ling go with us?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

Zhenling is not the same train with them.

"When I go back to prepare things, I will wait for us in Qiaoyunzong in advance." Lu Shui explained.

Mu Xue nodded.

She has heard from the head of the goddess that many people want spirit stones, and if the goddess sect invites people on such a large scale, it will definitely be too much.

It consumes too much.

Mu Xue didn't care about this, and the Lu family started to consume it.

In fact, there is nothing to the Lu family.

The Lu Family's resources are more than others thought.

Those spirit medicines in Houshan are not something that spirit stones can buy casually.

Not to mention there is still an enlightenment tea.

The little spiritual stone that Lu Shui consumed was nothing.

It's just not easy to take out. Although the Lu family doesn't restrict land water, they can't take it casually.

Of course, it will be easier to get it in person.

No one dared to ask.

Who can question what Lu Shui said?

Tell the patriarch at most.

The patriarch didn't say anything, and they couldn't say anything.

"Master Lu, would you like Cha Cha to give her an invitation?" Mu Xue sat beside Lu Shui, planning to discuss it with Lu Shui.

"Why?" Lu Shui was a little curious.

What invitation does Dongfang scum want?

Can't the door go in?

Give me a break.

Affiliated members of the Lu family may not know him as a young master, but seldom do not know Dongfang scum.

What's the use of invitations for this kind of person?

And isn't one of hers enough?

"Probably to show off to her brothers and sisters." Mu Xue thinks this possibility is very high.

"You told her that if you have an invitation, you need to pay the money, and ask her if the money is ready?" Lu Shui said.

"Well, Chacha said that she had advanced pocket money for several years." Mu Xue said with a smile.

Lu Shui: "..., doesn't she feel bad about it?"

"Chacha said that he was robbed when he went out, so he was robbed by Master Lu, it's nothing." Mu Xue leaned on Lu Shui, her voice smiling.

Okay, Lu Shui has nothing to say.

Give her one.

"Right." Mu Xue suddenly sat up:

"Master Lu, take out your invitation and invite Chacha father to write your name. Have you written it?"

"Mother wrote it to me." Lu Shui handed the invitation to Mu Xue.

Both Qiaoyunzong and Dongfang family gave it to Mu Xue.

"Mother's writing is really beautiful." Mu Xue was a little admired.

She actually wrote very well, but she couldn't compare it with Niang He Cha Cha.

I don't know why, they write very well.

"Miss Mu, do you want to write?" Lu Shui took out the other invitations.

To write, it just happened that Mu Xue could do it all for him.

It's just that Mu Xue also took out a few invitations, and put them on Lu Shui's invitations:

"At that time, we will let Chacha write together to make her happy.

At that time, she can talk to the invited peers and say that their names are all written by her. "

Lu Shui: "..."

The Eastern scum is going to float.

In the evening.

Lu Shui sighed while looking at Mu Xue who was asleep leaning on him.

sleeping Beauty.

"Miss Mu, get up, here it is."

Seeing that Mu Xue didn't respond, Lu Shui started to pinch Mu Xue's nose.

Just as soon as he squeezed it down, Mu Xue opened her eyes, then grabbed Lu Shui's hand with both hands, and whispered:

"Master Lu, shouldn't you give her a kiss to wake up Mei Jiao's wife?"

"Miss Kemu is beautiful without showing her tenderness." Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue shook her fist, then bit Lu Shui's shoulder with her mouth.

Lu Shui: "..."

He guarded his stomach, but he did not expect to bite his shoulder.

After a while, the train stopped.

Lu Shui pulled Mu Xue and started to get off the car.

I have all sent invitations together, so holding hands is normal.

"Cousin-in-law, cousin-in-law, here and here."

The voice of Dongfang scum came over.

Lu Shui and the others looked over and found Dongfang Zuzha jumping and waving his hands in the crowd.

There are so many people here.

This is Lu Shui's first feeling.

Soon the land water took the landing water to the Dongfang slag.

Dongfang Chacha wears a blindfold, with a flower biting on his head.

Stand behind the crowd and wait for the cousin to come over.

When she saw her cousin coming over, Chacha subconsciously took out her phone and took a photo.


The photo was taken.

It's a photo of Lu Shui's cousin holding his wife out of the crowd. It looks good.

"What are you taking?" Mu Xue asked when she came to Dongfang Chacha.

"This." Dongfang Chacha showed Mu Xue the picture:

"Cousin, are you looking better again?"


Mu Xue flicked Cha Cha's forehead and said:

"Let's go, go home."

Then pass the photo to her.

"Oh." Dongfang Chacha touched his forehead, and then led the way.

Then I spoke quietly:

"Cousin, let me tell you a secret, it's an internal channel..."

Lu Shui did not walk behind this time, but was next to Mu Xue, listening to the two men chatting.

Then I heard the altar, and then heard that three people can get three rewards for making an altar.

Finally, he found that one person priced five sixth-grade spirit stones, but three people participated, that was the price of one seventh-grade spirit stone.

Lu Shui: "..."

I hope others will be smart and don't do this kind of thing.

In fact, at the beginning, an altar can be counted as three or four people. He uses the degree of causality to calculate.

Those who participate in the construction, as long as they participate in a quarter, can ask questions here.

However, a bunch of spiritual stones appeared in the end.

However, for safety's sake, they are all one altar per person.

After thinking about this, Lu Shui was quite curious, where did Dongfang Zha know this?

Who leaked the wind?

Of course, one more is not much.

"Cousin, do you think you will be targeted?" Dongfang Chacha looked at Mu Xue and said:

"I built the altar on a mountain far away and hidden it with a formation."

"It should be no problem." Mu Xue said with a smile.

So far, it will naturally not affect Dongfangjia.

And the tea is not guarded, so it is safe.

Even if someone destroys the altar, it will not harm Chacha and the others. It is indeed safe.

The cousin said so, and Dongfang Chacha was relieved.

The cousin must be right.

For a while.

When he arrived at Dongfang's house, Dongfang Chacha took Lu Shui and Mu Xue to a yard.

"Daddy said that this is the old aunt's yard. It is often cleaned and the contents are still very clean." Dongfang Chacha pointed to the middle room and said:

"I went in to see, there are photos of my aunt when she was young."

Upon hearing this, Lu Shui and Mu Xue both looked curious, and then went inside.

The three of Xiangyu naturally waited outside.


"Doesn't it look good?"

Qiao Yunzong, Ning Xia looked at the second elder who was wearing a casual cheongsam and asked.

The cheongsam has a pattern, which is not conspicuous and does not feel too monotonous.

The temperament is completely different from before no pockets. "Second elder's calm voice, no joy or anger can be heard.

"Wow, Xiao Xiaoting is even cuter.

It's like a porcelain doll. "Jiu sat on the side and looked at the second elder with his hands on his cheeks.

"Is the porcelain doll cute?" The second elder looked at Jiu and asked in his heart.

"Xiao Xiaoting, you are not cute anymore." Jiu said with a smile.

Then he came to the second elder and poked the second elder in the face.


Ningxia sat on the side, looked at the second elder, and said:

"It looks good without pockets. By the way, I have business matters to ask you now."

"What is it?" The second elder knew that something must be happening to Ningxia.

"It's related to Liuhuo." Ning Xia said softly.

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