Rain pavilion by the lake.

Ningxia sat in front of the embroidery, still doing what she had been doing for many years.

Except for Ningxia, there are only the second elders in the pavilion wearing cheongsam-style clothing, trying to find a place to let go.

But the clothes Ningxia made for her didn't even have a pocket.

Then she took out the white coat and put it on.

There are pockets now.


Sure enough, it feels good to wear this.

"Is it so comfortable to wear this kind of clothes every day?" Ning Xia was a little puzzled.

I don’t know how many years I have worn it.

The second elder didn't care, but sat opposite Ningxia and said:

"Why do you want to talk about it all of a sudden?

Qiao Yunzong intends to make an exception to accept him? "

"Of course not." Ningxia shook her head, holding a needle and said:

"Qiao Yunzong should not break this kind of example.

As for why we should talk about Flowing Fire. "

Speaking of this, Ningxia put the needle on the needle ball and said:

"The last time Lu Wuwei came, he told me one thing.

He said that this time I might be interested in attending the Lu family wedding. "

"It's okay if you don't have to go," the second elder said directly.

She doesn't welcome Ningxia.

"But what Lu Wuwei told me really made me interested." Ning Xia put her hand in front of her, looking at the second elder and said:

"So I want to ask you."

"What did the great elder tell her?" the second elder asked in his heart.

"I don't know." Looking at Ningxia's embroidery, Jiu said casually:

"I am a true god, and you cannot expect me to be omniscient and omnipotent.

And the answer is right in front of you, what do you ask me to do? "

I don't want to ask Ningxia.

This is the second elder's idea.

As for the clothes Ningxia gave, she would naturally accept it.

This is different from hating Ningxia.

"I don't know." The second elder said directly.

Ningxia looked relaxed, not very concerned:

"Lu Wuwei said you know more. If you don't tell me, just stay with me to celebrate the New Year.

I will make you your favorite food..."

"Stop talking, let me say." The second elder interrupted Ning Xia.

Ningxia stopped and waited for the second elder to speak.

"What did the great elder tell you?" the second elder asked.

"Liuhuo belongs to your family.

I don't need to talk about it later, right? "Ningxia said softly.

Some things are important, even if there is her power around, she does not intend to make it clear.

"That's it." The second elder nodded.

Ningxia looked a little surprised at the elder, and then said:

"The altar is that he wants to deal with the three stars in the sky?"

"Yes, his strength has not surpassed the great elder, but he has the ability to surpass, he can't do it in the face of three stars.

Doesn't it mean he can't help it.

The altar is his counterattack. "The second elder said.

"Why would Lu Wuwei say that you know more?" Ning Xia was curious about this.

"I have an omniscient and omnipotent friend." The second elder said directly.

At this time, Jiu stood beside the second elder, with his head high, very proud.

Ningxia looked at the second elder in surprise:

"All-knowing and all-powerful? What about the purple-clothed goddess?

Does your friend know who she is? "

The second elder took a deep look at Ningxia, then took out the invitation to open it, and put it in front of Ningxia and said:

"Give you."

"I don't necessarily go if you give it to me." Ning Xia said.

She didn't want to go.

"It's not for you to go." The second elder's voice was very calm:

"I'm telling you the answer."

"Answer?" Ningxia was stunned, then she looked at the name on the invitation.

Then he looked at the second elder in an incredible way.

"Won't you tell me that Liu Huo and the purple-clothed goddess are husband and wife?"

"Isn't it a perfect match?"


Ning Xia was a little suspicious of life for a while.

The second elder looked at Ningxia, and suddenly understood why the elder had told Ningxia.

People of their level are proud to let Ningxia see how powerful her younger generation is.

Others have no interest in telling.

After a long silence, Ning Xia said with a serious expression:

"How about letting Mu Xue join Qiaoyunzong?"

Second elder: "..."

"Xiao Xiaoting, Xiao Xiao Xia is digging the foot of the wall." Jiu said with a wary face:

"Don't be fooled by her."

"Is there anything else?" The second elder directly ignored the question.

"Tell them about the two, listen to their legend." Ningxia said.

The second elder looked at Jiu, she didn't know much.

And nine out of ten people know it.

Jiu knows what anyone has witnessed.

Otherwise, even Jiu can only guess.

The special nature of Lu Shui made it impossible for Jiu to watch it directly.

After all, she is dead, leaving a trace of power.

"Seeing you sincerely ask questions, I will show you compassion.

I am the only true God of heaven and earth.

Through the vast years.

For love and peace..."


"Does it feel good? Repeat it again and add the action, and I will tell you the story about Lu Shui becoming a flowing fire and Mu Xue becoming a goddess in purple clothes.

Including the motivation of the land and water, as well as the experience.

Wounded and left blood.

Made a move and killed the enemy.

Climb to the top, view the mountains and rivers.

Standing in the world, the legendary story of the invincible world. "




Lu Shui looked at the photos of his mother when he was a child, a little surprised.

In the photo, his mother is sitting in the pavilion reading a book, quiet and elegant, looking from the side, giving people a sense of tranquility.

Then he looked at the photo on the side, and it was her mother who looked over, as if she had spotted the person taking the photo.

There was a slight smile on his face.


Subtle yet stunning.

"My mother was quiet when she was a child, but how did she change when she grew up?" Lu Shui sighed inwardly.

No matter how you look at her mother, she is the kind of quiet eldest lady.

But in Lu's family, her mother is particularly unreliable and loves to make fun of people very much.

Especially his son.

He had nothing to say teasingly.

But when my mother was young, there were definitely a lot of people who proposed marriage.

Fortunately, the old man is strong and has a solid background.

Otherwise, you might not be able to marry your mother.

"Look, there are my pictures here, I secretly put them in." Dongfang Chacha handed Mu Xue a picture of her.

Lu Shui looked over and didn't disappoint him. He was an Oriental scum who squinted and laughed a little lacking in wisdom.

I've been like this since I was young.

"Chacha was cute when I was young." Mu Xue said, looking at the photo.

It's really cute.

Dongfang Chacha scratched his head in embarrassment, and said:

"Daddy often praises me like that. I was so cute when I was a kid, but how can I be so annoying when I grow up."

"It seems that Daddy Cha Cha loves Cha Cha very much." Mu Xue responded with a smile.

"Yeah, yes, my dad loves me so much that he doesn't hit me.

Every time I handed the whip to my mother, let her beat me. "Chacha nodded, agreeing very much with what my sister-in-law said.

Lu Shui: "..."

The two chatting felt like they were not on the same channel.

After visiting the room photos, Lu Shui and Mu Xue began to choose other rooms in the yard, and then they stood side by side.

Only separated by a wall.

"Cousin, what do you want to eat tonight? I will go to the kitchen myself." Dongfang Chacha said.

"You can cook?" Lu Shui asked in surprise.

"No." Dongfang Chacha looked at Lu Shui's cousin and said:

"I'll go to the kitchen to find my mother, let her do it.

My mother said that my talent is all about eating dishes, and everyone likes diners like me. "

Lu Shui: "..."

What you can eat or what you can’t eat is delicious.

"By the way, are Chacha's father and mother busy?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

I haven't seen it for so long since coming today.

"I don't know, but they said they will come over during dinner." Dongfang Chacha sat at the table, feeling a little hungry.

Then she took the bean sprouts from the head and fed a fruit to the bean sprouts.

The bean sprouts are so delicious, she is not so hungry.

The bean sprouts are almost full. If she is hungry, she is not as good as bean sprouts.

Lu Shui didn't know what uncle and aunt were up to.

But he didn't care.

It's impossible to go to Qiaoyunzong today anyway.

It doesn't matter if it's a day or two late.

"Chacha." Mu Xue took a stack of invitations from Lu Shui and put it on the table:

"Want to write?"

"This, I write?" Dongfang Chacha looked excited.

She is very good at writing.

My mother often praised her for her culinary talent can be one-tenth of the writing skills.

"Yeah." Mu Xue nodded slightly, then looked at Lu Shui:

"Master Lu thinks so too, right?"

Lu Shui nodded without speaking.

Dongfang Chacha looked at Mu Xue, and then quietly asked:

"Can my cousin take off her blindfold and write?

There is momentum. "

Mu Xue naturally agreed.

Where there is her, Cha Cha's blindfold is taken off casually without any problems.

Then Dongfang Chacha took off the blindfold and began to write invitations with a pen.

Write your name on the first one.

Oriental tea tea.

"Dongfang Zhazha?" Lu Shui looked at Dongfang Zhazha's words, and felt that Dongfang Zhazha made a typo?

"It's Chacha." Dongfang Chacha corrected it, then picked up the invitation and said:

"This is my invitation."

Then handed the invitation to Mu Xue, saying:

"Cousin, leave it to me, I'll go and drink the wedding wine of cousin."

Lu Shui: "....."

Shouldn't it be me please?

"Don't you let Master Lu please?" Mu Xue asked.

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha curiously said:

"But it is against the rules for my cousin Lu Shui to ask me, and it is against the rules for my cousin to ask me."

Lu Shui and Mu Xue were startled.

When did you sort these out?

But Mu Xue didn't say anything, but gave the invitation to the tea ceremony:

"Fairy Dongfang, remember to be there on time."

Dongfang Chacha accepted the invitation with excitement.

Especially happy.

Mu Xue also smiled when she looked at it.

Lu Shui didn't say anything, there were still many invitations left to write.

However, the character of Oriental Tea Tea carries a sense of merit.

It is because of the eyes, it seems that opening your eyes and writing will really make the words more powerful.


In front of that reading note, they are all novices.

Go back and let my mother see it.

"Whose name still needs to be written?" Dongfang Chacha carefully put away the invitation, and then asked Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

The name of the invitation is written by her, and she can show off for a long time.

"I'll just have two, one for Tiannvzong and the other for Sea-Monster." Mu Xue thought about it, then said:

"Oh, and Fairy Qianyin and Huanhuan."

"Little fat girl, five hundred million." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

She remembered that the little fat girl was deceived by 500 million.

"Well, let's add another One True God." Mu Xue thought of another person to invite.

"The true **** is here too." Dongfang Chacha couldn't be happy for a while.

The true **** would attack her and beat her head-on.

Reasonable also beat.

When she was invincible in the world, she first refuted Xiang Yu, then challenged her cousin Lu Shui, and then went to fight with the true god.

After a while, I asked Liu Huo, when will she be invincible.


Mu Xue lightly flicked Cha Cha's forehead:

"Don't be distracted."

"Oh." Dongfang Chacha said, and then began to write.

There were very few people invited by Mu Xue, and five cards were needed for a full play. After Chacha finished writing and Mu Xue had read it without any problems, she gave the invitation to Ding Liang.

Ding Liang didn't understand why the lady would invite the Heavenly Nvzong and the Sea-Monster, but there was nothing to think about.

As long as the lady does not go to water the flowers at night, the problem is not big.

The taro actually didn't understand, but he didn't care.

Miss Mu was also a Tianjiao before, so it's normal to know some powerful people.

Zhenwu fully understood what was going on, but he didn't say anything.

He has collected a map of Dongfang's house, which is convenient for young masters and grandmothers to find people, or the kitchen.

The surrounding facilities have also been figured out.

The only trouble for a person is that it is not easy to purchase surrounding specialty products.

Prevent the young master and young grandmother from having to eat.

Finally, if you don’t eat it, take it back and resell it.

Will not increase the cost of going out in vain.

"What else?" Dongfang Chacha looked at Lu Shui expectantly.

Waiting for more names.

"Who does Master Lu want to invite?" Mu Xue asked, looking at Lu Shui.

In this way, we can know what Lu Shui has done.

Dongfang Chacha also looked at Lu Shui, of course, without urging.

This will disturb Lu Shui's cousin thinking about a name.

Lu Shui hesitated for a moment, and finally said:

"First, the only true God of heaven and earth, Jiu."

Dongfang Chacha froze for a moment, and then said:

"Do you want to write the first five characters too?"

"Six words." Lu Shui corrected it, then said:

"Write it all."

Dongfang Chacha broke his fingers, then suddenly realized that he began to write.

Mu Xue was a little surprised, thinking about it, she could also invite it, but she hired the only one, leaving it to Lu Shui.

"Okay." Dongfang Chacha looked at Lu Shui and waited for the next one.

Mu Xue took the invitation and checked whether it was wrong.

"Dao Zong, Jian Yi." Lu Shui continued.

"Okay." Dongfang Chacha looked at Lu Shui again.

"Xianshan, heavenly secret."

"Magic repair, blood dust."

"Heavenly Spirit Race, Ji Xun."

"Undead, Gu Li."

"Yue Clan, Mingyue."

Lu Shui listed the names of these people.

Each one can be invited.

Sword One is not good, but the invitation is still to be sent.

Heavenly secret, don't say blood dust.

Ji Xun can also send it.

Gu Li may be able to find them, although they will disappear completely before the wedding.

But it doesn't matter whether the sender can arrive.

Mingyue, too.

At least let the other person know.

This is what he thinks of now.

I don't even mention the day of my wedding, it's unkind.

Therefore, he prepared an invitation for all the people he met.

Dongfang Chacha feels that these people don't know each other, and they look amazing.

Does my cousin Lu Shui know so many amazing people?

Mu Xue was also a little surprised.

These are not the current people, right?

The Moon Clan Mingyue should be the one opposite the origin stone.

Only then did Mu Xue discover how far the land and water are involved.

"Anything else?" Dongfang Chacha asked in a low voice.

These powerful names shocked her.

Does she have to add a prefix too?

The goddess of thick earth, oriental tea tea.

At this time, Lu Shui spoke again.

"Toothache fairy."



"Ye Xin, Blue Bird."

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha is a little surprised, why is it so ordinary all at once?

I was almost coaxed by my cousin Lu Shui just now.

Mu Xue looked at Chacha boldly again, a little funny.

"What else?" Cha Cha's voice had enough confidence.


"Nie Hao."


"Xu Fang."

"Qiao Ye."

"Sword up."

"Shi Ming."

Lu Shui stopped and let Dongfang Chacha continue to write.

Mu Xue discovered that Lu Shui knew so many people.

"How did Master Lu know these people?" Mu Xue asked.

"I met when I went out." Lu Shui watched Mu Xue check the invitation, and said:

"The three elders often let me go out to practice, all of which I met on the road."

"Sister Jianqiu, Fairy Jianluo, do you want to write?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

"Is there a difference?" Lu Shui asked.

Jian Luo Jianqi is not in the family?

"If you don't write, you feel excluded and laughed at by people she knows.

But Jianqi wrote it, it is not suitable to write the name in front. "Dongfang Chacha feels a bit distressed.

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Who got married?

"Write it with Chuyu, I remember they should live together." Finally, Lu Shui still added Jian Luo's name.

But not with Jianqi, let Chuyu's place.

Dongfang Chacha didn't think much about it, so naturally he wrote the names of Chuyu and Jianluo on an invitation.

Looking at Mu Xue, she always felt that it was easier to be laughed at?

However, it's okay.

We all live together, maybe this one is better.

"Ming Yuzhong and Mu Ran should write it directly," Lu Shui said again.

"There is Miao Tong."

"There is also a Mo Xiu Ji'an and Mo Xiu nowadays."

"Add the deep sea dragon."

"Oh, and Li Qianchi, talk to He Yuye."

"Finally, Tianji Building."

"Oh, Kun, write it too."

Lu Shui thought about it carefully, there should be no more.

All the people who should be invited have been invited.

There is roughly no leakage. If there is any leakage, make up later.

"Huh, finally finished." Dongfang Chacha breathed a sigh of relief.

She saw a few familiar people.

Take a picture and post it to them.

For example, Jianluo Fairy.

Mu Xue looked at the list and found that Lu Shui had invited more people than her.

When the female head and they came that day, would they feel that she, the goddess, was a little withdrawn?

Not even a friend.

Well, it's all caused by land and water.

But after thinking about it, when she didn't know Lu Shui, she didn't know anyone.

There is no one to invite.

Now there are five or six, which is not easy.

But is it really okay to use the name of Goddess?

Have to think about it.



"My son has already arrived at Dongfang's house. If I go to Qiaoyunzong in two days, he should be able to come back?"

Dongfang Li Yin leaned in Lu Gu's arms and asked.

They sat in the pavilion and looked at the sky, but could not see the moon.

Only the three dazzling stars can be seen.

It feels like being surrounded by these three stars.

"It shouldn't be so fast." Lu Gu touched Dongfang Li Yin's head and said:

"Isn't he going to invite a bunch of people he knows?

It should take a long time. "

"Yes, anyway, you can come back in time, and you don't need him at home.

But Xiao Xueer didn't know whether she would come back or go back to Mu's house. Dongfang Li Yin nodded, and then curiously said:

"When will the patriarch go to post the invitation?"

"When the second elder comes back, I will set off.

The route has been planned, and one day is enough for the whole journey. "Lu Gu said.

Most of them are on their way, so some time will be lost.

But he has asked someone to help him build a space formation, which can pass as quickly as possible and then come back.

One-time, the cost is not that big.

He needs to hurry back.

"It feels a pity that I didn't go as a mother." Dongfang Li Yin leaned against Lu Gu, and stretched out his feet twice.

Expressed his dissatisfaction.

But there is no alternative.

The daughter in the belly is bad.

The head of the patriarch is strict in control, this can't be done, and that can't be done.

"My patriarch, you take your wife too tightly." Dongfang Li Yin tilted his head back and looked at Lu Gu behind.

Lu Gu reached out and touched Dongfang Li Yin's belly and said:

"The patriarch's wife was pregnant early, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"It's not the patriarch's fault?" Dongfang Li Yin grabbed Lu Gu's hand and pouted:

"If the patriarch had acted on me later, how could I be pregnant so early?"

All the patriarchs were jealous of my high popularity as a mother and refused to let me post invitations.

Throw my daughter in my stomach.

Keep me from going out.

Even relatives can't look at it, but can only face the patriarch's face every day. "

"The patriarch's wife, what kind of compensation do you want?" Lu Gu asked softly.

"Hehe." Dongfang Liyin got up, and then faced Lu Gu said:

"My patriarch, you haven't said that you like me for a long time.

Say it again, no, say it twice.

After that, I stayed in the yard every day, and I was happy every day when I saw the patriarch. "

Lu Gu looked at Dongfang Liyin, and then reached out and hugged Dongfang Liyin in his arms:

"Then, my favorite patriarch's wife, stay at home behind, why not come out?"

"Yes, Lord Patriarch." Dongfang Li Yin said with a thick smile:

"One more time, one more time.

Master patriarch, speak quickly. "

"You're almost a mother, be more reserved." Lu Gu said.

"My patriarch, are we all going to be grandparents?

Uh, I feel old, then let's drive our son away. "


Endless seas.

Lefeng and others are watching the giant city in the dark.

The city floated on the sea like a ghost, without the slightest anger.

There is even a feeling of swallowing the surrounding darkness.

"When will Master Young Master come over?" Nie Hao asked curiously.

He looked at the troubled ancient city a little frightened.

I don't know why, there is a feeling that the ancient giant beast is waking up.

very horrible.

"I don't know, there should be some time, it should be related to the altar here.

The altar will be completed this month~www.readwn.com~ It has not yet reached the middle of the month, and there should be half a month left. "Le Feng said while looking at the troubled ancient city.

"Lefeng, do you feel that this city is different day by day, as if something is coming out of it." Nie Hao asked.

"I don't feel that way, but..." Le Feng looked at the surroundings and said:

"There are fewer and fewer people around, especially those who are close. They have disappeared.

The city began to change.

You have to inform the lesser overlord. "

"Someone is missing?" Nie Hao was a little shocked:

"Isn't it all right not to enter the ancient city of Disaster?"

"This kind of city is a forbidden zone. It's not a rare thing that you will die if you approach it." At this point, Le Feng took Nie Hao back some distance:

"There is something in the sea, retreat."

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