The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 514: Xiao Xiao Zheng finally knows who Liu Huo is

   For this little girl who came out suddenly.

   The magic repair time is more casual at first, after all, it doesn't seem so scary.

   But with the exchange, even if the other party looks like a child, there is no show of strength.

   But he just started to be in awe.

   This person knows his inner thoughts, and the other party keeps saying that he doesn't know.

   "Okay, sit down and don't move.

   I have said, I will not see through your thoughts. "The second elder squatted in front of the booth, looking at the treasures.

  Moxiu is not convinced nowadays, if you can’t see through, why did you say so accurately?

   Is my mind so easy to guess.

   "Your mind is really easy to guess, I advise you not to think about things in your mind." The second elder said again.

   I don't want to think about this magic repair nowadays.

Ha ha.

   The other party is like that, I said I can’t see through, that’s what I said.

   If you believe it, you are stupid.

   "He doesn't believe it anymore." Jiu stood beside the second elder, her wooden stick being carried on her shoulders:

   "Xiao Xiaoting, just ask.

   See if it's a small struggle to return to the old business.

   My stick is already hungry and thirsty.

   It's time to educate a little fight. "

   Second Elder: "..."

  You just want to do it, right?

   ignored Jiu, the second elder continued to look at the magic weapon on the booth:

   "How many spirit stones are these magic weapons?"

   "One by one, first-grade spirit stones, on sale." Moxiu said immediately.

   The second elder raised his head and glanced at Mo Xiu and said:

   "Are magic repairs like this?"

  Magic repair nowadays: "..."

   It's the same for the cultivators.

   "I heard that there was a group of magic repairs in the past, and they uttered rhetoric that they wanted to unify the world of magic repairs?

   Do you know this? "The second elder looked at Mo Xiu nowadays blankly.

   "Listen, I've heard of it." Moxiu now suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

   It's nothing, just because he is one of them.

   At that time, I was really proud and ambitious, and my heart was higher than the sky.

   "Later I heard that these people disbanded, do you know why?" The second elder took a gourd and looked at it, and then asked.

  "Listen, I heard that it is their leader who is missing.

   The group of dragons has no leader, and no one accepts anyone, so they are completely disbanded. "Mo Xiu said cautiously nowadays.

   This person suddenly asked about this, which made him a little worried.

   is an old thing after all, suddenly it was turned out, who knows what the other party is going to do.

   In case of enmity...

   He may not be able to stop the opponent's attack.

   However, the opponent has never shown any strong combat power, only the ability to see through thoughts.

   Is it preconceived...that makes people feel scary?

   She is actually very weak?

   "Xiao Xiaoting, he is beginning to doubt your strength. It seems that he won't cooperate well, so I will break his leg first." Jiu waved the stick, feeling that it was very interesting to interrogate this magic repair.

   The second elder glanced at Mo Xiu Nowadays, and then stretched out a finger.

   then gently press down.



   Moxiu now numbly watched the sound of broken bones coming from his feet.

   "It won't hurt, it just broke.

   This can prove that I am not weak.

   Don't worry, just wait. "The second elder comforted him kindly.

   Moxiu nowadays: "..."

   Who is the magic repair?

   "Where did the big brother who took the lead back then?" The second elder changed a magic weapon and continued to look.

   "No, I don't know.

   The eldest brother who took the lead suddenly disappeared. It is said that they only discussed the Huangtu hegemony behind that night.

   But the next day, the big brother who took the lead suddenly disappeared.

   I don't know where to go, I don't know where I live or die.

   Those people have been searching for a long time, but there is no news at all.

   Like the world evaporated.

   After that, the group of people dispersed. "Mo Xiu recalled now, and said immediately.

   "Haven't they thought about making a comeback?

   Such as finding the lead brother. "The second elder asked now looking at Mo Xiu.

   "No, no." Moxiu now shook his head and said:

   "They thought so, but they couldn't find the leader.

   is even more impossible now.

  Many people have become big shots and are in the martial arts.

   It is impossible to gather together.

   Maybe I don’t want to take the lead to find the door. Many people are old and have no lofty ambitions of the year. "

   The second elder nodded, which is a good thing.

   "Then, why are you here?" the second elder asked.

   "Can't we set up a stall here?" Mo Xiu is a little unclear nowadays, so he has specially inspected the stall here.

   There will be no problem.

   Why did you meet this person?

   And the questions asked by the other party made him really scared.

   has something to do with the lead brother?

   But setting up a stall here, what does it have to do with the leader?


   "You can set up a stall, but you are a magic repairer, how come you come to Qiuyun Town?" the second elder asked softly.

   "I, I actually came here by invitation." Moxiu said nowadays.

  Only when he said these words, the air instantly solidified, and the surroundings seemed to be replaced by ice.

   Moxiu nowadays is horrified to find that he seems to be in the endless ice.

   As long as you say a wrong sentence, you will suffer disaster instantly.

   "Invited? Who invited?" The second elder's voice was a little cold.

   She slowly put down the magic weapon in her hand.

   will do it at any time.

   Moxiu is shocked nowadays, and said with trepidation:

   "Lu, Master Lu, invited by Lu Shui."

   Doesn't the Lu family welcome magic repair?

he does not know.

   When he said this, everything around him suddenly disappeared.

   The air has not been frozen, and the surrounding area has not been replaced by ice.

  Everything is so ordinary.

   If his cold sweat did not fall, he would feel that he had hallucinations.

   "Lu Shui's wedding?" the second elder asked.

   This time she picked up the magic weapon again and looked at it.

   "Yes, yes." Mo Xiu nodded immediately now.

   I'm afraid that if I answer late, people will be gone.

  Although he has a talent for resurrection, he has never used this thing before. I don't know if it will work well.

   "It's still very easy to use." The second elder was a little puzzled seeing Moxiu now, and said again:

   "I mean your resurrection talent."

  Magic repair nowadays: "..."

   Do you still say you can't see through people's minds?

   "Are there any invitations?" the second elder asked.

   She didn't care what the other person thought, and she couldn't see it.

   Jiu reminded me on the side.

   She can understand what kind of existence Jiu is.

   Really violated.

   Powerful and omniscient.

   knows too much, probably everyone teamed up to send her down.

   "No, don't talk nonsense, I know everything doesn't mean I will look at other people's privacy." Jiu pinched the second elder's face and said.

   Second Elder: "..."

   At this time, Moxiu has already taken out the invitation:

   "The invitation is here. Master Lu personally gave it to me. We made a deal, so we have some friendship."

   The second elder took the invitation and opened it smoothly.

   "It's really from Lu Shui." Jiu squatted beside the second elder and looked at the invitation with regret.

   Wooden sticks are no longer useful.

   The second elder didn't say much, and then returned the invitation to Moxiu Nowadays.

   At this point, there is nothing to care about.

   "Do the magic repair well, don't think about unifying the magic repair realm." The second elder put his hand in his pocket.

   then turned and left.

   took a step and disappeared in place.

   Seeing this little girl disappear, Mo Xiu moved her feet nowadays, and then found that her feet were healed.

   I don't know why, he was a little moved for a while.

   was safe and sound.

   The Lu family is indeed a bit scary.

   met this person inexplicably.

   is extremely powerful, not an opponent at all.

   is better to be low-key.

  His cultivation is clearly considered to be the top in the realm of cultivation, but here, why does it feel that it is not enough?

   is not easy to provoke, not easy to provoke.

   When he recovered, Mo Xiu found a little black dog standing in front of his booth.

   "Go, go aside." Mo Xiu said politely nowadays in a friendly manner.

   was scared just now, how kind to a dog?


   "Are you discriminating against my uncle?" The dog's voice reached Mo Xiu's ears.

   At that moment, the sound was like an endless wave, rolling in the lower ears of Moxiu Time, like a roar of thunder.

   For a while, Mo Xiu is actually lost.

   When he recovered, the dog had already left.

   It's just that one of his magic weapons has added a sorrow.


   Moxiu now understands clearly.

   It turns out that even dogs can't afford to offend here.


  Lu Family Hall.

   The three elders who were sitting above the main hall frowned slightly.

   He felt a familiar breath.

   "A magic repair has entered Qiuyun Town?"

   At this moment, the three elders stood up, with cold sweat behind their backs.

   I even felt a chill around me.

   "Can't stay, I need to deal with it."

   No matter what, he has to meet this person, it is best to let him leave nature.

   can't leave...

   just think of a way to send him away.

   Thinking like this, he took a step forward and disappeared in place.

   Just when he came to the park, he felt that there were some familiar forces around him.

   "The second elders have been here?"

   This made him a little bit frightened.

   But he didn't leave, instead he planned to meet this magic repair who suddenly came to Qiuyun Town.

   It's not that the second elder has been here, so he is fine.

   is also possible, the second elder asked him to deal with it.

   He is already the third elder, and the second elder will more or less give him a little face.

   But if he doesn't deal with it...

   This bit of face may not be good.

   Soon he saw it, a desperate magic repairman sitting at the side of the booth.

   This person is exactly Moxiu nowadays.

   The three elders came to the current booth of Moxiu and said:

   "Don't you sell things?"

  Moxiu now bows his head and sighs:

   "Choose whatever you want, look whatever you want, buy when you are satisfied.

   If you are not satisfied, just let it go. "

   He was rubbed off the edges and corners.

   There are not so many strong people in Qiuyun Town, but he is not lucky.

   "Moxiu does business so that the town is here?" The Third Elder looked at Moxiu nowadays, and his voice was a little low.

   Nowadays, the magic repair with low eyebrows always feels that this voice is a bit familiar.

   looked up under curiosity.

   At this look, he was stunned.

   I can't believe it.

   He wiped his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him again.

   found that he had no dizziness.

   "Head, head? You, are you still alive?" Mo Xiu stood up now, his tone a little excited.

   How many years ago, I can actually see the head here.

   He always thought that his head was secretly killed by some powerful existence.

   At that time, the reputation was high, the talent was strong, and the magic repair was obvious to all.

   but suddenly disappeared.

   Many people think that some strong person killed their heads in advance.

   But there is no evidence.

   There is no trace of fighting.

  Moxiu thinks so nowadays, but so far he doesn't know who did it.

   But today, he saw it.

   The head disappeared for countless years, standing in front of him alive.

   "Tou, have you been there all these years? Are you going to make a comeback?" Mo Xiu was very excited now.

   But the three elders frowned, making a comeback?

   Can he walk out of the Lu family?

   "I am old, I don't have this kind of thought." The three elders stated their position immediately.

   I really don't have that kind of thinking anymore. I was still young and full of spirits at the time. It was natural to have some thoughts.

   Now he cares about the lottery.

   "Head, what is your current cultivation level?" Mo Xiu packed up now and came to the third elder to ask.

   "Same as you." said the three elders.

   "So I'm five to five times away from your head?" Moxiu tried to ask nowadays.

   He is a talented person, he can't be too much, right?

   Then he felt a blast of weather, which suppressed and made him breathless.

   then the breath disappeared:

   "June 4th."

   The three elders said at random.

  Magic repair nowadays: "..."

   How does he feel that he is almost caught in seconds?

  头, who are you coaxing?

   "By the way, why are you here?" Mo Xiu asked now.

   "How did you come here again?" the third elder asked.

   "I got the invitation from Master Lu, thanks to my apprentice." Mo Xiu said now.

   is indeed thanks to Moxiu Ji'an.

   Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come into contact with the terrifying existence of Liuhuo.

   After all, it was not his apprentice who sold the guarantee ticket, and Liu Huo did not know that he had the guarantee ticket.

   "I just came to the wedding?" The third elders were relieved.

   It's surprising that Lu Shui can come into contact with Moxiu nowadays.

   But Lu Shui’s wedding, what should I attend?

   "Head." Moxiu whispered now:

   "I told you something, I don't know if you know it."

   "What's the matter?" The Third Elder was a little puzzled.

   Then Moxiu now leads the Three Elders to other places:

   "Head, let's go elsewhere and say."

   Under curiosity, the three elders followed all the way.

   "What's the matter?"

   "It is related to the Lu family, and the Lu family is more terrifying than the outside world knows."

   This makes the three elders a little puzzled.

   Then they came under the tree with no one.

   "The horror of the Lu Family refers to the Lu Family Elder?" the third elder asked.

   There are scary places in the Lu family that he doesn't know?

   looked around, and after making sure that no one was there, Mo Xiu said to his old leader nowadays:

  "Head, the horror of the Lu Family is not obvious.

   The Lu Family Elder is indeed very powerful, but the most terrifying thing about the Lu Family is not the Lu Family Elder. "

   "Not the Lu Family Elder?" The third elder was a little surprised.

   "No, the Lu family actually has a hidden strong." When Mo Xiu said now, he looked around again, very scared:

   "Head, who do you think is the most famous in the world of cultivation today?"

   The third elder frowned.

   "The young master of the Hidden Sky School, Liuhuo?"

   If it is Liu Huo, then Mo Xiu also thinks Liu Huo belongs to the Lu family nowadays?

   Qiao ruthlessly also guessed that Liu Huo belonged to the Lu family.

   But Qiao Ruqing doesn't know the specifics, and Moxiu seems to know the specifics nowadays.

   "That's right, the main fire of the Young Master of the Hidden Sky School." Moxiu now looked around and said:

   "Over there, do you know much about Liuhuo?

   Such as his true identity, such as his age, such as his current situation. "

   "You know?" The three elders looked at Mo Xiu nowadays.

  At this moment, he felt that he might know who Liu Huo was.

   The opponent is extremely powerful and looks down upon the world.

  This kind of person, no one wants to know who he is.

   "Head, why did you say I came to this wedding?"

   Master Lu's reputation outside is not good.

   I don't dare to provoke me at will.

   But I am coming here.

   is so many days in advance. "Moxiu nowadays took out an invitation to face the three elders:

   "This person invited me.

   I am here, and I dare not come.

  头, can you understand? "

   The three elders looked at the invitation, a little unbelievable.

  "Head, I don't dare to say such things under normal circumstances.

   If it weren’t for you to be my most respected head, I wouldn’t say it in death. "Moxiu now earnestly said:

  "In the eyes of people outside, it is the young master of the Lu family who will get married in a few days.

   But in my opinion, those who get married in a few days are the first arrogant of all ages. With their own efforts, they suppress the realm of cultivation. The heaven and the earth dare not refute it.

   This is the real horror of the Lu Family.

  He is twenty years old. "

   "Head, it's really scary. I saw him suppress Mo Xiu Zhizun at will, watching him look down on everything.

   Fortunately, he is easy to talk, otherwise I would almost offend him.

  头, don’t you know that too? "Moxiu now looks at the Third Elder and asks.

   The three elders looked at Moxiu and said:

   "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

   "Of course, so the Lu Family actually hides the real powerhouse." Mo Xiu said firmly nowadays.

   "Did you tell anyone else about this matter?" The Third Elder asked Mo Xiu now.

   "No, I can't say anything except the head." Mo Xiu said now.

   Hearing the three elders patted Mo Xiu's shoulder and said:

   "Very good, let's continue to set up the stall."

   " haven't said how you came, but it was also invited by Master Lu?" Mo Xiu curiously asked now.

   "No, I have always lived here."

   "Always live here?"

   "How many elders are there in the Lu family?"

   "Three." Moxiu is quite puzzled nowadays.

   "I am ranked third." The third elder said calmly.


  Magic repair is now dumbfounded.

   "Head, listen to me, I didn't leak it on purpose..."

  Moxiu now feels that this world is full of malice towards him.

   Now he finally understands why his head disappeared.

   turned out to be back to inherit the family business.


   The three elders walked on the stairs to the main hall.

  He needs to think about it.

  If, if what Moxiu said nowadays is true.

   So Lu Shui is the number one arrogant of all ages?

   But he watched Lu Shui grow up, he couldn't always pretend to grow up, right?

  Impossible, he knew something changed.

   It's impossible to pretend to be so similar no matter how you pretend.

   When did that start?

  Walking halfway, the three elders stopped.

   "Heaven and earth array pattern."

   The pattern of heaven and earth was taken by Lu Shui before he retired. That is to say, from that time, he failed to retreat and became motivated.

and so...

   Lu Shui understands the pattern of heaven and earth, and has soared into the sky since then?

   But mentally, there must be a process.

   But the name Liuhuo really began to appear at that time.

   The three elders continued to move forward and walked towards the main hall little by little.

  "But the Lu family was killed recently, and Liu Huo was indeed on the side of the Lu family.

   The three stars also managed to cut down by Liuhuo.

   That time, the Lu family did not receive anything about the altar.

   should be his intention. "

   "Last time Liu Huo appeared high in the sky, there were two people standing behind..."

   "Zhen Wu Zhen Ling?"

   The three elders came to the front of the hall.

   He looked inside the hall, and once again began to think deeply:

   "Leave aside all doubts, has Lu Shui been pretending before me?"

   At this time, the face of the three elders was much gloomy.

   Finally, he took a step and came to the hall.

   then sat down.

   His voice passed out:

   "Let Lu Shui come to see me."


   "Oh, Xiao Xiaoting, Xiao Xiao Zheng is going crazy."

   Jiu looked at the location of the hall and said.

   "What's wrong?" The second elder was a little puzzled.

   What did the three elders send?

   "He knows that Liuhuo is Lushui, and then he feels that he has been acted out and he is angry." Jiu said with a smile on his face:

  "He was about to take Lu Shui's knife.

   I don’t know how it will open. "

   "The big wedding is coming, it's impossible." The second elder packed her elixir.

   has no interest in these things.

   "The little fight is not easy, I finally know it." Jiu said.

   "It's not a few months late." The second elder said calmly.

   only three or four months.

   is no different from knowing at the same time.

   "By the way, how did he know?" the second elder asked.

   "Moxiu said it nowadays." Jiu said.

   He frowned when he heard the second elder:

   "What did they talk about?"

   "I haven't talked about going back to my old career. After I talked about it, I took you over to do it.

   I want to fight too. "Jiu has a pity on his face.

   Second Elder: "..."


   Not long after sending Mu Xue away, Lu Shui suddenly received a text message from Zhenwu.

   "The three elders want to see me?"

   He was a little surprised.

  Why would the Third Elder look for him at this time?

   But Mu Xue has already gone back, and there is nothing in the past now.

   It's pretty idle anyway.

   Then he walked home.

   a little while.

   Lu Shui came to the door.

   then walked into the hall.

   Just as he entered, he felt a little bit wrong.

   The atmosphere in the hall is not right.

   Then he raised his head and glanced at the three elders at the top.

   At this look, he was stunned.

   Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine million.

   "What's wrong with the Three Elders? How come the price increase is like this?"

   "The daily limit can't be like this either."

   And looking at it like this, it will break 100 million.

  Who did the treacherous thing?

   I'm sad.

   No matter who provokes him, but if the Third Elder finds him, he will definitely suffer.

   "Kneel down."

   Lu Shui wanted to salute, but he didn't expect the majestic voice of the three elders to be heard directly.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   This is the first time the three elders are so did it?

   made him so miserable.

   Then Lu Shui knelt down.

   Elder, what can I do?

  Your grandparents, these old ancestors made you kneel, don’t you kneel?

   "Three Elders, is there any misunderstanding?" Lu Shui said softly.

   For fear that the sound is too loud, the three elders will explode.

   The three elders looked at Lu Shui and heard a low voice:

   "I recently met an old friend and he was complimenting someone with me.

   is said to be a young man, but he belongs to Tianjiao.

   So I want to ask your opinion. "

   someone else’s child?

   Lu Shui was a little shocked. Which other child's family made the third elder so angry?

   "Have you ever heard of the main fire of Yintianzong's Young Master?" The third elder looked at Lu Shui with a serious voice:

   "What kind of person do you think he is?"

  Lu Shui: "......"



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