The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 515: 3 Elder: Do you know how hard Liu Huo worked?

   Lu Shui knelt on the ground, not knowing how to answer the questions of the three elders for a while.

  What kind of person is Liuhuo?

   is the kind of person who wears a black robe and a mask, and can hold the three elders to the ground with one hand.

   But there is no black robe, no mask, just a person who can only kneel on the ground.

   This is hard to elaborate.

   "I heard that he is a more legendary person, specifically..."

   Lu Shui didn't know how to describe it for a while.

   Mighty and domineering, unparalleled, proud of the world, angrily asked the world, dare to refute?

   Isn’t that second form?

   He is not in second grade.

   The voice fell, and Lu Shui saw that the price of the three elders jumped a few times.

   suddenly became nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

   immediately broke 100 million.

   is about to break the record.

   Oh, it's a new record.

   "Huh!" A low voice came from the top of the hall:

   "In the face of such arrogance, don't you pay more attention to it?"

   I follow Mu Xue, others don’t.

   Lu Shui thought to himself, but didn't dare to speak like that.

   But he found out that it was about to break 100 million, do you want to push it?

  Think about it, forget it, the big wedding is just around the corner, and if the elders of the third and third elders really punish him, it will be difficult for him to do it.

   has a little wound on her body, and she will be laughed at by the tooth **** on the night of her marriage.

   Lu Shui bowed his head and said nothing, wondering how the Third Elder suddenly compared Liuhuo with him.

   Before, who was blowing the wind in the ears of the three elders?

   was discovered by him, which would make the other party unable to eat.

   "What do you think of Liu Huo's talent?" The voice of the three elders came down again.

   "It should be very good," Lu Shui said.

   The talent is really good, although the cultivation talent is very average.

   "Well?" The three elders looked at Lu Shui and said solemnly:

  "Do you know that Liuhuo has been so talented since he was a child?

   But he has never given up on himself. He has worked hard since he was a child and firmly believes in himself.

   gets stronger a little bit, and a little bit higher.

   He has extraordinary beliefs, unyielding will, arrogant body, and immortality with sweat.

   When you see him now, think he is talented?

   Have you ever known what kind of effort he put in?

   Do you know what kind of suffering he has suffered?

   Can you understand that the difficulty is like a huge mountain, almost crushing him?

   Can you understand that he broke and stood up?

   Do you know that he has experienced all this before he has the fame he is today?

   can have countless brilliant people, which one does not have a mountain of suffering behind?

   Come up, you can also become a flowing fire.

   But what about you?

  What have you done? "

   The voice of the three elders grew louder and louder, and the more they spoke, the more excited they became.

   And Lu Shui became more embarrassed the more he listened, and the more he listened, the more confused he became.

  Is the flow of fire so difficult?

   He doesn't even know.

   No, is there two people in Liuhuo?

   Which did the three elders say? Does this Liuhuo work so hard?

   And who told the three elders this?

   Is it cheated?

   Liuhuo why did he work hard? That is what he added to Liuhuo and made Liuhuo famous, right?

   Without him, Liu Huo is nothing.

   "How is your talent?" the third elder asked again.

   "General." Lu Shui said truthfully.

   "How is the cultivation base?"


   "Have you worked hard?"


   "Have you ever struggled?"


   "Have you ever been unyielding?"


   "Have you ever sweated?"



   The third elder cast a straight look at Lu Shui. At this moment, Lu Shui discovered that it was over 100 million.

   Then he lowered his head and said nothing.

   The third elder is angry, so it's better not to mess with him.

   He was particularly embarrassed, but exaggerated.

   "You know it's wrong?" the third elder asked.

   "I see." Lu Shui could only nod his head.

   It was he who made Liuhuo too famous, and it was so exciting to the three elders.

  "Go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, find a basic practice book, and copy it a hundred times.

has a problem? "The voice of the three elders came down.

   "No." Lu Shui lowered his head in response.

   Then Lu Shui left the hall.

   Baibai knelt for a long time, half listening to the training, half listening to the praise.

   praise Liuhuo to work hard.

   My god, this is even more uncomfortable than training him.

   Where did the third elders hear the third-rate intelligence?

   Lu Shui walked out of the main hall, and the third elder watched him leave.

   After seeing Lu Shui leave, he leaned back, and then a new voice came out:

   "Let Zhenwu and Zhenling come to see me."



  玖 held her belly and laughed all the time:

   "I'm so laughing, Xiao Xiaozheng is too bad."

   "What did he do?" The second elder fixed the elixir, clapped his hands and looked at Jiu, who was laughing.

   "Xiao Xiaoting." Jiu turned around and looked at the second elder and said:

   "If you take care of Lu Shui, Lu Shui has played you for so long and then accidentally finds out, what would you do?"

   "It's all right after a fight." The second elder said casually:

   "Teach his father again."

   "Little battle is different." Jiu smiled and said:

  "Xiao Xiaozheng became the face of the landing water, and praised the fire for a long time, boasting that he has extraordinary faith, unyielding will, arrogant body, and immortality with sweat.

   Work hard since childhood, struggle since childhood.

   Lu Shui's face turned black with praise.

   Xiaoxiaozheng really has the potential to be a magic repair. "

   "Are you agreeing that he should be a magic repair?" The second elder looked at Jiu and asked.

   "Of course I don't agree." Jiu swung the stick a few times and said:

   "But I really want to teach the little fight.

   is rebellious and disobedient, and likes to go astray.

   I have never taught such a little guy.

   Xiaoxiaozheng is a treasure. "

   The second elder did not speak, so the third elder was the most troublesome of all.

   "No punishment?" The second elder of the meeting was silent before asking.

   "Copy the book a hundred times, maybe Lu Shui is still willing to go to the wall and think about it." Jiu said.

   It takes time to copy books.

   Although it can be copied quickly, but many times just don't want to copy.

   "There will be no accidents at the wedding, right?" the second elder asked Jiu again.

   "They get married, but they are different from others." Jiu looked at the sky and said:

   "Even if the world is to be destroyed on that day, you have to wait for the wedding to end.

   Did you say something will happen that day?

  Who would dare to make trouble at the wedding?

   You didn't need to take action at all, Heaven Punishment smashed him directly. "

   "Before that, someone attacked the Lu family, why didn't Heaven Punishment appear?

   The second child is not as good as the first child? "The second elder asked.

  玖 poked the second elder's cheek and said:

   "Xiao Xiaoting, don't try to play with me.

   Lu Shui is different now, he has been promoted to the seventh rank.

   And it requires conditions to trigger the Tribulation. If the Tribulation falls casually, wouldn't it be messy?

   The marriage of Lu Shui is a major event between heaven and earth.

  The struggle between creatures is nothing, even if it is a battle between land and water.

  Lu Shui's current level, if you want to use the power of the tribulation, you still need to overcome the tribulation. "

   "Don't need it later?" the second elder asked.

   "Yes, but the follow-up tribulation power is in front of him, and it's nothing.

   can be used to show the saints in front of people. "Jiu said.

   "Then why is Lu Shui's marriage a major event between heaven and earth?" the second elder asked.

   "Heaven and earth dominate marriage, isn't it a major event between heaven and earth?

  The father of luck, heaven and earth dominate, and he gets married once in his life.

   Do you have to cross the robbery many times?

   Which is lighter and more serious? "Jiu patted the little head of the second elder and said:

"got it?"

   The second elder waved to slap Jiu's hand.


  玖 still patted her on the head.

   "Will there be an abnormality in the wedding?" the second elder asked again.

   "You will know then, it must be different from normal." Jiu said.


   "I have seen the three elders."

   Zhenwu Zhenling stood under the hall and spoke respectfully.

   was suddenly found by the three elders, and they were a little worried.

   This kind of search method has never been done.

   I don’t know what the three elders will say.

  Of course, under normal circumstances they would not worry about anything.

   But the face of the three elders is not right today.

   is the young master angry?

   They don’t know.

   "Lu Shui went out, but was he seriously injured?" The majestic voice of the Three Elders came from the top.

   Zhenwu Zhenling was a little surprised for a while.

   But I dare not lie.

   "Yes, there have been." Zhenwu replied.

   The three elders looked at Zhenwu and Zhenling with a low voice:

   "Have you ever been life-threatening?"

   "Heavy, severely injured." Zhenwu broke out in a cold sweat at this time.

   He didn't know where the three elders knew it.

   But don't even think about it, the three elders are torturing them.

   Once you fail to tell the truth, the consequences are very serious.

   Even if you tell the truth, the consequences must be serious.

   What happened to the young master?

   Or did the three elders know what?

   They asked what punishment Jiu would endure, but Jiu didn't say it directly.

   just say that it will definitely not feel good.

   It’s better not to know the details.

   They are also very distressed.

   I don't know if it is this time, there is no wind, and the three elders will not look for them.

   "Why don't you report it?" The voice of thunder was uploaded directly from the hall.

   For a time, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was suppressed and unable to move.

   "Look, master won't let me." Zhenwu was really terrified.

   The third elder stared at Zhenwu Zhenling for a long time, and he was silent.

   As the three elders were silent, Zhenwu Zhenling's face kept overflowing with cold sweat.

   They feel that they are falling into the abyss.

   That kind of pressure is simply not something they can bear.

   After a long time, all suppression disappeared.

   The voice of the three elders also came:

   "The big wedding is coming, wait for the big wedding to come to an end, and go into the wind and face the wall for seven days."

   Zhenwu Zhenling breathed a sigh of relief, and then responded in a low voice:


   Zhenwu Zhenling retired.

   Did they do something wrong?

not at all.

   But it still makes the three elders unhappy, so there will be punishment.

   It is impossible to tolerate it.

   "Old tree, come and see me."

   The voice of the three elders spread out.

   The old man withered tree who was asking about Zhenwu Zhenling was stunned for a while.

   Why do the three elders also see him?

   With a nervous heart, the old tree came to the hall.

   He looked at the third elder and found that the face of the third elder was very ugly.

   This makes him a little worried.

   "Did you find anything unusual when you went to the soldiers tomb?" The third elder's voice passed down.

   The majesty is extraordinary, so that the old tree cannot think too much for a time.

   The three elders found out?

  The old tree doesn’t know.

   But he opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

   can only remain silent.

   And when he was silent, the pressure came to him, making him a little breathless.

   He wants to say too.


   "After Lu Shui's wedding, go to Tiansi Cliff for seven days." The third elder's voice came out.

  The old man withered tree nodded and responded:


   The three elders must have known something, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

   I just don’t know how much the three elders know.

   But Tiansi Cliff...

   This is the price of knowing too much.

   But I can enter the Tao because of this, and there is no complaint.

   Fortunately, only seven days.

   Not long afterwards, the old man withered tree also left the hall.

   At this time, above the hall, only the three elders were sitting at the top.

   He looked outside, the price on his face kept falling.

   fell to the normal five million.

   The drop stopped.

   "Peerless Tianjiao, the first forever?"

   "It turns out that the Lu family has already existed."

   "No feeling, no sense of accomplishment of participating."

   "But he can't change the fact that he makes people headache."

   "It is also an indisputable fact to be ashamed to be at home."

   The three elders stood up, and then stepped away.

   A low voice came from the front hall.

   "Well, it's worth a while."



   Lu Shui sits in the empty courtyard in front of the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

   He didn't plan to copy books in the library, because there was no signal inside.

   So I still copied it here.

   Prevent Mu Xue from looking for him.

   He took a photo of the book and sent it to Mu Xue with a sentence:

   "Miss Mu, would you like to copy it fifty times for me?"

   "Master Lu is too full to eat?" Mu Xue replied in seconds.

   "The three elders felt that Liu Huo worked too hard and punished me for copying the basic practice method a hundred times."

   "Liuhuo works hard, what does it have to do with Master Lu?"

   "Others are so good who are working hard. I still think about Miss Mu every day so badly, the third elder is upset."

   Lu Shui noticed that the phone rang.

   Then received a selfie of Mu Xue with Yalin sitting on her lap.

   Yalin hugged the Fire Cloud Beast and held the Water Cloud Beast.

   Are you feeding Huoyun Beast?

   "Master Lu, show you me so that you can copy the book at ease, come on."

  Lu Shui: "..."

   What about the good couples agree?

   Lu Shui thinks he should reply: Miss Mu's clothes today are not as good as they were yesterday.

   But after thinking about it, don't remind Mu Xue if there was no signal yesterday.

   Then he started copying books.

   It's getting dark, and it should be almost done by tomorrow.

  So, only the last five days of marriage.

   At that time, you should start to welcome guests, and then try clothes to understand the process of marriage.

   It is also a pleasure to think about it.

   "Speaking of which, who is all right to trouble me?" Lu Shui recalled the punishment, and felt that he was very bad today.

   Someone must be setting him up.

   Don't let him find out.


Ha ha!

   Even if the other party knows the three elders, it doesn't have any effect. Wearing a mask, his six relatives don't recognize it.

   My father dare to punch, what are the others?

   Although his father interrupted his hands, he still had the courage to punch.

   What does he dare not grab?

   He snatched everything that could make him kneel down.

  This kind of record, who can compare with him?

   Thinking like this, Lu Shui started to copy the book hard.


   early morning.

   There are still five days to get married.

   Lu Shui is still sitting in the courtyard of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, copying books.

   He copied it all night.

   At this time, Qi Xi brought breakfast.

   is porridge.

   Don't think about it, mother gave it.

  Don't eat.

   "Master, Madam said this is breakfast, and asks if you want to eat it."

   Qi Xi said softly.

If Mrs.    didn't speak, she would naturally not bother... Uh, diligent master.

   "Don't eat."

   Lu Shui refused without raising his head.

   Eating snacks can still bite and swallow, porridge...

   Forget it.

   He will go to Qiuyun Town to buy food by himself later.

   "The lady said, go to her after breakfast. If you don't eat, she will have a lot more."

   Qi Xi said softly.

  Lu Shui: "..."

   Just say it early?

   What's your opinion?

   Lu Shui directly took the porridge, and then asked Qi Xi to retreat.

   When Qi Xi retreated from here, Lu Shui closed his eyes and ate.


   After taking a bite, he found it surprisingly delicious.

   He smelled very fragrant at first, but that's how his mother's craft is.

   It looks and smells good.

   just doesn't taste good.

   "Mother was mutated because she was pregnant with Lu Lai?"

   Lu Shui was a little shocked.

   At this time, Qi Xi walked in again, and she handed out a note:

   "The lady gave it to the young master."

   Lu Shui took it, and saw that there was only a simple sentence above:

  "Do you think your mother has changed?

   Ke Niang hasn't changed, mainly because your aunt made the porridge. "

  Lu Shui: "......"

   I don’t understand what's going on with older people.

   Is it fun to play with your son?

   bullying him without a son, right?

   Well, he hasn't had any children since his last life, but this time he will definitely have one.

   Let Mu Xue give birth to whatever he said.



   Lu Shui finished copying a hundred times, and sent a message to Mu Xue by the way, despising her.

   only a hundred times, the tooth **** protects him.

   then received a message from Mu Xue:

   "The **** of teeth doesn't like you anymore, now only your wife, Miss Mu likes you."

   Stupid Miss Mu, how can you understand his relationship with Yashen?

   It took some time, and Lu Shui came to the mother's yard.

   At this time, he saw his mother sitting in the yard, looking at books.


   Lu Shui walked in and called out.

   "Son, come here." Dongfang Liyin saw Lu Shui immediately patted the location next to him.

   is not just kneeling.

   I knelt for so long yesterday, and I can’t justify kneeling again today.

   After all, he is also the number one arrogant in the ages, and he wants face.

   After Lu Shui sat down, Dongfang Li Yin continued:

   "You will be married in a few days. At this time, the clan is busy.

   Your room needs to be rearranged too.

   Either don't sleep these days, or just go to the yard before Xiao Xueer to sleep for two days.

  I slept in the bed that Xiao Xueer slept in before, are you happy? Dongfang Li Yin said with a smile looking at Lu Shui.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   mother, be more serious.

   As for the room rearrangement, this understands.

   It's normal for my mother to change the furniture.

   It is normal to change the yard, but he has always lived in that yard and will not change it directly for him.

   "My mother will tell you about the process now, don't make a mistake at that time." Dongfang Liyin saw Lu Shui listen carefully, and continued:

   "There should be guests coming in these few days, the accommodation is ready, your friends remember to let them take care of Zhenwu Zhenling.

   Those with high cultivation bases, and those who are more isolated, will directly arrange a group of high cultivation areas.

   They may also have a common language.

   can't let the other party underestimate you.

   Our Lu family also has strong people who come to the wedding. "

   "Mother." Lu Shui interrupted:

   "If there is a senior elder's level, where will it be arranged?"

   "Of course it is the weaker side, do you think he likes to be at the same level as himself?

  Isn't he under pressure by the great elder's side?

   Only those who are weaker can have a sense of superiority. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Somewhat hard to refute.

   But thinking about it, it seems to make sense.

  "If the cultivation base is relatively general, but also somewhat restrained.

   The arrangement is a bit remote, but the most remote place must be arranged with a few geniuses of various forces.

   In short, take care of their feelings and don't let them think that we are prejudiced.

   After all, no matter how bad they are, they should be better than their son. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

  Niang, I’m your son. Your son is very good, okay?

   I dare to grab things from you and your father.

   "Will a genius feel that he is underestimated?" Lu Shui asked.

  " All the same, the wedding is mainly for everyone to blend in, not to highlight who else.

   He insists on special treatment at this time. Isn't that not giving you face?

   kick out. Dongfang Li Yin said:

   "Besides, how celebrities arrange things are all celebrities, and they cannot be controlled."

  Lu Shui: "......"

  He doesn't need to care about these, Zhenwu will arrange it.

   However, Shi clearly wants to focus on arrangements.

   This person is different from everyone else.

   Any genius will suffer in front of him.

   Eastern scum scum will fall.

   There may be nothing else.

   Gouzi and the toothache fairy were originally in town.

   shouldn't come?


   It's a little troublesome, he doesn't seem to know anyone.

  "You tell Zhenwu Zhenling and others about these, they should be able to arrange them.

   If there are any special arrangements, tell them that they can also do it.

   Now talk about your process. "Dongfang Liyin began to introduce the most important process of the day:

  "The wedding was held at the main entrance square.

   There is a wide staircase there.

   There is an open space every step of the stairs, and guests will be arranged around it.

  The middle position is where you go.

   That place will be covered with a red carpet, and then a red carpet stretches to the highest stairs.

   This extension is the way you want to go.

   And the open space in the middle is where you meet Xiao Xueer.

   The space door will open there.

   Now there are two options. "

   "Which two?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

   In his previous life, he had no choice but to wait for Mu Xue in front of the space door.

   Dongfang Li Yin stretched out a finger and said:

  "One, wait in place, when the time is up, Mu's family will bring Xiao Xueer to the space gate.

  Xiao Xueer will walk into the space door herself and come to you. "

   "How about two?" Lu Shui asked.

   This was the last life.

   Mu Xuemei was beyond words at that time.

   "The second is complicated." Dongfang Liyin stretched out his second finger:

  "The second is that the son wants to enter the space gate, go to the Mu's house, and take Xiao Xueer to the Lu's house.

   Cha Cha is at Mu's house, in case she will make things difficult for you. "

   "Can you fight?" Lu Shui looked at his mother and said seriously:

   "When I come, can I step on the oriental scum to eat the soil?"


   Dongfang Liyin tapped Lu Shui on the forehead and said:

   "How do you say Chacha is your cousin."

   "Can you call me on land?" Lu Shui asked again.

   Dongfang Liyin took a deep look at Lu and then took out his mobile phone and made a call:

   "My patriarch, something is going wrong, my son will beat his sister if he gets jealous."

  Lu Shui: "......"

   I just asked, as for?


   Wedding, the choice of Lu Shui is very simple.

   That is to pick up Mu Xue.

   I didn't pick it up in the previous life, so naturally I need to pick it up in this life.

   Actually, it's nothing, just walk in and take Mu Xue out.

   Speaking of which, do you want to bring someone?

   It doesn't feel right to be alone.

   "Mother, do you want to take someone with Muxue?

   Or am I going alone? "Lu Shui asked curiously.

   "It depends on who the person is and whether it is suitable.

   In short, you can’t be too old. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

   "Look at that then." Lu Shui thought for a while, and thought that other changes might occur when that time comes.

   don't rush to make a decision.


   ask for monthly pass


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