The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 516: Dad, you and my mother shouldn't be so close


   Dongfang Li Yin asked Lu Shui.

   From noon to afternoon, Lu Shui poured tea for his mother several times.

   asked the maid to change a few pots of water.

   "Remember." Lu Shui nodded.

   "The mother will tell you again, what to do with Xiao Xueer.

   Don't let Xiao Xue'er feel that you despise her if you marry her. "Dongfang Liyin took a sip of tea and planned to continue.

   Lu Shui: "..."

   "Mother, do you want to talk about it later?"

   It's getting dark.

   "If you feel uncomfortable sitting and listening, you can kneel and listen." Dongfang Liyin said.

   Lu Shui has nothing to say.

   listen at ease.

   I should have heard all this in the last life.

   Of course, how to treat Mu Xue, this really doesn't need to be concerned, and he is not the only one who is reborn.

   Both are both, so don’t care about these.

   It’s okay to be normal, Yashen loves him.

   So the tooth **** must also understand his love.

   If you don’t understand, he can tell Yashen.

  What does Miss Mu know?

   pedantic woman.

   Lu Shui looked at his mother drinking water, and felt like her mother loved drinking water more than before?

   Is Lu Laishi too watery?

   "Mother, what are you going to name Lu Laishi?" Taking advantage of the gap, Lu Shui asked curiously.

   "Lu Miaomiao, okay?" Dongfang Liyin said.

   "Really, Lu Shen Hua Lu Shui?" Lu Shui was a little unbelievable.

   I thought my uncle was talking about it at first, but they didn't expect that they really wanted to take this name.

   "Your name is Lu Shui, and your sister's name is Lu Miaomiao, which shows six times better than you." Dongfang Liyin explained.

   "Mother, aren't you afraid of headaches six times more than mine?" Lu Shui asked curiously.


   Dongfang Liyin knocked on the head of Lu Shui:

   "Do you also know that you give parents a headache?"

   Lu Shui felt that it was his fault.

   It will be fine later.

   "But, my daughter, the headache is not the same as my son." Dongfang Liyin said with a smile.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Forget it, he doesn't plan to change it.

   Let mother continue to have a headache.

   "Oh." Suddenly Dongfang Liyin remembered something, and then said to the landing channel:

   "Son, mother, and I told you almost, now you can go back."

   Lu Shui: "???"

   How can I go back?

   Then he found out that Dad was back.

   Lu Shui: "..."

   It turns out that my mother is going to accompany her patriarch Lu, ha ha.

   It was obviously not like this when I was young.

   "Father, I think we should have a good chat." Lu Shui looked at Lu Gu who came back and said:

   "For example, mother and me, you should be closer to me."

   "What do you mean?" Lu Gu frowned as he watched Lu Shui.

   "Look, our blood is soluble in water, and we are father and son.

   Where's mother?

   You have no blood relationship at all.

   How can a couple have a father and son.

   Yeah, dad. "Lu Shui felt that he had to make it clear to his father.

   Lu Gu glanced at Lu Shui deeply.


   Outside the wall of a yard.

   Lu Shui was trapped in the circle, holding a cup of tea in his hand.

   Xiu base was sealed, just standing like this.

   Lu Shui: "..."

   Just kidding, my father and mother don’t have any humor.

   Then Lu Shui took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Mu Xue.

  "Miss Mu, I just told my father that he has no blood relationship with his mother, and I did not kiss him.

   Guess how he reacted? "

   After waiting for a while, Mu Xue sent a photo over.

   is the figure of Mu Xue cooking.

   "My cousin is cooking dinner, I think my cousin Lu Shui will definitely be punished, everyone understands such a simple truth.

   Why do you still need to say it?

   My mother often praises me. Don’t tell me this kind of common sense, it is easy to be punished.

   So my cousin Lu Shui must have been punished. "

   Seeing these words, Lu Shui was stunned.

   Dongfang scum got it right.

   Then he sent a message over.

   "Go to the front and side to pat, let me see if your cousin's clothes are wrinkled."

   Then Dongfang Zhazha really took two photos.

   One Muxue is holding a spoon and blinking at the camera (single eye), and the other is Muxue's side tasting soup.

   In short, Mu Xue is really good-looking.

   Then Lu Shui received the third chapter photo, which was the photo of Dongfang Chacha facing her golden eyes Biye.

   Lu Shui, who was originally happy, suddenly sank.


   I wanted to compliment the tooth god, think about it, continue to be punished.


   I will get married in a few days, but I didn't expect to escape safely from the third elder, and finally fell into the hands of my parents.

   The next day.

   There are four days before the wedding.

   The sun is shining slightly.

   Lu Shui felt a cold wind blowing around him, and the wind moved the ends of his hair.

   blew the pages of his book.

   At this time, Qi Xi came to him, holding a plate in his hand and placing it in front of Lu Shui:

  "Master, the lady said that there should be guests coming today, let the master go to the town to have a look.

   In case there is an acquaintance who needs to be received.

   Don't lose courtesy then. "

   Lu Shui put the water cup on Qixi's plate, and then stepped outside:

   "Tell my mother, I see."

   "Yes." Qi Xi backed away.

   Then she went to the patriarch's wife.

   I feel that although the young master looks a little different, when facing the patriarch’s wife, he is still so ordinary.



   On the train to Lujia.

   a certain carriage.

   stood a strangely dressed person on it.

   was headed by an old man, behind him stood nine men in armor.

   These people looked around vigilantly, or said they were at a loss.

   Panic about the unknown world.

   These ten are the ten people who rushed to Lu's family from Lan Yeguo to attend the wedding.

   Everyone is very excited and a little worried.

   First of all, they don't know where the Lu family is, and they are quite unfamiliar with this world.

   But how am I embarrassed to distract the king?

   So they searched for a few days and finally got on the train to Lujia today.

   But I feel very uncomfortable.

   Sitting makes them a little uneasy, so all ten are standing.

   attracted a lot of onlookers, but no one dared to say anything.

  Because their ten cultivation bases are not bad.

   Well, although there is one of the worst soldiers, in general, they are all strong.

   "Aniu, don't be nervous." A general said to the young soldier.

   "General, I'm not nervous." Aniu said, clutching one side of the seat.

   "Very good, just calm down." The general took a deep breath and continued:

   "It's right to be nervous."

   These people, naturally they have never seen a train, and they don’t understand the style of the outside world.

   is trying hard to accept.

   "Several seniors, you can sit, and there is still some distance." Xianshan Geci said.

  How did the blue night country get on the train?

  How to buy a ticket?

   Of course, two people were caught to lead the way.

   The song that just planned to go out and his junior sister Shaoqing Fairy.

   was kidnapped directly, no help without help.

   Actually they are also going to Lu's house.

   went to the Lu family wedding with Dabai Xiaobai.

   It's a pity that I got separated from Dabai and Xiaobai.

   But Dabai Xiaobai will definitely be able to find them, so it's not a big problem.

  The only problem is how to survive in front of these seniors.

   Lonely old man.

   These people are headed by the old man Guying, he knows him.

   This senior is terrible, he understands it very well.

   just can't understand why the other party would also go to the Lu family's wedding.

   ask is to be invited by the king.

  王... This should refer to Liu Huo, is Liu Huo in the Lu family?

   is not impossible.

   "We like to stand." A certain general said.

   Such a song and Shao Qing dare not say anything.


   They arrived at Qiuyun Town.

   The moment they left the train and stepped on the ground, the members of Lan Yeguo all breathed a sigh of relief.

   seems to be a lot easier.

   "The Lu family is right in front. We need to ask how to get there," Fairy Shaoqing said.

   The old man Guying and others nodded, not embarrassing the two.

   They are here to attend the Wang's wedding, and they will definitely not see red in the middle.


   This is very offensive to the king, so they usually talk very well.

   Especially in this period.

   But in the blue night country, it's life and death.

   finally decided how many of them were.

   originally thought of nine people, now it is ten people.

   I don’t know if it will be too much.

   But it's all here, I hope it won't cause trouble to Wang.


   The sudden barking of dogs came into their ears.

   Soon they found a big dog appeared in front of him, and the barking was the little black dog on the back of the big dog.


  Who invited you here? "The dog has a fierce expression on his face.

   Heroic spirits also dare to enter the wedding of the dog?

   is simply rude.

   At this moment, the breath of the dog began to spread.

   The song and others who had led the way were startled, they couldn't move because of the pressure.

   The old man Guying was also shocked, but they still took out an invitation:

   "It was the king who gave us the invitation."

   Then the dog looked at the toothache fairy who was on the side.

   Those words in the invitation do not bother to know them.

   The toothache fairy came to the old man Guying and took a look.

   then returned the invitation.

   "There are many offenses, the big family and the little brothers are eager to protect the lord." The toothache fairy immediately apologized.

   "No, it should be." The old man Guying shook his head immediately. Is this the king's animal dog?

   is so strong.

   He thought about it and asked:

   "Need our help?"

   It is their honor to patrol the streets for the king.

   "I'm going to ask the little brother Lu Shui and the others, we won't dare to call the shots." The toothache fairy said.

   They have been living here and they are used to catching thieves.

   The Lu family doesn’t care.

   "Paparazzi, lead them to the place where they are staying, dare to neglect this uncle and never let you go." Gouzi jumped to the ground and said to Gou Aotian.

   then apologized to the old man Guying "Wang".

   Gouye’s wedding, its etiquette must be decent.

   The necessary education as a domestic dog.

   Dog Aotian dare not say anything:

"Come with me."

   It immediately said to the old man Guying and them.

   is very polite.

   The old man Guying thanked him, and then followed the dog Aotian inside.

   I hope it will not come too early and cause them trouble.


   Moxiu Ji'an is looking around to see if there are any characters that can't be offended.

   Then he saw a group of old people in Guying.

   was a little shocked for a while.

   "The old man Guying? Can he leave the sea of ​​the sky and the sea? To see this, is he here by invitation?"

   "The lonely old man can also invite..."

   But thinking about it, it feels normal again.

   "I don't know who will come later."

   Mo Xiu Jian felt that he wanted to keep a low profile.

   Even a street dog, don’t mess with it.

   Yes, a dog looked at him not long ago, and he looked at him in shock.

   He also found that there is a pill seller that is also very strange and does not look strong, but he feels that he must suffer when he is in front of the other party.

   There is also the middle-aged man walking with the dog.

   It looks like Tier 4 cultivation base, but it is inexplicably frightening.

   His behavior makes him feel weird.

   "Remember these people, they are not good looking but you can't provoke them.

   Wait for the seller. "

   "Master is also included, ordinary people who sell magic weapons."

   As long as it is done, he feels that he can always make a fortune.


  Lu Family Hall.

   "Three elders, something has happened."

   The old man withered tree came to the hall for the first time, and at this time the three elders were all in the hall.

   "What's the matter?" The three elders above the hall frowned.

   He didn't notice any breath of power, so he shouldn't be a foreign enemy.

   "The old man Guying came with some heroic spirits." said the old man withered tree.

   "The old man alone?" The third elder was a little surprised.

   Can he leave the Kongming Sea?

   It was impossible in the past.

   He had some understanding.

   "What about the purpose?" the third elder asked again.

   "Come to the young master's wedding, with the young master's invitation." The old dead tree said immediately.

   The third elder frowned.

   There is promise, such people can be invited directly.

   "Normal reception, ask them to ask what they need." The third elder said directly.

   The person receiving is not without the strong.

   So I won’t lose courtesy.

   "They do have a ruthless please." The old man withered tree lowered his head and said.

   "What is it?" The Third Elder was a little curious.

   "They said, do you need to inspect the surrounding area?

   Is there enough manpower?

   If you don't dislike it, they can help. "The old man withered tree thought about it, and added:

   "They said very sincerely, as if they really wanted to do something."

   "What do they call Lu Shui?" the third elder asked again.

  The old man withered tree lowered his eyebrows and said:

   "The normal name is Master Lu, but someone seemed to call him the wrong one at first.

   is called... King. "

  The old man withered tree knows a lot, but he has just heard what he said.

   There is nothing superfluous.

   "Let them go, you arrange." The third elder said directly.

   "Yes." The old man withered tree backed out.

   The third elder did not ask much, which means that the third elder may know.

   When the old man withered tree went out, the three elders frowned:

  "Are you promising?

   I don’t know who else will be invited. "


  Lushui was walking in the small town of Qiuyun. He planned to sit in the Huayu and Snow Season, and then send Mu Xue a picture.

   asked her if she could eat.

   Speaking of the flower, rain and snow season, Lu Shui finally remembered that he had forgotten whom to invite, the stone man...

   Thinking of this, Lu Shui took out the invitation and wrote the name of the stone man.

   Wait and pass it to him.

   Just walking a few steps, Zhen Wu Zhenling suddenly found him.

   "Master, the people from Blue Night Country have just arrived." Zhen Wu said immediately.

   Lu Shui was quite surprised, they came so early?

   "Something went wrong?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

   They should not make trouble.

   The easiest to make trouble is Shi Ming and Moxiu Xuechen.

   "They seem to have participated in the guards, but they want to see the young master before participating." Zhenwu said.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   These people are really idle.

   "I will let them come over." Lu Shui said.

   At this time, he aroused the Hall of Valor.

   In the blink of an eye, Old Man Guying and the others appeared in front of Lu Shui.

   "King!" Everyone knelt down on one knee.

   "Get up, you have something?" Lu Shui asked.

   But he didn't interfere with what they were going to do.

  It is important to be happy to attend a wedding.

   If they feel happy to be a guard, let them be.

   After all, there are still four days left, and I am idle as well.

   "This..." The old man Guying took out a more delicate box:

  "This is what we spent some time in the blue night country all over the country to knit.

   uses all the blue night grass in the country.

   I hope Wang can accept it. "

   This thing needs to be handed over to the king himself.

   But I don’t know if Wang likes it or not, because the wedding is ahead of schedule, and they have also advanced a lot.

   Lu Shui took the not-so-good box:

"can be opened?"

   "Wang, please," said the old man Guying.

   They naturally want to see if Wang likes it.

   After getting their consent, Lu Shui opened the box.

   Then I saw a bracelet that looked like a rope woven.

The    style is relatively simple, the rope alternates blue and red.

   seems to have a blue sky and sunset inside.

   The ordinary is extraordinary.

   can be seen as an ordinary red string.

   One big and one small, one for each sex.

   is a pair.

   "It's just a simple thing, I hope it doesn't embarrass the king." Old Man Guying said nervously.

   This is the best thing they can give.

   But it is really ordinary.

   Lan Ye Guo just started to recover, there was nothing.

   "I like it very much." Lu Shui's voice came out, and he looked at the old man Gu Ying and said:

  "Perhaps there is nothing better than this in the entire wedding.

   I accepted it. "

   The old man Guying looked at Lu Shui, and finally bowed deeply.

   "I heard that you are going to join the guard?" Lu Shui asked.

   "We came earlier... want to do something." The old man Guying said with a low eyebrow.

   Lu Shui glanced at them deeply, and said:

   "Go ahead."

  Guying old man they breathed a sigh of relief.

   and stepped back.

   The gift was praised by the king, and this matter should also be told to the people of Lan Yeguo.

   The hard work these days has not been in vain.

   After they left, Lu Shui explained the true spirit of Wu Zhen:

   "When Shi Ming came, special arrangements were made.

   If Demon Xiu Xuechen comes, he can do whatever he wants, don't worry.

   Quan should not know. "

   Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

  Mo Xiu Zhizun does not entertain you so much?

   But the other party does whatever he wants and doesn't know what to do.

   should not make waves, after all, there is a great elder.

   Then Lu Shui left alone for the Huayu and Snow Season.

   sent the red string to Mu Xue on the way.

   "Miss Mu, do you look good?"

   "Where did Master Lu come? It looks different from ordinary." Mu Xue responded immediately.

   "Of course, Lan Yeguo gave me it and said it was woven with blue leaf grass. I just felt it and found that it takes a lot of people to complete it.

   exquisite workmanship, extremely rare.

   The most important thing is that this is not a magic weapon, it is an ordinary and unusual thing. "

   "Master Lu, I will lend you my hand, and you can wear it for me."

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Lu Shui just sat on the position of Huayuxue Ji, when Mu Xue stretched out her hand.

   Why does it look so scary?

   Lu Shui was a little dazed, but this hand is really nice.

   Then his cell phone rang.

   is from Mu Xue:

   "Master Lu, hurry up, I also want to teach Yalin to read."

   then posted a photo of Yalin next to her, in which one of her hands was missing.

   Finally, Lu Shui took a small one and put it on Mu Xue.

After    was put on, Lu Shui twisted Mu Xue's hand, and Mu Xue shrank back in pain.

   "I'm telling Miss Mu it's okay." Lu Shui explained.

   I want to come to Yashen to understand.

   just sent it out, he saw the space door opened, Mu Xue's head stretched out, and then bit his mouth.

   A few seconds later, he retreated.

   Lu Shui felt that his mouth was bitten.

   "Master Lu has rice grains on his mouth, I will wipe it off for you."

   This is Mu Xue’s explanation,

  Lu Shui: "......"

   "Miss Mu's mouth is really soft."

   "Master Lu said I am not soft?"

   "I mean Miss Mu's head is very hard."

   "..., Master Lu, wait a minute, I'll take a note."



  On the way to Qiuyun Town, Le Feng and Nie Hao looked at their secret secret order with some curiosity.

  "The task assigned to us, kill the beast?

   Tier 4 or Tier 5? "

   Nie Hao was a little curious.

   Should such a simple task be specified?

   And who does this fierce beast have a grudge against?

   actually issued a killing order.

   "Lefeng, why don't you pick it up?" Nie Hao was a little curious, and he planned to pick it up.

   "This order will fail." Lefeng looked at Nie Hao and said.

   This makes Nie Hao a little curious:

   "The fierce beast is very strong?"

   "No." Le Feng shook his head:

  "This order is very simple, it is not the turn to be appointed.

   And it happened to be us.

   Do you remember what you said?

  The senior management knows if we carry them on the thighs of the master, will we be put on shoes? "

  Lefeng pointed to the task and said:

   "The little shoes are here."

   Hearing what Le Feng said, scared Nie Hao directly withdrew his hand.

   He was a little unbelievable.

   "Then we won't pick up? Run for your life?" Nie Hao asked.

   Where can the high-level people afford it?

   Lefeng directly accepted the task, saying:

  " pick up.

   The top management already knows that it is us, so much time and effort to wear small shoes for us.

   means just thinking about it.

   Just let them breathe out.

   There is no problem.

   There is no less suzerain at the top, but it is definitely not something we can fight against.

   So, just accept it. "

   Nie Hao looked desperate, and finally chose to take it.

   "What will happen to us?" Nie Hao asked.

   "It's only four days away from the Young Master. It won't be seriously injured, let's skin trauma." Le Feng said.

   Nie Hao felt that during this period of time, he always had to withstand the pressure from the strong.

   used to be suppressed by the Young Sect Master, now he is suppressed by the higher level.

too difficult.

   It's almost finished, and it's time to attend the Young Master's wedding.

   Is it the last?

   There is another difficulty.

   "Can't you hide?"

   "Can't hide It's better to take advantage of the young master's wedding to solve this problem, which can be said to be the easiest time.

   The executives obviously just wanted to get out of breath.

   Forbearance is over. "

   "Can't it be avoided?"

   "If you use a requirement, it can be avoided. Do you want to use it?"

   "Let’s forbear it."

   A request from the lesser master is equivalent to a wish.

   used for such trivial things?


   So I can only bear it.


   The next day.

   away, there are still three days before the wedding.

   Moxiu Xuechen called Chuyu.

   "I heard that you are also going to the Lu Family Young Master's wedding? Let's go together."

   "Senior, I only have two thousand and six left."

   "Don't mind, my salary is higher than yours, come pick me up."

   "...Good senior, senior, three thousand dollars before..."

   "If I have something to do in the future, just ask me to stand for you."



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