The next day.

Lu Shui and they sent the Dongfang family.

Before leaving, Dongfang Chacha faced Dongfang Li Yindao:

"Auntie, sister Miaomiao is out, let me play with her."


Oriental tea tea was knocked on the head by hibiscus:

"You better take care of yourself first."

"Oh." Dongfang Chacha nodded, thinking about how to take good care of herself to play with sister Miaomiao.

Yes, the world is invincible.

When she is invincible, everything is right.

"Goodbye, sister." Ya Lin waved to Mu Xue.

"Sister Mu Xue, brother-in-law, goodbye." Yayue also waved.

"Cousin, don't worry, Ding Liang and Xiangyu will take care of them." Dongfang Chacha thinks that she may not be good at it, but Xiangyu and others will definitely.

Ding Liang also followed this time, because Mu Xue would also go back to Mu's house at that time.

So when Ding Liang is over there, it's more convenient.

After all, it is Mu Xue's maid.

Many things are clear.

Mu Xue waved along, she didn't worry about Chacha leading them to run around.

Cha Cha takes people and can't run far.

Xiangyu would not agree.

Finally, Lu Shui and others sent away the Dongfang family.

When he left, Dongfang Yeming was a little haggard.

But before leaving, he said hello to Lu Gu:

"Patriarch Lu, next time I have a chance to bask in the sun together."

Lu Shui's expression changed slightly when he saw his father, and he looked at his uncle like a dead person.

Everyone is the head of the patriarch, probably not in harmony.

When they left, Dongfang Li Yin took Mu Xue and walked to the yard:

"When is Xiao Xueer going back?"

"Tomorrow's ticket." Lu Shui replied on the side.

"Mother didn't ask you." Dongfang Li Yin said with a glance at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui didn't care about this, but seriously said:

"Mother, I don't think it's a good name to be called Lu Miaomiao, and Dongfang Slag is also a duplicate name.

In case he grows up, like Dongfang scum, Lu Miaomiao will have to endure hardships in the future.

It's better to call Lu Laishi more suitable.

The elder's talent is the elder's talent. "

Lu Gu looked at Lu Shui coldly and said:

"From now on, give my grandson or granddaughter the name Lu Laishi.

Such a good name. "

Lu Shui: "......"


Lujia rest area.

Ningxia looked at the surroundings and whispered softly:

"It seems that nothing else has changed."

Lu Shui's marriage brought a huge vision of heaven and earth, and even the emergence of big data from Heaven's Tribulation, and the blessing of the Voice of the World.

The past and the present.

No one can compare.

She thought that the three ancient forces would do something more or less.

Unexpectedly, there is nothing.

"Ancestor." Hong Su looked puzzled, she has been thinking these days:

"My ancestors knew early on that Lu Shui's marriage would bring a vision of heaven and earth?"

"I don't know." Ning Xia shook her head, planning to go to Lujia Houshan:

"It's just such speculation.

Who could have imagined that it would be so exaggerated, it would be that way.

Auspicious clouds descend from the sky, celebration of the catastrophe, blessings of the world.

So far in the cultivation world, there hasn't necessarily been such a thing. "

"Why did the ancestors have such speculations?" Hong Su felt that the ancestors should know a lot.

She also had guesses, but she couldn't get the answer, and any guesses didn't make much sense.

"Go to Houshan and ask, maybe you can get the answer." Ning Xia disappeared in place with red pigment.

Once again, it was Lujia Houshan. She walked in and naturally attracted the attention of others.

The third elder of the Lu family will not appear, and neither will the first elder of the Lu family.

and so...

"Why are you still here?" The second elder appeared in front of Ningxia.

She doesn't like Ningxia.

There are so many things to know and so many words.

"It's so cute, it should be weak to speak." Ning Xia stretched out her hand and squeezed the second elder's face.

It was just a little bit puzzled after squeezing it, she didn't see the second elder resist.

"Are you sick?" Ning Xia touched the second elder's forehead again.


Ning Xia's hand was directly slapped away by the second elder.

"It doesn't seem to be sick." Ningxia felt that such Lu Youting was normal.

The second elder looked at Ningxia coldly, and just forgot to resist.

I've gotten used to it recently.

Ji Xun walked out of the void at this time, she glanced at Ningxia:

"In today's cultivation world, you are the first female Taoist I have ever seen."

Ningxia looked at the person who appeared suddenly, feeling very strange, the other party...

Not alive.

"Senior?" Ningxia asked.

This person is not a person of this era, and even if the other person is not alive, he feels dangerous.

It doesn't seem to be an ordinary Daoist.

At least not during his lifetime.

"You just call me Ji Xun, you don't know the others if you are too young." Ji Xun didn't say much.

Ningxia is too young to know more.

In today's cultivation world, there is basically no knowledge of ancient people or things.

Only those who know it specifically can know.

Few people know that the name Ji Xun represents one of the strongest in ancient times.

Ningxia didn't ask too much, but looked at the second elder said:

"I want to ask your omniscient and omnipotent friend one thing, does the third elder of your family already know it?"

The second elder naturally knew what Ningxia said.

Then Jiu looked to the side, as if waiting for an answer.

"I know, why don't you know? But..." Jiu looked at Ningxia with a smile on his face:

"Xiao Xiaoxia wants to tell the story, of course, she is going to be the chief patriarch Lu and tell her in front of the patriarch's wife.

Doesn't the audience seem to be meaningless? "

Second elder: "..."

She understands what it means.


the next day.

When Lu Shui woke up, he found that he was going to be promoted to 7.7.

In a few days, the eighth-order hand came.

I just don't know if there is a place where he can perform the robbery.

If it really doesn't work, pull my parents over and show them the talent of breaking the heavens in their chests.

It's a pity that my mother has come to land in her arms, so it's not suitable to watch such a thrilling performance.

Can only wait for next time.

If it doesn't work, it won't go through the catastrophe.

Do you want to show Mu Xue?

Thinking about it carefully, Mu Xue was not a person lacking knowledge, and she didn't want to see it too much when she wanted to come.

Looking at Mu Xue who was still sleeping, Lu Shui had no idea of ​​waking him up.

Even if he doesn't need to get up to read a book, he can still outline the pattern of heaven and earth in his mind.

Of course, sometimes it is not interesting to outline the formation of heaven and earth.

Sometimes it's interesting to draw something on Mu Xue's face.

Even if she cut her pants for now, it is easy to be noticed.

Lu Shui took out his pen and thought that he could draw an animal, extending from the cheek to the chest, and then to the waist.

big project.

He moved and leaned to Mu Xue's body, holding a pen in his hand, intending to hit Mu Xue's cheek.

Just about to start writing, Mu Xue suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at Lu Shui and said softly:

"Master Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu Shui's expression was tender, and he gently touched Mu Xue's eyebrows with his pen and said:

"Throw your eyebrows to Miss Mu."

Mu Xue smiled slightly, and wanted to get up to let Lu Shui paint, but just moved it, and looked at Lu Shui's hand:

"Master Lu, move your hand and press my hair again."

"Miss Mu, let's get short hair from now on." Lu Shui got up, expressing his dissatisfaction with Mu Xue's long hair.

"In the evening, I say long hair looks good, and in the morning I say short hair is good.

Master Lu, you are partial. "Muxue straightened her hair and sat down in front of Lu Shui.

Waiting for Lu Shui Thrush.

But she was a little curious:

"Master Lu, when did you learn to thrush?"

"Isn't this, did you just start practicing?" Lu Shui said with a pen.

Mu Xue: "..."

"I think I am naturally beautiful, so I still don't paint." Mu Xue planned to get up.

But before she got up, Lu Shui held her down:

"Miss Mu, be brave."

"No, Master Lu, let me cook breakfast for you. Oh, the clothes are going to be pulled off."


It's already bright.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue decided to tell their parents that they were going out.

Go on your honeymoon.

Then go back to Mu's house.

Then come back.

When he came to the yard, Lu Shui saw what his mother was drawing on the table.

When he entered, he found that he was painting children's clothes.

"Mother, what is this?" Lu Shui was a little puzzled.

"Design clothes for your sister." Dongfang Liyin said softly.

Lu Shui: "..."

He didn't have this kind of treatment when he was a child.


Not envious, because the clothes designed by my mother are not normal.

It's like he needs to have affection with Dongfang scum?

No need.

Calling his cousin can barely make it.


What will this cousin do?

"Mother, I found out that I forgot to tell you something." Lu Shui jumped to the topic directly, or she might tell him to design a set for him.

This kind of maternal love should be left to Lu Lai.

"What's the matter? Good news?" Dongfang Liyin's eyes lit up, and she turned her gaze on Mu Xue.

Good news is good news, but it may not be the same as my mother thought. Lu Shui thought to himself.

Dongfang Liyin asked Mu Xue to sit next to her and asked warmly.

Lu Shui felt that he didn't need to sit anymore.

But he still said something good:

"Mother, good things have nothing to do with Mu Xue. I was prompted by the true **** when I was in God's Domain."

"True **** reminder?" Dongfang Li Yin was a little surprised:

"What kind of prompt?"

Fengshuanghe had a God Realm she didn't know before, even Patriarch Lu didn't know.

It seems that the third elders are only half-knowledgeable, and the second elders only understand a little bit.

It is the Great Elder who truly fully understands the existence of God's Domain.

It's really amazing.

What tips will his son get?

"Mother, you might not believe it." Lu Shui said solemnly:

"At that time, the only true **** told me that I was the chosen son of God, and my future achievements would be overwhelming.

It is destined to be the existence of Shakugan in this cultivation world.

Mother, don't believe it, I have evidence.

The only true **** said that I have the aptitude to become the main **** and gave me a book on the road to godhood.

This is it. "

Said that Lu Shui took out the nine-hundred-year compulsory education for godhood.

Put in front of Dongfang Li Yin and said:

"Mother, look, this book is not easy to read."

Dongfang Liyin looked at the book and found that she couldn't see through with her strength.

I can't even watch the content inside.

This book is really extraordinary.

Then he looked at his son, squinted his eyes and said:

"My son will become the main **** in the future?"

"Yes, mother, but don't be too happy, it may take a while." Lu Shui said modestly.

Mu Xue blinked at Lu Shui, she was a little surprised.

What exactly did Liu Huo do, do you need Master Lu to do this kind of preparation?

Wouldn't you hit your mother?

Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Shui and smiled:

"Son, kneel down first."

Lu Shui was a little surprised:

"Mother, do you want me to do something again?"

He thinks he has made no mistakes.

"You kneel down first, mother will ask you again." Dongfang Li Yin said softly.

Lu Shui didn't know why, but he still knelt in front of his mother.

Seeing Lu Shui kneeling down, Dongfang Li Yin only looked at Lulu Channel:

"Son, did you do anything to annoy your parents?

Or else I did something that made the clan care about. "

Lu Shui: "???"

Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Shui with his cheeks supported:

"This kind of ostentation, it is normal to ostentatious yesterday.

Otherwise, I just want to hide it.

But today I said suddenly.

Is it a guilty conscience?

Will it destroy God's Domain? "

Lu Shui: "..."

Mother, what did you make such a speculation?

Mu Xue didn't feel anything, Master Lu was born to a mother after all.

The small abacus can always make people aware of it.


It took a long time for Lu Shui to walk out of his mother.

I wanted to make my parents happy, but my mother's first reaction was that he was in trouble?

Do you not believe in your son so much?


I was really wronged by my mother.

After finishing the clothes, I heard all kinds of instructions.

Lu Shui could leave the Lu family.

They are going to Qiaoyunzong by car.

Then go to the end of the sea from there, which is more convenient and the itinerary is more normal.

Otherwise, open the space door directly, it doesn't feel at all.

And they didn't plan to open the space door directly from Qiao Yunzong.

Lu Shui had to take Mu Xue to walk over, of course, it was not a normal walk.

One day back and forth is definitely enough.

As for the only true god, just let Mu Xue call him.

For Mu Xue, the only true **** was very obedient.

"Master Lu, what did you do to your mother and the others? Did you beat your mother when she was in the fire?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

"Miss Mu really looks up to me, she will die if she beats her mother.

Of course I just beat the old man.

Although I was interrupted in the end, I snatched what was in my mother's hand by the way. "Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue was shocked when she saw Lu Shui:

"Master Lu, am I going to be a widow?"

"Miss Mu is going to die in love?" Lu Shui replied.

"Yes, but this time I go to Qiaoyunzong to buy some clothes. Does Master Lu have any money?" Mu Xue asked.

Before the marriage, she couldn't buy many clothes.

For example, the one with less coverage.

"I brought the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword." Lu Shui said.

There is nothing that a sword cannot be mortgaged.

If one is not enough, just two.

He has it.

"Master Lu, I think you have to praise me." Mu Xue said with a light step:

"As long as it is the clothes that Master Lu likes, I will wear them to Master Lu."

"Miss Mu, you may have mistaken a concept." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and corrected:

"It's not all Miss Mu that I like to see, but Miss Mu, which I like to watch."

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a bright smile:

"Then I wear full body armor tonight."

Lu Shui's expressionless expression said:

"Take a ride on the train tonight, Miss Mu, remember to find a hidden place to change clothes when she arrives."

Mu Xue: "..."

I want to hit the land again.


Then they came to the station.

Zhenwu Zhenling has been waiting for a long time.

When Lu Shui and the others go out, naturally they still need to bring Zhenwu and Zhenling.

After all, take the train normally.

Therefore, it is inevitable to let Zhenwu Zhenling buy tickets and prepare a place to live by the way.

If they don't need to come as normal, they naturally don't need to bring anyone.

Just open the space door wherever you go, and you can come back anytime.

I came back to sleep at night and continued to go out during the day without any problems.

"Master, grandma, this train may be a little slower, and it will arrive at the destination around three in the morning.

However, the room over there has also been booked, so you can continue to rest after getting off the car. "Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui nodded slightly.

He didn't need to sleep, Mu Xue just slept on him at night.

Prepare a pillow for her and sleep on his thigh.

The body of ordinary people is weak.



In the evening.

Dongfang Li Yin was sitting in the courtyard, waiting for Patriarch Lu to return.

I want to share with the patriarch about my son's talents.

Son of God's Choice.

Although it looks weird.

But that book is really amazing.

What if what the son said is true?

After that, they will be promising, so that they don't have to send white-haired people to black-haired people.

Otherwise, we will cry to death.

It is better for the son to send them off.

Not long after, Lu Gu walked into the yard.

Dongfang Liyin waved as soon as he saw it:

"Master Patriarch, here, here, come here to tell you something important."

Lu Gu looked puzzled, his daughter would kick someone?

It seems that the time has not come yet.

But the daughter is special, maybe.

"What's the matter?" Lu Gu asked while sitting beside Dongfang Li Yin.

"Today my son told me a big secret. He said he was the chosen son of God." Dongfang Liyin said with a look of excitement.

"You believe it?" Lu Gu asked.

"Believe it." Dongfang Li Yin nodded.

"When he was a child, he said that he could communicate with animals, that he could transform, and that he was the reincarnation of a strong man.

To be an exaggeration, he also said that his immortal descended to the earth came from experience.

Why don't you believe it? "Lu Gu said expressionlessly.

"He wasn't married at that time, but now he's married, he's an adult.

At that time, he was still a child.

So now there is credibility in speaking, and it hasn't been shameful for a long time. "Dongfang Liyin strives for reason.

"If you don't divorce, what is to strengthen the engagement?" Lu Gu asked.

"This is love. At that time, the patriarch did not let the patriarch marry me, did the patriarch listen to it?

The son is not like you yet. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

"What he said is really unreliable, but..." Lu Gu frowned and said:

"The wedding day is indeed not normal, and I don't think this Nizi is an ordinary person.

For someone who doesn't know, see the scene at that time.

I would definitely think that the rebellious son is the chosen son of heaven. "

"Isn't that the chosen son of God that I told my son? Doesn't it match up?" Dongfang Li Yin said.

It was really strange at that time.

No one knows why.

They had always thought their daughter made it.

But no one gave a specific answer.

And their son actually didn't do anything, just walked normally, which is hard to tell.

Just when they were puzzled, someone suddenly appeared in the yard.

It is the second elder in white clothes.

"Lu Gu is here too, it seems you don't have to wait."

The first sentence from the second elder scared Lu Gu.

That Nizi has already gone out, why would the second elder still find him?

"Second elder, Lu Shui is not at home, and Chacha has already gone back.

Is there any misunderstanding in the middle? "Lu Gu immediately stood up and asked in a low voice.

There is no reason, no one in the Lu family will pit him again.

"There is no misunderstanding." The second elder said calmly:

"Today just someone wanted to tell a story.

It's not a story, it just wants to popularize knowledge.

You don’t know this knowledge yet, so I will let you know about it by the way. "

Speaking of the second elder, he came to the table and sat down slowly.

After the second elder sat down, there was a shaking in the space behind her.

Ji Xun walked out and sat down.

Then Ningxia also walked out, and Hongsu naturally followed.

After Ningxia sat down, let Hongsu sit aside.

Lu Gu didn't dare to sit down.

Stand directly aside.

No matter how you look at it, you know that these people's seniority is ridiculously high.

Don't say it was him, even if the three elders came over, they didn't dare to sit down.

Dongfang Liyin couldn't sit still.

But she was pregnant and could not stand.

The second elder would not agree, especially her fetus was not so stable.

How could it be possible to let her stand.

"Senior Ningxia, Senior Hongsu..." Lu Gu was a little shocked, why are these people here?

And this one...

"Senior in ancient times, the strongest of the Pure Land, Ji Xun, a man who knows who established our ancestral precepts.

High probability to know the ancestors. "The second elder opened his mouth and explained.

Lu Gu: "..."

Who are those who are here today?

Why is one generation older than one?

Senior Hong Su won't talk about it, Lu Gu was even hugged when he was a child.

It's his mother's master.

Senior Ningxia can do it. She was from the time of the great elder. At that time, her sister was the ancestor of the Lu family.

The second elders have to bow their heads for the big generation.

What exactly are these people going to say, do they have to come to their side and say it?

Lu Gu stood behind Dongfang Li Yin and said softly:

"What kind of knowledge do the seniors want to say?"

"Hong Su wants to listen, I'm going to tell her, and let you listen to it by the way, and have a long experience." Ning Xia said.

Dongfang Li Yin was a little curious and said:

"Senior Hongsu wants to know what?"

"About the vision of heaven and earth a few days ago." Hong Su said.

Hearing this, Lu Gu and Dongfang Li Yin were both startled.

Isn't that when their son got married?

In other words, Senior Ningxia knows the origin of that incident?

Do you even know the cause of the heaven and earth vision? No wonder they will follow, after all, their son got married that day.

This incident has something to do with their son, and even with their daughter.

Now they also have curiosity.

Who doesn't want to know about this?

"Then I started talking." Ningxia said.

"Wait a minute." The second elder suddenly interrupted Ningxia, and then squeezed a drop of blood from his fingers:

"Someone wants to have a sense of existence."

The others looked at the drop of blood, and then the blood began to change.

Then a figure began to appear, and the light gathered in an instant.

A little girl in white powder dress appeared in front of everyone.

"The only true god?" Lu Gu looked at Jiu in surprise.

Ningxia and Hongsu were also a little surprised.

Dongfang Liyin doesn't know much about I have heard of it.

"Xiao Xiaogu still remembers me." Jiuzhan floated beside Lu Gu, reaching out and patted Lu Gu on the head.

Lu Gu: "..."

I didn't know how to react for a while.

Dongfang Liyin looked at Jiu, it was the first time she saw him.

Jiu Ye came to Dongfang Liyin for the first time, squeezing Dongfang Liyin's cheek and said:

"Xiao Xiaoyin is also very cute. No wonder Xiao Gu didn't go to the realm of cultivation when he saw you.

At that moment he knew he wanted to have a home. "

Lu Gu: "..."

For a while he wanted to invite this true **** out.

Dongfang Liyin smiled.

Suddenly I feel that Jiu is very easy to get along with.

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