The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 533: Your son is Liuhuo

Jiu patted Dongfang Li Yin on the head.

A smile on his face.

It feels weird to be slapped on the head by a small-looking girl.

But the only true god, she had heard of it, should have a very high seniority.

after all...

The second elder is also very young, and his seniority is also ridiculously high.

"Xiao Xiaoting is not as senior as I am. In front of me, all of you are children." Jiu said.

Dongfang Liyin was a little surprised.

Have you seen the thoughts in your heart?

"Heaven and earth is the only true God, omniscient and omnipotent. If you want to communicate with her, you don't need to speak, just think in your heart.

very convenient. "The second elder said softly on the side.

Everyone: "..."

All of them felt that this kind of existence was foul.

"Don't worry, I am a true **** with professional ethics and don't care about privacy." Jiu sat beside Dongfang Liyin and said softly.

At this time everyone is there.

Everyone was sitting, only Lu Gu stood behind Dongfang Liyin so that Dongfang Liyin could lean against him.

Except for the pregnant Dongfang Li Yin, everyone here is a very senior person.

They are all women.

I always feel that these people are more or less related to the Lu family.

As the head of the Lu family, Lu Gu seemed a bit humble.

"Before I said, do you know what Lu Shui has been doing recently?" Ningxia asked Lu Gu and the others looking at Hongsu.

Hong Su thought about it next:

"As far as I know, there is no special performance."

Then she looked at Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin, these two parents, but Lu Shui's parents, must know a lot.

"Although I was a bit naughty before, I have become more stable recently, and he even ran to tell me today.

Said that he is the chosen son of God, the future will be overwhelming. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

She feels that these people must have a bad impression of her son, and she is trying to save her son's image.

"Overwhelming achievements? What do you mean?" Ji Xun asked.

Others are also quite puzzled.

"It is the future achievement, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Describe the achievement unparalleled. Dongfang Li Yin explained.

Ji Xun nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

Hongsu: "..."

This explanation always feels a bit wrong.

But it's harmless.

Let's continue to listen to how the ancestor explained.

"Son of God's Choice?" Ning Xia looked at the only true **** of heaven and earth.

Is this god?

"Don't look at me, I'm already dead." Jiu shrugged.

A dead **** can actually do nothing.

Chat at most.

To fall is to fall.

There will be no footprints of them in this world, and the current existence is only incomplete.

They chose to fall, let alone try to leave anything in the world.

All that should be done was done before the fall.

As a true god, he can naturally accept the fact of death.

Ningxia didn't say any more, but said to Hongsu and the others:

"Who is the person who has attracted the most attention in the cultivation world today and who has the highest possible achievement in the future?"

"Hidden Tianzong Liuhuo?" Hong Su asked.

Before coming, the ancestors asked such questions.

"The goddess of the Tiannv Sect in purple clothes, I have also heard of this person, she seems to have only appeared recently." Lu Gu said.

He naturally knew people who had helped the Lu family before.

Tiannvzong actually invited them too.

But the strange thing is that they have a lot of invitations.

"The Ziyi Goddess will not mention it, how much do you know about Flowing Fire?" Ning Xia asked.

"The name Liuhuo appeared for the first time in June, and then began to appear frequently. From the beginning, the small reputation began to expand.

It even reaches the scope of the entire cultivation world.

A few days ago, he suppressed the unknown strong with a peerless posture.

Shocked the realm of comprehension. "Lu Gu said.

He has a lot of knowledge about Flowing Fire.

This kind of existence naturally needs to be understood.

"Yes, but who is he?" Ningxia asked Lu Gu.

Lu Gu shook his head:

"Unable to find out, no matter how the investigation is conducted, his true identity cannot be found.

Sometimes there are clues, but they will always be cut off in the middle. "

"Of course it will be broken, the main fire of the Young Master of the Yintianzong, but the father of luck.

As long as he doesn't want anyone to find him down the line.

It is difficult for others to find out.

At most guessed, it is almost impossible to find true evidence. "Jiu said on the side.

The father of luck?

This shocked everyone.

What a special person this is.

Dongfang Liyin was also surprised.

His son only dared to say that he was the chosen son of God, but he didn't dare to say that he was chosen by God.

This Liuhuo is directly the father of luck.

Not the son of luck.

The second elder didn't say anything, she stretched out her hand for Li Yin's hand and gave Li Yin the pulse.

Apart from Jiu, no one knows much about her here.

The second elder took the pulse, and Jiu also followed the pulse.

"The special nature of the flow fire is obvious to all.

Have you ever thought that he is actually not that far away from you?

Maybe it's actually acquaintance? "Ning Xia looked at Hong Su and asked them.

Dongfang Li Yin is a little curious:

"Know? Which side is it from?"

Lu Gu also has some doubts, know?

Among all the people he knows, is there anyone similar to Liuhuo?

"Have you thought about what Liuhuo has been doing all the way?" Ningxia asked.

"What did Liu Huo do?" Lu Gu thought and said:

"He first appeared on the floating island in June, and it is said that he had a conflict with Wu Mianmen.

Suppressed everyone with absolute strength, leaving behind a name.

This is his first appearance.

But everyone thought that he was a fake Young Sovereign, and others began to impersonate him. "

"The second time I appeared, I knew it was on the desert island. It is said that the evil **** was killed there.

Everyone heard it at that time. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

"The third time is Tianchi River. It is said that the flower fairy that suddenly appeared will be directly beheaded.

From here, his name began to spread out. "Hong Su said.

Geniuses gathered at that time.

The name of Liuhuo began to pass.

It can be said to be the first arrogant of the same generation.

At that time, everyone felt that Flowing Fire should be the same as them, at least the same age.

It may be difficult to catch him, but there is always a chance.


Who knows, a few months later, Liu Huo was already standing on the top of the realm of cultivation.

"The next thing is about the Son of the Sun, he directly killed the Son of the Sun God." Lu Gu said.

"Later, it was the sharing of Taoism. After this incident, Liuhuo's reputation has taken on a new level.

Such boldness has shocked countless people.

Do not want to gain Taoism, share with the world. "Hongsu also has some understanding of flow fire.

"For an eternal pride, this seems to be nothing wrong," Dongfang Li Yin said.

"Well, I also think it's normal." Jiu nodded and expressed a thought with Dongfang Liyin.

She moved her hands and poured tea for Dongfang Li Yin.

"Drink plenty of water, it will treat the toilet water better." Jiu handed the tea cup to Dongfang Liyin.

Ningxia looked at Dongfang Li Yin and said:

"Change the angle.

Since June, where has Lu Shui gone? "

"The third elders received the news and asked Lu Shui to divorce and pass through the floating island halfway." Lu Gu didn't understand, so he talked about his son, but he still thought about it and talked about the itinerary.

"The marriage failed, and then I came back and was asked to go to Tianchi River. By the way, I went to the deserted island to investigate the disease in Qiuyun Town. I went to Tianchi River when it was over." Dongfang Li Yin also spoke, but his voice changed.

Lu Gu's expression changed:

"Then went out to pick up tea, and after a delay, he was swallowed by Kun and faced Dao Zang."

Hong Su also has some ideas, even a little unbelievable.

Dongfang Liyin was holding the cup, a little surprised and said:

"Could it be that Liu Huo has always been paying attention to our son?"

Is that so?

For a while, Lu Gu and Hong Su were drawn back to their thoughts.

But thinking about this is quite normal.

Ningxia: "..."

She looked at Dongfang Li Yin and sighed slightly in her heart.

Then continued:

"Why not be bold?

Have you thought about what happened some time ago?

The figure standing in the sky, blocking the attack for the Lu Family.

Rely on the strength of one person to fight the three strong.

A word of heaven and earth dared not refute his rhetoric, which shocked everyone in the cultivation world.

Is he the one with your son?

He made several shots for the Lu Family, and naturally has a certain relationship with the Lu Family.

He killed the evil god, I know, did you almost have a problem with your body at that time? "

Dongfang Liyin nodded slightly.

Did not speak.

Ningxia also picked up the cup, took a sip of tea, and continued:

"The Lu family is just that kind of people.

You said that in the realm of cultivation, who would do so much for you?

Who will follow your son?


and so...

Why don't you guys be bold?

The most unlikely answer may be the real answer.

One person stands high in the sky, suppressing all forces, and the heavens bow their heads, the eternal first.

This mainstream fire of the Young Sect of the Yintian Sect, which is claimed to make the heaven and the earth dare not refute, is your son, who is called the waste young, Lu Shui.

He is Liuhuo, the terrifying existence that moved the cultivation world.

No one imposed anything on him at his wedding.

He himself is the source of everything.

Tianjie asked him for a day off, and the Voice of the World blessed him.

Xiangyun blooms for him.

This kind of existence is true, but he is indeed your son.

Killing the evil **** is for you, and the Son of the Sun is for not letting the opponent challenge Lu Shui.

Sharing Daozang is because he really doesn't like it.

Son of God?

No, your son is not the chosen son of God, but the father of luck. In numerology, he is even the ruler of heaven and earth.

Did I understand enough? "

Cang Dang!

Dongfang Liyin's hand that originally held the teacup loosened.

The teacup just fell to the ground.

She was a little unbelievable.

Lu Gu also couldn't believe it.

In the realm of comprehension, the one and only Tianjiao, is his son?

Your biological son?


How could he and his wife give birth to this kind of rebellious son?

"That... that..." Dongfang Li Yin said with some excitement:

"Then there is a person who is known as the Flowing Fire, come with me and grab our things.

Actually our son? "

At this moment Dongfang Li Yin bowed his head in disappointment:

"It turns out that my son is still in the rebellious period."

"Nizi." Lu Gu also cursed.

On the one hand, the shocking red pigment was stunned by Dongfang Li Yin and Lu Gu's reaction.

She didn't know how to be shocked for a while.

Ningxia and the second elder were also surprised.

Don't these two people burst into tears of joy?

Why is this happening?

Ji Xun didn't know the situation very well, so she just had tea.

But my son is actually very good, so theoretically he should be very moved.

Jiu nodded, just agreeing. She took out the wooden stick and waved it twice:

"It's rude. It's a lack of education to know how to deal with my father and mother at such a young age.

Go, let's break his leg. "

The second elder remembered that Lu Shui had made an attack on Lu Gu.

Then the hand was interrupted.

Although it was Lu Shui who was interrupted, after all, he shot his father and robbed his mother.

Then Ningxia and Hongsu also understood.

But I don't understand it even more. Is it really important to have his own son?

"Don't you praise it?" Hong Su asked curiously.

Dongfang Li Yin said with some regret:

"The son has already married a wife, so it doesn't seem to make a difference anymore.

Instead, because of it, what should I do if I don’t have a good baby? "

Hearing this, the second elder was startled.

A little sad for a while.

Lu Gu sighed:

"The daughter in Li Yin's belly is not his son, and the hope of the whole family rests on their husband and wife.

But fortunately, one wins, if one or two wins, it's even more difficult. "

At this moment, the sadness on the second elder's face became much more obvious.

Ningxia: "..."

Hongsu: "......"

She understood. No wonder the ancestors would say that the Lu family was abnormal.

One by one, I just want to pass on from the next generation.

The main stream of the Hidden Sky School's Shao Sect is on fire.


Achievements are overwhelming.


He was crooked by Li Yin, and his achievements are unparalleled, the best in the past and the present.

It’s too late for others to be happy, but this person’s parents care if this person will work hard to have children.


It seemed like that at the time.

"Just ask Jiu, she is omniscient and omnipotent." Ji Xun said at this time.

Now everyone looked to the side Jiu.

Jiu looked up at these humanities:

"How do I know? I'm not a time search engine. Where can I search for things in the future?"

Everyone: "..."

Then Jiu stared at Dongfang Li Yin's stomach and said:

"Let's talk about this little girl."

Dongfang Liyin immediately said:

"What's wrong with toilet water? Like her brother, she is the chosen son of God?"

"God couldn't lift his head in front of her brother." The second elder said softly.

Jiu immediately retorted:

"Don't say I won't look up, I'm standing in the air, and he has to look up at me.

The dead are the big ones. "

"Does our daughter have a special background?" Lu Gu asked curiously.

As for the dead...

Some are not easy to understand.

"It did. Her arrival almost made the world collapse. Fortunately, there was no problem." Jiu said.

"Didn't you say that she is not the reincarnation of anyone?" The second elder frowned slightly.

"It's really not the reincarnation of anyone, but she just has a special background.

When I am going to disappear, I will tell you all the causes and effects.

You will be shocked at that time.

There are people here who have such means, and there are people who can reach such a realm. "Jiu rubbed the cheeks of the second elder and said.

"What the **** is it?" Ji Xun asked.

"Secret." Jiu said with a smile.



late at night.

Lu Shui was sitting in the train and reading.

Mu Xue was sitting on the inside, and now she was sleeping on Lu Shui's lap.

Still cushion it with a pillow.

The pillow is provided by Zhenling.

The blankets are also provided by Zhenling.

Although Lu Shui has it, the quality is not as good as that of the real spirit.

Good quality, natural and comfortable to cover.

He lowered his eyebrows and glanced, Mu Xue was sleeping soundly.

It looks good, even in the case of a deep sleep.

The only pity is that Mu Xue did not realize what she said. Today, she is still wearing a skirt instead of armor.

Mu Xue, who is in armor, is very shabby and handsome.

It's also pretty.

Sure enough, Mu Xue liked everything he wore.

Although most of them are worn in the room, it would be nice if he saw it.

It was too strange or too revealing, Mu Xue couldn't go out wearing it.

She can't go out without exposing her too much.

But in the room, anything can be worn.

There is no scruples at all.

Lu Shui, who was reading a book, suddenly froze:

"Since the evening, I always feel something is wrong.

Where did what happened?

What happened to Lu Lai?

It doesn't feel like. "

Lu Shui didn't think something would happen at home.

But he felt a little strange.

"It's almost eighth order, is it intuition again?"

Lu Shui is already 7.7, and he should be promoted to the eighth rank in more than three days, and even now he can overcome the catastrophe to be promoted to the eighth rank.

And as his strength increased.

His intuition became more and more obvious.

If you continue to improve, you will definitely get a child with Mu Xue.

If not for going out, I would like to try with Mu Xue.

But I can try it where I live.

At this time, Lu Shui glanced outside, and there was moonlight falling outside.

There seems to be something present in the water.


Is it a huge beast?


Lu Shui: "......"

It seems the best way to go to the end of the sea is to let it step forward.

If he leaves for the end of the sea tomorrow, he shouldn't have an eighth rank yet.

But it is no weaker than the eighth rank.

Because there is a robbery that can be used.

of course...

No one can threaten him so far.


Suddenly the land water felt something coming from the deep ocean.

It's not a kun, it's a huge wave.

Sure enough, not long after Lu Shui noticed it, a huge wave appeared on the sea. There was not much power, but the momentum was amazing.

It doesn't matter to the cultivator, if it extends to ordinary seas, it is a disaster.

At this time, Lu Shui noticed that Kun had jumped up and stood in front of the huge waves.


The huge waves were blocked by a huge Kun out of the train.

At this time the train was drifting away.

Du Liukun watched the train with his tail.

It seems to say hello.

Lu Shui gently shook his head, Kun is indeed well-behaved.

It's not easy to raise.

However, the sea area will not have such huge waves for no reason. I think it is what happened in the sea.

Specifically, only Zhen Wu Zhen Ling can check it.

of course.

He did not speak now.

Let's talk about it later, after all, Mu Xue is sleeping.

for a long time.

Zhen Ling came to Lu Shui and whispered softly:

"Master, it's coming."

After Lu Shui nodded, Zhen Ling retreated.

Don't dare to disturb young grandma.

Lu Shui closed the book.

Then he glanced at Mu Xue who was still sleeping.

Can I paint again at this time?

Uh, only cheeks can be painted, with clothing blocking them.

It's not the same at home, you can tear it even if you have clothes.

Thinking like this, Lu Shui reached out and pinched Mu Xue's nose, waiting for her to wake up.


After squeezing for half a minute, there was no response at all.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Then I checked it carefully and found that Mu Xue's belly was still up and down, but her nose and mouth were not breathing.

"Miss Mu, did you breathe with your belly button?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"I'm not breathing, so I have to move my stomach.

Master Lu, do you think your wife is getting old and want to change it? "Mu Xue opened her eyes to see Lu Shui and said.

Lu Shui: "..."

You just got married, you can't change it so early, isn't it?

Mu Xue took Lu Shui's hand away, then sat up and said:

"Master Lu, I don't know why I want to beat you, you must be thinking something bad in your heart."


For a while.

Mu Xue and Lu got underwater in the train.

"Master, grandma, the place is the one before." Zhenwu said, leading the way.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked around.

There are many traces of water here, and the waves seem to be bigger than before.

"Master Lu, have you experienced a storm here?" Mu Xue asked as she looked around.

"Almost, it seems that there is an undercurrent surging deep in the seabed." Lu Shui explained.

Mu Xue just glanced at it, but didn't care.

If something terrible happens in the deep sea, the Sea-Monster Queen will tell her.

Not too exaggerated, the news will slowly reach her.

"It seems that it's almost four o'clock, I'll go and prepare breakfast for Master Lu." Upon arriving at the residence, Mu Xue planned to make breakfast for Lu Shui.

Lu Shui: "..."

He was planning to try if he could get pregnant, but Mu Xue didn't cooperate at all.

But it's okay.

It was just right to ask Zhenwu what happened to the waves in the middle.

See if it will affect their journey to the end of the sea.

When Mu Xue took Zhen Ling to the kitchen, Lu Shui looked at Zhen Wu:

"Did you see the midway waves?"

"I saw it, and by the way, there should be no strong players around, and the source of power comes from the bottom of the sea.

The direction is over the Kongming Sea. news for the time being. "Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, and his direction came from the airspace.

Is there a problem with Xianshan, or is there a problem with the natural gods?

Or is it a siren?

This is not easy to find.

After hesitating, Lu Shui took out the Hall of Valor.

Ask the lonely old man.

Perhaps some accurate information can be obtained.

At this time, he can't let him relax at all.

There is nothing at the end of the sea, mainly to go to the misty city, and the Kongming sea is related to the natural gods.

If the natural **** moves when he goes to the Mist City, then the problem is big.

Of course, for the innate **** who has been unable to recover, the great elder can still compete.

If you restore directly...

Even if the promotion is completed, the great elder is not enough.

If you let the great elder grow up, that's enough.

It's a pity that even promotion takes thousands of years, let alone growth.

Of course, this is all hypothesis.

After all, it is impossible for the natural gods to recover directly.

At this time, the old man Guying began to appear, his expression seemed to be a little flustered.


The old man Guying knelt on one and spoke respectfully.

"Did you eat what Zhenwu asked you to bring back?" Lu Shui didn't even ask about the sea for the first time.

"Although they are not willing, they did not waste the slightest." The old man Guying said immediately.

Of course, he dared not say something.

Some children sometimes ask, when the king has a queen, when will he marry the princess? This kind of problem.

"An abnormal change occurred in Lan Ye Country?" Lu Shui asked again.

"There are some changes, it may be about the born god.

It has not been fully captured so far.

However, the power of the natural gods is indeed radiating.

There should be results. "The old man Guying said.

He didn't know what happened, but just planned to find the king.

After all, he couldn't resist the natural god.

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