The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 534: The meeting between the true God and the true God

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There is no doubt that the natural **** is powerful, whether it is the old man alone or the queen of the sea monster.

All are afraid of its power.

One finger can completely destroy everything.

There is no resistance at all.

Now that the opponent has the power to overflow, naturally no one dares to trust it.

So if there is any problem, the old man Guying will inform Lu Shui as soon as possible.

After determining the general situation, Lu Shui didn't care too much.

He asked the old man Guying to go back, and then notify him of new changes.

No matter how the natural **** recovers, it shouldn't come as fast as the three, unless he didn't do anything before.

But doing it means using the only trace of power.

In this way, more choices are lost.

It may seem dangerous to move suddenly, but it is actually a good thing for Lu Shui.

With his current strength, he still has the power to fight the opponent's incomplete power.

After all, it is the incompleteness in the incompleteness.

An accident now is better than an accident when he entered the Mist City.

When the old man Guying left, Lu Shui looked at Zhenwu:

"Any other news from the Tiannv Sect?"

Theoretically, the Shanghai Demon should also deliver news to Mu Xue, although it will be slower.

But the Heavenly Girl Sect probably knew it faster.

"Not yet." Zhen Wu said.

They are still paying attention to Lefeng, and they will be notified as soon as they have news.

"By the way, what are Lefeng doing now?" Lu Shui asked.

He suddenly wanted Lefeng to try to investigate something.

"Should be still investigating the affairs of ordinary people before, plus paying attention to the three major forces, and some rare places in ancient times." Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui nodded, he found that these things are actually very difficult to produce results.

That ordinary person, according to Lefeng, was most likely the ancestor of the Lu family.

But Lu Shui could not find any traces of this person.

Not sure if it is or not.

Say yes, there is no evidence.

There is no side evidence.

Say no, in fact, there is some truth to the analysis of Lefeng.

The Lu family did have some more mysterious ancestors.

It's not that no one can match the number.

However, there is no definite clue.

"Let him focus on another matter." Lu Shui looked at Zhen Wu and continued:

"Go and check, about my marriage contract.

See if there are any clues, and by the way, check whether the Lu family and the Mu family have had any contacts before. "

Zhenwu was a little surprised when he heard Lu Shui's words.

He was a little puzzled, but he didn't think it was a problem with the relationship between the young master and the young grandma.

It is pure doubt.

Can't the young master ask the patriarch?

I can't think about it.

"Yes." Zhen Wu responded.

It shouldn't be difficult.

Lu Shui didn't say much, this matter was not simple at all.

He couldn't get the answer even when he asked, especially when he had such a good relationship with the old man.

It is certainly not easy for outsiders to find out.

Someone must have checked this sort of thing.

Lu Shui didn't expect Lefeng to find the answer directly.

It’s okay to have some side news, but I don’t know if there can be such news.

Some words are regarded as accidental gains, nothing is fine.

Lu Shui no longer said anything, but looked at the time.

Found that it was past four o'clock.

He naturally didn't have the slightest sleepiness, after all, Mu Xue was making breakfast.

Bringing the real spirit over is probably taking materials from the real spirit.

Speaking of this, Lu Shui was quite curious whether they would have some adult products on them.

Should I ask?

Ha ha.

When Zhenwu takes it out, what kind of face should he use?

Don't be ashamed.

He doesn't need it either.

Then Lu Shui didn't think much about it, but took out the Heaven and Earth Array and began to look at it.

Zhenwu naturally stepped aside.

After a long time, a plate of dim sum was placed in front of Lu Shui.

Looking up, it was Mu Xue who came over with breakfast.

"Master Lu, is the book so good-looking?

You didn't even notice when I came over.

I can't hold it anymore. "

Hearing this, Lu Shui immediately put down his book and stood up to take the breakfast that Mu Xue was carrying.

"Miss Mu, didn't you bring the real spirit to cook breakfast together?"

Just let the real spirit help to do this kind of thing.

No need to carry it by yourself.

"Yes." Mu Xue nodded and said:

"So I made them for them and let them eat."

She said that Mu Xue gave everything to Lu Shui, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he sat down by himself.

Lu Shui looked at the things in his hands, which were lean meat porridge and some dim sum side dishes.

Then put it down a little bit and put it in front of Mu Xue.

It seems that he is the one who cooks.

Mu Xue sat with a look of enjoyment.

Lu Shui: "......"

"Miss Mu, everything is ready, what do you plan to eat first?" Lu Shui asked softly.

"Rinse your mouth first." Mu Xue said as she looked at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui nodded and said:

"Miss Namu raised her head."

Mu Xue looked up.

Lu Shui bowed his head and took possession.


Lu Shui only got up at dawn.

Eat breakfast in the morning, it's still dark, they can only continue to rest.

Until the sun hangs in the sky.

Mu Xue also got up at this time. She jumped to the ground, jumped and tidied up some messy nightdresses, then flung off her long hair and smiled at Lu Shui:

"Master Lu, I'm going to make a pigtail today, please help me."

"Can't you change your hairstyle?" Lu Shui asked.

"Who told Master Lu not to?

Just know how to make a pigtail, so I can only want to make a pigtail. "Mu Xue found a place to sit down and waited for Lu Shui to get up and help her braids.

"I'll also help you straighten it and tie a high ponytail." Lu Shui came to Mu Xue and said.

"Not everybody at all," Mu Xue said with a pouting mouth.

"Out of normal cities, they all have this hairstyle.

No one combs complicated hair, it is disheveled. "Lu Shui said.

"I always feel that Master Lu is very rude." Mu Xue didn't care, just looked out the window and curiously said:

"Should I buy clothes first, or go to the end of the sea first?"

"Go to the end of the sea, go and see what it will be like to meet some unique and unique." Lu Shui braided his braids and said.

Mu Xue naturally had no objection, she pulled her skirt and said:

"Master Lu, did you say you did something on my skirt?

It feels tighter. "

"It may be fat," Lu Shui said.

"You're only getting fat, and you praised my thin waist last night."

"Then I didn't say the legs are thin."

"But my chest feels tight."

Hearing these words, Lu Shui said in surprise:

"real or fake?"

Mu Xue turned her head to look at Lu Shui and said with a smile on her face:

"Take a look and see if there is any difference from the previous month."

"It doesn't feel good to face the window in broad daylight." Lu Shui thought it was fine.

Will it be true or false then?

Ba% is Mu Xue's illusion.

He is more familiar with this than Mu Xue.

"There is a formation, but you can't see the inside." Mu Xue said.

"Probably I have a sense of ethics."

"Humph, I won't touch you when it's late."

"Speaking of which I'm almost eighth, can Miss Mu feel it?"

Mu Xue was a little curious:

"What do you feel?"

"Intuition, Miss Mu felt my intuition when I was promoted to Rank 7," Lu Shui said.

Hearing this Mu Xue shook his head:

"I haven't felt it yet, and you've been talking about this sort of thing before.

Probably not this time. "

Lu Shui felt a pity, but after she advanced, perhaps Mu Xue could feel it too.



Lu Shui and Mu Xue came out of the snack shop.

At this time, Lu Shui was still holding a small snack, which was packed.

Mu Xue ate some bread for lunch.

"Miss Mu, I feel that I have eaten too much of this food. It's one thing to be fat or not, maybe my appetite is bad." Lu Shui said.

"It's not fat, or Master Lu takes a hug, there should be no change in weight." Mu Xue jumped in front of Lu Shui and said.

Lu Shui: "..."

Was his focus just now on getting fat or not?

Isn’t it a question of appetite?

"I have called the bad girl over, and it will be here soon. Give me a snack and let her taste it." Mu Xue took the snack in Lu Shui's hand.

This was naturally not prepared for herself, but for the only true God.

The bad true **** will eat these things, but many people don't know how to give it to her.

I feel that a true **** does not need to eat.

Then she felt so too.

Lu Shui nodded, and then the two came to the edge of the beach, where they planned to start.

Look at the sea view.

"Miss Mu, hand."

Lu Shui stretched out his hand and asked Mu Xue to put it in his hand.

Only in this way can I take Mu Xue to go overseas.

As an ordinary person, Mu Xue, of course, does not have the ability to walk on the sea.

At least when he was around Lu Shui, there was no such thing.

Without Lu Shui by his side, then...

She knows everything.

Mu Xue put her hand on Lu Shui's hand and said:

"Master Lu, you can control your strength and don't get the skirt wet."

Mu Xue is now wearing an ordinary long skirt.

The clothes are long sleeves.

"Why doesn't Miss Mu wear normal clothes and pants and add a coat?

That's convenient. "Lu Shui took Mu Xue's hand and walked outside.

They landed directly on the sea.

Disappeared in the eyes of normal people.

It takes a lot of time for them to walk across the endless sea.

When they appeared again, it was in the vast ocean without any islands.

"It's not that cold, and if it's cold, Master Lu can hold him for warmth.

I wear too much, so Master Lu will add a scarf to me at most. "Lu Shui said with a smile.

Lu Shui: "....."

He has spells and can't use other things.

Without saying much, he summoned Kun directly.


The sea is surging,

A huge figure appeared under the water curtain in the distance.

This figure is coming towards Lu Shui and them.


Mu Xue was surprised, and then looked at the landing channel:

"Master Lu's pet?"


The figures of Lu Shui and Mu Xue were lifted directly away from the water.

It is Kun at their feet.


Kun's tail patted the surface of the water with excitement on his face.

I saw the master and the mistress.

"Back then, Mo Yunzi insisted on giving me away." Lu Shui said he didn't raise it.

Someone insisted on sending it.

He can't help it.

"Mo Yunzi?" Mu Xue remembered the name, and then said:

"The one invited by Lu Jianjian?"

Lu Shui nodded slightly and said:

"Is it fate?"

Mu Xue also felt a little unbelievable. People of that era actually left Lu Shui a scorpion in this era.

Having said that, Kun is very old.

"It feels like it's small." Mu Xue looked down and said.

"Probably endless years, failed to make it grow, just like the only true god.

She appeared in ancient times.

The age may be older than Kun. "Lu Shui said.

Then let Kun go to the end of the sea.



Jiu, who had originally watched the second elder deal with the elixir, suddenly looked towards the horizon and said:

"Is it so early?

I thought they were going to go shopping. "

"What's wrong?" Ji Xun asked curiously.

"Lu Shui finally plans to bring the only true **** to see me.

After so long, I finally completed the original agreement, and I have to go there. "Jiu said.

"It's over, do you come back?" The second elder stopped handling the elixir in his hand and turned to look at Jiu and asked.

Jiu seems to be staying in the world for this reason.

It is very likely to disappear when it is over.

"In theory, I won't come back." Jiu thought for a while and said:

"But because of land and water, I have to wait for the last moment.

By the way, tell Xiaoxiaoting the truth about everything.

After all, I also want to see Xiao Xiaoting's reaction.


Jiu came to the second elder and lifted the face of the second elder and said:

"Xiao Xiaoting, are you reluctant to bear me?"

The second elder directly reached out to pat Jiu's hand.

It just took a blank shot.

"Xiao Xiaoting is not as frank as before." Jiu patted the second elder's head and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go over and wait for them first, let's talk about it." As he said, he disappeared in place.

After Jiu left, the second elder looked at Ji Xun.

Ji Xunduan sat down and said softly:

"If you want to know anything, just ask."

"Does Senior know the relationship between Jiu and the Lu Family?" the second elder asked.

Jiu never talked about this question.

Don't talk about the relationship with the only true God.

"Do you know the gods?" Ji Xun asked.

"Ess?" The first thing the second elder thought of was the goddess Ess.

The true **** of the gods.

"Well, Ai Si is indeed a goddess.

But she is the second goddess, and the first goddess has another person. "Ji Xun looked at the second elder and whispered:

"As for who the first **** is..."

At this point, Ji Xun stopped.

"It's related to the Lu Family?" the second elder asked.

"It's not related." Ji Xun looked at the second elder and said:

"You are the first favorite."

"Me?" The second elder was a little surprised, but still remained calm:

"why me?"

Although Jiu had said it, she never believed what Jiu said.

She was joking many times.

"Why?" Ji Xun thought and said:

"At first I was a little confused, but then I remembered it.

The First Favor is not necessarily one person, it may be a group of people.

And this group of people should be the people of this place.

That is your family.


As for the root cause, I can't tell you this. You can try to find records about your ancestors.

Maybe there is an answer. "

The second elder was silent for a moment.

The Lu family is the first favorite.



After spending a short period of time, Lu Shui and Mu Xue came near the end of the sea.

At this time there were fluctuations in the air.

A little girl with colorful hair appeared in front of Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

"Vicious human beings, what are you going to do?"

The only true **** saw Lu Shui at first sight, and then took a step back in shock.

After seeing Mu Xue, she became bolder again.

Lu Shui didn't bother to care about her.

If it weren't for Mu Xue, he would have grabbed the only true **** and entered the end of the sea.

Will the other party ask him?

"This is a vicious human being, apologizing for offending the true god." Mu Xue took out a snack and handed it to the only true god.

The only true **** looked at Dim Sum and reached out to take it:

"Since human beings sincerely apologize, the true God will forgive the sin of blasphemy."

Lu Shui: "..."

Kind of can climb along the pole.

But he didn't say anything.

The only true **** was floating around Mu Xue, eating quietly.

She has eaten a lot of blood, and is digesting recently.

So it’s okay to eat something and press it down.

"Let's go, go in."

When the only true **** had finished eating, Lu Shui stepped forward and took Mu Xue into the end of the sea.

Here is different from the past, there is no difficulty in entering.

of course.

When there is difficulty, there is no difficulty.

Lu Shui volleyed down with Mu Xue and directly entered the special space at the end of the sea.

Kun just watched the master and mistress disappear at the end of the sea.

He stayed quietly aside, waiting for the host and the hostess to come out.

It's just that there are some dangers here, and there are space cracks everywhere.

It has to avoid it all the time.


For a while.

Lu Shui, Mu Xue and the only true **** came to the space at the end of the sea.

It's on the grass in the woods.

They just came in and haven't waited for them to act.

Suddenly there was a mist, and the mist was full of supernatural power.

Lu Shui knew that Jiu was about to appear.

Mu Xue did not speak either.

And the only true **** stared at the front, as if something extraordinary was about to appear.

Sure enough, a figure slowly walked out of the moving mist.

It seemed to be coming from the three people of Lu Shui.

Then the sacred voice came from the fog:

"Come, but the only true **** in the legendary heaven and earth?"

There is majesty in the sacred voice, with majesty in it.

As if questioning the existence of the only true god.

And as a mature true god, the only true **** naturally needs to personally face a powerful enemy that suddenly appears.

She felt that the other person, just like her, was a true god.

She flew into the air and looked at the incoming person, her voice also carrying a sacred atmosphere:

"Yes, I am the only true **** in the world, who are you?"

"Who am I?" laughter came from the misty figure:

"Speaking out, it may scare you.

That's right, I am the legendary only true God of heaven and earth, omniscient and omnipotent.

Are you scared? "

At this time, Jiu walked out of the mist and came to the one true god.

At this time, she was not Jiu when she had the sole authority, but Jiu who was hiding in the database.

The only difference is that there is a big difference in height.

Jiu, who has the sole authority, is not as tall as the second elder, but Jiu in the database is taller than the second elder.

The only true **** looked at Jiu who was taller than her, and he was under tremendous pressure for a while.

She had heard of the only true **** of heaven and earth, and knew that there was such a true **** before.

But it was the first time I faced it.

This made her a little scared, but as a mature god.

You can't be timid.

Only when she was about to speak.

Jiu's hand directly held her face, and then rubbed it together.

"Wow, it's soft.

As always cute. "Jiu said with a look of excitement.

The only thing that is really dazed now.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue at the back also looked at them blankly.

It was mainly the words at the beginning that made Lu Shui and the others feel that something was wrong.

It feels like a second-degree.

It seems to be teasing a child again.

Sure enough, in front of Jiu, the only true **** was too weak.

One face-to-face loses.

Let the other party bully.

"Haha, cute love." Jiu pinched the only true **** with a smile:

"I was almost fooled by Xiao Xiaoting, Xiao Qi is the cutest."

"You, you let me go.

You are blaspheming the true god. "The only true **** was pinched and couldn't get out.

"I'm an adult, you're still a child, this is doting, how can it be blasphemy?" Jiu said with the face of the only true god.

"I, we are obviously about the same height." The only true god's mouth was a little leaky.

"Is that so?" Jiu looked down at himself, then nodded slightly:

"Then let you see me in the blooming season.

The appearance of sixteen. "

Holding the only true god, Jiu made a circle.

But after a lap, Lu Shui and Mu Xue saw that Jiu had grown a lot taller.

Become a girl about sixteen years old.

It seems to be an adult.

"It looks good? Get a little taller.

It is the world's most beautiful, the world's most perfect. "Jiu said to Lu Shui and the others.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue didn't speak.

In the ancient times, it was almost the same.

Just grow taller on that basis.

Lu Shui felt that even if he looked like an adult, it was like this.

There is no talk of the world's most beautiful, the world's most perfect.

Because there is only one person at this level from beginning to end.

That is Mu Xue.

What is Jiu?

At best, it is the only true God of heaven and earth.

"Little one." Jiu sat down slowly.

A high chair appeared behind her to support her.

At this time, the only true **** was placed on her lap, and she touched the colorful hair smoothly:

"Xiao Qi, what shampoo did you use, your hair is so smooth?"

"Does it look good? The fishes of God's Domain envy me for having so many colored hair." The only true **** was smug.

"It looks good." Jiu grabbed the hair of the only true **** with a smile on his face.

The only true **** was not resisting either, letting Jiu hold her.


very familiar.

At this time, Lu Shui looked towards Jiu Dao:

"Can we ask questions?"

"You ask, I will answer according to my mood." Jiu said by the way to help the only true **** braid.

Lu Shui: "..."

Are these dead people so self-willed?

Do whatever you want.

"Couldn't you be born to the only true god?" Lu Shui asked directly.


Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui in shock.

This question was somewhat beyond her expectation.

Lu Shui glared at Mu Xue, and said:

"Be bold, what if it's right?"

"Master Lu is really Mu Xue admires it very much.

But she really didn't think about it.

She has always felt that the only true **** is a born god.

But think about it, I don't know anything about it.

Lu Shui knows a lot.

Furthermore, the One True God is indeed somewhat similar to the One True God.

The only true **** was puzzled, she didn't understand, and then looked at Jiu, but didn't ask anything.

She feels at ease.

Jiu opened his eyes to look at Lu Shui, and said with a smile:

"you guess."

It seemed that he didn't want to say it. Lu Shui felt that the other party didn't refute it, which meant that there was enough possibility.

"I know a lot of things during this period, and almost everything from ancient times.

But for the day you fell, I still didn't find the answer.

So I want to know now, can Ming’s mystery city tell me the answer? Lu Shui asked.

"Ming that fandom?" Jiu braided a braid for the only true god, and said:

"That fan is very special, and there are so many things connected.

The things you can know are far beyond your imagination.

What you have thought about, or what you haven't thought about.

You can know it from there. "

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