The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

: Previous Life Fan Wai 2: Start to reverse the world

   Qiuyun Town.

train station.

   A pair of young men and women are walking by the platform.

   "When has the train station been rebuilt again?" Lu Shui asked.


   It was Lu Shui and Mu Xue who came out for a walk.

   "Master Lu retreats every day, there are more things he doesn't know, and this is a fast train driven by formations, which is different from before." Mu Xue said casually.

   "Isn't it a formation before?" Lu Shui asked.

   The world is changing rapidly, everything is lost and reborn, and there is no stop to reincarnation.

   Some things have disappeared and will reappear after many years, but the details will change.

   "It used to be a magic weapon, the speed is not as fast as this, this one stops fast, and the departure is fast, waiting for no one." Mu Xue said.

   "Subway?" Lu Shui asked.

   Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui, and then said:

   "The same can be said."

   At this time the train came into the station, and Lu Shui noticed that an ordinary person was pushing a stroller into it, but the position was a bit wrong and it was difficult to advance.

   Then she turned around, planning to go in first, and then dragged the stroller inside.

   This way you can see the road ahead without being blocked.

   Just as soon as she entered, the door began to close, and the stroller was still outside for a while.

   can't pull in at all.

   Finally, the car was left outside.

   The train has already left.

   Lu Shui and Mu Xue were walking, when the car slid in front of them.

   There may be a child who has just turned one year old in the car.

   Lu Shui frowned when he saw someone in the way.

   He squatted down and held out his hand.

   At this time, four doors appeared on his hand, and the doors were rotating.

   The child looked over.

   "Do you know what happens to the people who block my way?" Lu Shui looked at the child and said solemnly:

   "I will be thrown into a door at random.

  Do you know what's in the door? "

   "Mom?" the child said.

   Lu Shui's face sank:

   "It's a lion."

   At this moment, the child seemed to be frightened, and the teardrops began to roll.

   then cried.


   Lu Shui saw that the other party was crying, so he stood up and said to Mu Xue on one side:

  "Miss Mu, are people so unreasonable nowadays?

   He blocked my way, just like I bullied him. "

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, and finally said:

   "Go back."

   Lu Shui took a step back, and then Mu Xue changed a spell for the child, and there were cute elves walking around.

   "Summoning technique? I will do this too." Lu Shui saw the summoning technique and said that he was even more powerful.

   then stretched out his hand and waved.

   A huge behemoth came across the boundary and looked at the child.



   Lu Shui squatted aside and touched Bao's head, not wanting to speak.

   Muxue played for a long time and finally saw that the woman just came back anxiously.

   Facing the other's gratitude, Lu Shui stretched out his hand:

   "We need compensation."

   Medical expenses.

   He was beaten.

   The other party was stunned, and immediately took out all the money on his body:

   "I, I have so much, if you need it, I can go back and get it."

   Lu Shui picked a piece of the current money, and then turned to leave with Mu Xue.

   The woman held her son and looked at the two men in surprise.

   feels a little strange.

   asked for money, but finally got the smallest denomination.

   There are so many weird people in Qiuyun Town.

   "Miss Mu, I'll buy you dessert, I have money."

   "I earned it."

   "I am the head of the family, and I have to turn in the money, so I earn it."

   "Master Lu, this money is not enough for us to eat dessert."

   "..., let me eat then, Miss Mu will watch."


   "All right, Miss Mu, eat it, I'll watch."

   "Master Lu will continue to retreat by then?"

   "Well, I need to do one last experiment."



  In the secret room.

   Lu Shui put away the things in his hands.

   spoke softly:

   "It's done, then I have to go and see what's going on outside."

When the voice of    fell, everything around him changed. He didn't seem to move, but he seemed to move.

   The world is presented by him.

   At this time, he was standing in the air, and there were countless cracks around him.

   The stars fell and the earth collapsed.

   Everything is withered.

   There are only a few people who are struggling to survive.

   At this time, a little girl with colorful hair appeared in front of Lu Shui.

   "The world is over." She looked at Lu Shui, as if asking for help.

   She can do nothing.

   tried my best.

   "I didn't destroy this world." Lu Shui said.

   The only true **** pouted and looked at Lu Shui, looking very angry.

   "I'll go back and tell them, you bully me." After speaking, the only true **** disappeared in the same place.

   Lu Shui ignored it.

   was preached, or punished, the big deal is to really beat the only true god.

   No problem.

   Then he continued to appear all over the world.

   Watching all the changes around.

   There seemed to be a huge power coming from the sky.

  Someone is competing.

   has an influence on this world.

   However, it is not the source of everything, they seem to want to go a step further.

   ignored it and continued to walk forward.

   Until he reached the border of the world.

   Here is also full of cracks and disasters everywhere.

   "Indeed, it won't last long.

   Then you can start. "

   Lu Shui muttered to himself silently.

   Then there were changes in the surroundings, the world scene disappeared, and the secret room scene appeared.


After    exhaled, he planned to leave.

   "Speaking of Mu Xue should have been out of the customs for a few days, why is there no response at all?"

   The door doesn't explode, it feels quite unreal.

   Then he stepped out of the secret room.

When    walked to the door, the door folds and then opens.

   After he left, the door closed.

   Actually, even if it was bombed.

   He walked out of this door, and the secret room would be restored to its original state.

   returned to his yard, Lu Shui looked around:

   "Mu Xue seems to be on my mother's side."

   He stepped over there, but this time he met no one.

   When I entered, I found Dongfang... Dongfang was holding a baby while Mu Xue was watching.

   didn't care, and went to Mu Xue directly:

   "Miss Mu, this time I finally found a way to get you pregnant."

   Mu Xue turned to look at Lu Shui, and muttered:

   "Master Lu, don't comfort me, I am not uncomfortable.

   But if you say something nice, I might be very happy. "

   "This way? Miss Mu has become pretty again during this" Lu Shui immediately stopped complimenting:

   "I really found a way, a different way than before.

   A shocking method.

   Although you may not believe it, this time it will definitely succeed. "

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and felt that Lu Shui was very confident:

   "What is the solution?"

   "Yes, yes, what can I do to make my cousin pregnant?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

What does    have to do with you?

   Lu Shui didn’t care about what was coming from Dongfang, but said seriously to Mu Xue:

   "Reverse time and space."

   Hearing these words, Mu Xue was stunned, and Dongfang Chacha also didn't understand.

   "What do you mean? Let the world turn in another direction?"

  Go home, and why are you holding a baby?

   Thinking of this, Lu Shui was suddenly a little surprised:

   "What is coming from the East, married?

   Have a baby yet? "

   Lu Shui felt a little abnormal now.

   just said, how weird just came in.

   "It's tea, tea, it's not slag, it's nothing." Dongfang Chacha corrected the land and water, then hugged the child and said:

   "This is my sister."

   "Huh?" Lu Shui thought about it carefully.

   The father and mother from the East, long ago, they chose to end their lives, right?

   "It's your sister." Mu Xue looked at the landing channel:

  "It was my mother and father.

   is not full moon yet. "

   Lu Shui was stunned, he couldn't turn around.

   Then he looked at Mu Xue and said:

   "You mean my father and mother were pregnant with one over the years, and then gave birth to this?"

   "What is this, sister?" Mu Xue corrected.

   Lu Shui: "......"

   Both parents are very old.

   "I don't know." Lu Shui thought he might have been cheated.

   "How can you know when you shut down your perception after retreat?" Mu Xue looked at the little baby and smiled:

   "Speaking of which, I haven't named her yet, should we pick one for her?"

   "Isn't it talking about reversing time and space?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

   She thinks this is amazing.

   "Oh yes, what is going on in the reversal of time and space?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

   "What reverse time and space?" Dongfang Liyin walked out of the room at this time.

   The second elder and the only true **** are also there.

   Lu Gu naturally accompanied his wife.

   "Come on, give me the little guy." Dongfang Liyin looked happy.

   finally had a daughter.

   The only true **** does not wait to see Lu Shui, but he is very interested in this little guy.

The second elder    sat aside, also quite curious:

   "What is Reversal Time and Space?"

   "Cousin Lu Shui said that he can make his cousin pregnant." Dongfang Chacha immediately said.

   "Reverse time and space, it means literally, to reverse the whole world.

   Move the timeline forward. "Seeing everyone looking at him, Lu Shui continued:

   "I have studied for a long time. The reason why Mu Xue and I have no children is essentially because numerology cannot be fully integrated with the world.

   And the numerology track is contrary to the world, and the world numerology is not on the normal track.

   That's why we can't have offspring. "

   Dongfang Chacha nodded after hearing it, looking like this.

   just don’t understand at all.

  "The only way at the moment is to pull the timeline back before we deviated from numerology.

   naturally enters numerology and integrates into the world's orbit.

   Let the orbit resume again, and return to completion.

  In this way, you can have a child normally. "Lu Shui said.

   "But can this kind of thing really be achieved?" Lu Gu felt a bit weird.

   Lu Shui stretched out his hand, and a cloud of mist began to appear on his hand.

   Soon the fog seemed to disappear, and through the inside, I saw a world.

   "This is?" Mu Xue was a little surprised.

   "The world I created, although some flaws, is indeed a complete world.

   I have tried it and it can be successful.

  Of course, it’s easy to reverse other worlds, and it’s not small to reverse the world I’m in, plus myself.

   Therefore, the difficulty increases and some other preparations are required.

   But I have tried them all.

   can succeed. "Lu Shui said.

   was going to send the world in the palm to the outside and let it develop on its own.

   "There is no way to help the world solve the defects in a short time, forget it, leave them a hope of escape.

   If you have enough strength, you can lead people to escape. "

   The sound fell, and Lu Shui condensed a bridge in his other hand.

   then threw the bridge into the world.

   "This bridge can connect all the spaces in the world, so there is no problem."

   said, Lu Shui directly threw the world out.

   disappeared into the vast dark void.

   Help with the problem when you have time.

   "What's wrong with that world?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously as the world disappeared.

   "The root cause problem, when it reaches a certain limit, the root cause will shift, wait until the matter is over, then deal with it." Lu Shui said.

   "Oh." Dongfang Chacha nodded, expressing understanding.

   Wait and ask my cousin.

   "To reverse the world is to reverse the time of all of us, right?

   For example, those who are alive will disappear, and those who have died will come back to life? "Dongfang Li Yin asked.

   Lu Shui nodded and explained:

   "Yes, if this world persists for at most three days, it will usher in complete destruction.

   I will start the reversal at that time.

   Time will return to before my marriage with Mu Xue. "

   "But." Dongfang Li Yin pointed to his daughter in his arms and said:

   "What about your sister?"

   Lu Shui looked at his sister, thought about it, and said:

   "How do I feel that she will look for me as soon as she comes out?"

   At this moment, Lu Shui felt that his father and mother's eyes had become bad.

   I'm the eldest son...

   Then he thought of a way:

  "Then regenerate again.

   Put this little guy in your numerology and reborn after reversing it.

   is like sealing it, and then letting you unblock it. "

   "How do I do this?" Lu Gu didn't understand.

   Other people don’t understand.

   Lu Shui stretched out his hand, and then his sister flew up, and then golden water droplets dripped on her forehead.

   Then my sister turned into two lights and flew towards Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin.

   Lu Gu and Dongfang Li Yin were stunned when they saw their daughter disappear like this.

   "Kneel down," Lu Gu said angrily.

   Lu Shui was taken aback.

   then knelt down.

   "Son, where is your sister?" Dongfang Liyin asked immediately.

   Didn’t you ask what to do?

   Then Lu Shui could only explain:

   "It's fine for you to be born again once, and the younger sister is the younger sister, and there will be no changes.

   She is sleeping now.

   But it's actually quite dangerous. "

   "What do you mean?" the second elder asked.

   "Lu is looking for trouble for me (sister). It does not belong to the post-reversal era, which means that I want to integrate her numerology into the world forcibly.

   has great harm to the world, and even directly disintegrates the world numerology.

   There must be a lot of protection preparations once you are pregnant.

   I need to leave my strength to stabilize the world, and then stabilize Lu to make trouble for me (sister) to ensure her safety.

   Save yourself from being hurt by world numerology.

   Then arrange something from the robbery side.

   guarantee that there will be no problems that day.

   Oh, and leaving behind my back, this can also help. "Lu Shui said.

   "My Hunyuan Purple Qi can be stabilized a lot, using my power as a traction, and then let the power of Young Master Lu come.

   Be gentle like this. "Mu Xue said.

   "In other words, we are going to lose our daughter for three days?" Lu Gu felt a little uncomfortable.

   "Then, can I see Xiangyu and see my father and mother kissing again?" Dongfang Chacha asked with some excitement.

   "Then the world has also changed for the better?" The only true **** was also a little happy.

   Lu Shui nodded.


   Mu Xue was stunned, she didn't seem to be welcomed by her family very much.

   "After the reversal, our memory shouldn't be there anymore, right?" the second elder asked.

   "That's not enough, Mu Xue and I will definitely keep our memories.

   I will put your memory on top of the catastrophe.

   Let the robbery escape the reversal.

that's it. "Lu Shui said.

   "The memory will disappear." Dongfang Chacha frowned:

   "Then I am going to be hacked by the tribulation again?"


   After speaking clearly to the family, Lu Shui directly uttered his voice throughout the world.

  At the same time, everyone in the entire world, regardless of strength, regardless of race.

   all heard the voice:

  "The world will perish in three days, and time and space will be reversed by me.

   You also no longer exist.

As a compensation.

   You can enter your dream at the last minute.

   will end your last life, and you can also choose whether to wake up before the end of your life and witness the end of the world.

   You can also choose to forget me, it’s really over my life.

   You can’t tell the truth from the fake, just like you don’t know if you are in a dream now. "

   Everyone is a bit bitter at this moment.

   The world will eventually perish.

   Then how will the dream world continue?

  No one knows.

   The three emperors who were fighting stopped fighting.

   The world is about to end.

   "Is this true or false?" They began to communicate.

   "Use the way of time to see if you can leave a consciousness out of reversal, and maybe you can know if it's really the case."

   "Let's try it together."


   Three days later.

  Lushui came out of the world.

   "What do you want me to do for you?" Wuzhong looked at Lu Shui with a pair of eyes.

   "To carry my strength, there is no need to carry everything, just a fulcrum.

   You will not die. "Lu Shui looked at the strong man in front of him and said:

   "I want to use my external force to unite internally to initiate the reversal."

   "Human, is this really possible?" Those eyes were full of shock.

   "Only what I don't want to do, nothing I can't do." Lu Shui looked at each other and said:

   "Will you then?"

   "I hope you can keep your promise." Those eyes looked at Lu Shui and said.

   "When I come out again, that's when you return to your own world.

   Don't worry, it won't be long. Lu Shui said softly.

   Then his power began to connect to the strong one.

   At this moment, those eyes were full of fear:

   "This... is this your power?

  Impossible, it will crush me directly. "

   "Not that you are also out of the realm of a mortal anyway, and what you can bear is just a fulcrum." Lu Shui said softly.

   It didn't take long for those eyes to feel tired and weak, and he could clearly perceive that all he could see was the strength of this person.

   horror is boundless, beyond everything.

Such people...

What is the realm of   ?

   For a while, he felt like a candle in the wind, extinguished in these powers at any time.

   He found out that he had no choice at all.

   If you do not agree, you will be forced to bear this kind of power.

   "Okay, I'm going back now, so there will be no problem." Lu Shui said.

   "Human, you, don't forget." Those eyes looked at Lu Shui.

   I'm afraid that the other party will forget the promise in a blink of an eye.

   Especially this force pressing him down, it was too terrifying.

   "Don't worry, but if you are bored, you can try to comprehend my power, in case there is a trace of gain." Lu Shui disappeared into the world.

   Those eyes can only look at.

   I felt fear for a while.

   I am afraid that this human being will forget him.

   And this person possesses such terrible power, why is the world not directly shattered?

   can't understand.



   Lu Shui returned to his mother's yard.

   At this time, he found that his parents are very poor.

   I haven't seen my daughter for three days.

   At this time when they saw Lu Shui, their eyes were very angry, as if they wanted to hit Lu Shui at any time.

   Lu Shui: "..."

   It’s really not good. Give birth now.

   "Everything is ready, it's time to reverse." Lu Shui said to Mu Xue:

   "Miss Mu, wait until the world is destroyed, you bear it.

   Don't let it really be destroyed.

   Otherwise it is not convenient to reverse. "

   "Good." Mu Xue nodded.

   She is a woman who is carrying the destruction of the world.

   "I'm going back to see my parents." Dongfang Chacha was very happy.

   The only true **** is also very happy.

   Because the world is saved.

   The three elders also appeared in the yard, and they were also ready.

   The three elders were a little tired and said:

   "Do I have to experience your youth again?"

  Lu Shui: "..."

  Is it so unbearable when I was young?

  "Three elders, don't worry, I will be the proud son of heaven when I go back this time.

   is your pride. "Lu Shui was full of confidence.

   "Hehe." The three elders didn't look good, just watching Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin:

   "That little girl will be born at that time?"

   "Yes." Lu Shui nodded.

   "That would be much better." The three elders suddenly became more energetic.

   He has long wanted to choose to end his life.

   But the Lu family has no descendants, so he will never look down.

   "The birth of the little girl will cause a lot of trouble, right?" The voice of the great elder came out gently:

   "It seems that we will continue to be busy."

   "Then I will start." Lu Shui said.

   At this moment, he suddenly felt strange:

   "Someone can actually see our side through certain media. Is there such a person in this world?"

   "Who is watching this?" Mu Xue was a little curious.

  " Existing and non-existing, it should be the character after the reversal, which can actually transcend this numerology.

   is great. "Lu Shui stretched out his hand and waved:

   "Let's see who the other party is."

   Soon the screen appeared.

   Then they saw two people.

   Two little girls, one is younger than the other.

   One of them is waving at them.

   seems to be forced to reach out.

   "Wow, isn't this the second elder when I was a child? So cute." Dongfang Chacha said.

   "Yes, the second elder waved to us." Mu Xue said too.

   "Sure enough, the second elder is too cute, and the reluctant look on his face is very cute." Dongfang Li Yin touched the second elder's head and said.

   Others are also going to touch it.


   were all photographed.

   "No big or small." The second elder looked at everyone and said:

   "It's cute in the first place.

   and quickly close it. "

   She is a little angry, who is that little girl?

   actually teased her so.

   "But who is that face?" Lu Gu asked curiously.

   "I don't know, I will know at that time, he should be a remarkable person." Lu Shui said.

   "I feel, I seem to know each other and are very kind," said the only true god.

   "It's a bit like Qi." Mu Xue said.

   Then Lu Shui took Mu Xue and left the Lu family.

   came to the world.

   Everything that should be prepared is ready, so let's start.

   "The world is about to die, Miss Mu is up to you," Lu Shui said.

   "Okay, I won't let it really be destroyed." Mu Xue said.

   Then Hunyuan Qi began to surge to bear the destruction of the world.


   At this moment, everything is shattering, the world is disintegrating, and numerology is collapsing.

   The sky falls, the road collapses.

   Everything is gone.

   At the same time, a purple qi began to bear these destructions.

   "Master Lu, is it all right?" Mu Xue asked Lu Shui.

   "Okay, I'm connected." The land and water connected to the outside power and began to cover the entire world.

   When everything was covered, the whole world came to a halt.

   "Well, Miss Mu, let's go in too." Lu Shui said.

   They will also enter a reversal.

   Otherwise, the world cannot be reversed.

   Then Lu Shui and Mu Xue walked in.

   When they were also covered by power, Lu Shui snapped his fingers.


   "Begin to reverse."

   At this moment, the world is reversing, everything regresses, the original destruction is disappearing, and life begins to reverse.

   Muxue and Lu Shui watched the changes, they were also among them, and their cultivation was regressing.

   "Hey, these people actually want to avoid reversal through the long river of time." Lu Shui looked over, and then realized that it was just a ray of consciousness.

   then lightly clicked:

   "Give them a chance."

   then stopped paying attention and continued to reverse.

   "Master Lu, when do you want to reverse?" Mu Xue didn't care about anything else.

   "Probably three to six years before we got married, this time period." Lu Shui thought for a while.

   At that time, their numerology was still normal.

   Then Lu Shui continued:

   "But now things have to be thrown into the corner together, don't remember.

   There are still some things that will affect the direction, and numerology should be forgotten.

  柒 I don’t know why, it’s in it.

  In other words, we have to keep ignorant of each other’s memories, the specifics of the reversal, and the fulfillment of numerology.

   Only in this way can I fully integrate into the numerology at that time.

   In order to prevent the recollection, make a psychological suggestion. When I think about it, I will subconsciously not want to think about it.

   Or don’t know directly.

   It's not easy to remember this way. "

   "Don't know each other?" Mu Xue looked at the landing channel:

   "Then I am not very dangerous? I must not be able to beat you.

   No, Master Lu, you have to give me some time so that I can finish torturing you. "

   Lu Shui: "..., how to let it? When the time comes, we will all return to our place."

   "You have such a bad memory, so think about your old memories more? Then you will be foolish for a while, and then you will remember the things that are so great about you.

   If you encounter something abnormal, you can definitely remember it in advance. "

   "Also." Lu Shui nodded, then said:

   "Then let you one or two years, I will have a period of secondary school."

   "Master Lu, in fact, you may have been in Secondary Two for the rest of your life." Mu Xue said.

   Lu Shui: "......"


   Soon everything returned to the way they were when they were young.

   At this time, Lu Shui was in the area where Mu's house was located.


   has disappeared for a long time.

   "Okay, Miss Mu, we have become younger too."

   At this time, Lu Shui and Mu Xue also looked like when they were young.

   Mu Xue sat in the room and said:

   "I can just sit here?"

   "Hmm." Lu Shui looked at the still world and said:

   "When I return to my original position, the world will begin, and some of our memories will be thrown into the corner.

  Remember, don't remember.

   When everything gets back on track, I can remember it. "

   Mu Xue nodded to express understanding.

   Lu Shui planned to leave at this time, but suddenly remembered one thing:

   "Miss Mu, I suddenly remembered.

   Lu caused trouble for me (sister), she came back from the future, and her numerology may only start to grow from then.

   Although imposed here.


   It seems, probably, maybe, can't grow up. "

   Mu Xue: "..."

   "At that time, there were three days before the world's destruction ~ Increase the time limit, and may grow to three years old." Lu Shui said again.

   "What about after that?" Mu Xue asked.

   Lu Shui shrugged and said:

   "Mother, they have lost their memory. If you don't tell me, then it has nothing to do with us.

   The second elders didn’t grow up either, and his ancestry was normal. "

   Mu Xue: "......"

   In the end, they won't be entangled anymore, we'll talk about it then.

  Lu Shui came to Lu's house.

   entered his own position, and the old memory began to become clear.

at last...

   The power that belonged to him began to recede.

  The world starts to turn around.

   Three years later.

   Signs of disease appear, and Lushui Numerology fluctuates.

   On the same day, he in the yard woke up.


   there is a side story!

  Ps: Baoju is going to rise up a new book. "Help, I'm Trapped on Mars" all the way to the sky.



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