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Lu Shui was sitting in the yard reading a book.

I'm bored to watch.

The power of heaven and earth actually has no effect on him, but it is still useful without regaining power.

As for the restoration of power, the power of the sky and the earth seemed ordinary.

After all, the power of heaven and earth is useful in the world.

And his own power has surpassed the world.


In the last life, the power of heaven and earth actually retired for a long time.

Now that Mu Xue is pregnant, he can directly recover power at any time.

But I think I should continue to be an ordinary person.

"But it can't be too long. The person outside is still waiting for me to fulfill the promise."

After that, Lu Shui stopped thinking about it.

Mu Xue went to see her mother today and asked about pregnancy.

He did not follow.

Mu Xue refused.

What can he do?

It changes when you have a child.

This has only been a few years of marriage.

At this time, Lu Shui saw a little guy creeping in.

It's Lu Lai.

"Brother, brother." Lu Miaomiao ran to Lu Shui, took out the duck in his hand and said:

"Brother, I bought a little yellow duck, can you help me raise it?

The three elders won't let me raise them. "

"No, let the mother roast it." Lu Shui glanced at the duck and refused.

"Then, then I will tell my mother that my brother beat me." Lu Miaomiao said while looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui watched what happened to Lu Shui, then got up and took the duck.

Then he waved his fist.


Lu Shui clapped his hands, and then said:

"Well, don't tell your mother that I beat you, I will help you raise it."

At this time, Lu Miaomiao looked at Lu Shui with tears, and finally ran out crying.

"Remember, I will eat your duck after you say it." Lu Shui reminded.

Lu Miaomiao, who was still crying, didn't dare to cry all of a sudden.

Only then did Lu Shui look at the duck.

This is an ordinary duck.


The duck **** on the table.

Lu Shui looked at each other, and then said:

"Lick it clean."

The duck looked at Lu Shui without knowing it, and didn't understand what Lu Shui was talking about.

"I'm not wise."

He looked at the duck, then stretched out his hand.

A pill fell on his hand, then he opened the duck's mouth and stuffed the pill in.

At this time, the duck jumped in pain, as if choking.

After stabbing a few times with a chopstick, the duck recovered.

"It seems to be a little slow to digest." Lu Shui felt that the other party still couldn't lick it clean.

He brought some pills to help the opponent digest.


When Mu Xue came back, she saw a duck on the table with a bulging belly, lying on the table, life and death unknown.

"Master Lu, are you eating roast duck?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

"No, Lu Laishi's duck, it doesn't have intelligence. I will drive it for a while, then make it digest faster, and then add system or something.

But I thought it was going to die sooner or later, so I gave it some elixir to make the meat more delicious.

It tastes delicious too. "Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue: "....."

This duck may not live long.

Three days later.

Lu Shui discovered that the duck had come alive.

"Can you understand people?" Lu Shui asked.

The duck is still unknown.

Lu Shui frowned.

Directly slap the past.


The duck's neck was broken, and there was only one breath left.

Lu Shui: "..."

Isn't it too crispy?

Forget it, save it.

I'm going to come over to play with her pet when I come.


Two months later.

Lu Shui looked at the still spirited duck on the table and said:

"Your master hasn't come to see you for many days. It seems that you have been abandoned.

So, how do you want to die? "

"Hey?" The duck collapsed to the ground in fright.

"Dirty my desktop, lick it clean." Lu Shui said.

This time the duck began to lick the tabletop.

"Then raise you for a while." Lu Shui took out some medicine residue and said:

"These are the failure pills made by a crappy alchemist. Take it."

"Gah..." The duck looked pained.

"Either I took these medicines, or I took you today." Lu Shui said softly.

"Gah!" The duck ate immediately.

"Don't worry, take your time, there will be a lot more in the future," Lu Shui said.

The duck is desperate.



A certain year.

Lu Shui was sitting in the pavilion beating two beads.

Mu Xue walked in and curiously said:

"Master Lu, what are you doing?"

"Make the system, the inspiration from Chuyu.

The system he said seems a bit outdated, no wonder he has been writing books and has been poor. "Lu Shui said.

"What are you doing with the system?" Mu Xue sat next to Lu Shui and took a look at the beads.

It feels so average.

"Isn't that the world hasn't dealt with it?

If you throw two systems into it, someone should handle it.

I don't have to do it myself.

After all, their world still has to be solved by themselves.

I'm an outsider, so I won't directly interfere. "Lu Shui looked at the system and said.

"It feels very ordinary." Mu Xue said with a bead:

"Can't make it better?"

"The level is too high, it is not good for the world, and it is not good for the host. This is enough," Lu Shui said.

After knocking on the system, Lu Shui let in a trace of eternity.

Just in case.

"What is the system's name?" Mu Xue asked.

"Yeah~" Lu Shui thought for a while, then said:

"One is called a sequence, and the other is called a treaty.

Doesn't it sound good?

Domineering. "

Mu Xue chuckled.

Lu Shui didn't care, he just threw the two systems away and disappeared out of the endless space.

Okay, there is no problem.

after a while.

Lu Shui was waiting for Mu Xue to change his clothes, but he didn't let him watch it today.

But while he was waiting, suddenly something pointed towards him.

"Huh? Why did you suddenly point to me?" After thinking about it, Lu Shui remembered that it was the last system.

Then he divided a ray of God over.

Soon he appeared in a forest.

Here is the night.

The world has stopped at this moment.

Then he heard some sounds, which were transmitted by the system.

"Supreme Numerology Suppression? Is it such an exaggeration?" Only then did he see a little boy carrying a little girl, and the system was around them.

But when he saw the little boy, he was quite surprised:

"What an ordinary life style, no wonder it will be suppressed, so ordinary as the root of a new life.

If I knew there were such mortals, I wouldn't be troubled. "

At this time, he checked the reason and found that his system had mutated inexplicably, and the previous related items were deleted.

Memory is part of it, so the system can be turned on.

After thinking about it, Lu Shui stretched out his hand to the little boy, and the light flashed:

"Mortals, I have sealed your memory, and you will be able to restore your memories when you leave the category of mortals."

Feeling that a lot of things will happen, then he looked at the system again and saw the new name:

"Sequence treaty?

Now that you have intervened, let's intervene to the end. "

Turning on the system, he checked the content, and then was stunned.

What kind of cruel and inhuman things are this.

He knocked on something for a long time, and then he merged this kind of thing?

Finally, he modified the last item, that is to make a wish to him:

"I hope my body can come over next time. It's rare to come out."

The last item can allow him to come over, and it will not be too dangerous to the world.

But this world...

Looks like it can't hold it anymore.

Isn't there a strong and responsible person born here?



Unfortunately, he was born in the wrong age.

not enough time.

Probably the last effort made by the world.

Well, maybe not.

He looked at the little boy, maybe this was it.

"Mortal, don't grow too fast, or I will be embarrassed."

He went back after speaking.

This person has enough possibilities in the future, if he grows too fast, he can't be summoned.

Didn't he amend the treaty for nothing?

But that treaty...

Think about it, it's better to summon him.

"Master Lu, what are you doing?" Mu Xue's voice came over.

His hands were still shaking in front of him.

Lu Shui grabbed Mu Xue's hand and said:

"Miss Mu looks really good today."

"Of course, don't look at whose wife I am.

By the way, what did Master Lu just go for? "Mu Xue asked.

"I went to where the system was before, met two very interesting children, and left a wish.

I feel they may need it in the future. "Lu Shui got up and pulled Mu Xue out.

"They have problems there and it's not because of you." Mu Xue said.

"The problem of the world is of course that the people of the world have figured out their own solutions, and it is not that they have no time. It is just that some people think that they are good enough, but they are short-sighted and inferior to the natural gods.

I haven't met him yet.

I don't know where to hide. "Lu Shui said.

"My son seems to have ran away from home again." Mu Xue changed the subject.

"Didn't his leg break last time?"

"Well, he doesn't believe in evil, this time he ran with Xiao Liu."

"..., no one really saved him this time. At a young age, he knew to choose a dead end, and he would definitely do well in the future.

Who do you think is not good for him to bring Lu to work?

I don't know if you come back, can you recognize you as a mother. "

"Don't be so exaggerated, Zhenwu Zhenling will follow."

"Zhen Wu Zhenling hasn't retired yet?"

"I had a lot of chance with Young Master Lu, my cultivation level has improved a lot, and I will delay my retirement."

"I killed them, what is their relationship?"

"It's not brother or sister anyway."

Having said that, Lu Shui suddenly stopped, he looked at Mu Xue and said:

"Miss Mu, I suddenly remembered something. My son tied Lu Laishi. Will my parents blame me?"

Mu Xue: "..."




Lushui Yard.

The duck came in with a purple egg.

It handed the egg to Lu Shui.

Lu Shui took the egg and threw it out.

Thrown out of the world.

"Hey?" The duck was dumbfounded.

"The color is not good, change one." Lu Shui said.

"Gah!" The duck looked pained.

"Can't die, don't scream." Lu Shui said.

Still counting on him to help raise?

What about sleepwalking?

I don't know when.

The duck came to Lushui again.

This time holding a duck egg that seems to have flames.

Lu Shui took it and threw it out again.

"Gah?" The duck looked sad.

"Anything else?" Lu Shui asked.

The duck backed away so frightened that he never wanted to come again.

Let's find the owner.

It has to work hard, and it will go out to retrieve the child in the future.



At noon one day.

Lu Shui suddenly felt something pointed at him.

"Oh? It's on.

While Miss Mu is cooking lunch, go and return quickly. "

Then he stepped forward and followed the guidance to a high altitude.

There is a throne here.

It seems to be able to inherit the strength that is not weak.

Is a strong man, strong enough but has no time.

But this is not the point.

The point is not far away, a woman kills a man.

Led him.

Sure enough, it was these two people, it was a tortuous life.

There was no emotion in that woman's eyes.

"Mortal, you still used the last treaty, then, speak your wish." Lu Shui stood high in the sky, no one could see through him directly.

His power covers the entire world.

The world is terrified by his arrival.

"Come over." The woman's voice had no emotion, as if she was saying something ordinary.

But Lu Shui knew that she had no emotions.

"Yes." Lu Shui directly agreed, he knew it well:

"But in the end the treaty will be revised to be unique, and the next time it will be the last.

At the same time, everything will be centered on the owner of the treaty, who will retain all the memories before the reversal, and you are not the original owner of the treaty. "

Lu Shui turned his head to look at the dead man and said:

"He is the original owner of the treaty, and you will disappear retroactively.

The world will move towards the unknown.

So, are you willing? "

Lu Shui has given these people one more chance, and let them be paid to help deal with the world's problems.

I can make another wish next time.

If they succeed in the end, then there is no need to make a wish.

As long as you didn't go the wrong way.

Everything is not a problem.

If the world continues like this, it will die.

"I am willing, please let him do it again." The woman said.

Lu Shui sighed in his heart, and finally said:

"as you wish."

At this moment, the power of land and water is acting in the world.

Everything started a reversal.

With the bonus of the previous life, I hope not to go the wrong way.

Lu Shui glanced at the man, and finally left the world.

"These two people are really complicated. One is willing to be killed, and the other is willing to disappear for him."

"If you grow up well, you can solve all problems.

I have found the coordinates for you, and I hope to get hold of it. "

Then he found that the coordinates happened to have an egg.

it's fate.

Lu Lai matter pet's egg.

Soon Lu Shui returned to the yard.

Muxue rice is not ready yet.

Forget it, go see what she is doing.

"Master Lu, did you finally find out with your conscience to help me?"

"Miss Mu can't talk nonsense, I come here every time, and you won't let me help every time."



Lu Shui watched TV with Mu Xue today.

The TV son is filial.

Recently, his son claimed that he would never marry a wife, and then he succumbed under the eyes of the three elders 50 million.

Say that you will get married if you find a suitable one in the future.

But this has been for many years.

At this time, Lu Shui saw a man on TV pushing the woman to a corner:

"Woman, you successfully attracted my attention. Tell me about your request."

Lu Shui looked uncomfortable.

"Miss Mu, what's so good about this?

It feels so two. "Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shuidao:

"Master Lu, you successfully attracted my attention."

Lu Shui: "..."

At this time, Lu Shui was stunned, as if someone had come into contact with eternity, which still belonged to his eternal extension.

But how come you don’t touch it when you touch it?

"Miss Mu, I went out to take a look. It seems that someone has encountered eternity, and I will give him a wish." Lu Shui said.

"Remember to come back soon." Mu Xue said.

"I see." Lu Shui responded.

Then he disappeared directly in place and headed over there.

He felt a little squeezed in the past.

Forget it, just come and have a look.

He sorted out the opening remarks:

"Mortal, you successfully attracted my attention. Tell me your wishes."

Lu Shui found that no one answered immediately. After he stood firm, he found a corpse lying on the ground.

Lu Shui: "..."

"Uh, dead?

This is difficult.

I finally came out and went back without doing anything. I was embarrassed. "

He is speechless, don't touch it if you can't touch it, don't want to live anymore, right?

Uh, he's not really looking for death, is he?

Then he looked to the imprisoned woman and said:

"Then you come to express his wish for him, sealed human.

I give you the ability to speak. "

At this time, the woman's imprisonment disappeared.

Lu Shui wanted her to make one first and see if it works.

If it doesn't work, pull this dead one up and make a wish.

If you come out, you always have to do something.

"I, I hope everything can start all over again." The woman had a hard time talking.

Lu Shui felt that the other party just mentioned it casually.

It seems that there is not much hope.

"Do you want to start from the beginning?" Lu Shui observed the next world and found that it was in a period of dying, so there was no problem:


But everything in this world will disappear, and your desire is centered on the person who brought me out.

His time will be reset, this world will only exist in his memory, so everything will no longer exist, including you.

So, are you willing? "

Lu Shui felt a little unbelievable when he saw the other party, and finally nodded immediately:

"I am willing, please let him do it again."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, and it was such a play.

What's the matter with young people nowadays?

But if the other party is willing, there is nothing to say:

"as you wish."

At this moment the world began to reverse.

At the beginning of the reversal, Lu Shui looked surprised at the person who led him.

"To touch eternity with the body of a mortal, but also to be tainted with eternity, is really incomprehensible.

It's a pity that he has the ability to escape from mortals, but he hasn't taken that step, but he hasn't taken that step, but he can keep moving forward, which makes people a little bit incomprehensible.

But fortunately, there are not many eternity contaminated, and there is no detachment from this world, otherwise the reversal will not be possible.

This way I am embarrassed.

Mortal, I hope you don't bluff like this next time. "

After speaking, Lu Shui glanced at the location of Heavenly Tribulation.


Then play by yourself. "

After dismissing the Lu Shui frowned:

"It feels that the world can't catch him, so he doesn't know that the world has a limit.

Forget it, add a cordon to the world.

When this person reaches this cordon, the world will call the police.

If he really wants to destroy the world, no one can do it.

If you don't want to, you can also remind him to converge. "

Eternal Lu Shui didn't help him take it, after all, the other party had contracted it.

It can be used as a backhand.

Prevent midway death.

Really reckless.

I don't know what he thinks.

Do you really want to die so?

It may be true that Lu Shui casually flipped through the world, feeling...


Shaking his head and sighing.

"Master Lu, make a wish for so long?" Mu Xue's voice came over:

"Let's watch the wonderful story."

Lu Shui: "..., here comes."

In response, Lu Shui stretched out his hand to grab, grabbed the memory of the woman just now, directly out of the void, and threw it onto the catastrophe.

It is a complete memory.

"Just treat it as a gift that didn't embarrass me."


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