The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 102 Immortal Mode and Flying Thunder God (Please subscribe~)

"Is this... Immortal mode?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Natsuhiko's red eye shadow and the chakra full of natural flavor. He couldn't help but have a look of disbelief on his face, but he soon calmed down again.

He naturally knows the Sage Mode, because his teacher Jiraiya knows the Sage Mode, and he has also learned it himself!

Although as far as he is concerned, he doesn't think he is very good at learning, but at least he understands how terrifying this technique is.

Xia Yan knows the immortal mode?

This was really not what he expected, but it seemed like it was natural.

Because Natsuhiko is a member of the Senju clan, according to information from the Hokage's office, the first Hokage was a ninja who was considered to be very good at Sage mode.

Although Namikaze Minato didn't quite understand why the information about the first Hokage had been tightly blocked until now.

Most of the people who know what he did back then are elderly, and it can even be said that there are not many left.

The younger generation basically only knows that he established Konoha, and they really know nothing about other things.

But as Hokage, Namikaze Minato can still know a lot of information.

Shaking his head, he thought it was better not to think about this now.

Especially regarding the reason why many deeds of the previous Hokage were concealed.

After being shocked by Xia Yan's information for so many times, he really felt that the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

"Is this the immortal mode of your Thousand Hands clan?"

After quickly putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Namikaze Minato then asked slowly.

"No, it's not the sage mode of the Senju clan." Natsuhiko shook his head. He looked at Namikaze Minato seriously: "I have not been recognized by Slug Sage. I learned my sage mode from somewhere else."

Somewhere else?

Namikaze Minato raised his eyebrows, he seemed to have thought of something.

His teacher, Jiraiya, learned his sage form from the toad sages in the Holy Land of Mt. Myoboku.

Xia Yan did not get the approval of the Slug Immortal, but he learned the Immortal mode, so there can only be two results.

One is that the first Hokage left a record of Sage Mode, and the other is that big lizard.

But no matter which one it was, his evaluation of Xia Yan had improved a lot, and he also thought of one thing.

That is, Xia Yan seems to have never revealed that he knows the immortal mode, and he has never used such a technique even in the captain's assessment.

"Did you just learn it?" Namikaze Minato suddenly asked.

"Not really. I have learned it for a while. I have some information at home that can be used simply." Xia Yan smiled gently: "But then I got the approval of Lizard Pill and studied hard in the hospital for a while."

"Lizard?" Namikaze Minato raised his eyebrows and looked at him curiously: "You were able to use some of the power of Sage Mode before, but now you have become more complete?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan nodded very sincerely: "But it is too burdensome for me to use it, so I basically don't use it much, but now..."

At this point, Natsuhiko stopped, and Namikaze Minato nodded in understanding.

The Thousand Hands Clan has records of the Sage Mode, although he doesn't know why Xia Yan is not recognized, nor does he know how to learn the Sage Mode without being recognized.

If what Xia Yan said is true, and he just studied quietly and accidentally learned some, then this kid's talent for Sage Mode is really incredible.

If this is the case, without a complete inheritance, it is normal for his immortal mode to be very burdened.

I'm afraid Kakashi has seen Natsuhiko use the incomplete sage mode. Only this explanation can confirm why Kakashi misunderstood his strength, right?

Namikaze Minato naturally figured out a lot of things in his mind, although he still maintained some rational vigilance towards Natsuhiko.

This is what he must do as Hokage, because Xia Yan's mind is really complicated, especially what he did before was too dangerous.

If Namikaze Minato was really not vigilant at all, then he would not be alive today on the battlefield, and he would not be qualified to be Hokage.

But all this happened after Xia Yan voluntarily quit his position as captain and decided to take the theoretical exam.

Namikaze Minato unknowingly lowered his vigilance a lot.

In this way, he gave up his own interests and maintained Namikaze Minato's dignity as Hokage, which had to make Namikaze Minato's favor increase greatly.

In addition, Natsuhiko's Flying Thunder God was taught by himself. In addition, he also saved Kakashi.

Moreover, Xia Yan is also honest with himself. His purpose and thoughts have always been made very clear, and his intelligence value is also very high.

With so many real-life situations connected together, even if Namikaze Minato was indeed vigilant in his heart, it would inevitably make such relationships and feelings deeper.

He is not a sophisticated and calculating old politician like Sarutobi Hiruzen. He is still young and still follows his own emotional concepts.

In fact, even Sarutobi Hiruzen still has his own feelings, but he can distinguish his feelings from his own positions and ideas.

Looking at his relationship with Danzo, their personal relationship is so deep, but once it comes to work, they become like strangers.

All kinds of methods are really endless, and even Danzo used methods such as assassination.

But what about after the assassination?

This guy Danzo is still doing nothing, and he even survived three years after Hiruzen Sarutobi died, and he almost sat on the throne of Hokage!

"Then, I'm also looking forward to Natsu Yan-kun's sage mode." Namikaze Minato looked at Natsu Yan's state, and he suddenly felt a little excited.

"I won't disappoint Mr. Hokage." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "But there is one thing that I hope Mr. Hokage will help keep secret, because Mr. Hokage is still the only one who knows that I can master the sage mode."

After Minato Namikaze heard the news, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart: "Didn't you even tell your family?"

"No." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "I didn't tell anyone."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and then he didn't say much.

He raised the kunai with one hand, looking much more serious, and his chakra began to surge.

"Thank you Natsuhiko-kun for your trust, but I have to take it seriously." Namikaze Minato said softly: "I also want to see the power of Sage Mode."

"As you wish." Blue chakra appeared on Natsuhiko's ninja sword again: "Hokage-sama..."



A muffled sound bloomed in the quiet forest. Countless birds perched on the treetops were awakened by the muffled sound, and then quickly flew into the sky.

The tremors continued, and as the trees continued to collapse, smoke and dust rose scattered in every corner.

There were only two ghostly figures floating continuously, and these two figures were like streams of light and could not be traced at all.

It's not clear who they are with the naked eye, but the energy inspired by their constant collisions makes people a little frightened.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of fierce metal collisions continued to echo, and this time the sound became more urgent than before. For a moment, the two of them seemed to be in a stalemate.

Natsuhiko was quite satisfied with this situation. Although he had to use Sage Mode to keep up with Namikaze Minato in speed, this was completely enough.

Natsuhiko has thoroughly experienced the abnormal speed of Namikaze Minato before, and his sage mode is only in its primary state.

It was completely acceptable to him to be able to catch up with Namikaze Minato like this. At least he didn't have to worry about being beaten until he was unable to fight back.

"And the increase in Sage Mode is not just about physical skills!"

Blocking Namikaze Minato's kunai, Natsuhiko immediately took out a kunai with his left hand, and then stabbed Namikaze Minato directly.

Namikaze Minato reacted very quickly. He grabbed Natsuhiko's left hand, and at the same time, a burst of chakra bloomed slightly.

It's just that the blooming time was too fast, and there were no traces. It seemed that Xia Yan didn't even notice it.

But soon, Namikaze Minato had to let go, because azure blue appeared on Natsuhiko's ninja sword again.

This sharp azure color had a sharp blade and powerful force that kept squeezing his kunai.

This kunai has been fighting for a long time, and it can no longer withstand such pressure, and cracks that are almost visible to the naked eye have appeared.

Faced with this situation, Namikaze Minato could only retreat backwards. Naturally, Natsuhiko couldn't miss it. The moment his left hand was released, his ninja sword had already struck him.

However, Namikaze Minato was extremely fast. He jumped back slightly and easily dodged the lightning-like sword.

Upon seeing this, Natsuhiko immediately shot the kunai in his left hand at Minato, and at the same time, he also moved closer to him.

Namikaze Minato quickly pulled out a kunai, blocking the kunai with the crisp sound of metal collision. At the same time, the kunai in his hand flipped lightly, and then he leaned directly towards Natsuhiko.


There was another crisp sound, and the two weapons were just touching each other. Namikaze Minato felt the strength of the kunai, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Very good, but isn't this your full strength?" Namikaze Minato asked softly.

"It shouldn't count." Xia Yan's voice seemed to be panting, but he still maintained that gentleness: "Isn't it the same, Hokage-sama? At least, we haven't used the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, it was true that none of them used the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Soon his brows furrowed slightly, because Xia Yan in front of him instantly turned into a burst of smoke.

"Replacement technique?"

Namikaze Minato was a little dumbfounded. How could a boy like Natsuhiko be able to use the Substitute Technique at this time?

How proficient has he mastered this technique?

But he didn't have time to think too much, because Xia Yan suddenly took action from beside him.

Namikaze Minato's body coordination is also extremely strong. He quickly turned around and raised the kunai in his hand forward, blocking Natsuhiko's ninja sword without fail.

It's just that Natsuhiko didn't love fighting at all. After the slight contact, he immediately turned around and walked around the front of Minato Namikaze. At the same time, his left hand was about to hit Minato behind.

Namikaze Minato immediately turned around and twisted. Although Natsuhiko's fist touched him, it just brushed past his clothes.

But when he turned around and kicked Xia Yan, Xia Yan who was standing there turned into a puff of smoke again, leaving only wood on the ground.

This kind of mysterious substitute technique made even Namikaze Minato sigh a little.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

But Natsuhiko obviously didn't give Namikaze Minato much time to sigh. A powerful chakra roared not far away from him, and then a huge water dragon roared and rushed towards him.

This water dragon contains the breath of nature, and the quality of chakra in this water dragon is also very high.

"This is magic."

Namikaze Minato only took one look and understood what was going on.

He knew that using senjutsu chakra in conjunction with ninjutsu would be incredibly powerful, but he had never tried such a technique himself.

Similarly, he had never faced such a jutsu, and Jiraiya would not use senjutsu in their sparring with him.

Now facing Xia Yan's magic, he naturally felt very curious and very interested.

"But why do you feel that the power of this magic is not as powerful as imagined?"

Namikaze Minato muttered silently, and then he felt a little funny.

Natsuhiko has only just learned the complete Sage Mode, and this kid doesn't have much chakra.

Therefore, the power displayed is not as powerful as he imagined, which is quite normal.

Although he was a little surprised at how quickly Xia Yan entered the immortal mode, it was really fast.

But this can be entirely attributed to the strength of Xia Yan's talent.

"However, this needs to be dealt with carefully!"

Namikaze Minato looked at the roaring dragon, he directly threw up the kunai in his right hand, and then quickly caught it with his left hand.

Immediately afterwards, a rapidly rotating blue chakra appeared on the palm of his released right hand.

In just an instant, this chakra has been stabilized into a spherical state.

This ultimate chakra state ninjutsu is Namikaze Minato's favorite technique, the Rasengan!

The use of the Rasengan also marked that Namikaze Minato had completely entered a relatively serious state.


When the water dragon containing senjutsu chakra crashed into Namikaze Minato, the Rasengan in his hand was directly mounted on the water dragon's head!

The roar resounded directly at this moment, and the chakra containing powerful power dispersed rapidly at this moment.

Namikaze Minato's expression changed slightly, he had already felt the power of this magical technique.

Although his Rasengan can resist, after all, the chakra brewed by Xia Yan's technique can only be said to be average.

But the power of this technique's explosion is definitely not something that a ninja's physical body can withstand!

"The Rasengan still has some shortcomings. It cannot carry out long-range attacks."

Namikaze Minato sighed mentally, and then his eyes became serious.

He has roughly understood the power of Xia Yan's ninjutsu. Although he is not sure whether Xia Yan can maintain such a level, it is enough to have such power.

The defense of ninjas has always been unsatisfactory. As long as such a powerful ninjutsu is used at the right time, it can definitely kill the opponent directly.

Namikaze Minato is not a person who likes to take chances. The cruel war has taught him too many things. He knows that any carelessness will put him in a desperate situation.

The chakra on his body moved slightly, and at the moment when the Rasengan collided with the water dragon and completely exploded, he disappeared completely!

Almost at the same time, his figure appeared beside Xia Yan, and the Flying Thunder God's Technique blossomed in an instant!

However, the kunai in his hand was about to touch Natsuhiko's back, and Natsuhiko in front of Namikaze Minato suddenly disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, the sound of a blade cutting through the air came from behind him...


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