The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 101 Red Eyeshadow (please order first~)

"Xia Yanjun means, do you want to spar?"

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard these words, then raised his head and looked at the full moon in the sky.

"So late?"

"I'm sorry to disturb Hokage-sama's rest, but I really can't sleep."

Xia Yan immediately showed an embarrassed expression, and also showed some worry.

He looks like a student who has just finished an exam and is full of expectations for the future but is worried that he did not do well in the exam and is full of worries.

This look is very suitable for Xia Yan's current situation, because he really took an extremely important exam and was waiting for the results anxiously.

Namikaze Minato himself didn't know how to comfort Natsuhiko, and he was really curious about Natsuhiko's specific strength.

He had heard Kakashi say it again and again that Natsuhiko was very strong, especially in terms of speed, which was incredible.

And now that he has learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, it is absolutely impossible for Namikaze Minato to say that he is not curious about Natsuhiko's performance.

After all, he and Natsuhiko are the only ones in Konoha who can fly the Thunder God Jutsu now.

"Okay, I understand." Namikaze Minato thought for a moment, then nodded: "I'm also curious about what Natsuhiko-kun's performance will be like."

"Then, I hope Hokage-sama can give me more advice." Xia Yan smiled, and at this moment his expression had completely recovered.

He had to admit that he was indeed affected a little bit just now, but the impact was not too big. At least he has recovered now.

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly when he heard this. The next moment, his figure disappeared from the place and appeared again in front of Natsuhiko!

Upon seeing this, Natsuhiko immediately drew out his Ninja Sword. The Ninja Sword made a slight arc in mid-air, and then accurately blocked the kunai stabbed by Namikaze Minato.

Natsuhiko had expressed before that he wanted to see how he would face Minato Namikaze with his full strength, and Minato Namikaze agreed.

Then their battle must be all-round, and naturally they will not use some difficult to resist moves from the beginning.

Especially for techniques like Flying Thunder God, once this technique is used, I'm afraid you will face failure if you don't react in time.

Natsuhiko didn't use the Flying Thunder God, so it was naturally impossible for Namikaze Minato to use the Flying Thunder God technique from the beginning, so he only used the instant body technique.

However, the speed of Namikaze Minato's teleportation technique was also so fast that it made people's scalp numb.

Xia Yan had long heard how exaggerated the Fourth Hokage's teleportation technique was.

But hearing is just hearsay. Only after actual experience can we make a judgment.

"With such speed, I feel like even if he doesn't have the flying thunder god technique, he can still get the title of 'Golden Flash'."

Natsuhiko thought to himself, and then the strength of the ninja sword in his hand began to increase, but Minato Namikaze's hand holding the kunai remained steady, without any intention of giving in.

Seeing this, Natsuhiko kicked him unceremoniously, and Minato Namikaze also quickly raised his leg, instantly blocking Natsuhiko's kick.

Then his body leaned back slightly, which immediately caused Xia Yan's ever-increasing strength of the Ninja Sword to lose its target, and his whole body immediately fell forward.

In addition, one leg was already stuck by Namikaze Minato, and Xia Yan almost lost his balance at this moment.

And Namikaze Minato was not polite at all. He clenched his fist with his left hand and swung it towards Natsuhiko's stomach.


However, when Namikaze Minato's punch hit Natsuhiko, smoke spread in front of him, and he clearly felt that the person he hit with his fist was definitely not a person.

"Replacement technique? It's really fast enough."

Namikaze Minato murmured, and then he immediately stepped back, because several kunai flew towards him at this moment.

Natsuhiko's Substitute Technique was indeed fast enough, and Minato Namikaze had already accomplished all this before he even noticed it.

This can only show that Xia Yan has very strong control over such techniques.

Although this kind of technique has no destructive power, its ability to protect oneself is indeed extremely strong, and it can also induce enemies. Its practical value can be said to be very excellent.

Easily dodging these kunai, Namikaze Minato then turned around lightly, because Natsuhiko also took advantage of this moment to rush over.

This time, blue chakra appeared on Natsuhiko's ninja sword. This blue chakra was still floating, and the sharp and sharp aura was also revealed from this chakra.


With the sound of breaking the wind, the sword struck directly at Namikaze Minato without any fancy, and Namikaze Minato also reacted very quickly. The kunai in his hand raised slightly, blocking Natsuhiko's sword in an instant.

However, just for a moment, his expression changed slightly, because he suddenly realized that something was not right about the chakra of 'Xia Yan' in front of him!

Sure enough, the next moment a more powerful chakra suddenly erupted not far from him.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

"Water escape?"

Facing Natsuhiko's attack, Namikaze Minato looked very calm.

In his ninja career, he has seen all kinds of ninjas, especially on the battlefield, where he has faced all kinds of attacks.

Therefore, facing Xia Yan's attack, he had no other thoughts besides sighing that Xia Yan was always good at tactics.

Looking at the roaring water dragon, Namikaze Minato kunai stepped forward, and then kicked Natsuhiko's shadow clone.

Then he simply turned over, and the whole process was cool and extremely relaxing.

The huge water dragon completely became a gorgeous prop to match his performance, and it was extremely easy to avoid this technique.

Xia Yan himself has done a similar technique to avoid it.

But if Minato Namikaze is able to stretch to this extent, Natsuhiko may not be able to do it.

The most terrifying thing is that after Namikaze Minato avoided all this, he stabbed Natsuhiko's shadow clone directly with a kunai.

After all, the shadow clone is a shadow clone. Although he has half of the chakra of the original body, he can also remember a lot of things. In many aspects, he can even fake the real thing.

But the combat effectiveness of the shadow clones is a bit hard to describe. Look at Naruto's army of shadow clones, they are basically broken into pieces at a touch.

Although it can cause damage, it cannot change the gap between the shadow clone and the main body.


The shadow clone was instantly pierced by Namikaze Minato, and the smoke quickly spread around him, and then completely engulfed him.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan didn't take it to heart.

If anyone else faced this scene, it would definitely be extremely uncomfortable, because the smoke dissipated by the shadow clone became the help of Namikaze Minato's hidden figure.

But Natsuhiko has been locking it with his perception. How could he let Namikaze Minato escape from his control so easily?

The moment Xia Yan's figure approached Bai Wu, he suddenly paused slightly.

Then his ninja sword moved towards his side, and at this moment Namikaze Minato's kunai also came to him...



The crisp sound of metal collision sounded instantly, and the smoke slowly dispersed, and Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato were seen colliding together again.

The weapons in their hands were in close contact with each other, and little sparks continued to fall from the two friction weapons.

Suddenly, the two figures paused for a moment, and then they quickly separated, but the moment they separated, they kept intertwining with each other again.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of metal chiming became more and more intense and harsh, and the figures of the two of them became increasingly blurry at this moment.

The speed between the two of them was vividly reflected. They were like two phantoms that kept flickering and intersecting.

As these two phantoms became increasingly blurry, everything around them began to be destroyed by them.


As two phantoms passed over a boulder, a clear roar suddenly sounded, and then the boulder instantly became fragmented.

However, these broken gravels had not yet touched their shadow, and they left the place again.

Blue chakra bloomed on the two phantoms, and trees began to suffer.

Some of them were cut directly in half, while others collapsed without any trace.

It's a pity that no one saw this battle, and fortunately no one saw it, because the two people present were not going all out yet!

"That's weird, is this Xia Yan's limit?"

Namikaze Minato avoided Natsuhiko's attack and started to counterattack. At the same time, he was thinking secretly.

He found that Natsuhiko's strength seemed not as strong as Kakashi said, that he was so strong.

Although his speed is unimaginable, and Namikaze Minato is under the captain's assessment, he has also witnessed Natsuhiko's speed with his own eyes.

I have to say that this speed is indeed extraordinary.

However, this speed does not seem to reach the level Kakashi said.

According to Kakashi's statement, Natsuhiko's speed is probably not worse than his own!

I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to express what the speed of Namikaze Minato is.

And after he used Flying Thunder God, not many people knew what his true speed was.

Kakashi is definitely one of the people who knows it. Even if he doesn't use the Flying Thunder God, his actual speed is so fast that it makes people desperate.

"Did you not go all out, or did Kakashi really make a mistake?"

Namikaze Minato thought with some doubts, he didn't think that a cautious person like Kakashi shouldn't make mistakes, at least not too big mistakes.

So, it's possible that this kid hasn't felt the pressure yet?

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that he should put more pressure on Xia Yan.

Natsuhiko wanted to verify his strength and relieve stress through competition, and Namikaze Minato himself also wanted to understand Natsuhiko's strength.

Naturally, Namikaze Minato couldn't just do it perfunctorily, and he couldn't let Natsumi feel the pressure.

Without the slightest hesitation, Namikaze Minato's speed suddenly increased, and the phantom belonging to him was like lightning, making it even more difficult to see clearly.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Xia Yan's pressure also increased crazily at this moment. His speed was obviously normal just now, why did it change now?

He really didn't expect that the Fourth Hokage would directly show his speed during the competition.

"At this speed, is he going all out?"

Facing such speed, Natsuhiko suddenly found that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to resist, and he was also curious to what extent this was Minato Namikaze.

If he goes all out, then it's okay, but if he just exerts a little more force, Xia Yan will really be depressed.

Facing the current Namikaze Minato, his fist would often be dodged by Natsuhiko, but the next moment his kunai would stab him again.

When Natsuhiko quickly turned around to block this kunai, he had already realized that he had already used the Substitute Technique during Namikaze Minato's attack.

But his body didn't have time to stop, and Namikaze Minato's body quickly attacked from the side, and Kunai stabbed Natsuhiko fiercely again.

Such an attack was like a violent storm, leaving him defenseless.


Finally, Namikaze Minato completely released his speed, and after the two were in a stalemate for about a minute, Natsuhiko was kicked out.

He really couldn't keep up with Namikaze Minato's speed. Even if he reacted, his body couldn't keep up.

This feeling really made Xia Yan a little aggrieved. The last time he faced the lone wolf, he was not so embarrassed, but this time he really had no choice.

"It seems that my basic strength has reached its limit, but I also seem to have experienced Sasuke's frustration when facing Xiao Li."

Seeing that Namikaze Minato did not launch an attack, Natsuhiko stood up slowly, and he couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile.

Although he does not have the Sharingan, he has unimaginable physical coordination and a reaction speed that can match the flying thunder god.

And he also had good perception to cooperate with him in fighting, but even so, he was forced to this level by Namikaze Minato's speed.

He could only sigh, he was worthy of being resurrected in the fourth battle to be able to control the Kyuubi and use his "unskilled" Sage Mode in the air.

"If such a guy hadn't been unlucky enough to die at the hands of Kyuubi, it's hard to say whether he would have been more powerful than Naruto."

This thought quickly passed through his mind, but he quickly shook his head and shook it away.

Although Namikaze Minato is really ridiculously strong, and given him more than ten years to develop, such a situation is very likely to happen.

But one thing cannot be forgotten, that is, Naruto is born to be a loser.

"Natsuhiko-kun, are you okay?" Namikaze Minato saw that Natsuhiko didn't move after he stood up, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "I'm sorry, I heard Kakashi said about your speed..."

"It's okay, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he kept smiling and said, "But next, I'm going to use something interesting."

"Oh?" Namikaze Minato couldn't help but be curious: "Something interesting?"

Natsuhiko nodded, but he did not answer Namikaze Minato's question.

He didn't like this situation. Even though he had been mentally prepared for it, it was really not his style to be beaten passively.

What's more, his personal bias is actually close to Namikaze Minato. In this case, it doesn't seem to be a big deal if he is more honest, and it may even be better.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly smiled, and then the chakra in his body began to boil.

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

And along with this sense of familiarity, he also had a sense of danger.

In just a moment, he knew what was going on.

Because at this moment, Xia Yan has a touch of red eye shadow on his face...


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