The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 100 Hesitation (please order first~)

After meeting with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko finally achieved his phased goal.

Although nine out of ten words he said to Hiruzen Sarutobi were false, one thing was indeed true.

That is, he wants to be Hokage, and he wants to go from darkness to light step by step, and finally move to the front stage and become the most dazzling member on the stage, and even in the entire ninja world.

But all this takes time. Fortunately, Xia Yan is not short of time now. The nodes he traveled through gave him a lot of room for preparation.

As for the position of captain, Natsuhiko felt that if there were no problems with Hiruzen Sarutobi, then this position would definitely be reserved for him.

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't make any promises to him.

After all, the position of captain is nothing to a real senior executive.

Especially since the ANBU ministers were all members of Hiruzen Sarutobi, they used a position that was extremely valuable in the eyes of others to send favors.

At the same time, he secretly told Natsuhiko, "It is definitely better to follow me than Minato Namikaze." Such things and practices are quite normal.

Of course, since there was no commitment, Xia Yan thought it would be better to be more serious when participating in the assessment.

Accidents will always happen, and he doesn't want such an accident to happen to him.

What he never expected was that something unexpected happened in this assessment.

However, this accident was not a trouble, because during this assessment, he was shocked to find that there was an answer hidden in his test paper!

" no longer a matter of recommendation!"

Natsuhiko was a little dumbfounded by this situation. Hiruzen Sarutobi's approach, to put it mildly, was a complete success for him.

But to put it more unpleasantly, it means that he looks down upon him at all and does not think he can succeed at all.

Of course, Natsuhiko also wondered maliciously whether Sarutobi Hiruzen was deliberately trying to trick himself and Namikaze Minato.

Thinking about something with the greatest malice and worst intentions, Xia Yan must do it even though he doesn't like it.

But in this matter, he didn't think that Hiruzen Sarutobi would really cheat him, the 'chess piece placed next to the Yondaime'.

After the assessment, Xia Yan quietly took away the answers in the test paper. He would not leave any evidence behind.

Even if the entire ANBU is actually Hiruzen Sarutobi's people, a qualified subordinate who does not need to worry or distract his boss is the one who can best be remembered by his boss.

Xia Yan understands this truth very well, and he will not leave any loopholes easily.

And after such an exam, Natsuhiko also knew that it was time for him to meet Namikaze Minato.

Since the last time he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to defeat the lone wolf, Natsuhiko has never seen Namikaze Minato again.

The first thing is that he is very busy. Not only does he have to perform ANBU tasks, but he also needs to review some materials to prepare for the exam.

Secondly, Namikaze Minato is also very busy now. Natsuhiko once saw Namikaze Minato taking Kushina for a checkup.

Calculating the time, I am afraid that this boy Naruto will be here in a few months.

When both of them are busy, it is natural that there is no chance to meet.

But now that Natsuhiko's exam is over and he has relatively free time, he can definitely find an opportunity to have a good chat with Namikaze Minato.

"Besides, there are some things that need to be reported to the elders."

Xia Yan couldn't help but have a headache when he thought about things within the family.

In fact, his various plans have always bypassed the family because he did not want to be interfered by other people.

But now that the matter was over, he had to go back and give a proper explanation, especially since he also hoped to gain complete control of the family.

Although the Thousand Hands clan is weak, they still have a lot of background. Xia Yan himself cannot forgive himself.

"But this matter still needs to wait, at least until the official appointment is made."

Natsuhiko thought this mentally, and then he directly took out the seal book that Namikaze Minato gave him, and quickly activated the Flying Thunder God's curse seal left on it.

It was already midnight. Xia Yan had not had time to rest after taking the assessment, and because the appointment had not been issued yet, he was still a squad leader of the first brigade.

So far, no one knows what the results of this assessment will be, so Xia Yan's captain can only arrange his work normally.

Xia Yan didn't have any complaints about this, after all, he had rested for a long time before.

With the penetration of Xia Yan's chakra, he soon established a connection with the mark of the Flying Thunder God.

Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique is not actually the original Flying Thunder God Technique, it is a technique modified by him.

Each jutsu will have an original version, and users will also modify the original ninjutsu according to their actual situation.

Xia Yan himself is an exception. Because of the system, he doesn't seem to need to make any modifications.

The most important thing is that even if each Flying Thunder God Curse Seal has been modified, the actual mechanism is still the same.

For someone like Xia Yan, he can use any curse seal of the Flying Thunder God!

"Xia Yanjun." Just as he was thinking, a voice suddenly came over.

At the same time as the sound came, a figure also appeared in front of him.

"Hokage-sama." Xia Yan immediately bowed slightly: "Please forgive me for summoning Hokage-sama so late."

The person who came was naturally Namikaze Minato, and his appearance this time did not make Natsumi wait long.

He seemed very happy at this time, maybe because of the child, or maybe because of seeing Xia Yan.

"You don't need to be so polite, Natsuhiko." Namikaze Minato smiled and shook his head: "Speaking of which, I want to congratulate you, and I also need to thank you for the sacrifice you have made."

Congratulations, of course, to Xia Yan for his victory, and for using the Flying Thunder God technique.

And thanks, I want to thank Xia Yan for not taking the initiative to get the position of captain, but choosing to participate in the assessment.

In Namikaze Minato's view, Natsuhiko's approach was actually a form of sacrifice.

His approach protected Namikaze Minato's reputation in the Anbu, but it forced him to lose his position as captain.

Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh slightly when he heard this. His actions were obviously misunderstood, but he didn't want to say too much.

"By the way, how was your exam this time?" Namikaze Minato asked curiously: "It is said that it should be quite difficult. Are you sure about it, Natsu Yan-kun?"

"Are you sure?" Xia Yan hesitated, and finally nodded seriously: "I should be sure. If there are no accidents, I should be the captain."

In the end, Natsuhiko did not tell him about his meeting with Sarutobi Hiruzen, although he was already prepared for the meeting tonight.

But when the words came to his lips, he held back...


When Natsuhiko called Namikaze Minato out tonight, he actually planned to tell him about his meeting with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This is actually a good thing for him, but of course there are also many extremely serious problems.

The first point is that this will make Namikaze Minato, who has been buried by Natsuhiko and has other thoughts about Sarutobi Hiruzen, really fall into the ice cave.

Especially Sarutobi Hiruzen's comment about Namikaze Minato was really hurtful and insulting.

At this time, when Natsuhiko came into contact with Namikaze Minato, the attitude he showed was definitely of extraordinary value.

Now Minato Namikaze has literally nothing. The basic base to protect his interests is equivalent to nothing, and the various powers that originally belonged to him are basically out of his hands.

To put it bluntly, he has no power at all now, and it is not wrong to be a puppet.

And now that Xia Yan has come closer and shown his worth, this will definitely be a help in times of need!

It's just that there are advantages and disadvantages. The characteristics of the family behind Natsuhiko will definitely make Namikaze Minato feel doubtful.

What's more, Natsuhiko had met with Sarutobi Hiruzen, turned his head to meet Namikaze Minato, and showed that he was willing to stand on his side.

So can Natsuhiko also show such an attitude to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then create a two-sided effect?

In addition, the information provided by Natsuhiko is likely to further divide the relationship between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage.

In this case, the relationship between him and Namikaze Minato will probably be greatly compromised, and Natsuhiko will definitely hesitate about this kind of thing.

Although Natsuhiko didn't take sides from beginning to end, in his opinion, people like Namikaze Minato who treat others sincerely are indeed much better than the Third Hokage.

Although Xia Yan has a dark heart and is still very petty, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a moral vacuum.

But he is still a grateful person, which is a necessary concept formed by basic human nature.

He would always remember the kindness that Minato Namikaze taught him.

He was not really as ruthless as he showed when he met Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And between him and Namikaze Minato, there was a person like Kakashi.

Although Kakashi's problem was solved by the character created by Natsuhiko and by hitting the core everywhere.

But it is undeniable that the relationship between them is still good.

For those strangers and enemies, Xia Yan can be wary of calculations and conspiracy theories.

But as for these friends and classmates, he still maintained an attitude of whether they were of use value, so he thought it was better to forget it.

Life is miserable enough. Apart from being a little vigilant, there is no need to make yourself too tired.

"So, even if I haven't completed my choice, my attitude has actually changed, so I'd better not say anything that shouldn't be said."

Xia Yan thought silently, and in the end he chose to shut up and not talk about some troublesome issues.

Namikaze Minato could choose this attitude, but Sarutobi Hiruzen was completely different. Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen had basically nothing to do with each other.

The only implication was his plan to make Natsuhiko the person he placed next to the Fourth Hokage.

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen was so generous in his actions, it was almost equivalent to giving away the position of captain to Xia Yan, and even leaving behind incriminating evidence like an 'answer'.

But in fact, that answer would not cause any harm to Sarutobi Hiruzen at all.

On the contrary, in the end Xia Yan believed that if he caused trouble, he would be the one who died.

It's not easy to be a three-party spy, because no one party may trust you.

"But even if I have a bias, I can't easily express my position and take sides."

Taking sides is a serious issue, especially on both sides he can choose, he has great concerns.

Although he knows that if he chooses the platform, he can easily get more things with his understanding of the future.

Status and rights are not a problem, it can even be said to be within easy reach.

Moreover, the people he chose to stand on were all Hokages. Having the endorsement of any one of them would help him obtain Hokage better in the future.

But it was really difficult for him to choose. He didn't like Sarutobi Hiruzen very much.

What he did, and what he acquiesced to what Danzo did, was unacceptable.

The most important thing is that Xia Yan's Thousand Hands Clan also maintains a very obviously hostile attitude towards him.

Xia Yan comes from this family and has been cared for and taught by this family since he was a child. It is difficult for him to deny these things.

As for Namikaze Minato, he is good at everything - both his character and his current situation.

Don't look at the fact that Namikaze Minato has nothing now and is at a disadvantage in every aspect, but that's how he announced that he has more potential.

The icing on the cake, what kind of help in times of need is more memorable?

"It's a pity that it was short-lived."

Xia Yan shook his head. He no longer thought about these issues. It was better not to think too much about such anti-heart things.

If he can make some changes, then Xia Yan will definitely do it, but even if he does, he has to think carefully about the pros and cons.

"What's wrong, Xia Yanjun?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Natsuhiko who fell silent a little strangely, why did this kid stop talking after half a sentence?

"It's nothing, Hokage-sama." Natsuhiko quickly came to his senses. He smiled and nodded to Namikaze Minato: "Although I am very confident in what I said, I am still a little worried after all. Please don't blame me, Hokage-sama."

"Of course I will be worried about this kind of thing." Namikaze Minato smiled nonchalantly: "Actually, in my opinion, Natsuhiko has already obtained something unimaginable, isn't it?"

"The Flying Thunder God Technique?" Natsuhiko glanced at Namikaze Minato, and he didn't know what to say.

Doesn't the fourth generation Hokage know that if he becomes the captain, even though he will have no effect at first, how much influence will he have on ANBU in the long run?

The actual value of learning the flying thunder god technique is that you will be improved.

Of course, from the perspective of Konoha Village, it is indeed an unimaginable improvement for Konoha as a whole.

Obviously, Namikaze Minato is completely starting from the perspective of Konoha Village. This idea is indeed noble, but Natsuhiko doesn't think it is a good thing if it is too noble.

"The art of Flying Thunder God is indeed extraordinary, but I am not too familiar with Flying Thunder God actually.

Moreover, my own strength has reached a bottleneck, and I also hope to get guidance from the Hokage. "

Shaking his head, Xia Yan shook the thoughts out of his mind.

Now that he had thought through the pros and cons and decided not to talk about these things, he had to find an excuse to make up for calling Namikaze Minato out tonight.

After thinking about it, there was only the simplest way, and that was to have a good discussion with Namikaze Minato.

Not only did he simply communicate with Fei Lei Shen, he also wanted to get more guidance...


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