The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 99: Three-party spies (please order first~)

The square was completely silent at this time, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the figure behind Lone Wolf.

The lone wolf's final blow was full of momentum, and the feeling of oppression that hit his face was even more frightening.

Faced with such an attack, they really didn't think Xia Yan had a chance.

It can even be said that such an attack is unmatched or even inescapable in terms of speed, strength or angle!

What they never expected was that Xia Yan dodged this fatal blow.

Not only did he avoid it, a kunai even appeared in his hand, and this kunai was placed impartially on the lone wolf's neck at this moment!

How is this going?

How did the nightingale get there?

Isn't he completely locked in?

What happened in that moment?

All the ANBU looked at Xia Yan blankly, they had no idea what was happening.

In their opinion, the moment the lone wolf was about to hit the nightingale, the nightingale disappeared.

As if teleporting, he magically appeared behind Lone Wolf, and his kunai was already on Lone Wolf's neck!

It's just that these things are so simple to say, but it is unimaginably difficult to do them all.

It can even be said that without some special techniques to support it, it is simply nonsense to achieve this step.

Lone Wolf himself was also stunned. He was sure that he was not dazzled. His white eyes were always locked on Xia Yan.

However, just like that, he felt an invisible fear enveloped his heart.

He clearly saw Xia Yan standing in front of him. The moment he was about to hit him, the guy suddenly took out a kunai.

Then his figure disappeared instantly, and at the moment he disappeared, he appeared directly behind him.

This is not a problem that can be solved by speed at all, because this is simply an effect that can only be achieved by traveling through space!

Space ninjutsu?

Lone Wolf couldn't help but think in his heart, and looking at Namikaze Minato who appeared in almost the same way as Natsuhiko, he almost had the answer!

No wonder, no wonder Nightingale chose to participate in the battle for captaincy, no wonder the Fourth Hokage recommended Nightingale, no wonder he wanted to leave a mark behind him.

It turns out that this guy has this kind of technique.

Taking a deep breath, Lone Wolf slowly retracted his fist, and his breath began to drop significantly.

The chakra in his body also began to calm down with his breath, and for just a moment he looked like an ordinary person.

Upon seeing this, Xia Yan also took back the kunai that was pressed against Lone Wolf's neck. He knew very well that Lone Wolf's behavior had sent a message that he had given up.

"You learned how to fly the God of Thunder, right?" Lone Wolf slowly turned around, his white eyes looking directly at Xia Yan through the mask: "The mark you left just now is the mark of the God of Flying Thunder!"

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded slightly, his voice still extremely gentle: "Thanks to the kindness of the Fourth Hokage, I have indeed mastered some of the Flying Thunder God's techniques after some teachings."

Xia Yan is still very humble, and he is not at all proud of having learned the art of Flying Thunder God.

Even his attitude didn't seem to indicate that he was so good at learning to fly the Thunder God, but that Minato Namikaze taught him well.

His attitude made Namikaze Minato who was standing aside a little embarrassed. To be fair, he really didn't feel that he had taught Natsu Yan much.

Perhaps he had a small share of credit for the sealing technique, but for the Flying Thunder God technique, he really had nothing except telling him about his experience in using it.

It's just that I feel embarrassed inside, but I'm still shocked when I should.

Although I sighed a little that Xia Yan actually told me about her private meeting with him.

But then again, if he hadn't said that, he might have caused even greater trouble.

What shocked him was that he learned and used the Flying Thunder God's technique when he only taught him the sealing technique and the Flying Thunder God only told him some insights.

Such talent and learning ability really amazed Namikaze Minato.

The most frightening thing is that the Flying Thunder God technique that Xia Yan just performed did not have any adverse reactions at all.

Flying Thunder God places very high demands on the body, both in terms of reflexes and physical coordination.

Namikaze Minato glanced at Natsuhiko silently, this boy's talent was really impressive.

"The Flying Thunder God's Technique."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also watched all this silently, and he also calmed down his own surging chakra.

Looking at Xia Yan quietly, he felt a little mixed in his heart. Especially after he was completely sure that this kid had learned to fly the Thunder God, a murderous intention appeared in his heart.

But in the final analysis, he was not the same guy as Danzo Shimura. He quickly let the emotions in his heart that shouldn't appear dissipate.

Regardless of the considerations, such emotions should not arise.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a decision in his heart.

He slowly walked down the stands and came to the center of the square. Almost all the ANBU stood up subconsciously the moment they saw Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But he didn't pay attention. He first looked at Lone Wolf, and after nodding seriously to him, he looked at Xia Yan.

"It's incredible." Hiruzen Sarutobi's tone sounded very amazed, and at this moment, his eyes were filled with relief: "It's incredible, you actually learned the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"It's just good luck." Xia Yan smiled slightly, and he bowed lightly to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Thanks to the careful teachings of the Fourth Hokage, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to learn such profound things. Technique."

"Yes." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded meaningfully: "This technique is not difficult to learn. It requires not only time, but also talent. Of course, it will be different if someone teaches it."

The words of Sarutobi Hiruzen made Namikaze Minato, who had originally planned to say something, become silent for a moment. He didn't quite understand what the connotation of Sarutobi Hiruzen's words was.

Are you accusing yourself of teaching Xia Yan, or are you talking about something else?

Namikaze Minato couldn't figure it out, but Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't let Minato continue to think.

Turning around, he announced directly: "In that case, I declare that this time the winner is Nightingale! And..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, and he continued: "According to our prior decision, this time the captain..."

"Sandaime Hokage-sama." Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could finish speaking, Natsuhiko suddenly said, "I'm sorry to interrupt Hokage-sama. Please forgive my rudeness."

"Do you have any questions?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Xia Yan calmly, and he just asked with a little doubt.

"Hokage-sama, although I am very happy to defeat the lone wolf captain and win the position of captain, but..."

Xia Yan paused for a moment before he continued speaking seriously and firmly.

“If you don’t participate in the theoretical assessment, you won’t be able to prove yourself as a qualified captain.

So I hope Hokage-sama can take back his previous resolution...

And, re-launch the theoretical assessment..."


Natsuhiko's words made Namikaze Minato's eyes light up slightly, while Sarutobi Hiruzen's face twitched slightly.

It was obvious that he wanted to be angry, and even wanted to speak out to refute Xia Yan.

But Natsuhiko, the brat, chose the timing too well. He said such words in front of all the ANBU, and his tone was very sincere, which made it difficult for Sarutobi Hiruzen to refute.

If he refutes it, Xia Yan can be cleared of blame to some extent.

Without refuting, it would give the boy Xia Yan a slight gain back 10%, and even give him a better reputation in the Anbu.

In his opinion, Natsuhiko had Namikaze Minato standing behind him, and Natsuhiko's reputation was equal to Namikaze Minato's reputation.

He really never thought that Xia Yan would defeat Lone Wolf, because no matter how he looked at it, it was impossible for Xia Yan to defeat this guy from the Hyuga clan.

Namikaze Minato followed the rules and gave Sarutobi Hiruzen a chance, but he never expected that this boy would actually learn the flying thunder god technique.

However, after careful consideration, Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed to Natsuhiko's proposal.

The theory test is not actual combat. If Xia Yan intends to abide by the rules, then others will definitely make him understand how stupid his choice is in this regard.

But this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was cautious.

Since Natsuhiko dared to make such a choice, either he had no intention of becoming the captain at all, and was just following Minato Namikaze's wishes to improve his reputation in the Anbu.

Either he is very confident and very confident about passing the theoretical examination.

After all, this kid has a pretty good 'Hokage mind'.

But regardless of the outcome, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already made a decision in his heart, and he wouldn't mind doing something interesting no matter how the outcome satisfied him.

Natsuhiko didn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking. After handling the matter, he took Kakashi and left the square.

When he left, he clearly noticed that almost all the ANBU looked at him with some inexplicable emotions.

But the one who has the most emotions like this is still respect.

"It's just Captain." During the patrol mission of Natsuhiko's group, Kakashi asked curiously: "Why did you reject the Sandaime's decision? Don't you want to be the captain?"

"Kakashi, you don't understand." Xia Yan was in a good mood, and his voice was gentle with a smile: "Of course I have considered this matter, and..."

Xia Yan suddenly paused here. His eyes glanced around, and then he said with a smile: "And we still have tasks to complete, as usual. There are some things that I think I can explain to you later."

Kakashi nodded immediately after hearing this. He knew Natsuhiko. Since he didn't want to say it, there was no use asking now.

As for business as usual, it would naturally be based on their previous patrol methods.

After all, there are only two of them patrolling and the area to be covered is quite large. Naturally, it is impossible for the two of them to be together all the time.

Kakashi turned around and left here directly, and he quickly ran towards the south.

Natsuhiko stood there until he was sure that Kakashi had left, then he suddenly turned around and bowed slightly to a tree.

"The Third Hokage-sama."

"It seems that your perception is indeed very keen."

The figure of Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly walked out from behind the tree. He was still wearing the red and white Hokage uniform and the hat belonging to the Hokage on his head.

He looked at Xia Yan calmly, and suddenly he asked curiously: "Why don't we continue the topic that you and Kakashi didn't finish before? Why did you give up on your own initiative? What are your considerations?"

"If you tell me, maybe Hokage-sama won't believe it." Xia Yan still maintained a smile and respect: "My subordinate's consideration has now been achieved."

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment. He instantly understood what Xia Yan meant: "You mean, you want to see me?"

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded lightly: "My subordinate wants to meet Mr. Hokage, but to meet Mr. Hokage, he must show his value and his uniqueness. Now the subordinate's goal is achieved Yes, isn't it?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and looked at Xia Yan indifferently. He had already understood a lot of things through Xia Yan's words.

Although Xia Yan didn't say anything, the information he revealed was very clear.

That is because he wants to see himself, he has his own deeper thoughts!

Just why do it?

Sarutobi Hiruzen tilted his head. He suddenly became interested. This boy from the Senju clan gave him a really interesting feeling.

"Let's talk about it." Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head slightly, his eyes were very calm: "If you want me to see me, of course you have something to say. Now here, there are only you and me, I want to you know too."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Xia Yan bowed slightly again: "But before that, there is something I must tell Lord Hokage. I actually come from the Senju clan."

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his eyebrows, and he suddenly said with a smile: "No wonder you are so familiar with water escape, and you can also master the flying thunder god technique. It turns out that you have learned flying thunder god for a long time."

"No, actually I just got it more than two months ago."

Natsuhiko looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen's unsurprised look, and he was not surprised at all. He continued to speak slowly.

"My subordinates entered ANBU, actually..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and raised a hand, signaling Natsuhiko to stop.

He naturally knew what Xia Yan said, but he did appreciate Xia Yan's candid approach.

He did not hesitate to tell his family what was going on. Such a secret and dangerous move might very well bring unimaginable disaster to his family.

This boy is worthy of being a person with the 'Hokage Mind'.

"Don't talk nonsense about family matters, even if I am Hokage." Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled and put his hand on Natsuhiko's shoulder, and then said softly: "I believe you can handle it well, because you are a Konoha ninja. , the Konoha ninja who inherited the will of fire."

"I..." Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his head as if he was very moved: "I understand, Lord Hokage, I will not let you down."

"Then go on and tell me why you are doing this." Hiruzen Sarutobi retracted his hand with a smile. He looked at Xia Yan calmly: "You and Minato..."

"The mission requested by the elder." Natsuhiko said quickly before Sarutobi Hiruzen finished.

“It’s just that as an Anbu, I know and believe that the Sandaime-sama is the one who can truly bring the Anbu and Konoha to the right track.

I trust the Third Hokage more than the inexperienced Fourth Hokage. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Xia Yan quietly, and he began to quickly analyze everything in his mind.

He actually didn't believe Xia Yan at all. As an old fox, how could he trust others so easily.

He felt that the purpose of Xia Yan, a brat, was definitely more than just this.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I'm afraid, it's more than that, isn't it?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked with a smile: "Minato, after all, you taught you the flying thunder god technique. I don't believe you can be so ruthless. You also have a purpose, a bigger purpose, for ?"

"This..." Xia Yan seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then stood motionless as if hesitating, but soon he said seriously: "Yes, Hokage-sama, I do have another idea. .”

"Tell me about it." Sarutobi Hiruzen still kept smiling: "Since you are here, why don't you speak clearly."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan took a deep breath and then said slowly.

“To solve the family’s problems, it’s not just something you can do as an ANBU.

I want more, and my first step is to become the Minister of ANBU!

But before that, the captain is naturally more realistic.

I once told the Yondaime Hokage-sama that I hope the Yondaime Hokage-sama will promote him directly, but the Yondaime Hokage-sama refused.

He was a very good teacher and a very good ninja.

But he is not decisive enough as Hokage, he is not a good Hokage.


"Indeed, not being decisive enough can sometimes make subordinates feel uneasy." The smile on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face seemed to become wider: "So, you chose me? Sure enough, your dream is to become Hokage. .”

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Natsuhiko lowered his head slightly: "Every child in Konoha has a dream to become Hokage. Especially, I am a descendant of the Senju clan."

Xia Yan seemed to have completely spoken out all his thoughts at this moment.

His tone seemed less gentle, sounding more firm and decisive, with a sense of confidence.

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched Natsuhiko quietly. From the captain to the ANBU minister, from behind the scenes to the front desk and finally becoming Hokage, this path is indeed very interesting.

And through Yamanaka Haiichi, he also knew that Natsuhiko definitely had a heart to be Hokage.

Natsuhiko's performance at this time made Sarutobi Hiruzen very satisfied. If you want to be Hokage, you must be determined.

Of course, being determined is not enough, you also need to have your own ideas and plans!

Xia Yan has all these, although he is still a little naive, but this also allows him to see the shadow of his past.

Back then, he was decisive enough and determined enough to gain the approval of Senju Tobirama and take the position of Hokage!

"I understand." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "I also know what you are thinking. I am optimistic about you, Senju Natsuhiko."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan bowed slightly again, but this time he seemed to be more sincere.

"Go on patrol and forget about the meeting between the two of us."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment, and then he seemed to have figured out how to deal with this matter, so he turned around directly.

"Your relationship with Minato must continue. He is the Hokage now, and his thoughts are important. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Hokage-sama." Natsuhiko's voice seemed to have returned to its previous gentleness: "I will continue to maintain the relationship with the Yondaime Hokage, and I will try to get better."

"It's not an attempt, it's a necessity. I'm optimistic about you, Xia Yan, and I believe you know what to do."

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

Watching the back of Sarutobi Hiruzen disappearing into the forest, Natsuhiko still stood quietly.

It wasn't until his senses couldn't detect Sarutobi Hiruzen that he turned around and left quietly.

But the smile on his face under the mask became even brighter.

"Although Sarutobi Hiruzen trusts me at all, this is enough."

Xia Yan walked forward slowly, his eyes couldn't help but look to the sky.

"Three-party spies are really interesting..."


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