The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 98 How is this possible! (Please order first~)

Everyone in Konoha and even the entire ninja world knows how difficult the Flying Thunder God Jutsu is.

It is normal for Sarutobi Hiruzen to have such thoughts. Even if Natsuhiko is a descendant of the Senju clan, everyone knows what the current Senju clan is like.

Even when Konoha was first established and the first and second generation were still alive, no one in the Senju clan at that time except the second generation could fly the Thunder God Jutsu.

He didn't think that this brat from the Senju Clan could learn this technique in such a short period of time.

As for learning this technique since childhood?

It's not impossible, but if he knew how, he should have used it long ago.

Judging from Xia Yan's action report and the action report submitted by his teammates, this kid doesn't know this kind of technique at all.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen still kept an eye on it. Namikaze Minato said this in addition to being unwilling to do so, and I'm afraid there was another meaning.

That is the boy Xia Yan, who indeed has mastered some interesting techniques.

"Could it be the Rasengan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was that he felt it was possible.

Although it is not easy to learn Rasengan, the difficulty of this technique is much simpler compared to Flying Thunder God.

Moreover, as long as you master the technique of Rasengan, it is not difficult to learn it.

Namikaze Minato had a private meeting with Senju Natsuhiko, and the boy was indeed very talented and very smart.

So it's not surprising that he learned the Rasengan.

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen was slowly thinking, the smoke in the square slowly dissipated, and the figures of Natsuhiko and Lone Wolf once again appeared clearly in everyone's eyes.

Xia Yan looked a little embarrassed now. Under the constant attacks of the lone wolf, he could only keep dodging and defending.

It's just that Lone Wolf is obviously very experienced. He naturally discovered that Xia Yan was constantly being forced into a disadvantage. He couldn't miss such an opportunity.

With a forward step, Lone Wolf approached Xia Yan, and then he punched Xia Yan.

For a moment, Xia Yan even had the illusion that he was completely locked and unable to avoid this fist!

But after all, Xia Yan is also a veteran ANBU veteran. Faced with such a situation, even if he is in a very difficult situation, he can still defend.

He quickly took out his Ninja Sword, and blue chakra instantly appeared on the Ninja Sword.

Swinging forward fiercely, Xia Yan almost chopped off Lone Wolf's arm.

But Lone Wolf didn't seem to care about this knife at all, or he didn't care about such an attack at all.

The moment the blade collided with his fist, his fist once again burst out with powerful chakra, but this time Natsuhiko's ninja sword also changed.

The water attribute chakra bloomed at this moment, and the water escape that gathered to the extreme spread instantly over the entire blade.


This change made Lone Wolf frown slightly, but he would not give up his attack easily.

He retracted his fist slightly, and when Xia Yan pressed against him, he punched again.

The fist struck Xia Yan's ribs hard with a sound of breaking wind, but Lone Wolf's frown deepened after the punch was thrown.


As the smoke lingered, Xia Yan in front of him turned into a pile of wood blocks, and the real Xia Yan appeared not far away from him.

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

Xia Yan, who was temporarily out of close contact with the lone wolf, quickly completed the seal without any hesitation.

In fact, up to this level, Xia Yan is already trying his best at this stage.

What just made him depressed was that the guy from the Hyuga clan in front of him was really terrifying.

His strength, speed and defense can be said to completely crush Xia Yan without Sage Mode.

Xia Yan can even conclude that even if he uses his junior immortal mode, he may not get much benefit from this guy.

Although the immortal mode is strong, it can't hold up to Xia Yan's own strength.

Moreover, it is only the basic immortal mode, and the degree of increase is considered limited.

Although Jiraiya's Sage Mode is terrifyingly powerful and the increase is unimaginable, that's because Jiraiya's basic strength is also extremely strong.

Although Xia Yan is not sure whether the sage mode he is using is in its primary state.

But no matter which one it is, with that kind of strength as the basis, a slight increase is unimaginable.

After all, when one's strength reaches its peak, it becomes even more difficult to move forward.

The huge water dragon roared loudly and slammed into the location of the lone wolf.

But facing such a powerful ninjutsu, Lone Wolf still behaved very calmly.

The Hyuga clan basically doesn't know how to use ninjutsu to fight, not because they don't know how, but because they have boxing techniques that are more suitable for bringing out the power of their eyes.

And relying on this set of boxing techniques, they are basically not afraid of ninjutsu.

The lone wolf silently concentrated his chakra, and his hands instantly turned blue.

His white eyes covered under the mask stared intently at the water dragon in front of him.

Closer, closer, when the huge water dragon was less than five meters away from him, he suddenly took a step forward, and the fist of his right hand turned directly into a palm.

Then he struck the central area of ​​the water dragon fiercely with a palm strike!


The blue chakra instantly penetrated the water dragon, and with the vibration of his powerful chakra, the water dragon was instantly defeated by him.

Unable to maintain its condition, the water dragon turned into a puddle of water and spilled onto the ground.

At this moment, Xia Yan moved again. He once again formed a seal with one hand, and the moment he completed Water Release Shunshui, he had already arrived at Lone Wolf's side with incredible speed.

At the same time, his ninja sword was covered with terrifying chakra.

"Water Escape·Water Blade Slash!"

The Ninja Sword was swung out fiercely, and the chakra condensed to the extreme on the Ninja Sword also made the lone wolf frown.

He knew this technique, but it was the first time he had seen it condensed to this point.

However, he didn't panic at all. He was extremely calm and chose to dodge without any hesitation this time.

He is unwilling to take up this technique, not because it is impossible, but because it is not necessary.

In an instant, Xia Yan's super reflexes allowed him to quickly change the trajectory of the blade.

The ninja sword drew a strange trajectory in mid-air, and then quickly slashed towards the lone wolf's head.

Lone Wolf was unwilling to have such an entanglement with Xia Yan. He squatted down slightly, turned around without hesitation after dodging the knife, and kicked Xia Yan hard.

When Xia Yan saw this scene, his eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. He had finally waited for this opportunity!

"This time, I win!"

Faced with this terrifying kick, Xia Yan picked up the ninja sword and blocked it directly in front of his chest.

Moreover, a little chakra condensed in the palm of his left hand, and he also hit the lone wolf at this moment...



Xia Yan flew out, and the ninja sword in his hand was kicked to pieces at this moment.

Lone Wolf's kick was really cruel, and this guy's physical skills were really terrifying.

But this time Xia Yan didn't show much anxiety. He did a backflip that was not embarrassing and stood firmly on the ground.

The lone wolf didn't rush to start this time. He frowned and stared at his hind legs.

At that location, Lone Wolf could clearly see a special mark being left.

He didn't know what this mark meant, and he didn't feel any discomfort either.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy he felt. He absolutely believed that a ninja like Xia Yan would do such useless things.

But there was no definite answer, and he couldn't figure out what Xia Yan's purpose was.

However, he did know that the mark on his foot seemed to be a sealing technique.

"Water Release·Water Continuous Bomb!"

However, Xia Yan would not give him too much thinking space. The moment he landed, he had already completed a seal.

Several huge water balls condensed with Xia Yan's chakra, and then they directly blasted the lone wolf like bullets.

Natsuhiko's previous battles basically relied on physical skills, and his chakra is still full until now.

And his resilience is also terrifying, which allows him to now have enough chakra to satisfy the bombardment of ninjutsu.

His battle plan has been thought out, and the most critical steps have been completed. Now he only needs to wait slowly for the opportunity to strike the final blow.

Facing Xia Yan's ninjutsu bombardment, Lone Wolf could no longer think about these messy things.

He jumped up and directly avoided these water balls, but Xia Yan seemed to have expected it, and his other technique also rushed towards him.

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bite Explosion!"

Following Xia Yan's seal, the water source that was originally scattered all over the ground burst out directly, which saved him a lot of chakra.

In the water that was about to converge into a small river, a huge water dragon rose from the ground and bit into the lone wolf with a huge roar.

Lone Wolf snorted coldly, raised his hands in mid-air, and when the water dragon was about to bite him, he fiercely drew out his fist.

Soft fist, this is what Lone Wolf is best at, and it is also the most skillful skill he uses.

When the energy of Rou Quan spread, a dense net was quickly formed, and his fists and boxing style were everywhere in this net.

The water dragon summoned by Xia Yan seemed to be unable to withstand his fist at this moment, but the water dragon obviously also gathered a large amount of Xia Yan's chakra, so it was not so easy to be broken!

"Water Release·Shui Qingbo!"

And taking advantage of this time, Xia Yan formed the seal again.

Such use of ninjutsu without sacrificing chakra is very in line with the style of the Senju clan, but it is completely inconsistent with his style.

But now he doesn't care so much. His recovery power is still good. He can ensure that he can still have a certain amount of chakra to complete the counterattack when needed.

Along with his seal, a waterspout attracted all the water stains on the ground, and then rolled towards the lone wolf who had just landed without any pause!


The lone wolf landed firmly on the ground, looking at the oncoming waterspout, he took a deep breath.

Then the acupuncture points all over his body began to release chakra, and his body began to spin.

Those chakras released from his body quickly formed a spherical barrier as the body rotated.

After Xia Yan's waterspout hit this barrier, he instantly seemed to be unable to move forward.

Kaiten is indeed the strongest defense method of the Hyuga clan. Whether it is ninjutsu or taijutsu, it can perfectly defend against it!

Seeing this, Xia Yan also stopped his offensive, and at the same time he began to breathe slightly.

"It seems like this kid can't hold it any longer."

This scene of Natsuhiko naturally fell in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he couldn't help but look at Namikaze Minato with amusement.

However, although his tone was a bit teasing, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Xia Yan, this kid, really keeps refreshing his understanding of him.

Continuous and well-timed ninjutsu attacks, and each ninjutsu performed very well, it can be seen that he has very good control over these ninjutsu.

It is not an easy task to practice every ninjutsu to this level. It requires not only time but also talent.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen also noticed Natsuhiko's previous actions, which made him feel a little confused.

Like Lone Wolf, he didn't think Xia Yan would do such a meaningless thing.

"Well, Natsuhiko is still a little younger." Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, but soon his tone was inexplicable: "But everything is not over yet, let's continue to see."

Namikaze Minato was as shocked as Sarutobi Hiruzen. In addition to Natsuhiko's use of ninjutsu, there was also the sealing technique that Natsuhiko had used before.

That one is not so much a sealing technique, but rather a ninjutsu that contains sealing techniques, but shows different forms of ninjutsu.

For example, the art of Flying Thunder God!

Could it be that Xia Yan has really completed this technique?

Namikaze Minato wasn't sure, but he couldn't jump to conclusions.

All he had to do was watch silently and wait silently for the final result.

When the waterspout completely disappeared, the lone wolf also listened.

He did not suffer any damage. Although Xia Yan's combination of ninjutsu did catch him a little off guard, such attacks were already commonplace for him.

When he lurked inside Sunagakure, he was chased by Kazekage, and the ninjutsu surprise attack he encountered was much stronger than now.

He stood indifferently and stared at Xia Yan, then nodded slightly.

"You are very good, Captain Nightingale." Rarely, Lone Wolf spoke: "At least for your age, you have performed unimaginably well."

"Thank you for your praise." Xia Yan said with a gentle smile: "It is an honor for me to be praised by Captain Lone Wolf."

"But I'm sorry, even though I'm not interested in the captain, I still have reasons why I have to fight for it."

Lone Wolf's voice remained indifferent, his body lowered slightly, and his hands also assumed an offensive posture.

“So, I have to defeat you.

For you, in a few years, the captain may be yours.

But sorry, not now. "

"I can understand." Xia Yan nodded lightly.

He naturally understood what Lone Wolf meant. After all, he was a member of the Hyuga clan.

The chakra all over Lone Wolf's body began to ripple, and his hands were once again covered with a layer of blue at this moment.

His momentum continued to increase, and an invisible killing intent instantly enveloped the entire square.

Everyone knows that this may be the final blow, and everyone has mentally determined that Xia Yan will lose.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato also became attentive at the same time, although their mental thoughts were different.

However, they didn't want anything tragic to happen during the competition within the ANBU.

When Lone Wolf's momentum reached its peak, he chose to take action without any hesitation!

His speed was extremely fast, and he rushed in front of Xia Yan almost in a breath. At this moment, his right hand quickly pushed to Xia Yan's chest.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato had reached their peak chakra at the moment the lone wolf set off.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen had already formed the seal with his hands, but the moment he completed the seal, he was stunned.

Namikaze Minato came to the center of the square very simply, but he didn't have time to take action, and he himself froze in place.

Not only them, but all the ANBU who were watching the competition were also dumbfounded at this moment.

At this moment, everyone was echoing one sentence in their hearts.

" is this possible!"


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