The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 97 The final competition (please order first~)

With such a trump card, it is impossible for Xia Yan to be unhappy.

But now he still has to restrain himself, except that he knows that his status and right to speak are not enough to use this trump card in exchange for actual benefits.

Even something like this might cause him to be killed!

In addition, he has more important things to do, that is, the selection competition for his ANBU captain is still going on as usual.

In a week, Xia Yan competed twice more. Even if he had a mental problem, he knew very well that if he behaved abnormally, he would really be doomed.

Therefore, in these two games, his performance can be described as stable and normal, but in the eyes of others, his stability and normality can be regarded as amazing.

Just as he thought, his opponents had slowly changed from the weasels at the beginning, members of the orphanage, to ninjas of some families.

His opponent in the second game was a member of the Yamanaka clan!

Xia Yan is not sure what this guy's specific name is, but this guy is absolutely powerful.

In many people's memories, the Yamanaka clan is famous for its unique secret techniques and cooperation with the Nara and Akimichi clans.

In fact, this is not the case. The selection of Jonin itself is an all-round assessment of ninjas.

If you just rely on secret skills and cooperation, it is unlikely that you will get a wartime promotion even during wartime.

The member of the mountain clan that Xia Yan faced, his physical skills, illusion skills and ninjutsu were all very terrifying.

Not to mention that his secret skills were hard to detect. Xia Yan really almost overturned without using the immortal mode.

Fortunately, he finally relied on his excellent perception and reaction speed.

After preparing for this guy's attack in advance, he finally succeeded in counterattacking and defeated this guy in one fell swoop, qualifying for the finals.

However, this incident also made Xia Yan wary.

He knew his specific strength. To put it bluntly, his past battles relied on the enemy not knowing his intelligence.

He can completely rely on his own speed to disrupt the enemy's rhythm through repeated acceleration, and finally win.

But the situation is different now. People in ANBU basically know his details, even if it is only relatively one-sided, it can bring him endless trouble.

And after Xia Yan fought several times, he was basically able to figure out the situation by these guys without using the immortal mode.

What's more, they also discovered that Xia Yan would not use the huge psychic beast to assist in the battle, so they were certain.

"It seems that in this last battle, we must use something interesting."

Sitting in the corner of the ANBU headquarters square, looking at Hiruzen Sarutobi who was announcing various matters in the direction of the stands, Natsumi was in a very good mood.

After a week of worry and worry, I got a huge harvest, which would make anyone feel particularly comfortable.

And he also entered the final competition of the captain. It can be said that Xia Yan has now reached a small highlight in his life.

Kakashi, who was sitting next to him, looked a little nervous. It wasn't that he was nervous, but that he was worried about Natsuhiko.

"Captain, your last opponent doesn't seem to be easy to deal with." For a long time, Kakashi seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. He whispered: "That guy is from the Hyuga clan."

"I know." Xia Yan smiled and nodded gently: "Lone Wolf, this guy is extraordinary."

The Hyuga clan would naturally not miss a place like Anbu, and they would definitely put their own people into Anbu.

Note that they are one of our own, which means that the person who enters the Anbu must be a member of the clan, or someone controlled by the clan!

Natsuhiko wasn't quite sure what kind of agreement Hinata had reached with the Third Generation and the others to actually allow a member of the branch family to enter the Anbu.

But if you think about it carefully, this is completely normal.

Members of the Zong family don't have caged birds, so they naturally can't go to the battlefield to fight.

And those who are 'protected' by the caged bird can fight bloody battles on the battlefield without having to worry about their white eyes being snatched away.

Anbu is an extremely dangerous place, and anyone can die in battle.

If you just die in battle, then everything is fine, but once you are captured, you will be in real trouble.

Perhaps for Konoha, they don't want people from the Hyuga clan to enter.

"A caged bird is such an enviable thing."

Natsuhiko sighed silently. Once upon a time, this caged bird was the patron saint who protected the entire Hyuga clan and prevented their Byakugan from being taken away.

But it has evolved to the present, and it has become an evil technique where the Zong family uses this technique as an excuse to protect them, but in fact it relies on this technique to crazily enslave the branch family, turning them into de facto 'slaves'.

Looking at the performance of Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Neji, you will know how much they hate this jutsu.

After all, human beings have selfish desires. Once selfish desires take over, the thing that protects everything will become something that controls or even destroys everything.

Selfish desire is the root cause, and the caged bird is the means, and such means seem to be impossible to decipher in Xia Yan's memory.

At least no one he knew who had a caged bird was truly freed from it.

You can understand it when you look at Hinata Hizashi who was reincarnated from the dirty soil, and he still carries the caged bird.

"It's indeed extraordinary." Kakashi sighed slightly, and then he said seriously: "Isn't it just that the captain is really not worried? His physical skills are very strong, and he is not afraid of speed-type ninjas, because His own speed..."

"I've seen his battles and his briefings." Xia Yan still smiled: "But don't worry, I'm prepared."

This member of the Hyuga clan, codenamed Lone Wolf, is indeed not an easy guy to deal with.

He is extremely good at physical skills, and his speed is also incredibly fast.

Moreover, as a member of the branch family, he had been on the battlefield before joining ANBU, and his actual combat experience was even more abundant.

In addition, this guy also has Byakugan, and combined with his soft fist, it is simply a nightmare for ordinary ninjas.

The characteristics of the soft fist and his expertise in physical arts made him not afraid of Ninjutsu attacks at all.

Byakugan can see through any of Xia Yan's substitution techniques and clone techniques. Even if he uses speed pressure, he can't avoid his sight. What's more, this guy's speed may be able to catch up with Xia Yan.

It can be said that such a guy would be in trouble even if Xia Yan uses the immortal mode.

Not to mention that in this battle, he would not consider using immortal mode at all.

"Are you ready?" Kakashi looked at Xia Yan, and then he nodded seriously: "I understand, come on, captain."

"Thank you for your blessing, Kakashi." Xia Yan responded with a smile.

But at this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly walked out. He stood in the stands and glanced at everyone, and finally he announced loudly.

"Then the final competition officially begins now!"


Looking at the man wearing a wolf mask not far away, Xia Yan's expression became extremely serious.

Especially as they walked slowly towards the stage, the brewing aura was also telling him.

The opponent he faces this time is probably the most terrifying person besides Scorpion and Kakuzu!

Lone Wolf is a relatively legendary character in ANBU.

Not only had he participated in the war, but after entering ANBU, he had firmly assumed the position of a squad leader within a few years.

The tasks he performed were also extremely arduous, especially when he took the initiative to apply to perform some war-related tasks.

These tasks are not just as simple as dealing with enemy ANBU.

It even has to go deep behind enemy lines and even go directly to the enemy's ninja village to perform some extremely demanding tasks.

Natsuhiko had heard that this guy once risked his life to sneak into the ANBU of Sunagakure Village to steal information.

As a result, he was unlucky and happened to encounter Luo Sha on patrol. As a result, this guy just led his team all the way back.

Even though he was the only one in his team who died, it was because of this mission that he became famous in the ANBU world of ninja.

To be fair, if this task was given to Natsuhiko, he felt that he would never be able to come back without Lizard Maru and Flying Thunder God.

Of course, it is impossible for him to apply for such a task, which is comparable to suicide.

"Hello." Looking at the lone wolf whose aura had reached its peak, Xia Yan suddenly said softly: "I have heard of your legend. Please give me some advice when we meet you for the first time."


Lone Wolf didn't seem to expect that Xia Yan would say hello, and he was used to silence and was a little uncomfortable. In the end, he just nodded lightly to Xia Yan.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Xia Yan's face became even brighter.

It is true that this lone wolf is strong, but Xia Yan, who has read some reports, also knows that this guy has a very cold personality.

Perhaps because he was a member of the Hyuga family, he was filled with resentment but was helpless.

Therefore, indifference has become his protective color, and he maintains this attitude towards everyone.

And such a character will definitely not be a qualified candidate for captain.

One thing Xia Yan is sure of now is that no matter whether he defeats him or not, this lone wolf cannot become the captain.

It's just that this guy is absolutely suitable for the selection of captain.

In addition, he asked Namikaze Minato to participate, and this allowed him to catch up with the battle with this guy.

Normally, this guy might not be able to pass the theoretical test.

If Natsuhiko wins, Hiruzen Sarutobi can just miss the captain and throw the blame to Natsuhiko himself.

And if Natsuhiko loses, then Sarutobi Hiruzen can take advantage of the opportunity to start the theory test. In this case, the probability of this lone wolf being eliminated is also very high.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know what Natsuhiko was thinking. He looked calmly at the two people standing in the center of the square, and then he looked back at Namikaze Minato and the others.

After confirming that there were no problems, he spoke expressionlessly.

"Now that everything is ready, the finals begin now!"

As Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice sounded, the lone wolf suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already rushed in front of Xia Yan.

His hand had turned into a palm shape, and he slapped Xia Yan on the chest very quickly but with a strange charm!

Faced with such an offensive, Xia Yan was not only a little surprised by this guy's speed, but he also immediately made evasive actions.

I saw his body retreating slightly to the left, dodging the palm lightly and keenly.

But Lone Wolf obviously didn't think his attack would have any effect. He continued to stick up without any hesitation. This time, his speed seemed faster!

He made a fist with his left hand and struck Xia Yan without any pause.

At the same time, blue chakra bloomed in his right hand.

For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to come alive.

All the air began to move in an orderly but irregular manner, and undercurrents were formed unconsciously.

Xia Yan made another dexterous turn to avoid Lone Wolf's fist, but the next moment he noticed something was wrong.

Without the Sharingan, he naturally couldn't see everything clearly.

Perception can allow him to discover any hidden situation, but it cannot allow him to understand everything in the first place.

But he knew that this lone wolf probably had no intention of holding back at all. For him, there was no temptation at all in a real battle.

From the moment Sarutobi Hiruzen made the announcement, he had completely entered the state.


He changed his palm into a fist, and then punched Xia Yan fiercely. The harsh wind of the punch made Xia Yan's ears extremely uncomfortable.

And along with the chakra covering his fist, a roar resounded throughout the square in an instant!

Thick smoke covered the entire center of their battle at this moment, and violent vibrations continued to reverberate in the square.

It's just that this situation didn't surprise the spectators. Obviously, in their opinion, this was the normal performance of a lone wolf.

"It seems Captain Nightingale is in big trouble this time."

"Indeed, Captain Lone Wolf's strength is recognized. Although Captain Nightingale is very strong, he is still too young."

The ANBU were whispering, obviously they didn't think so highly of Xia Yan.

Not only them, but even Sarutobi Hiruzen and others on the main stage couldn't help but smile a little.

Obviously they are aware of Lone Wolf's strength, and at the same time they are not so optimistic about Xia Yan's performance.

Xia Yan does have great potential, which they cannot deny, but it takes time to transform potential into actual ability.

Especially when Xia Yan, a brat, doesn't intend to use the psychic beast at all, of course he has no chance to use it against the lone wolf.

"It seems that Nightingale won't last long." Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his eyes slightly and said softly to Namikaze Minato: "But this child's potential is pretty good."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sandaime-sama. I recommended him because I was optimistic about his potential." Namikaze Minato immediately replied softly: "Besides, Sandaime-sama, the competition is not over yet."

"That's right, the game is not over yet." Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep look at Namikaze Minato, and then his eyes were on the battlefield again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was somewhat dismissive of Namikaze Minato's "hard talk".

Although Xia Yan was surrounded by smoke, it didn't mean that they didn't know what was going on inside.

After all, the smoke is not something that interferes with powerful chakra like the Kirigakure Jutsu, so there is no problem in making a normal judgment.

What's more, now that the smoke has begun to dissipate, they can clearly see two figures constantly intersecting.

Especially that shorter figure, but he was forced to retreat steadily.

As long as this situation continues for a period of time, Xia Yan, the brat, will definitely be defeated.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen knew very well what the brat Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato were learning.

But he would not believe that Xia Yan could really learn anything in such a short period of time.

"I don't believe it. Can you still learn the art of Flying Thunder God..."


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