The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 104: Lend me your hand (please subscribe for the third update)

Natsuhiko didn't know what Takumi Murashima meant, but he felt that his expression was clear enough.

But the final result disappointed Natsuhiko, because Murashima Takumi finally rejected Natsuhiko, and even the whereabouts of Sarutobi Hiruzen were not revealed.

This result made Xia Yan very dissatisfied, but he couldn't say anything.

After all, Murashima Takumi is his minister, and a subordinate who contradicts his superior is seeking death.

However, Murashima Takumi made Natsuhiko pay a little attention. He knew that this person was 100% loyal to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But this guy's performance today surprised Xia Yan. He didn't look extremely loyal at all.

Xia Yan felt that this guy either had different intentions, but if he had different intentions, who would be behind it?

Could it be that guy Danzo Shimura?

Or maybe this guy has been completely trained to be like this, and he is just an extremely rigid machine that only follows orders to do things?

Natsuhiko doesn't understand Murashima Takumi, because the status gap between the two of them is really too great.

Moreover, the ANBU minister is considered the most mysterious person in Konoha. Almost everyone knows his name, but they don't know any information about him.

This is the first time Xia Yan has been in such close contact with this guy, but this time the contact can only be described as disappointing.

Xia Yan felt that he had to get to know this minister well. If there were no accidents, he would be a captain, so that they would have more opportunities to get in touch.

"Forget it, I originally wanted Takumi Murashima to send it to me, but it seems that's not feasible now."

Xia Yan was helpless. There was no way to send the documents he prepared, which was very embarrassing.

He didn't know where Sarutobi Hiruzen was, let alone what channels to use to contact him.

At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen left without telling him how the two of them were going to communicate.

Xia Yan had no choice but to leave. What he didn't expect was that when he just walked out of the door of the minister's office, he suddenly found an ANBU waiting outside the door.

He glanced at Xia Yan, then made an extremely obscure gesture, and then left the place silently.

"Follow up?"

Xia Yan naturally knew the meaning of such a gesture. It was a tactical gesture, but Xia Yan didn't know this guy.

But he remembered that this guy had been staring at him since he entered this place.

He had not shown up before, but now after seeing himself coming out of the minister's office, he took the initiative to show up.

This made Xia Yan feel that this guy might not be simple.

Following him quickly, Xia Yan's perception was always locked on this guy.

It wasn't long before he discovered that this guy had disappeared into an office, which made Xia Yan keep a little vigilance.

Slowly walking to the door of the office, he put one hand on the door lock and put the other hand into his ninja bag.

Once something happens, he can immediately take out his kunai to deal with the trouble.

Slowly pushing the door open, Xia Yan found that the guy who led him over didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything.

At this moment, this guy was standing next to a desk, his eyes were staring at Xia Yan, and his breath seemed very stable.

Not only that, Xia Yan also discovered through perception that he was the only one in this office.

In addition, this guy's chakra is also very stable, and there is no sign of taking action at all.

"Do you think I would choose to fight you?" At this moment, the ANBU said: "I'm not sure I can deal with someone who can use the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"Is that so?" Xia Yan's voice sounded very gentle, and he said unhurriedly: "I'm sorry, I'm just paranoid."

"Forget it, a hypocritical and insincere apology." The ANBU shook his head: "Close the door and let's talk. By the way, just call me Owl, Captain Nightingale."

But during the whole process, he had no intention of turning his back to the owl, and even his right hand was still buckled near the ninja bag.

The owl naturally noticed Xia Yan's movements. He shook his head slightly and said nothing.

After the door was completely closed, he looked at Xia Yan and said slowly: "Give me what you want to give to Hokage-sama."

"Huh?" Xia Yan frowned, and then he asked slightly confused: "What are you talking about?"

"It is a good thing to be cautious, but there is no need for you to pretend to be pretentious with me." Owl slowly shook his head: "You have seen Mr. Minister, right?"

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded: "Just be direct about what you want to say. You have to beat around the bush here."

"Although the Minister is the Minister of Anbu, he also needs someone to help him with things."

Owl looked at Xia Yan indifferently, and there was no emotion in his voice.

"You have documents to give to the Hokage-sama, so naturally it is impossible for the Buchou-sama to do such a thing.

As a subordinate, I naturally have to help the Minister share all this. Isn't it strange? "

Isn't this strange?

Xia Yan looked at the owl silently. He did not relax his vigilance because of the owl's words, but became more alert.

He originally felt that there was something wrong with Takumi Murashima, but now he was 100% sure of it.

Is it possible that the ANBU minister, who is said to be the most loyal to the Third Hokage, is actually a bastard, and that he has already defected to someone else?

Or is this just a temptation?

Xia Yan didn't know, but he knew that he should take a stand now.

This matter is not easy to handle, but it is also not difficult to handle.

All Xia Yan needs is information. Enough information can allow him to make a more correct judgment.

"Although it's a bit troublesome, it might be good for me if the noise is louder."

Xia Yan quickly thought in his mind that he had sensed some people coming this way, so he had to make a quick decision.

On the surface, he nodded silently, then picked up the document and walked towards the owl.

"In that case, I'll leave it to you." Xia Yan's voice sounded gentle, with a little kindness in it.

"I will transfer it to Hokage-sama for you..."

The owl stretched out his hand to take the document, but his expression changed the next moment.


The document in Xia Yan's hand has fallen, and a kunai has quietly appeared on his right hand!

The kunai quickly stabbed towards the owl's chest, and blue chakra also burst out at this moment.

Owl did not expect that Xia Yan would take action, but after all, he was an elite ANBU ninja, and at the most critical moment, he used the substitution technique.


Along with a piercing sound, smoke enveloped the entire office, and the wooden desk that was blocked by the owl substitute had been completely penetrated.

The kunai emitting cold light was pressed tightly against his face...


Xia Yan took action boldly, which really scared the owl.

He really didn't expect this guy to be so determined. He actually dared to do something openly at the headquarters of Konoha ANBU. This was really beyond Owl's imagination.

For a moment, he even thought that Xia Yan was crazy, but he was a very smart person, and in just a moment he knew why Xia Yan took action.

Did this damn guy think he was a spy?

Owl almost immediately thought of this possibility, because only this could explain why Xia Yan suddenly took action.

He also knew that his previous performance did seem a bit excessive in the eyes of normal people, but that was indeed his responsibility.

One of his main tasks in the Anbu was to communicate with the Hokage.

The situation within the Anbu is very complicated, and such things will not be explained to the outside world.

It's normal for Xia Yan not to know, but is it really okay to attack directly at the ANBU headquarters without giving any chance to explain?

Xia Yan didn't know what this guy was thinking. If he knew, he wouldn't have too many ideas, because he had already thought of using this as an excuse when he took action.

The reason why he took action was partly to test the ANBU's bottom line, and partly to get some information.

Of course, he has a more complete and impeccable reason - he is to protect the Hokage's interests in the ANBU!

Without giving the owl a chance to speak, Xia Yan quickly pulled out the kunai stuck on the table, and then kicked it.

The table that had been transformed by the owl substitution technique couldn't bear Xia Yan's departure and was immediately kicked to pieces.

The figure of the owl couldn't help but roll to the side, and then he managed to avoid the kick, but this also made him appear in front of Xia Yan again.

Without any hesitation, Natsuhiko shot the kunai in his hand directly at the owl, and at the same time, he drew a ninja sword from behind with his right hand.

Such a move immediately made the owl understand that the nightingale in front of him would never let him go. The most terrible thing was that he really couldn't explain anything.

Gritting his teeth, Owl immediately drew out his ninja sword, and then quickly raised it to block Xia Yan's fatal knife, but this time it made his hand numb.

He had heard other ANBU people discussing Xia Yan, and even watched Xia Yan's competition. He knew that this kid's speed and strength were very terrifying.

But just by looking at it, you can't understand how terrifying it is.

Now he finally understood that this kid's strength was indeed a bit too strong.

No wonder he was able to defeat the man from the Yamazaka clan before using the Flying Thunder God, and he could even fight the lone wolf of the Hyuga clan for so long.

"That's enough, Nightingale!" After sensing that something was wrong, the owl immediately shouted loudly: "There may be a misunderstanding between us, but I can't go into details about this matter..."

"Then wait until I catch you and let you elaborate." Xia Yan interrupted the owl directly: "I didn't expect that I could catch such an interesting person in the ANBU."

After the words fell, Xia Yan's strength increased again, and Owl suddenly felt a sharp increase in pressure, but he absolutely did not want to be caught by Xia Yan.

"This kid's strength is really scary, and he hasn't used the Flying Thunder God yet. Why the hell is it so troublesome!"

The owl secretly cursed, he knew that his reinforcements were coming soon, but such reinforcements did not bring him any comfort, and even made him more worried.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu, this kind of ninjutsu will not be afraid of being besieged, because even if Nightingale is besieged, he can leave here calmly.

Even if Nightingale wants to, he can counterattack at any time, but Owl and its reinforcements will never be able to withstand such a counterattack!

Gritting his teeth, the owl roared and pushed Xia Yan away, and then he launched an attack desperately. Now he just hopes that this matter can last longer or even make a bigger fuss.

Because only in this way can he come down safely.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

In this small office, Xia Yanhe was already fighting with the owl, and the Ninja swords collided with each other, making harsh metal sounds.

Both of them are not slow, and both of them have rich practical experience, but Xia Yan obviously has the advantage because he is faster.

Without the restraints of sealed chakra seeds, all his chakra can be used.

In addition, he had learned a lot from the previous battle with the lone wolf. With his current speed owl, this guy couldn't bear it. He was now losing ground.

The two figures kept intertwining, and Xia Yan's speed was really getting faster and faster. Even if he didn't use the immortal mode, the owl couldn't hold on.

The place was too small for him to perform, and Xia Yan was too fast for him to keep up with. He now had more and more wounds on his body.

But Xia Yan had no intention of letting him go. He couldn't form the seal even if he wanted to use ninjutsu.


After another struggle, Xia Yan slashed through with his sword, and Owl's Ninja sword was directly slashed away.

But this guy's reaction speed was fast enough. He didn't care about his right hand that was bleeding constantly, and quickly pulled out a kunai.

Taking advantage of Natsuhiko's sword being stiff, he immediately made an evasive action, and then the kunai stabbed Natsuhiko directly in the chest.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. I have to say that this owl's reaction speed and ability to find opportunities are really good. Unfortunately, Xia Yan is more ruthless than him!

Possessing super physical coordination and reflexes, as well as good perception, he just made an evasive action in an instant.

Then he raised his left hand and grabbed the owl's hand accurately. With a slight squeeze, the owl's kunai fell to the ground.

Owl was countered so easily by Xia Yan, which made him a little unacceptable, but the fact was right in front of him and he had no choice at all.

The moment Xia Yan took action, he thought that he might not be able to defeat him, but he really didn't think about his failure when the opponent didn't even use the Flying Thunder God!

"Can't I force him to use Flying Thunder God? Who is this Nightingale?"

Owl gritted his teeth and tried to break away from Xia Yan's hand, but the next moment he noticed Xia Yan's right hand moved.

The blue chakra attached to the ninja sword, and Xia Yan stabbed directly towards the owl's chest.

At this critical moment, Owl immediately took out a kunai and blocked Xia Yan's knife narrowly and narrowly. If he hadn't blocked this blow, he was sure that he would be dead!

Xia Yan frowned. This owl seemed to be much more powerful than he thought.

He knew very well that he actually relied on a sneak attack so that he could not react at all.

And it took advantage of the terrain, so that the owl guy couldn't use ninjutsu at all, so he was beaten like this.

If it were a normal battle, or a previous assessment and competition, it would be difficult for Xia Yan to force this guy into such a state of embarrassment.

But ninjas are ninjas, and winning is the best way.

Looking at the struggling owl and the reinforcements that had almost arrived at the door, Xia Yan suddenly paused, and then he spoke gently.

"I'll lend you your hand."


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