The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 105 Do you want to destroy the entire ANBU? (Please subscribe~)


On the street leading to the ANBU headquarters, Sarutobi Hiruzen was walking slowly forward.

He seemed unhurried and his expression was unusually gentle, as if he was enjoying his retired life.

But at this moment, an ANBU suddenly appeared on one knee beside him, which immediately broke his previous leisurely mood.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned. He didn't like being disturbed at this time, but he didn't mean to blame the ANBU.

"Get up." Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said harmoniously: "What's the matter? Acting in such a hurry is not the behavior an ANBU should have."

"Hokage-sama, this is Captain Nightingale." After the ANBU stood up, he immediately said quietly and quickly: "Captain Nightingale is at the headquarters and is fighting with the owl."

"A fight started?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but frowned when he heard the news.

Of course, Hiruzen Sarutobi knew about Natsu Yan's visit to the headquarters. It could even be said that he knew Natsu Yan's movements from the moment Natsu Yan entered this street.

He didn't show up immediately because he knew that Xia Yan planned to take advantage of this opportunity to go to the headquarters and probably planned to hand over something to him.

Therefore, after Natsuhiko arrived at the ANBU headquarters, he set off slowly. Anyway, there were Takumi and Owl in the headquarters, so no matter how you looked at it, there would be no surprises.

Even if something unexpected happens, there is a high probability that some conflicts will break out between Natsuhiko Kazukai and Murashima Takumi. After all, Takumi's character...

Of course, even if there is a conflict, it is not a big deal. After all, Takumi is the head of ANBU.

Xia Yan is a smart man. He will not choose to be unhappy with his immediate boss, not to mention that there is an owl around?

But the facts gave him a slap in the face. Natsuhiko did not have any problems with Murashima Takumi, but he did fight with Owl. What on earth is going on?

"What happened?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked directly, "Why did the two of them fight?"

"I don't know." The ANBU immediately shook his head.

“It is said that Captain Nightingale was stopped by the owl after meeting the minister.

Owl then took Captain Nightingale to an office for discussion. Unexpectedly, there was movement inside soon. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and began to think as he walked forward. Natsuhiko is a smart man without exception, and his arrival today also shows that he made the right choice.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not completely believe him. After all, no one knew whether he was doing something duplicitous or not. Loyalty took time to be considered.

But if a smart person suddenly takes action, this situation is definitely very problematic. Could it be...

Is the owl the cause of the problem?

In other words, it was Owl and Takumi who aroused Xia Yan's suspicion?

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately thought of this key. Natsuhiko's identity at this time was sensitive, and he was very sensitive to everything around him.

And Takumi's behavior is definitely not like a normal ANBU minister, and Owl must not reveal any information at will when meeting Natsuhiko.

Adding up the three situations, Xia Yan's choice to take action was inevitable, and his purpose of taking action was probably to attract him.

Whether it was out of self-preservation, suspicion of Takumi and Owl, or taking the opportunity to show loyalty to himself.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but shake his head slightly. Natsuhiko, this brat, is indeed a smart man.

"It's just that sometimes being too smart can make people feel uneasy."

Especially, you are from the Thousand Hands Clan...


"I'll lend you your hand."

In the office of the ANBU headquarters, Natsuhiko spoke in a gentle and soft voice, but his words instantly filled the owl with uneasiness.

I saw Natsuhiko suddenly raised his right hand fiercely, and the ninja sword in his hand flew away the owl's kunai, and his action also caused his own ninja sword to be thrown away.

The next moment, Xia Yan punched the owl in the chest. At the same time, his left hand loosened slightly, but quickly clasped it on the owl's finger.

With a slight twist, the kunai in Owl's left hand fell directly, and Natsuhiko saw the opportunity and kicked the kunai's grasp directly.

Owl raised his arm to block Natsuhiko's punch, but facing the kunai coming straight at him, he could only lean back, and thus managed to avoid the danger of being shot in the head by kunai.

The kunai flew to the roof close to the owl's face, then hit Natsuhiko's ninja sword in the air, and then continued to spin and fall down.

The owl's face did not improve at all after dodging the blow, because his left hand could not be moved away under Xia Yan's control. What made his face even more ugly was that Xia Yan had already clasped his hand to complete a seal!


The owl roared angrily, but Xia Yan ignored him at all. When his body was out of balance, Xia Yan bent his right hand slightly, and then hit his chest directly with his elbow.


Owl suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. The elbow can be regarded as the most terrifying weapon in the human body. There were countless incidents of death caused by elbow strikes in Xia Yan's previous life.

In many competitions, including boxing and some fighting, the use of elbow strikes is prohibited.

The owl's blow to Xia Yan was naturally not pleasant at all. Even if he was a ninja and had a very strong ability to resist blows, he could not withstand such an attack.

The most terrible thing is that after receiving this blow, Xia Yan controlled his left hand to complete two more seals!

Owl knew that he had to fight back. If he continued like this, he would really be in big trouble.

He quickly stabilized his body, and then punched Xia Yan hard on the neck.

Unfortunately, Xia Yan reacted too quickly. He stretched out his hand and jammed the owl's wrist, and then twisted his left hand violently.


The ear-piercing sound of bone cracking instantly resounded in the office, and then Xia Yan kicked the owl in the stomach.

Owl suddenly felt a turmoil in his stomach, and the most terrible thing was that at this moment Xia Yan had already clasped his left hand to complete the last seal!

Suddenly, Xia Yan loosened his control on him. At the same time, Xia Yan jumped up, and the kunai that kept spinning and falling fell right in front of him.

Xia Yan quickly saw clearly the trajectory of Kunai's rotation, then turned around in the air and kicked the Kunai hard!

Under the influence of Xia Yan's power, the speed of this kunai suddenly increased sharply, and it was like a lightning bolt shooting towards the owl.


The door to the office was kicked open at this moment, and three ANBU ninjas rushed in.

At this moment, the chakra in Xia Yan's body surged crazily. He folded his hands together, and then completed his ninjutsu without any hesitation.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Faced with such an offensive that was comparable to a two-sided attack, even though Owl had been beaten miserably by Xia Yan, he still evaded it.

He first turned sideways with difficulty to avoid the kunai that was coming at him quickly, and then he directly pressed his body down, supported the ground and rolled backwards. Only then did he barely avoid the direct impact of the water dragon!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The ANBU who came for reinforcements did not hold back at all, especially when Xia Yan had already taken the lead in using ninjutsu, and an ANBU who was good at fire escape took action directly.

Xia Yan's water dragon put great pressure on the reinforcements. If they couldn't get rid of this water dragon, they would definitely be in great trouble.

When the water dragon and the fireball collided hard, huge water vapor surged at this moment, and the owl immediately took this opportunity to escape from the office.

It's terrible, it's really terrible, even if I was robbed of the upper hand, and there was no room to display in that office, I could only rely on physical skills to deal with it.

But how old is that little brat Nightingale?

As an adult, Owl was suppressed like this by a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old kid with physical skills, which is enough to explain everything.

Moreover, this kid's creativity is also incredibly strong. He really never thought that someone could handle the battle normally and hold the enemy's hand to help him complete the seal.

In Owl's opinion, the only ones who can do this are the psychopaths of the Uchiha clan.

Of course, it must be a psychopath who has awakened the Sharingan.

"Are you okay? What happened, you and Captain Nightingale?"

After quickly evacuating the steam-filled office, an ANBU looked at the miserable owl and couldn't help but ask.

Although they came for reinforcements, they really didn't know what was going on.

"Huh...huh..." Owl gasped twice, and then his eyes glanced at the ANBU: "Because of some misunderstandings, but I can't explain it."

"Why?" Another ANBU asked in confusion: "What's going on? Captain Nightingale just met the minister, what did you do?"

"Stop talking about this." Owl interrupted directly: "It's better to deal with the current trouble first, and inform the minister as soon as possible."

Owl didn't want to answer these questions at all now, especially when he heard these ANBU actually respectfully called Xia Yan captain, which made him feel even more unhappy.

It's natural for you to call those captains captains, but Xia Yan is just a small captain. Is it necessary for you to respect him so much?

Of course, Owl was just feeling unhappy, and he wouldn't dare to ask him directly.

At least after being taught a lesson by Xia Yan, he really didn't dare anymore.

The reason why these people respect Xia Yan so much is largely because Xia Yan has shown his strength and learned the art of Flying Thunder God.

If it weren't for this matter, Owl would be happy to call Xia Yan Captain Nightingale.

But he was forced so miserably by Xia Yan. The most important thing was that he had no way to explain it.

He couldn't get rid of such angry feelings. Naturally, he was very unhappy with the brat Xia Yan.

The water vapor continued to spread outwards, and more and more ANBU members who stayed at the headquarters gathered.

Although many of those left here are not combat preparations, and even many are alternate preparations.

But they are also ninjas, and they all have more or less certain strength. Naturally, it is impossible for them to be in the same situation as here.

"What's going on here?"

"I don't know, it seems like someone took action."

"Who is doing this at the ANBU headquarters? And where is the Minister?"

"I saw someone go to notify the Minister before. They should be here soon."

The ANBU members were all communicating quietly, and some even had their weapons ready to take action.

Making trouble at ANBU headquarters was no small matter.

They were all curious about what happened, but before they became curious, they knew that the most important task was to calm down the matter.

Just as they were communicating secretly, a figure suddenly appeared behind the owl like a ghost without any warning!

The owl's body stiffened slightly, and he had already noticed someone behind him.

But being aware of it and reacting with the body are completely different things. This is where the horror of Flying Thunder God lies!

Owl is still relatively strong. He at least noticed that when Namikaze Minato used Flying Thunder God to deal with enemies, many people were not even aware of his situation.


After a fierce kick, the owl was kicked away by Xia Yan, and it was only at this time that the ANBU around him reacted.

But Xia Yan didn't give them any room to react, but this time he didn't attack as harshly as he did against the owl.

The moment he kicked the owl away, before Xia Yan could retract his legs, he reached out and grabbed the hand of an ANBU, and then he violently pulled the ANBU and swung it outward.

After his legs were completely retracted behind him, he quickly used a teleportation technique to dodge to the other two sides.

While they were turning around, he kicked one of them hard. The Anbu who was kicked directly hit the Anbu behind him.

In just an instant, Xia Yan killed all four of them!

The art of Flying Thunder God is indeed terrifying and unusual, because you never know when the enemy will come to you, and even if you know when he will attack, you can't defend yourself.

Not everyone is a pervert like Madara Uchiha. Even if the Thunder Chakra mode is turned on, the fourth generation Raikage, who has reached a peak in speed, once suffered a lot from the Flying Thunder God.

All the ANBU who were watching watched in astonishment as all this happened. They originally wanted to take action to solve the problem, but when they saw the person who did it, they were all stunned.

Because the one who did it was Captain Nightingale, and the technique used by Captain Nightingale was the Flying Thunder God technique!

What's the matter?

These Anbu who were watching were now like the Anbu who had reinforced before, and this sentence appeared in their minds for no reason.

They really couldn't figure out why Natsuhiko would do something here, and why he would do it to ANBU members?

All of them hesitated for a moment, and they didn't know whether they should take action or not.

Amid such hesitation and entanglement, Murashima Takumi finally arrived at the scene.

"Stop!" Murashima Takumi came to the center of the battlefield with a teleportation technique. He separated Xia Yan, Owl and the others, and looked at Xia Yan with an indifferent expression.

"Sorry, Mr. Minister." Xia Yan had no intention of stopping. Although he had indeed stopped, he still maintained a fighting posture.

"What do you mean?" Murashima Takumi stared at Natsuhiko, his expression became even colder: "Are you going to disobey my order?"

"Sorry, Mr. Minister." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, the chakra in his body was brewing again: "Of course I have my reasons for taking action, Mr. Minister, I will write a report after I finish. "

Natsuhiko's words instantly made Murashima Takumi's face darken. His chakra was also brewing at this moment, and it was obvious that he was also planning to take action.

The atmosphere suddenly became more tense, and all the ANBU seemed a little overwhelmed.

But at this moment, a voice broke the tense atmosphere.

"What are you doing? Do you want to destroy the entire ANBU?"


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