The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 106: Horrifying speculation (please subscribe~)

"You are a little impulsive, even if your intentions are good, Nightingale."

In the ANBU minister's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting behind his desk. He seemed to be looking at Natsuhiko helplessly.

Natsuhiko stood there obediently and said nothing, while Murashima Takumi also said nothing.

He was like a robot, so calm that it was scary.

When Natsuhiko and Murashima Takumi were confronting each other, and both of them had gathered chakra and were about to take action, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally arrived.

After seeing the situation of these two people, he was indeed shocked and angry, and his powerful momentum completely burst out at that moment.

It was also at that moment that Natsuki Yan realized why the Third Hokage, who looked a bit old and even had a different performance in the original work, had the title of Shinobi.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very strong, Natsuhiko will never deny this, but he is not so clear about how strong he is.

But now, just relying on his own breath, Xia Yan had the illusion of being in hell.

Especially after being enveloped by this aura, he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

This feeling was just like when he was reading comics, Sasuke and Naruto were enveloped by Orochimaru's aura after they met Orochimaru.

But Natsuhiko definitely performed much better than Naruto and Sasuke. His strength was not comparable to that of the two juniors Naruto and Sasuke who had not awakened themselves at that time.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly calmed down his momentum, and then he had Owl taken to the medical department, and asked Natsuhiko and Murashima Takumi to come to the office together.

He asked Xia Yan to tell the whole story. Now he was curious about what kind of answer Xia Yan would give.

The result did not go beyond Sarutobi Hiruzen's expectations. Natsuhiko told Takumi Murajima everything he saw, heard and guessed.

He didn't care at all that Murashima Takumi, the ANBU minister, was right next to him. He even bluntly said, "If the owl and the minister are infiltrated and become spies, the harm to the ANBU will be even greater."

But when Natsuhiko said these words, his eyes were not only on Sarutobi Hiruzen, he was also paying attention to the changes in Murashima Takumi.

What only disappointed him was that Murashima Takumi didn't react at all. He was still as cold as a statue, without any emotional changes at all.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan bowed slightly.

His voice also became gentler at this moment, but his attitude didn't seem to have changed much.

"Takumi, you go down first." Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Natsuhiko, and then he turned to look at Murashima Takumi: "Don't let people come over, and go see the owl."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Murashima Takumi spoke at this moment.

Without even looking at Xia Yan, he bowed extremely respectfully, then turned around and left the office.

There was no trace of sloppiness, nor did he care at all why Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted him to leave.

But his actions made Xia Yan frown a little, because this Murashima Takumi was really hard for him to understand.

This guy seems to have no human emotions at all.

"Isn't it weird?" After Murashima Takumi left the room, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to see through Natsuhiko's thoughts, and he asked directly.

"Lord Hokage." Xia Yan immediately retracted his thoughts, then he lowered his head and said softly: "This subordinate no longer has any strange feelings."

"Are you sure?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Xia Yan curiously: "Didn't you doubt Takumi and Owl before? Why don't you doubt it now?"

"Because Hokage-sama trusts them." Xia Yan directly gave the simplest and crudest reason: "Hokage-sama trusts them, and his subordinates naturally trust them."

This reason is indeed simple and crude. Because you trust me, as a subordinate I naturally have to trust you too.

Don't ask any random questions and don't think about anything. This is the style of a qualified and outstanding subordinate.

But that said, Xia Yan didn't think so in his heart. The behavior of Murashima Takumi and Owl was really weird, but now he seems to have figured it out.

This matter really has nothing to do with Shimura Danzo. I am afraid that for Shimura Danzo, his biggest gain was Kusunoki who was assassinated by Natsuhiko.

The reason why Natsuhiko suspected that Danzo had infiltrated and even controlled Takumi Murashima and Owl.

Just because Danzo once stretched out his hand to enter ANBU, it's hard to say whether that guy will leave some back-ups.

But now it seems that he is overthinking. If he is really controlled, then Sarutobi Hiruzen will never trust those two people so much.

With Kusunoki's death, Danzo now has no chance at all in ANBU. I am afraid that neither Namikaze Minato nor Sarutobi Hiruzen will give him a single thought.

In this case, it can only mean one thing, and that is that all the weirdness that Xia Yan noticed this time was completely arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself!

"Murashima Takumi is a person who is extremely rigid, like a robot who only follows orders.

All his decisions came entirely from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's just that it's impossible for such a person to master Anbu. There must be someone to assist him so that he doesn't make mistakes and at the same time, people can't easily notice the problem.

Then, the existence of the owl is necessary.

He is probably solely responsible for Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then responsible for contacting Sarutobi Hiruzen and Murashima Takumi, while also assisting this guy Murashima. "

Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little creepy when he thought of this.

No wonder the ANBU minister would always stand behind Sarutobi Hiruzen and support him unconditionally no matter what decision he made.

Even though it is already the era of the Fourth Hokage, this minister still supports the Third Hokage, because this person is simply a puppet!

People have desires, no matter who they are.

Especially when a person controls a department with great power, such desires will unconsciously begin to take root and spread.

But when this person is just a puppet, a ninja who has no thoughts or desires of his own and only performs tasks perfectly, then there will naturally be no problem!

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep look at Natsu Yan, and then he shook his head and didn't bother to think about whether Natsu Yan really meant it or was just pretending.

This is not a problem for him, because the ANBU belongs to him, and no matter what others think or do, they can't change this.

"Speaking of which, Nightingale, what do you want from me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen put his hands on the table and held his chin with his fingers intertwined.

"I heard you wanted to see me, and now you have."

"Sir Hokage, I have something to hand over to you." Xia Yan immediately took out the document that he had prepared a long time ago: "I would also like to ask Mr. Hokage to take a look at it."

"Oh? What is this?"

"This is about my subordinate's interactions with the Yondaime Hokage, and my understanding of the flying thunder god's technique."


The materials submitted by Natsuhiko really surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen because they were so detailed.

In addition to his meeting and communication with Namikaze Minato, and Namikaze Minato's guidance to him.

There is also Xia Yan's own experience in using the Flying Thunder God technique, as well as some insights into it.

It even included the discussion between him and Namikaze Minato last night. Natsuhiko directly said that this matter was in accordance with Sarutobi Hiruzen's request to establish a more 'deep' connection with Namikaze Minato.

Anyway, they fought like that, Xia Yan didn't trust the ANBU people, and even the people in the sensing class couldn't detect the situation.

Instead of waiting for Sarutobi Hiruzen to ask, it would be better to say it directly.

Just as he thought, Sarutobi Hiruzen just nodded and didn't say much, but it was enough.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was naturally satisfied with such a report. He also knew something about Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato, but the level of understanding was far from enough.

The people who were monitoring Namikaze Minato and Natsuhiko didn't dare to get too close, and they couldn't get past them even if they used some special techniques.

Both of them are very strong, and Xia Yan has good perception.

Once discovered, it is not an easy problem to solve.

Of course, it was impossible for Hiruzen Sarutobi to trust 100% the information given by Natsuhiko.

Because the devil knows whether he is hiding something more important.

What made him extremely satisfied was that Xia Yan actually handed over the relatively complete experience of the Flying Thunder God technique that he had learned.

You must know that every ninja has a different understanding and perception of the techniques he masters.

And it is impossible for them to take these things out easily.

At most, you can teach your disciples without any reservations, and this disciple also has restrictions. He must be his most valued direct disciple.

Other than that, no one can get it if you ask. After all, this is a personal secret belonging to a ninja, not even the Hokage!

This is an unspoken rule, because once these things are exposed, it is not important to say whether others can learn them and then turn against you.

Simply analyze some of the characteristics of this technique from these insights, and after understanding its strengths and weaknesses, your technique is likely to be cracked by the opponent, or even seize the weakness to kill yourself directly!

Natsuhiko's move can be said to have helped Hiruzen Sarutobi, greatly alleviating and reducing the mystery of the flying thunder god's technique.

And based on the materials Xia Yan provided, he could also make some attempts. How could he be dissatisfied?

Namikaze Minato had also handed over some materials, but after those materials passed through Jiraiya's hands, some things were naturally hidden.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't mean to blame Jiraiya. At that time, his relationship with Namikaze Minato was not at the same level as it is now. He even very much agreed with Jiraiya's actions.

But now, when interests are touched, everything will change.

When Hiruzen Sarutobi is happy, many things will become different, and many things will become simpler.

"The materials you gave me are very good and I am very satisfied. I know that you and Kakashi have a good relationship.

Let's do this. When the documents for appointing the captain of the third brigade are issued, you can choose your team members independently. "

"This...thank you, Hokage-sama."

The things given by Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to be very good, but Xia Yan shook his head with some disdain in his heart.

The independent choice of team members should be one of the rights of the captain.

Although there are not many people who can choose independently, and they need to report it.

But the problem is that ordinary candidates for ministers will not veto it, otherwise Shinichi and Masaya would not have left so easily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave himself this right, which actually seemed good. In fact, he focused on naming Kakashi, and the meaning seemed very different.

Kakashi is the only disciple of Namikaze Minato, and it was obviously Sarutobi Hiruzen who brought Kakashi here to remind him.

Whether he trusts himself or not, he needs to transform himself into the person placed next to Namikaze Minato.

If he doesn't obey, he might even give up and get disgusted with Namikaze Minato.

In addition, Xia Yan felt that this was also a test for Sarutobi Hiruzen. After all, there was still the Senju clan behind him.

He directly gave the selection power to himself, probably to a large extent because he wanted to see what he would do if he had such power.

"What an old fox."

Xia Yan thought this mentally, and then left the ANBU headquarters honestly.

He still has a lot of tasks to deal with, so naturally he can't stay here forever.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not leave. He was still sitting quietly behind the desk doing his work, staring at the report submitted by Natsuhiko.

Not long after, there was a knock on the office door, and soon a man with half his body wrapped in bandages walked in. This man was Danzo!

"Hiruzhan, I heard that the Senju brat is causing trouble in the ANBU?" Danzo walked directly in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, his expression calm and cold: "That brat is too courageous."

"It's just a misunderstanding, nothing serious." Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head. He raised his head and looked at Danzo: "You are really well informed, Danzo."

"Hmph." Danzo snorted, then said nothing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words were not a compliment, Danzo knew this clearly.

However, he would not explain this kind of thing. He naturally had his own reasons for doing so.

And he believed that Sarutobi Hiruzen would never hold on to this matter.

In fact, just as he thought, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not argue with Danzo too much about this matter.

Danzo's existence has a very special meaning to him, and many of Danzo's actions are things that he wants to do but cannot do.

Danzo is his shadow!

Although my own shadow always has its own ideas, and sometimes does things more and more outrageously.

But Danzo's existence has unimaginable value, and his personal relationship with Danzo is also very good, so he can continue to accept it.

"Do you really trust this brat?" After being silent for a long time, Danzo couldn't bear it anymore. He asked directly: "I heard that you really plan to make him the captain?"

"Yes and no." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded calmly: "I don't trust him, but I do intend to give him the position of captain. Not only that, I also gave him the power to select team members independently."

"Hmph, this is basically the power that the captain originally had." Danzo shook his head, seeming to be a little disdainful of Sarutobi Hiruzen's statement: "You want to test him, right?"

"Who knows?" Sarutobi Hiruzen chuckled, and then he directly pushed the document Natsuhiko gave him to Danzo: "Look at this."

Danzo frowned, then took the document and began to read it. His reading speed was very fast, and his expression changed slightly after just a moment.

After he read it thoroughly, there was a moment when he really wanted to take possession of these files directly for himself.

However, he still restrained his inner impulse and slowly placed the file in his hand on the table.

"It seems that he paid a heavy price." Danzo's voice was still so calm, but there were some waves in this calmness.

"Yes, the price is not small." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "A very interesting kid, isn't he?"

Danzo was silent, but his eyes were still on the document. Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but smile silently when he saw this scene.

He knew the value of this document, why didn't Danzo know it?

Unfortunately, neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Danzo knew about it.

This seemingly very detailed document is actually a huge trap.

The contents here are all recorded by Xia Yan based on the techniques he learned through the system.

In other words, others want to learn all this unless they also have systematic help...


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