The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 107 My surname is Qianju too (please subscribe)

After the ANBU made a fuss, Xia Yan also returned to his brigade's station.

But something surprised him. He originally thought that he had made such a fuss, and now the entire ANBU would know about it.

When he returned, he discovered that no one seemed to know about it.

It seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen really has no intention of letting this matter escalate, which also shows that his control over the ANBU is really too much.

But for such a big matter, if he said he would suppress it, he would suppress it.

Even when Xia Yan got off work in the evening, no one mentioned it. One can only imagine how far he had controlled the ANBU.

"It seems that wanting ANBU is not a simple matter."

On the way home, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh when he thought about this.

Although he had just passed the assessment of captain, even his appointment had not been issued yet.

But Xia Yan's goal has never been above the captain, and it can even be said that his goal is definitely not just the ANBU minister.

His eyes were always on the Hokage. It could even be said that he was looking beyond the Hokage and looking at the entire ninja world.

Whether he is an Anbu captain or a minister, these are his pedals, and he must rely on these pedals to continuously move forward and upward.

“And those are also the positions where I clear out opponents before I reach my ultimate goal.

Gather a group of people that I should gather to lay all the foundations for my goals. "

Xia Yan is not stupid and can't do anything alone.

If you want to become a real big BOSS in the ninja world, in addition to being unrivaled in personal strength, you also need a large number of people who can do things for you.

Whether it is tied up with interests or connected through friendship, after all, Xia Yan needs an interest group of his own.

This can help him maintain the stability of Konoha and even expand outward.

Natsuhiko didn't intend to be like Namikaze Minato, who didn't even have his own team after coming to power, even a hidden team.

But let's face it, if he had a team of his own, I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen wouldn't set his sights on him.

The nature of people who are uncontrolled and those who are not easy to control is the same. He did not find a guy like Murajima Takumi, which means he still has enough awe for the existence of Anbu.

"But this guy Takumi Murashima is not easy to deal with. Although I haven't fought him, I don't know exactly what his strength is.

But if you think about it, someone who can achieve this position will definitely not be a simple thing.

The most important thing is that his character is really difficult to deal with unless..."

Unless this guy can die reasonably, it is best because he disobeyed orders, or violated the village, morality, etc.

Moreover, this guy needs to take the initiative.

Otherwise, if Xia Yan really assassinated him, his own end would be unimaginably bad.

The combination of these prerequisites made the difficulty unimaginably high, which made Xia Yan sigh deeply.

But it is indeed too early to think about these things now. Although Xia Yan likes to plan ahead, thinking too much about some unsolvable problems will only make him extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is better to think about other things than to think about these. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Xia Yan is very clear about this. If he can't think of a way now, then he should wait slowly and wait for the opportunity to appear.

"Xia Yan?"

Just as Xia Yan was walking slowly towards home, a voice suddenly reached his ears.

Xia Yan couldn't help but stop when he heard the sound. When he raised his head and looked up, he found that it was Uesugi Gen. This made him feel something strange.

It was so late, why did he come to find me?

But no matter what the reason was, Xia Yan immediately explored the surrounding situation.

Then he showed a gentle smile and bowed slightly to show respect to Uesugi Yuan.

When he got off work, Xia Yan had already changed out of his ANBU clothes.

Gen Uesugi, on the other hand, was someone who taught me a lot when he was a child. Such respect comes from the bottom of his heart.

"Uncle Yuan, why are you here so late?" After everything was done, Xia Yan asked curiously.

"There is something." Uesugi Yuan nodded slightly: "I have been waiting for you. It is the elder who needs to see you for something."

"Elder?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. He probably knew what was going on.

The elder of my family could have asked someone to find a way to arrange for him to enter the ANBU.

Then it is inevitable that he can also get a lot of information from the ANBU.

However, this time he got the information a bit late, and the time he got it seemed a bit ambiguous.

Natsuhiko was 100% sure that there was definitely Sarutobi Hiruzen's handiwork in this.

Do you want to remind yourself through this incident and see your reaction?

Shaking his head, Natsuhiko didn't know what Hiruzen Sarutobi was thinking, but he knew how he should deal with it.

Because he had known for a long time that some things were bound to happen, and there was nothing to make a fuss about.

"I understand, Uncle Yuan." Xia Yan still maintained a gentle smile. He nodded gently: "Then, I will go see the elder tomorrow morning."

"No, the elder asked you to come back when you come back." Uesugi Yuan directly rejected Xia Yan's intention.

Such an answer made Xia Yan sigh slightly. It seemed that the elder of his family was really impatient.

But Xia Yan was a little curious about how much news the elder of his family had received.

Is it just a matter of evaluating the captain yourself?

Or is it what he did at the ANBU headquarters today?

He even thought without malicious intent, had Sarutobi Hiruzen revealed that his captain had been appointed and even made some promises to himself?

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about these things.

However, it can be expected that Xia Yan, as an elder, will probably make some demands on himself, and Xia Yan has already been prepared to deal with them.

He smiled at Yuan Uesugi and nodded, then walked directly towards the elder's house.

It didn't take long for Xia Yan to arrive at the place where the elder lived.

He has never liked this house, which is full of quaint flavor. In his opinion, it is just a manifestation of being addicted to the original glory.

Knocking on the door, Xia Yan quickly entered, and the great elder was still sitting there alone.

But before Xia Yan could say anything, the great elder suddenly asked anxiously.

"I heard that you took action at the ANBU headquarters today and confronted the ANBU minister? You were not injured, were you?"


"Thank you for your concern, elder. I have no problem."

Xia Yan really didn't expect that the elder's first words after he came in were not to directly ask him what he had hidden.

But she was a little concerned about his situation, which moved him a little bit.

Xia Yan would never deny one thing, that is, his heart was indeed dark.

He also guessed that his inability to gain Slug's approval was probably related to this.

But no matter how dark he is, he still has a grateful mentality.

He was very glad that he did not go to the battlefield and was not completely dehumanized by the dehumanized battlefield, otherwise he would not have such a mentality anymore.

"Although ANBU is not a place for humans at all."

Xia Yan has not changed his views so far. War destroys humanity, while ANBU makes people sink into darkness.

Although there are some differences between the two, the difference is actually not that big. It is not advisable to laugh at the fifty steps and the hundred steps.

"Speaking of which, why did you take action at the ANBU headquarters?" Elder Senju Xiangzhen looked at Xia Yan and then fell silent. He couldn't help but ask: "You even didn't hesitate to confront the ANBU minister."

"This matter is very complicated, and there are many things involved." Xia Yan came to his senses, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, elder, I can't say more about this matter."

"Even if it's me?" Senju Xiangzhen frowned. He really didn't expect such an answer.

"Yes, elder." Xia Yandian nodded extremely seriously: "Even as an elder, I must remain silent."

Xia Yan really didn't dare to talk about this matter casually.

Is it possible to tell this elder of his family that he took action because he suspected that there was something wrong with the ANBU minister and the guy named Owl?

And the object of his suspicion was Danzo, but the answer he got was that these two people were completely puppets of the Third Hokage?

It's really fatal to say this kind of thing. The fatal thing is not because of the pressure exerted by Sarutobi Hiruzen, but because the great elder in front of him wants Xia Yan's life.

Because what Natsuhiko did was almost equivalent to getting closer to Sarutobi Hiruzen, how could Senju Shouma accept this?

Unless Xia Yan clearly explains all his plans and actions, this is simply impossible. Xia Yan has no plans to reveal any of his plans for the time being.

"Is that so?" Qianju Xiangzhen stared at Xia Yan seriously, and then he sighed slightly: "I understand, you have grown up and have your own thinking and judgment, Xia Yan."

Xia Yan didn't speak, but sat there quietly with a gentle expression.

Senju Xiangzhen glanced at it and couldn't help but shook his head. He knew that his emotional card had no effect.

If the information can be obtained from other channels, Senju Xiangzhen is not willing to ask Xia Yan too much.

Because by asking this, he would only reveal the weakness of his intelligence capabilities.

The boy Xia Yan's strength is getting stronger and stronger, not just because he got a psychic beast that is so terrifying that it is unimaginable.

According to intelligence, he has actually learned the art of Flying Thunder God!

The Flying Thunder God Technique, this was Senju Tobirama's famous stunt back then.

During the Warring States Period, Senju Tobirama relied on this technique to kill Uchiha Senna, who had a kaleidoscope.

Senju Xiangzhen knew very well how terrifying the Mangekyō was. He didn't know how many members of the Senju clan died under the Mangekō Sharingan back then.

But this technique can reverse it and even kill the owner of the Mangekyō Sharingan. You can imagine how terrifying this technique is.

Moreover, Senju Shoma clearly knew how difficult it was to learn this technique. After so many years, it was easy to imagine that only Namikaze Minato had learned it.

But now that Xia Yan has learned it, this proves how terrifying Xia Yan's talent is.

But what frightened him even more was that Xia Yan concealed the news.

He didn't know whether this was due to distrust or other thoughts mixed in. No matter what kind of thought it was, Senju Xiangzhen was a little unable to accept it.

It's a pity that even if he can no longer accept it, he understands one thing.

That is, Xia Yan is no longer the child he used to be. He is already a powerful ninja in his own right.

Anbu is indeed a place to train people. Even if it is not as cruel as the battlefield, the darkness in it can make a person grow quickly.

"By the way, I also heard that you participated in the captain's assessment, right?" After a long silence, Senju Xiangzhen continued to ask: "You passed the test, right?"

"Yes, elder." Xia Yan nodded. This matter was different from others, so he had no intention of hiding it: "I passed the test, but I don't know the details yet."

"Is that so?" Senju Xiangzhen stared at Xia Yan, and then he asked slowly: "Can you tell me the details, all the processes."

Xia Yan looked at his elder, and now he seemed to have some idea of ​​what was going on with Senju Xiangzhen.

He was worried, after all, he really didn't report any information this time.

It's not that Xia Yan made a mistake, but that he was busy enough during this period, not only busy with his own work, but also busy with his own plans.

Similarly, Xia Yan also wanted to verify something.

Now Xia Yan has been verified, that is, the spy mastered by Senju Xiangzhen is not very reliable.

It's been so long, but no news has been sent to those people at all, which is already telling.

Either Senju Shoma is not really in the ANBU, or he has been controlled by Hiruzen Sarutobi and will not convey anything without orders.

Although it hurts, it is the fact. Xia Yan feels that it is really the right choice for him not to have much hope in the family's intelligence system.

Hiding these mental thoughts, Xia Yan simply explained everything that happened during this period in detail.

For example, he learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, he found Namikaze Minato to apply for a quota, he participated in the assessment and defeated many ANBU teams.

Xia Yan told everything in detail, including the fact that he refused to take up the post directly and asked to take a theoretical exam.

Senju Xiangzhen listened quietly, his expression didn't seem to fluctuate much. Xia Yan guessed that he already knew these things.

After Xia Yan finished speaking, he nodded silently.

"The right choice is that you really can't directly take the position of captain, otherwise you won't be able to convince the public at all.

But it is also a wrong choice, because the captain has the right to choose his own team members.

But you silently provoked the third and fourth generation, which is a good achievement. "

Xia Yan chuckled and did not answer this sentence, and Senju Xiangzhen didn't pay attention. He suddenly pondered for a moment, and then asked slowly.

"The captain has the right to choose his team members independently. If you are elected, how many members of the Thousand Hands clan do you plan to let into it?"

"This is not something I can decide." Xia Yan shook his head: "Many things cannot just be judged by their appearance. I believe the elders also understand."

Senju Xiangzhen couldn't help but sigh quietly when he heard the words, but before he could speak, Xia Yan continued.

"But I can promise that I will do my best. After all..."

"My last name is Senju too."


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