The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 108 Because you are the Hokage (please subscribe~)

Early the next morning, Xia Yan left his room directly.

He doesn't have time for vacation now, he still has many tasks to complete.

However, Xia Yan's captain may have gotten some news. Although he still arranged tasks for Xia Yan, after all, the appointment had not been issued yet.

But Xia Yan's tasks have become extremely easy, and he basically just does some inspections in the village.

He is no longer involved in other aspects, such as tasks that require leaving the village.

This is good news for Xia Yan, because he can have more time to complete some of his deployments before taking office.

Xia Yan did consider Senju Xiangzhen's request, but as he said, this matter was not something he could decide at all.

He believes that Senju Xiangzhen can understand, because no matter where he is, he has his own set of rules, and people like Xia Yan cannot easily break them.

However, he had no way to directly let those people in, but he could tell Sarutobi Hiruzen about it.

This can be regarded as showing his honesty. After all, the ANBU is still Sarutobi Hiruzen's ANBU. If Xia Yan wants to be comfortable among them, he must get closer to this guy.

Even if it's just a superficial move, you still have to do something about it.

"Of course, this matter must be discussed with Namikaze Minato. After all, Namikaze Minato is the current Fourth Hokage."

After accepting the patrol mission, Natsuhiko sent Kakashi to patrol other areas.

And he himself found a hidden forest, and then directly began to summon Namikaze Minato.

After waiting quietly for a moment, Namikaze Minato's figure soon appeared in front of Natsu Yan, which appeared much faster than Natsu Yan imagined.

"Natsuyan-kun, I heard that you caused some problems in the ANBU yesterday?" Before Natsuyan could say anything, Namikaze Minato asked directly in confusion: "But everyone has been silenced, what happened to this matter?" What's going on?"

"Huh?" Natsuhiko looked at Namikaze Minato with a strange expression.

He didn't expect that when he approached Namikaze Minato to talk about something, he would be questioned before he even opened his mouth.

What he did in the Anbu yesterday was indeed quite a big deal. Why did Minato Namikaze get less information than the elder of his own family?

At least Senju Shouma knew that he was confronting Murashima Takumi, but Namikaze Minato only knew that something happened to the Anbu. How could Natsuhiko not be surprised?

Xia Yan remembered that when he and Owl fought, he was beaten out of the office, and there were many ANBU onlookers.

Especially when Murashima Takumi ran over, it could be seen that all the Anbu who were watching were here. It could be said that there were quite a few people who saw all this.

In the end, Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, only knew that there was a problem with the Anbu, but he didn't know much about the specific problem.

Even though this matter was quickly silenced by Hiruzen Sarutobi, it was only Minato Kaifeng who was still the Hokage.

Even if he doesn't have the real power of ANBU, he shouldn't act so ignorant, right?

This incident instantly made Natsuhiko a little alert. It seemed that he still didn't understand the ANBU controlled by Sarutobi Hiruzen deeply enough.

"Something did go wrong."

Xia Yan thought for a moment, then made up a reason.

"Yesterday I went to the headquarters to submit a report, and there was a piece of information about the mysterious puppet master that needed to be submitted to the Sandaime Hokage.

But I didn't expect that the minister would ignore me. Instead, a guy named Owl took the initiative to take over my report. "

Natsuhiko quickly told what happened yesterday, including his suspicions about Murashima Takumi and the owl, including his subsequent decision to capture the owl and torture him for information.

He basically said everything he could say, and what he said was basically true, except that the materials he submitted were false.

Namikaze Minato listened very carefully. After listening to Natsuhiko's story and speculation, his expression became extremely strange.

Of course he had met this ANBU minister and even had some interactions with him.

His feeling towards the ANBU minister at that time was that he was a completely trustworthy person.

After all, this guy doesn't have so much hypocrisy, and many of his judgments and rulings will go against him.

Although sometimes Namikaze Minato felt that this guy was extremely rigid, he really didn't expect that this guy was so rigid.

This is almost as good as those ninjas who have no self-concept and only know the mission!

"Is it possible that Takumi Murashima is just a puppet who is completely like a mission tool and only obeys the orders of the Third Hokage?"

If this is the case, then the owl who was beaten into the hospital by Natsuhiko was probably the person responsible for guiding Murashima Takumi.

And Owl is also the person directly responsible for the connection between the ANBU Minister and the Third Hokage!

This information is really unimaginable for Namikaze Minato, although it is largely his guess.

But if it is true, then he can clearly know where the root of the ANBU's internal rebellion against the Third Hokage lies.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

How could he not feel chilled by the fact that the dignified head of ANBU was such a person?

Taking a deep breath, Namikaze Minato looked at Natsuhiko seriously: "This matter is all your guess. Do not speak out your thoughts and judgments, because this will be the most serious accusation, even It could be slander!”

"I understand, Lord Hokage." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "I only told Lord Hokage, I did not tell these things."

The most serious accusation and slander?

Xia Yan smiled indifferently, what does this mean?

Not to mention that Xia Yan really had no intention of telling this matter. Just the piece of meat in his hand that he had sealed and dared not take out. What was involved behind it was the real super earthquake, right?

But Xia Yan hasn't decided yet what to do with the piece of meat. Anyway, he doesn't plan to take it out until he has completely pulled out the wool.

"By the way, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan decided to skip this topic and said softly: "My family members know that I participated in the assessment. They hope that if I succeed, I can bring some people into my team."

"Enter your team?" Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment: "If you are the team leader, of course you have the right to make your own choices."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled sadly.

The right to choose independently sounds nice, but in fact, even if it exists, it is extremely limited.

Not everyone can come in ANBU, because once you come in you no longer have your own secrets, but you also have a lot of privileges.

The ANBU is the direct force of the Hokage. If a member of a family enters the ANBU, to some extent it means that your family has been recognized by the Hokage.

This is also the reason why so many family members still flock to it even if they know that it may expose some problems.

"I'm afraid you have to figure this out on your own. First they have to be qualified." Namikaze Minato touched his head helplessly: "Also, why did you tell me about this?"

"Because..." Xia Yan still kept smiling: "You are the Hokage-sama."


Natsuhiko's words were very helpful to Namikaze Minato, but they also made him a little depressed.

In name, he is indeed the Hokage, but in terms of actual power, is he really the Hokage?

However, Namikaze Minato didn't want to get too entangled in this matter, so he quickly shook his head and changed the topic.

Xia Yan took the initiative to report this matter to himself, which made him happy. Although there were some things that made him depressed, overall it was good.

Therefore, he planned to discuss Qing with Xia Yan about Flying Thunder God. Through the last battle, he found that Xia Yan did not seem to have made preparations for Flying Thunder God.

For example, using a kunai to carry the mark of the Flying Thunder God, throwing it out during battle can achieve the effect of a sneak attack and instant kill.

This is a method created by Senju Tobirama, and it has been carried forward even more here in Namikaze Minato.

In fact, what Namikaze Minato didn't know was that after Natsuhiko mastered the sealing technique and successfully sealed the Flying Thunder God's mark, he basically mastered this method of use.

After all, Xia Yan is not a talented player, he is a plug-in player.

He didn't use this method, not because he wasn't good at throwing.

After all, he is also an Anbu ninja. How could he not have the ability in this area? He can still master the simple kunai throwing technique.

The reason why he didn't plan to use it was simply because there was no need.

Namikaze Minato was originally a master in this area, if he had still used kunai at that time.

I'm afraid someone else will run away as soon as he throws it out, so he'll get a spanking.

Unfortunately, Namikaze Minato didn't understand the situation. He just felt that Natsuhiko's behavior was dangerous and troublesome.

Although the effect is very good, the risks involved are also very high. If you are not careful, you may even take your own life.

"I understand, Hokage-sama, I will find a way to improve it."

Natsuhiko naturally agreed to Namikaze Minato's proposal.

If Xia Yan doesn't appreciate Xia Yan's kindness, then he really has something wrong with his mind, even if he has no plans to go back and prepare in advance.

After all, he can carve this kind of mark on his kunai at any time. He just needs to prepare enough kunai. He really doesn't need to do that.

Through the plug-in, he has completely mastered the sealing method of Flying Thunder God. He can complete it at any time as long as he wants, so why bother with it?

But he wouldn't tell anyone else this kind of thing, not even Namikaze Minato. This was considered his trump card.

“It’s just more random, even I’m not sure when I will use Flying Thunder God.

Then the surprise effect will be better, and the enemy will be easier to kill. "

With this idea in mind, Natsuhiko found Kakashi after they separated from Namikaze Minato.

Then the two of them quickly returned to their brigade's station, and after explaining to the brigade leader, they went to the lounge to rest.

Although they completed a patrol mission, it was obvious that they could not leave yet.

Now is the time to stay on duty. If something goes wrong, they have to go to support as soon as possible.

However, in Konoha, such a situation rarely occurs. Even if it does occur, it is basically to hunt down some exposed spies.

This kind of thing is relatively easy, and Xia Yan's captain won't care about him that much now, so Xia Yan still has a lot of free time.

After staying in the lounge for a while, Natsuhiko said hello to Kakashi, and then quietly slipped to the ANBU headquarters.

This guy Owl was sent to the hospital by Xia Yan, but in the final analysis, his injuries were not serious, and Xia Yan did not kill him completely.

And Xia Yan's main idea at that time was to catch him and torture him for information, so he could recover so quickly.

"why is it you again?"

"I have something I need to report to Lord Hokage, Captain Owl, please help me report it."

This guy was really shocked when he saw Xia Yan, even though Xia Yan's attitude was very kind.

But he couldn't forget that Xia Yan had the same attitude a few days ago, and then he took action unceremoniously.

But he soon returned to normal. After all, he was the Third Hokage.

He didn't believe that Xia Yan still dared to attack him, especially when the matter had been made clear.

In fact, Xia Yan had no intention of doing anything to him. After explaining the situation, he left directly.

And this time the work was done very efficiently. In the afternoon when everyone was getting off work, Xia Yan received a notice to go to the ANBU headquarters. The minister wanted to see him if he had something to do.

This news made Natsuhiko very satisfied. In fact, the person he wanted to meet was not Takumi Murashima, but Hiruzen Sarutobi!

"Hokage-sama." Entering the minister's office, Natsuhiko bowed slightly to Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was sitting at his desk.

"Owl said, do you have something to do with me?" Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded to Xia Yan, and then asked directly: "Tell me what you have to say, it's not an easy thing to come to me in such a hurry. .”

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Xia Yan stood up straight, and then he continued: "This time I met Lord Hokage for two things. The first thing is about the specific details of the meeting and discussion between me and Lord Yondaime Hokage before. ..."


Before Natsuhiko could finish speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted him directly, and then looked at him with interest.

"You and the Yondaime have already talked about the discussion, but why do you want to tell me the specific situation?"

This question was very interesting. Natsuhiko glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then a natural smile appeared on his face.

"Because it is necessary for me to tell Mr. Hokage about this matter." Xia Yan said respectfully and gently: "Everything is detailed, especially about the Fourth Hokage. I have to report it carefully."

"I'm very satisfied with this answer, but I'm also very dissatisfied."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up, then walked slowly to Natsuhiko's side, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Because I will give some support publicly, but I will not publicly give you some support, and I will not admit it either. Do you understand?"

"Of course I understand, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan bent down slightly: "I will be more careful."

"Very good." Sarutobi Hiruzen retracted his hand, and then continued: "Your appointment will be announced tomorrow if there are no accidents. By the way, what else do you have?"

"In the family, the elders hope that I can promote some members of the clan to join my team. Lord Hokage, how should I handle this matter?"

"Of course I won't object. After all, you are the captain. But I am curious, why did you tell me?"

"Because you are the Hokage-sama."


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