The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 109 Captain Nightingale (Please subscribe~)

The answer given by Xia Yan made both Hokage very satisfied at the same time. This can be regarded as a moderate achievement.

As for what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, he did not object to Xia Yan's actions at all, and let Xia Yan make his own judgment, which also let him know the attitude of the Third Hokage.

It's true that I don't object, but it also depends on Xia Yan's own performance.

After all, the attitudes shown by Hiruzen Sarutobi and Minato Namikaze so far.

They all showed little understanding of the current situation of the Senju clan and Xia Yan's identity.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, everyone just believes it.

Therefore, if Xia Yan really chooses no one in the family, then this is the most likely situation to cause problems.

But if you don't control it and choose the most suitable person to come in, Xia Yan's life will not be easy.

After all, the ANBU was not Natsuhiko's ANBU. Hiruzen Sarutobi did this not only to temporarily believe him because of the information he provided, but also to see how he would perform.

"However, at least there is an explanation."

In the ANBU lounge, Natsuhiko and Kakashi were sitting in the corner, and he was thinking about this matter with his head propped up.

Whether it was a promise given by Sarutobi Hiruzen, a charity, or covering up some traces, it didn't matter.

The key thing is that Xia Yan can go back and have an explanation with Senju Xiangzhen. He has not forgotten what he said that night.

Although it is said to be the best possible, it may mean that it is uncertain, and it may succeed or fail.

But Xia Yan still hopes that he can handle this matter successfully. Now that he has a good answer, he is relatively relieved.

But there is another thing that gives him a headache, and that is what kind of people should he choose to join his team.

Speaking of which, Xia Yan actually didn't have much contact with people of his own race since he was a child.

After all, he didn't know where these people lived or what their specific circumstances were, and they would only meet at certain times.

However, Xia Yan's own character design also makes his relationship with these not too bad.

Generally speaking, it is the kind where everyone simply knows each other and can say hello if they meet.

Xia Yan's character is quite good. Whether you recognize him or not, you can see Xia Yan's gentle and sunny appearance.

Even if you don't have a good impression, at least you won't have any bad feelings.

Impression points have always been very important. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person with your hand. Xia Yan understands this well.

"I just hope that the people who come here this time are smart people."

Xia Yan touched his chin. He was a little worried that he didn't have much impression of the little guys who grew up together. In fact, he couldn't be blamed for this.

After all, the Senju clan is now completely scattered, and some people can no longer be regarded as members of the Senju clan, at least mentally they are no longer 'limited to the family'.

Therefore, Xia Yan's communication with them was relatively limited when he was a child. How could he communicate with them if he didn't even meet them?

When he entered the Anbu, he was even more busy. Senju Xiangzhen also deliberately concealed many situations to prevent Xia Yan from being exposed when he was examined.

Therefore, even if Xia Yan was distressed, there was nothing he could do.

"Captain, you seem a little uneasy." Just as Xia Yan was thinking, Kakashi suddenly whispered from the side: "Is it because the results are coming out today?"

"Huh?" Xia Yan came to his senses, and then he shook his head in a funny way: "No, I'm thinking about other issues."

"Considering other issues?" Kakashi glanced at Xia Yan strangely: "Don't you feel nervous, captain?"

"Are you nervous?" Xia Yan tilted his head. He really didn't know how to answer this question.

It's obviously not normal to not be nervous, but since he already knew the answer, he really didn't feel nervous at all.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, was untrustworthy, Natsuhiko didn't think he would do anything inappropriate in this situation.

If an 'accident' really happened, it would only make Natsuhiko completely distrustful of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At the same time, it will be completely broken. He gave Sarutobi Hiruzen some interesting information about the Fourth Hokage.

Of course, Xia Yan never trusted him at all.

The information given was also not very 'authentic and reliable'. To put it simply, it was castrated.

Probably because of such a criminal record, Xia Yan behaved relatively calmly.

However, there is a high probability that all this will not happen. Xia Yan still has some confidence in it.

"I'm not nervous, because I still have some confidence."

Natsuhiko smiled and said to Kakashi.

"If I fail, then it means that I am not qualified to be the captain.

Of course, if it succeeds then it means I am ready and I deserve it.

And I will be very grateful to Lord Hokage for giving me this opportunity, and I will also make good use of this opportunity to serve Konoha.

At the same time, it can be regarded as repaying the kindness that Lord Hokage has shown me. I will fulfill my obligations as the captain.

Because captaincy is not only an honor for me, but also a responsibility. "

Xia Yan spoke very quickly and very smoothly. The most important thing was that the whole sentence sounded impeccable.

The other Anbu who were staying in the lounge naturally heard it. Although Xia Yan didn't speak loudly, his colleagues in the Anbu had always paid enough attention to the existence of this man who might become the captain in the future.

When they heard Xia Yan's words, they almost all looked at him with admiration at that moment.

No matter how you look at it, Xia Yan's consciousness is much higher than them!

No wonder you are so successful, no wonder you can be recommended by the Fourth Hokage.

At this moment, they even had the idea that "even if Xia Yan is successfully elected, it will be a matter of course."

They didn't even think about Xia Yan's failure in his first sentence.

Perhaps they all subconsciously believed that Xia Yan's success was inevitable.

The captain of the first brigade naturally heard these words, and he couldn't help but look at Xia Yan.

He didn't expect to hear such a sentence just after receiving the notice and walking out.

Indeed, being the captain of ANBU is not only an honor, it is also a responsibility and obligation.

The duty of ANBU ninjas is to be loyal to Hokage, protect Konoha, and protect their homeland!

Xia Yan is just a squad leader, but he already understands this truth and has the same belief as him.

This made him, who already had a good sense of Xia Yan, feel even more fond of him.

Even if Kakashi and Kakashi were involved, the person Kakashi killed was not from their first team, and Kakashi's entry was beyond Natsuhiko's control.

Thinking of this, the captain walked slowly towards Xia Yan, and at this moment, all the people resting in the ANBU stood up involuntarily.


All the ANBU shouted, and the captain nodded slightly, and did not stop until he reached Xia Yan.

Kakashi looked at the captain in front of him nervously. There were only two possibilities for his appearance - one was to announce the results, and the other was to assign tasks.

However, what Kakashi didn't expect was that the captain suddenly stretched out his hand slowly and then took off the mask on his face.

"Congratulations, Captain Nightingale." His face, which looked extremely ordinary and extremely indifferent, actually showed a smile at this moment.

"Captain, you..." Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but asked with some "surprise": "What do you mean..."

"Yes, Captain Nightingale."


Xia Yan, who was recognized by the captain and received the appointment letter, was equivalent to officially becoming the captain at this moment!

This is definitely a happy news for many people, especially their first team.

There is a captain in their team, which is something to be proud of no matter how you look at it.

Even Xia Yan is going to be the captain of the third brigade.

Kakashi was also sincerely happy for Natsuhiko, because Natsuhiko was so important to him. When he was at his darkest moment, it was Xia Yan who helped him.

When he was most confused about life and the future, it was Xia Yan who pulled him back again.

He still remembers everything Xia Yan said to him in the Heroes Cemetery.

In particular, "There is only one true heroism in the world, and that is to recognize the truth of life, but still love it", and "Live with their will and protect their dreams" were engraved in his heart.

Moreover, Natsuhiko is still his classmate. I don’t know when, Kakashi has regarded Natsuhiko as the target of his pursuit.

Although Natsuhiko went one step further this time and became one of the most authoritative captains in the ANBU after the minister.

But he didn't feel discouraged or jealous at all, only his heartfelt blessings and indescribable happiness.

Facing everyone's blessings, Xia Yan looked very happy.

It's just that he knows in his heart that happiness is inevitable, because it takes his goal one step further.

But after he was happy, he realized that he still had a lot of things to deal with.

For example, he still needs to integrate his own brigade. The third brigade has a total of nine squads.

The limited number of people in each team is four, which means that he can have at least thirty-six ninjas as his subordinates.

However, during the mission that Nanmu led the team to perform, three teams were directly eliminated by Xie.

Xia Yan has never asked about the fate of those who survived.

In addition, he also needs to understand the situation of his subordinates, and find a way to change them into true "one of his own".

This series of things is really not a simple problem, and Xia Yan himself has not forgotten his plan.

When he was still a squad leader, he had been thinking about the dragon vein that was sealed by Namikaze Minato.

It's just that he was just a squad leader at the time and didn't have much autonomy at all. It was extremely troublesome for him to even leave the village.

Of course, it is even more troublesome to become a captain and leave the village, but now he has something he never had before.

That is, he can be more relaxed about the right to choose tasks.

In addition to the tasks directly awarded to him and required to perform by the above, he can choose many tasks by himself.

Some of these tasks can be left to his subordinates to solve, and some of them can be solved by himself based on the importance of the tasks.

This also means that Xia Yan has a lot of free space, and he can find a way to go out of the village to do things on his own.

Even if he has to bring his own subordinates, he can choose who he wants to bring.

"We have to find time to bring Kakashi over. I'm afraid my former captain doesn't want to keep Kakashi, this hot potato, there anymore, right?"

After some celebration, Xia Yan left the tavern alone.

Because of his successful promotion, the ANBU members who had no mission tonight chose to have a party.

Natsuhiko did not refuse such a thing. After all, on the surface, his relationship with all his ANBU colleagues seemed to be quite good.

If you rashly refuse other people's blessings, then this will not be a good thing for Xia Yan's character.

"Hopefully, I can become a fellow traveler in the future."

The breeze blew, Xia Yan walked silently on the street alone, the moonlight stretched his shadow very long.

It was already very late at this time, and the place where he lived was relatively remote. At this time, there were only some cats meowing and dogs barking on the street.

Xia Yan walked quietly on the street, his whole body seemed to be integrated into the darkness, and he couldn't help but think of his ANBU colleagues.

Indeed, they are not on the same team now, and the core position of the entire ANBU is completely controlled by the Sandaime.

With the top-down guidance of these people who have mastered the core position, coupled with the long-term propaganda of ANBU, the current ANBU is still the one-spoken hall of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In fact, Natsuhiko also knew that even if Namikaze Minato acted tougher and directly used his identity as Hokage to make Natsuhiko the captain, it would not be a big deal to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The people under your command are alienated from you, and that's not a good thing.

And Natsuhiko couldn't drive them all away at once. The devastation caused by that would not only be a problem within the Anbu.

This can be seen as a game between Konoha's top management, a display within the ANBU, and a sign of a complete breakdown between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage.

Therefore, Natsuhiko did not dare to do it, and Namikaze Minato would not allow him to do it either.

"So, now is the most troublesome time." Xia Yan sighed slightly: "But the road has to be walked step by step, and things have to be done step by step. Maybe I still have a chance to make some guys disappear reasonably."

Xia Yan, who knew the future, naturally knew that he had a chance.

It's just that he only has a general idea about many things, and the specific details require more thinking and planning.

Looking at the house getting closer and closer, Xia Yan also slowed down his pace. After thinking for a moment, he turned his head and walked towards the other side.

That was Senju Shoma's residence, and he decided to report it himself.

"In addition to the ANBU's planning issues, I also need to think about my own strength."

As he walked, Xia Yan began to think.

His current strength is pretty good, but what's embarrassing is that it's his overall strength.

But he did have a certain plan, such as the dragon vein, he planned to see it, and besides the dragon vein, he had some other ideas.

For example, he planned to try the method he came up with after accidentally obtaining the sealed seed.

Also, that piece of meat from Senju Hashirama!

After Xia Yan got this thing, he kept it well hidden.

He didn't dare to take it out at all, for fear of being discovered by some dog noses, white eyes, or bugs.

If he finds a mission that can leave the village and head towards the Kingdom of Wind, then he plans to study this piece of meat.

Although he didn't dare to imitate Uchiha Madara, make an opening in his body and sew it in.

But find a place to bury it, water it some and wait to see if it will sprout.

Or after he verified that his idea was right, he stuffed it into a tree. Maybe he could still find the seeds of Mudun.

After thinking wildly all the way, Xia Yan soon came to Senju Xiangma's house.

After vaguely greeting the ninja stationed here, Xia Yan walked in alone.

Senju Xiangzhen hasn't slept yet, or he can't sleep at all now. He is sitting at the table drinking tea alone.

When he saw Xia Yan come in, he immediately asked impatiently: "How is it? How is the situation?"

"Master Elder." Xia Yan bowed slightly, still maintaining a warm smile on his face: "Now, I am the captain."


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