The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 110 Intermediate Immortal Magic Fruit (Please subscribe~)

"Captain, good morning."


Sitting in the captain's office at the third brigade station, Xia Yan smiled and nodded to the ANBU in front of him. Today was his first day as captain, so he set off early.

The conversation with Senju Xiangma last night was relatively harmonious. Xia Yan still remembers the way Senju Xiangma laughed loudly after hearing the news.

He even smiled and laughed, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

It can be seen that this old man of the Thousand Hands Clan has indeed been depressed for too long, and it is too uncomfortable.

I'm afraid that for Senju Shoma, he really never thought that the kid who was unwilling to go to the battlefield would actually achieve such great success in the ANBU.

However, he is still very rational, because he knows that Xia Yan has definitely paid a lot for achieving such an achievement.

After all, it was not his own intention to go to ANBU in the first place. He personally sent Xia Yan into ANBU. He would also be worried about Xia Yan's grudge.

Therefore, when he was talking about the list of people entering the Anbu, he also fully listened to and considered Xia Yan's opinions. Even before talking about it, he said that a smaller number would be okay.

This fact makes Xia Yan quite satisfied, because he will never let many people into the ANBU, and he does not dare to mess around.

And the keen Xia Yan noticed the concession of his elder, which made him immediately and firmly stated that he had to meet those talents, otherwise it would be in vain if he could not pass the assessment.

Naturally, Senju Xiangzhen was not satisfied with this kind of rhetoric, but he also knew that Xia Yan needed to be more careful in his current situation, so he could only hold his nose and admit it.

"It seems that the situation within the family has started to become a little different as my status in the Anbu has increased."

Sitting in the office, Xia Yan looked at the various reports on the Third Brigade in his hand, thinking silently.

Xia Yan didn't know exactly what the Thousand Hands clan was like now, but he knew that this lack of understanding would not become a long-term problem.

Because this family still needs to rely on himself to support it now, and if he performs well in the future, it is not impossible for him to gain control of the entire Thousand Hands Clan!

Even though there are not many people in this family now, and even the most famous people in the ranking have left Konoha, Natsuhiko has always been thinking about those hidden resources.

"However, no matter how concerned you are, you have to do it step by step. At this stage, the key is to deal with the people who are sent in."

After thinking about these things clearly, Xia Yan also began to focus on other issues, such as the current situation of his third team.

To be honest, Xia Yan really didn't expect that his team's condition would be so bad.

There are nine teams in total. Except for the three teams that were almost wiped out because of the scorpions, the other teams are also in bad and abnormal situations.

These are the remaining problems, and there is no way to reduce staff due to tasks.

So far, except for the first team and the sixth team, which still maintain a complete organization, the other teams are either disabled or completely destroyed.

That is because his team is still scattered and has not been gathered together at all, and there is no need for him to meet them all for the time being.

"It's really a difficult question."

Xia Yan rubbed his eyebrows. He felt that he really had a headache now. The total number of people in a brigade was thirty-six, and now he couldn't even get fifteen in his hands.

In this situation, besides being helpless, what other thoughts could Xia Yan have?

"But it's okay, starting over can be considered as training your own people."

After thinking about it, he could only comfort himself in this way, and he had no other better way.

It costs money to train a person, both in terms of time and energy, and it is very likely that these people who are being trained will perish in the process.

Xia Yan also felt overwhelmed by such a loss. What he hoped more was that as soon as he came over, his subordinates would be a bunch of tools.

In this way, he can use them with confidence, and even let them do some extremely difficult tasks, so as to quickly accumulate merit for himself.

However, the reality of the situation really made him extremely depressed. There were only a dozen or so tool men who were very calculated, and he could only find the rookies for the remaining twenty or so pitfalls.

"Forget it, a rookie is just a rookie. Who hasn't come here step by step? Besides, if a rookie dies on a mission, my joint responsibility should be smaller."

Rest assured of the document in his hand, Xia Yan mentally recited something, then he raised his head and looked at the ANBU who had been standing aside.

This guy is the captain of the first team, codenamed Trout, and he is a ninja who is extremely good at water escape.

In addition to this information, Xia Yan also knows what this guy's true identity is, whether it is his name or resume.

This can be regarded as one of the rights of the captain. He can fully know and control the relevant information of everyone in his brigade.

Of course, if it was concealed, it would be hard to tell. After all, Natsuhiko himself was considered the 'black account' of ANBU.

"Trout, you should go to the headquarters at noon."

As the captain, Xia Yan no longer needs to wear a mask all the time. He looked at Yu Yu with a smile and said.

"It seems we need a lot of people here. I need you to go to the logistics department and pick out some good seedlings as much as possible."

"Yes, Captain." Trout nodded seriously: "I will complete this mission."

"Well, very good." Xia Yan nodded, and then he continued: "By the way, you can help me apply to the minister to transfer Kakashi from the first team."

"Kakashi?" Trout frowned, he didn't quite understand what Xia Yan meant.

In order to transfer people from other brigades, the captain usually needs to apply in person. Is this new captain too lazy?

Also, he does know the relationship between this boy Kakashi and the captain.

It's just that Kakashi is said to be too lonely and unique among the ANBU. Basically no one likes him except the captain.

In addition, because of Kakashi's relationship with the Yondaime Hokage, he came in before training was completely completed. Is it really a good idea to let him come to this team?

"I understand, Captain." Although he always felt unreliable in his heart, Trout still nodded seriously: "Although it would be better for the Captain to do this himself, I will try."

"Don't worry, you will succeed." Xia Yan smiled casually: "As a minister, I would rather you do these things than me."

"Captain, I don't quite understand." Yu Yu lowered his head. He really didn't understand what Xia Yan meant.

"You can try to ask me about what happened at the ANBU headquarters." Xia Yan shrugged indifferently: "Maybe you will have the answer, maybe you won't, go ahead."

After fully obtaining the position of captain, Xia Yan didn't mind if some things were known, not to mention that he also needed to show his majesty in front of his subordinates.

So what could be compared to the fact that I once taught a person a lesson at the ANBU headquarters and confronted the ANBU minister.

In the end, the incident was suppressed by the Third Hokage, which made it even more impactful?


After Trout left the office, Xia Yan stretched out on his chair out of boredom.

The promotion from junior captain to senior captain is, in a sense, a jump from executive level to management level.

Therefore, many things, especially combat matters, do not require Xia Yan to rush to the front line. Many of his current jobs are responsible for coordinating and cooperating with the ANBU headquarters.

For example, arrange patrol tasks, arrange pursuit tasks, and even take on some important tasks for team members to complete.

But even so, Xia Yan also knew that in fact, on some important tasks, the captain and even the minister needed to go on missions.

Xia Yan will never forget how Kusunoki died. To put it bluntly, he just took on an important task that required him to personally lead the team to complete it.

As a result, he met Xia Yan by chance, and this guy still had evil thoughts, so Xia Yan had to send him to the Pure Land.

Strength is always an important factor for a ninja. If Kusunoki is strong enough, he will not be forced to that point by Scorpion, and naturally he will not think of using Xia Yan to hold Scorpion back.

Then Xia Yan wouldn't find an opportunity to kill him. In the final analysis, it was still the result of lack of strength. This can't be blamed on Xia Yan, can it?

"Strength is still very important. If you are strong enough, you will not be killed easily. And if you are strong enough, you will have the confidence to get more say!"

Xia Yan thinks very clearly, and his desire for strength has always been strong.

Especially after taking the position of captain, he has a greater desire to improve his own strength.

"Although at this stage, I should be considered relatively strong among my peers. Even if Kakashi doesn't use the kaleidoscope, he probably won't be my opponent."

Xia Yan thought silently, especially thinking of the boy Kakashi, and he couldn't help but smile.

Speaking of which, although Kakashi brought him some bad luck from time to time, the opportunities he brought to him were also unimaginable.

From the time he joined his team to the present, in just a few months, Xia Yan not only got Lizard Pill, but he also jumped from a team leader to a captain.

In comparison, when I met guys like Kakuzu and Xia, it really wasn't a big problem.

"Forget it, let's take a look at your own seeds. I haven't paid attention to them for so long, and I don't know what the situation is now."

Shaking his head, Xia Yan quickly opened his attribute panel. Plug-ins were his strongest help. Xia Yan would never forget this.

What he didn't expect was that when he saw his attribute panel, he was stunned.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Elite Jounin (Chūnin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Thousand Hands)

Seeds: Jonin Chakra Seeds (99% maturity), Advanced Earth Release Seeds (95% maturity), Advanced Water Release Seeds (95% maturity)

Fruit: Intermediate magic fruit

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (10% progress)

(The only task progress is improved, and the maturity level is increased accordingly)

"What the hell is going on?"

Xia Yan looked at the information in the brackets and was a little confused. What does it mean to "increase the progress of the only task and increase the maturity accordingly"?

Can the only mission of love be linked to the maturity of the seeds you plant?

Looking at the chakra seeds that suddenly reached 99% progress, as well as the advanced earth and water escape seeds, Xia Yan felt a little happy and a little distressed in his heart.

Fortunately, he made the right choice. Although becoming the captain seemed extremely risky, the actual benefits seemed to be much greater than he imagined.

His only task was also promoted from the previous 1% to 10%. Although it was still useless, the rewards he received were also very good.

The time and chakra required for advanced seeds made Xia Yan a little desperate, but now this wave of improvement really made him ecstatic.

What troubled him was that he found that he really didn't seem to understand his plug-in very well.

Even though it has been fourteen years since he got this thing, in fact he seems to only know the tip of the iceberg of cheats.

He still hasn't determined where those seeds came from, and now there is a "only task that can increase progress". How can he not be confused?

"It seems that I have to become Hokage even if I don't deserve it!"

Xia Yan took a deep breath. He didn't know how much becoming Hokage would slow down the progress of his only mission.

But thinking about it, only by becoming Hokage can we move forward further, right?

The influence of the Hokage is unimaginable, and becoming the Hokage Natsuhiko can also win over more families and recruit more people who can be used.

And after becoming Hokage, Natsuhiko can also start to do many things, such as making the roots into an organization similar to Akatsuki, and secretly do more things in the ninja world!

"Although it's a bit too ambitious, I'm determined to be the Hokage!"

Natsuhiko secretly made up his mind, but to become Hokage, he also needed the position of ANBU minister, which he really couldn't remember.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan looked at the intermediate magic fruits listed in the fruit column on the panel. He was not surprised that this fruit was already ripe.

After all, the growth rate of the fruit has never been too slow, and the growth rate has accelerated after becoming the captain, so it is natural for him to mature directly.

"Intermediate magic fruit, it seems that my strength can be greatly improved again."

The bonus that the elementary magic fruit brings to Xia Yan can be said to be very terrifying.

Xia Yan actually doesn't know what kind of bonus the intermediate magic fruit will bring, but he knows one thing, that is, this bonus will not let him down.

Although he also has some doubts, for example, the sage mode is actually linked to chakra.

With just my chakra, can I sustain the intermediate sage mode?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that it might be a bit troublesome. After all, the primary state itself cannot be considered particularly long.

And when you reach the intermediate state, this time ratio may really continue to decline.

"But it doesn't matter. I have mastered the art of Flying Thunder God, and coupled with the intermediate immortal mode, my combat effectiveness will definitely not be low in the system evaluation."

At this stage, the system strength evaluation displayed on Xia Yan's panel has reached the stage of elite Jonin in terms of overall strength.

This is considering that his chakra is insufficient to support the range of his Flying Thunder God. If he uses Sage Mode, I am afraid this evaluation will be higher.

And once his immortal mode is upgraded, his destructive power will probably be even greater.

"It's just that before the chakra reaches the standard, I'm afraid I will have to fight in seconds."

Xia Yan condensed the fruit with a wry smile. Looking at the fruit in his hand, Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"A second man is a second man. The worst he can do is become an assassin. If I can't kill him, I'll just turn around and run away. Maybe my chakra fruit will be healed tomorrow.

And when it comes to escaping, I really haven’t been afraid of anyone..."


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