The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 111 New tasks (please subscribe)

"Captain, long time no see."

"Okay Kakashi, are you still playing this trick with me?"

In the office of the captain of the third team, Natsuhiko sat at the table and looked at the slightly reserved Kakashi. He couldn't help but said in a funny way.

Kakashi's current state is indeed very interesting, probably because Natsuhiko suddenly became the captain, and he was just a newcomer who had just entered the ANBU.

The status gap was really wide, and the hierarchy within the ANBU was relatively strong, so he probably couldn't let go.

Two weeks passed quickly. After Trout received Xia Yan's order, he immediately went to the headquarters to report what Xia Yan needed.

However, ANBU has its own rules and framework, as well as its own complete operating mechanism. Even though Xia Yan's request is very reasonable, his number is really too many.

In addition, Kakashi belongs to another team, and it is more troublesome to mobilize, so it was not until now that Kakashi came to report to Natsuhiko.

But while waiting for Kakashi to arrive, Natsuhiko was not idle.

After Trout's selection, a total of sixteen reserve young people entered the third brigade.

In addition, the Thousand Hands Clan also moved very quickly, selecting a total of four young people who had a slight impression of Xia Yan to enter. At that time, Xia Yan's third brigade was almost full.

Therefore, Xia Yan directly broke up the original first and sixth full squads and reorganized a new team configuration.

Xia Yan's idea is very simple, that is, let these experienced ANBU veterans lead these new members and let them quickly adapt to everything in ANBU.

At the same time, he can also slowly wait for the return of those recovering from injuries in the hospital and the transfer of Kakashi.

As for the training task, Xia Yan directly handed it over to Yu Yu.

Trout was a very interesting person, and Xia Yan clearly felt that after he came back from the ANBU headquarters, he seemed to be more respectful to him.

Obviously, when he went to the ANBU headquarters, he managed to get some information and knew something about what Xia Yan had done before.

This kind of respect makes Xia Yan very satisfied. He needs someone to be obedient and do what he needs honestly, no matter whether this person is with him or not.

"Okay, it's just that I still can't let go." Kakashi rubbed his white hair: "Then what should I call you now?"

"I'm still captain." Xia Yan smiled nonchalantly: "It seems a little difficult for you to call me by my name. In this case, it's still the same as before, Captain White Fang?"

Captain White Fang?

Kakashi was slightly stunned when he heard this sentence, and then he immediately understood what Natsuhiko meant.

Captain, this is probably the role that Xia Yan asked him to come over and planned for him to play.

When he first entered ANBU, Xia Yan was a squad leader, but just a few months later he was already a captain.

Now, he himself seems to be rising with the rising tide, but Kakashi is still a little worried.

"Captain, is this really okay?" Kakashi asked in a low voice: "I have only been in ANBU for less than three months, is it okay to be promoted rashly like this..."

"No problem, I have the final say." Xia Yan interrupted directly before he finished speaking: "I believe in your ability Kakashi, I have always believed in it, and you have to believe in yourself too, you know?"

"I..." Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and then his eyes became firm: "I understand, captain, I won't let you down."

"I also believe you won't let me down." Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction and replied with a smile.

Kakashi will most likely not disappoint Natsuhiko, because Natsuhiko remembers that this kid will really become the captain of ANBU in the future, and may even be the captain.

Because Uchiha Itachi seems to have become the squad leader, and seems to be Kakashi's subordinate, so there is basically no problem for Kakashi to be a squad leader.

Even if the time is advanced a little, his strength should still be enough, and this guy will still be the Sixth Generation Hokage in the future.

After arranging for Kakashi to serve as the team leader and asking him to find the trout to choose the team, Natsuhiko looked down at the report in his hand again.

Two weeks have allowed him to deal with a lot of things. Although his brigade has not yet formed any combat effectiveness, there is still no problem in completing basic patrol tasks.

Therefore, Xia Yan also planned to do some activities. After becoming the captain, he had much more time. After all, he did not need to perform those basic tasks.

The promotion of captain also requires merit, so Xia Yan must do something to pave the way for him to continue to climb up.

What's more, he is still thinking about the abandoned Loulan land in the Kingdom of Wind, fearing that his chakra seeds have soared to 99% and may increase at any time.

But after suffering so many losses due to not having enough chakra, plus he had acquired the intermediate sage mode which was more powerful but also consumed more chakra, he didn't think there was anything wrong with having more chakra.

"Besides, I am a member of the Thousand Hands Clan. It would be a shame if I didn't have 'Chatanla' as my surname."

Looking at the report in his hand carefully, Xia Yan began to look for more important tasks that would allow him to go to the Kingdom of Wind.

If possible, he would prefer that this task be performed by a single person, so that he would have more free space to complete it.

Just think about it as a solo activity, forget it. As a captain, even if Natsuhiko himself is willing to take the risk to carry out a solo mission, I am afraid Konoha will not be willing for him to do it.

Losing a captain is not a small matter, and Xia Yan has been investigated for this.

Moreover, the selection of the captain is not an easy matter, and Konoha will not be willing to do it if it is not necessary.

After searching carefully for a long time, Xia Yan rubbed his head in distress. He found that there seemed to be no relatively high-level missions that could go to the Kingdom of Wind.

Probably because Sunagakure Village and Konoha signed the so-called alliance treaty. Even though the fighting between the two villages has not stopped privately, on the surface they are still in harmony.

In addition, ANBU missions rarely leave the Country of Fire, so it is normal for Xia Yan to not find a suitable one for a while.

"It seems like there's some trouble this time. I've been looking for it for two days and I still haven't found it. Don't tell me that it's really not there, right?"

While rubbing his head, Xia Yan flipped through the report in his hand, but he was stunned the next moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because he saw a task, and there was a person with a very interesting name related to the task.

That is, Yashamaru!


"You mean, you want to take on this mission?"

Inside the ANBU headquarters, Murashima Takumi frowned and looked at Natsuhiko. He really didn't expect that this kid would actually come over to take over this task.

Speaking of which, this mission has something to do with this kid. The Sunagakure ANBU named Yashamaru was captured by Natsuhiko.

This guy has remained silent since he was captured, looking completely uncooperative.

However, such silence is not a big deal to Konoha. Even if they cannot choose to forcibly search the memory due to various relationships, they cannot also torture.

But they can still use strategies like mind reading. As long as they are careful not to leave too many traces, it's not a big deal.

After all, they are allies, and it is not a big deal to make some compromises for the sake of Konoha's current stable state.

For example, now, this guy Yashamaru has no value in staying, but it doesn't matter if he is executed because of his special status.

Therefore, sending him back to Sand Hidden Village would be a very good choice, but this mission is obviously not an easy task.

Because no one knows what kind of attitude the people in Sunagakure Village have.

"Yes, I want to take on this mission."

Xia Yan nodded, and he also told his reasons.

"This guy was captured by me, and it would be better for me to continue to deal with the aftermath.

Moreover, Captain Kusunoki also died because of the people of Sunagakure Village. Now that I am the captain of the third brigade, I naturally have to do something. "

Natsuhiko's reason was perfect. He was the one who captured Yashamaru, so sending him back would be considered a beginning and an end.

And Kusunoki's death is indeed inseparable from Sunagakure Village, not to mention that his mission was to pick up the roots who came back from Sunagakure Village.

No matter how you look at it, the monster controlling the puppet looks very much like the ninja from Hidden Sand Village.

Putting the two together, it is natural for Xia Yan to handle it, and this task is indeed suitable for him.

"I understand, I will report this matter." Murashima Takumi said with a cold face: "You go back and prepare first. The mission is yours and you can set off at any time. The mission is not yours and you can't blame others."

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Xia Yan nodded lightly, then turned around and left the office very simply.

After what happened last time, and what Murashima Takumi did this time, Xia Yan was basically certain that this guy was not an extremely rigid person.

Rather, it is a real robot that has been tamed to be obedient!

Therefore, there is really no point in talking nonsense to this guy. No matter how fancy you talk, in the end he will still not make a decision.

Even though he has the power and qualifications to make this decision, he will still inform the Third Hokage of everything.

"It would be great if I had a subordinate like this."

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan returned directly to the office. This time he had shown his attitude.

As for what the result will be, Xia Yan is not sure.

If this task doesn't work, then he can only settle for the next best thing and look for other relatively important tasks.

It didn't matter even if he was only in the Kingdom of Fire, because he really needed to go out and deal with that piece of meat.

He has a feeling that this piece of meat is very important to him. Even if there is no way for him to find the seeds of Mu Dun, it will probably benefit him a lot!

This feeling is very mysterious. Xia Yan doesn't know why he feels like this, but he still trusts it unusually.

Even if he hasn't figured out how to use this thing yet, it doesn't stop him from thinking about it and experimenting.

"Chakra, and the piece of meat from Senju Hashirama, it seems I have quite a lot to do."

After Xia Yan returned to the office, he began to wait quietly. At this stage, he really didn't have anything to do.

In terms of strength, he has become familiar with his intermediate immortal mode in the past two weeks, and I have to say that the effect is really good.

But just as he thought, his need for chakra is really growing.

His Chuunin chakra cannot afford the consumption of this technique, so if he really expected it, he would become a man in seconds.

And two weeks had passed, and 99% of his high-level chakra seeds had not moved at all, which made him even more depressed.

Although he felt that this seed had developed to its limit, and with the successful planting of this seed, he could definitely liberate part of the chakra.

Even though he himself is not a 'Chatara' by then, his chakra will definitely reach the level of a Jonin rated by the system, and there are even more people who are elite Jonin!

"However, let's wait until the seeds are planted. Besides, after the seeds are planted, I can also plant the primary wind escape seeds."

Xia Yan, who doesn't know what will happen after the advanced seeds, naturally won't stop casually.

Since he has not obtained higher-level seeds now, and has not obtained advanced seeds in immortal mode, the elementary wind escape seeds are naturally his best choice.

"And this time when I go out, I must try my idea. Maybe if it succeeds, I can get the thunder escape seeds!"

If he gets the Thunder Release Seed, Xia Yan will have four types of Five Elements Chakra.

Although the ones he got were probably all elementary seeds, at least he had a good expansion, and he could also get the fire escape seeds in this way.

"But, even if this method succeeds, how can we use Yin Yang Escape?"

Unfortunately, Xia Yan himself was not happy for long before a troublesome question came to his mind.

In fact, every ninja has Yin-Yang escape in his body, but whether it can be mobilized and used is a huge problem.

If you look at the three families of Zhuludie, you will know that the techniques they use are actually simplified versions of Yin-Yang Escape, and they are just separate Yin-Escape and Yang-Escape.

It's just that their method of activation relies entirely on their own secret techniques, and such secret techniques are the core of their family, something they will not use anyway.

Xia Yan has read some information within the family, but unfortunately, there is no record related to it, whether it is Senju Hashirama or Senju Tobirama.

Maybe they are born with the ability to use it, or maybe Xia Yan is not at a high enough level to see it at all.

But no matter which one it is, it is very difficult to mobilize such power. At least Xia Yan has not heard that Senju Shoma can use similar techniques.

"Of course, if we count them strictly, medical ninjutsu is also a type of yang type, and genjutsu is also a type of yin type."

Xia Yan shook his head indifferently. Xia Yan felt that the bow of the ship and the bridge were straight, and there was really no need to think about it now.

And he didn't have to think too much now. When he got off work in the afternoon, the documents from the ANBU headquarters were officially handed over.

"Order Nightingale, the captain of the third brigade, to send the Sunagakure ANBU ninja Yashamaru back to the Kingdom of Wind. You can decide on the personnel deployment yourself. Above."


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