The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 112 Chess Pieces and Destiny (Please subscribe~)

After getting this document, even if Xia Yan was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

All this means that he can finally leave the village in an upright manner, and he can also do something he has always wanted to do!

But now is not the time to get excited. He still needs to figure out who he wants to take with him, and he also needs to find some excuse to separate from the people he brings.

If the people he brought have been following him, it would be easy for him to deal with some things. He has not thought about killing the people he brought.

"Forget it, take it one step at a time. Just take Kakashi with you on this mission. Whether it's an old classmate or an old superior, Kakashi will be more convinced of my words."

After thinking about it, Xia Yan made a decision, that is, it is enough to bring Kakashi with him for this mission.

Therefore, he found Kakashi before leaving the branch. Although he did not mention the specific mission, he also asked Kakashi to prepare for departure tomorrow at night.

Although Kakashi has just reported to the Third Battalion, he has been under Natsuhiko for so long and has long been accustomed to Natsuhiko's orders.

And he was used to the high-pressure life of an ANBU. He didn't even ask what the problem was, and just answered that there was no problem.

This reaction also made Xia Yan very satisfied. After handling Kakashi's matter, Xia Yan also found Yu Yu and explained his situation.

"While I'm away, you will help look after the Third Brigade, and the tasks will be directly arranged by the headquarters.

Of course, the patrol mission has been arranged, just follow it. "

"I understand, Captain." Trout nodded honestly: "But Captain, only you and Captain White Fang are going to carry out the mission. Are there too few people?"

"That's enough. After all, it's still very difficult for our third captain."

Xia Yan shook his head, he rejected Trout's proposal.

"Especially the training of newcomers is a top priority. They haven't trained well yet, so I don't think it will be useful to follow them.

And your mission is the most important, to make them a qualified ANBU, do you understand? "

"Yes, captain." Trout nodded honestly. Now that he had said it to this point, he would not make any more suggestions.

And what Xia Yan said was right. Now that the third brigade was almost reorganized, Xia Yan trusted him by entrusting him with the training task.

Of course, Trout also knew that as a captain, it was probably not because of trust, but simply because he had relatively few people at his disposal.

But now that Trout has such power, he won't miss it. He also participated in the selection of captain, but it was a pity that he was eliminated early.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, fought from beginning to end, from the first round to the last round, and never used the huge psychic beast.

But even so, he reached the end step by step. The most important thing is that he also mastered the most difficult art of Flying Thunder God!

Trout appreciates and recognizes such people very much.

After briefly explaining the matter, Xia Yan left the office.

However, he did not leave immediately, but turned around and came to the lounge.

After finding the wardrobe of the four Senju clan members who had entered the ANBU, he left a chapter of notes before turning around and leaving.

After returning home, Xia Yan once again found that his room had been cleaned, which made him even more confused. Who on earth came over to clean himself?

"But it doesn't matter who it is, I don't have any bad habits."

Although he was full of doubts, Xia Yan really didn't take this kind of thing too seriously.

He felt that this might be someone sent by the family. After all, he didn't find any signs of rummaging through the cabinets, and he didn't sense any danger.

The most important thing is that maybe he has been in the Anbu for too long, and he has long been accustomed to carrying important things with him.

And some documents and other things were burned after reading them, leaving absolutely no traces.

After sorting out what he needed to prepare, Xia Yan looked at the time and then formed a seal with one hand.

As the chakra in his body moved slightly, the next moment his figure completely disappeared from the room. When he reappeared, he was already in a forest not far away from where he lived.


When Xia Yan appeared, the four figures who had been in the forest immediately came to him, and then the four of them shouted respectfully.

These four people were all selected by the Senju clan to join the ANBU!

"I won't waste your time, I'll keep the story short."

Xia Yan turned his head and looked at the four of them. He was not wearing a mask and had a warm smile on his lips.

“I will leave Konoha for a period of time tomorrow, the specific time is unknown.

This matter is very confidential, and few people know about it for the time being.

You need to listen to Captain Trout during the next period of time, do you understand? "

Xia Yan spoke very quickly, and his expression was also very clear, but his words made all four of them stunned for a moment.

After a long while, a man who looked to be around eighteen years old cautiously asked: "Captain, do you mean that even the elders don't know that you need to leave?"

"Yes." The smile on Xia Yan's face was still as gentle as before, but his smile became more and more inexplicable in the eyes of these four people: "The elders don't know, I said that I left Konoha very confidentially. of."

After saying these words, the four people immediately lowered their heads, and even cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Such a secret thing, something that few people knew, and now telling the four of them directly, this is definitely not a good thing for them.

The four of them were able to be selected to join the ANBU, except that their strength was absolutely no problem, and at the same time, like Xia Yan, they were not familiar with many situations within the family.

Another key point is that they are very smart. Only those with quick brains can survive in a treacherous environment.

Moreover, the selection of fast-thinking people like them also reveals some of the ambitions of the Thousand Hands clan. Naturally, they hope that they can find a way to occupy a high position.

"Captain, this operation..." A member seemed to swallow with some difficulty, and then he asked extremely carefully: "Do you want to take us with you? In this case..."

"Are you questioning my decision?" Xia Yan interrupted him with a smile before he could finish his words.

Then he slowly walked in front of these four people. Although he still kept smiling and his voice sounded very soft, he also did not release any breath.

But at this moment, these four people all felt inexplicable heart palpitations. They seemed to feel a strong crisis surrounding them at the same time.

"I don't care who you are, or who the person behind you is, but you have to remember one thing..."

"After entering the third brigade, you all have to listen to me, and you can only listen to me. Do you understand?"


When entering the third brigade, you must listen to Xia Yan, and you can only listen to him. At this moment, Xia Yan also showed his fangs.

Xia Yan really didn't know who was standing behind these four people, but it didn't matter. What was important was that Xia Yan had the strength and the right!

He possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique and Lizard Pill, and his chakra fruit may be improved at any time. The most important thing is that his sage mode has also reached the intermediate level.

These overt or covert improvements in Xia Yan's all-round strength gave him the qualification to make some choices and decisions.

What's more, through several conversations with the elder Senju Xiangzhen, he also roughly knew where the current strength of the Senju clan was, which also made him more confident in making some decisions.

He wants to pull the Thousand Hands clan out of the abyss, and he wants to accomplish it all in his own way, so he must get his own authority!

This ANBU captain gave Xia Yan a chance, a rare opportunity. If he couldn't grasp it, then Xia Yan really didn't have to think about anything.

"If they are really smart, then they will forget what happened today, and they will not reveal it even if it is a pretense, because they have no choice."

Walking on the road leading to the Kingdom of Wind, Xia Yan recalled everything that happened last night, and he couldn't help but think about it secretly.

In his opinion, the four family members really had no choice.

From the moment they stepped into the Anbu, their fate had been firmly grasped by Xia Yan.

If they dare to think something they shouldn't have and do something they shouldn't do, then Natsuhiko will teach them what the ANBU death rate is!

As a captain in charge of a brigade, Xia Yan has many ways to deal with his subordinates. He only needs to do some tricks in the arrangement of tasks, and someone will be unlucky.

When he first time traveled, he was definitely a good man and a believer in women, but five years after entering ANBU - now almost six years later, he has already changed.

Even though he still retains his humanity, desires all kinds of emotions, and still has a certain sense of gratitude.

But he would not allow anyone to violate his will within the scope of his control, let alone someone who violated his interests.

These four people were chosen to be sent to ANBU, so they are already pawns in a certain sense. Since their fate is unchangeable, does it make any difference who is their master?

"Captain, what's wrong?" Just as Xia Yan was thinking about these messy things, Kakashi's voice suddenly came over: "It seems that you have been a little distracted today, what's going on?"

"It's not that I'm not careful, I'm just thinking about some things."

Xia Yan came back to his senses and shook his head slightly, then he smiled.

“I’m thinking about what kind of things we will encounter this time.

Although I think it won't be so unlucky, don't forget that this guy in our hands has probably already revealed a lot of secrets to us. "

Hearing this, Kakashi couldn't help but turn his head and look at Yashamaru, who had been following them with his head lowered, and his chakra was sealed by a sealing technique.

This guy's current state is indeed not very good, it can even be said to be extremely bad.

Even though he was clean and without any scratches, don't forget that Konoha is full of ways to obtain information.

Excluding the intelligence torture squad of ANBU, they can definitely bring over the people from the intelligence collection squad.

Illusions and mind reading are all techniques that can obtain information without causing any damage.

Now Yashamaru, I'm afraid he doesn't even know how many secrets he has revealed. It is impossible for him not to feel depressed.

In addition, all his senses except vision have been blocked, and he can't hear or speak anything at all now.

Therefore, Kakashi and Natsuhiko dared to say some things, to be precise, they could not be said in front of Yashamaru.

Kakashi withdrew his gaze, now he was also thinking about what Natsuhiko said.

In fact, Ye knew that this time he went to Sand Hidden Village, which seemed peaceful on the surface, but in fact it would definitely not be that safe.

After all, both of them are ANBU, one is the captain and the other is the squad captain, and Kakashi is also a disciple of the Fourth Hokage!

Even if Sunagakure Village will not act openly and openly, the various underhanded methods will probably not come to fruition. Even if the ANBU ends up personally, it may not be so strange.

"So, captain, why do you want to take this risk yourself?" Kakashi hesitated for a moment, then he asked: "And even if we have to be dispatched, wouldn't it be good for us to bring more people?"

"It would be really bad to bring more people." Xia Yan smiled and shook his head: "There are too many people, plus they are all newcomers. The loss is too big and it is not in line with my expectations. And don't forget that I can fly the Thunder God. At that time we can still act separately. Besides..."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused, and his eyes became slightly mysterious.

"In this operation, I don't want to just send this guy back, I also want to get more and more interesting information.

There are some things that I don't want to say too much about. I'm afraid I don't want you to sink too deep into it if I don't go into details with you.

But Kakashi, sooner or later you have to shoulder your responsibilities, especially now that you are also a squad leader.

Haven't you noticed one thing? Lord Hokage's influence in ANBU is too low.

Even after you entered ANBU, the unfriendly eyes didn't seem to stop on you, right? "

Kakashi followed Xia Yan without saying a word. Hearing Xia Yan's words, he couldn't help but become even more silent.

In fact, he had already noticed these things, and recalling what Xia Yan had asked him to pass on to his teacher before, there was indeed a different meaning in them.

Kakashi is not stupid, he has always been a genius.

Although he was not told many things, he had already felt something.

And now that Xia Yan said this, some of his inner conjectures naturally became clearer.

"Captain, what do you mean..." Kakashi raised his head and looked at Xia Yan, and then he asked in a low voice: "Through this operation, find a way to achieve greater achievements, and use the third team to To the teacher..."

"What are you talking about?" Before Kakashi could finish speaking, Xia Yan suddenly interrupted him: "I didn't say anything. All we have to do is be careful, and if there is a chance, we will avenge Captain Kusunoki, you know Yet?"

"..." Kakashi pursed his lips, and he could only nod helplessly: "I understand, captain."

At that moment, he really felt that his captain was becoming more and more like a moral vacuum.

But for some reason, his trust in his captain is getting higher and higher...


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