Uchiha Qiong really didn't expect that his grandfather would actually ask about Kakashi.

This made her stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and immediately lowered her head and whispered back.

"We know him, but the communication is not deep. After all, he is a recognized genius in our generation, and he also has the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan."

"Is there any other communication?"

"Understand some of his current situation. He is now on a team with Xia Yanjun, and Xia Yanjun is still his captain."

"Xia Yan? Captain?"

Qiong's grandfather, Uchiha, seemed stunned for a moment when he heard this answer, and then fell into deep thought.

Because this answer seemed to be very different from the information he had received!

There are many reasons why Uchiha asked about Kakashi's situation. In addition to him being a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, the most important point is that he seems to be serving in the Anbu now.

No one from the Uchiha clan is in the ANBU, and the situation in the ANBU is also tightly sealed. It is very difficult for Uchiha to get information.

But in times of difficulty, Uchiha really has to try to do something. After all, he really wants to bring harmony to the family and the village.

So one of the simplest ways is to keep getting closer to the true core of Konoha and at the same time find a way to let your own people in.

Let them become their names and become a member of Konoha.

It can't be said that his approach is ineffective. At least if Xia Yan is here, he must know that this guy is 80% successful.

Because in the future, both Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi will work in the Anbu one after another.

If Uchiha really wanted to let people in, he would naturally have to understand some of the Anbu's situation.

At great cost, he obtained some ambiguous information.

One of the more interesting things is that Kakashi seems to have entered the ANBU service, because some information he got is that there is a silver-haired ninja in the ANBU who is good at lightning escape and also has the Sharingan!

All of this points completely to one person, and that is Hatake Kakashi.

After knowing this news, Uchiha was naturally very excited. The first point was Kakashi's identity on the surface.

He is a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, which is very important. Secondly, he has a deep relationship with the Uchiha clan.

At the same time, his granddaughter seems to be in the same class as Kakashi. If they can have a good relationship, everything will have a good result!

However, the answer his granddaughter gave him seemed a little off.

Kakashi is a genius, he has heard of it before, but doesn't this genius captain only have one Namikaze Minato?

Since when did he have a captain on the surface?

"Natsuhiko you are talking about..." Uchiha hesitated for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Who is this kid?"

"He is my deskmate." Uchiha Qiong showed some smile at this time: "But he went to the battlefield when he was eight years old. He is now Kakashi's captain, and Kakashi respects him very much. "

"Left at the age of eight, Kakashi's captain?" Uchiha's eyes changed slightly: "So, how did you know?"

"It's an accident to say the least."

Uchiha Qiong seemed to notice the change in her grandfather's expression. Although she was a little curious, she continued.

"One day during training, Kakashi suddenly came over to convey the Hokage-sama's order to Natsuhiko.

It turns out that he may not have noticed that I was there, or it may have been a subconscious move.

He called Xia Yan captain directly, and after that, he called Xia Yan captain on any occasion. "

Subconsciously, will it be the same on any occasion after that?

When Uchiha heard this information, his heart beat suddenly accelerated. Those who could be Captain Kakashi were not ordinary people.

However, Uchiha calmed down quickly. He knew that he might have come into contact with secrets that he should not have come into contact with.

But this is even more of an opportunity, an opportunity that is likely to help the Uchiha clan.

But before that, he still needs to understand and investigate carefully what kind of person his granddaughter said her former deskmate would be...


"Why is there so much sand in this damn place?"

In the Kingdom of Wind, Natsuhiko and Kakashi kept walking forward against the wind and sand, but Natsuhiko couldn't stand this situation, so he complained as he walked.

He knew that the geographical environment of the Country of Wind was very bad, and he had made some preparations. At first, he felt that the wind and sand were very strong, so he could just endure it a little.

But now he found that he still underestimated the destructive nature brought about.

Looking at the endless yellow sand in front of him, and the yellow horizon where he could only see the sun rising and setting slowly, Xia Yan really felt that his head was a little swollen.

He suddenly respects the people of Sunagakure Village from the bottom of his heart. In such a place where chickens don't poop and birds don't lay eggs, they can survive here and develop into one of the five great ninja villages.

Even if they are at the bottom, this shows how powerful these people who stay here are.

In addition, Xia Yan understood why this village, which was almost at the bottom of the five great ninja villages, was so eager to expand outward.

To be honest, if Xia Yan was also passing through this kind of village, he would also like the village to expand rapidly, so as to get rid of the current predicament of "not a place for people at all".

There is no farming environment in such a ghost place. This may also lead to the fact that Sunagakure Village and even the entire Kingdom of Wind need to buy their food from outside.

Without a suitable self-sufficient agricultural environment, this is a dead end.

Once a war breaks out, as long as these routes are blocked, even if they have food reserves, they will never be able to withstand it.

In addition, Xia Yan's memory of Stroke Country does not seem to have many economic products, which means they have no money.

Without money, there is no way to train more ninjas. Once there are too many ninjas, it will be a huge waste for them.

"I remember when I was reading comics, it was said that Sunagakure Village has been implementing some kind of elite ninja system, maybe because there is no money.

Moreover, it is difficult to say whether their participation in the war will consume excessive manpower. Anyway, it is enough to vigorously train puppet masters. "

Xia Yan thought with some malice that he really didn't have much favorable impression of Sunagakure Village.

In his five years of ANBU career, he had encountered many more enemies in Sunagakure Village than in other places.

Not to mention anything else, just one Scorpion is enough to make him remember it in his heart.

"Captain, we have entered the hinterland of the Kingdom of Wind. I'm afraid we will arrive at Sunagakure Village soon." At this moment, Kakashi suddenly whispered.

"I know..." Xia Yan nodded slightly, but soon he frowned.

Because he sensed a burst of chakra, which seemed to be approaching them quickly, which made him curious...


In the sky full of yellow sand, Ye Cangzheng walked alone in the direction of the Kingdom of the River, facing the midday sun.

She received a task, a task that she couldn't refuse at all, and since this task could bring peace to the village, she was naturally obliged to do so!

Although the Third War was over, Sunagakure Village was shamefully the first village to surrender.

Although its surrender preserved the strength of the village to a certain extent and avoided further entanglement with Konoha, it also caused many villages to hold grudges against them because of its surrender.

Because those villages believed that if Sunagakure Village was not such a waste, it could further hold back Konoha and prevent Konoha from having as many troops to deal with them.

So it is absolutely impossible for Konoha to 'show off its glory' this time. Even if it is a tragic victory, even if its own vitality is injured, Konoha will still retain the title of winner after all.

Reputation is one of the manifestations of a village's credibility, and the victorious country is still a one-on-four existence. Such an improvement in credibility is even more endlessly enviable.

Therefore, up to now, even though Konoha is extremely weak, it still enjoys a share of tasks that is the envy of the entire ninja world.

The surrender of Sunagakure Village angered the other three major villages, but because Kumogakure and Iwagakure were confronting each other, and Sunagakure Village was relatively close to them, there were more entangled interests.

Naturally, they will not go back to deal with Sunagakure for the time being, and they are also worried that Sunagakure Village will jump over the wall and suddenly join one of the two sides, which will be a huge blow to the other party.

But Kirigakure Village is different. Kirigakure Village is in the Kingdom of Water, isolated on the island, and there is no way it has anything to do with Sunagakure.

In addition, in the process of forming Kirigakure Village, it was mixed with a large number of blood descendants who were driven out of the sea by Uchiha Madara when Konoha was established. Their hatred for Konoha is naturally clear.

Now Sunagakure not only surrendered, but also signed some alliance agreement with Konoha, and they did not dare to trouble Konoha.

Naturally, Sunagakure became their target, even if the distance was a bit far away, and the price paid was not small.

However, harassing Sunagakure's mission ninjas will greatly reduce the success rate of the mission. This will bring down the economy of Sunagakure Village and severely damage Sunagakure's already precarious credibility.

This could bring down Sunagakure, so why didn't they do it?

Therefore, before the third battle was over, Kirigakure began to attack and harass Sunagakure. Even after the third battle, it was not over yet.

Faced with such a situation, Sunagakure Village naturally could not just surrender. They also organized a lot of resistance forces to fight Kirigakure's attack.

Ye Cang was a member of such a strike mission, and her Burning Release not only performed perfectly on the battlefield, but was also exceptionally good in such a mission. She reduced a lot of losses for the village.

It's just that her outstanding performance is really not worth mentioning compared with the losses of the entire village.

In addition, Iwagakure Village seems to have discovered the current situation in Kumogakure Village. Although they are still at odds, the Fourth Raikage seems to be focusing more on integrating their own power.

Although the confrontation was still severe and dangerous, the chance of a real fight began to decrease, so Onoki decisively began to look at Sunagakure Village.

Sand Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village are only separated by the Country of Birds and the Country of Bears. These two places can basically be regarded as the mission warehouses of Sunagakure and Iwagakure.

The situation in Sunagakure Village is not good now. Why can't Iwagakure completely retake these places and fully grasp the amount of tasks inside?

"Sunagakure Village is really in trouble right now."

Thinking of this, Ye Cang couldn't help but sigh. These words were told to her personally by the Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha.

And it is because Ye Cang knows the current situation of Sunagakure Village, and Kazekage also has a share of the task of guarding Sunagakure Village, he must confront Iwagakure, and a war may even break out.

Therefore, Kirigakure naturally cannot continue, and Ye Cang's task is to act as a negotiating representative. She must convince Kirigakure Village.


While walking, Ye Cang suddenly frowned because she suddenly noticed someone coming from far away.

She has lived in the wind and sand all year round. Although she still maintains fair skin, she has long regarded the wind and sand as a friend, and she can also use the wind and sand to discover many situations.

"A ninja in the village?"

Ye Cang thought for a moment, and then simply leaned over. If it was a ninja in the village, she could take some cover.

If it was Kirigakure who was attacking the village mission ninja, or Iwagakure, then she would never let them go!

Ye Cang is very fast. After all, she is also an elite ninja, so she will not lag behind in terms of speed.

In just a moment, she could already see three ant-like figures in the distance.

Unfortunately, it was too far away for her to see clearly, so she could only continue to move forward. However, the further she moved forward, the more she realized that something was not right.

The two people walking in front were both wearing black combat uniforms and had masks on their faces. It was obvious that these two people were ANBU.

And the person behind them with his head lowered and his hands tied...that's the person wearing Sunagakure costume!

"ANBU, and a Sunagakure?"

Ye Cang's eyes became a little dangerous, especially as she continued to get closer, she had noticed that the clothes of the two Anbu were simply Konoha's standard!

The Konoha ninjas detained Sunagakure's ninjas. Although the direction of their actions seemed to be towards Sunagakure Village, this didn't mean anything.

Now that she has encountered it, she must figure it out.

What's more, the current situation of Sunagakure Village is really inseparable from Konoha. Even if it is true that they took the initiative to attack Konoha, that is the decision of the village, not her decision.

"First of all, we need to figure out the situation. We must figure out what these guys are going to do!"

Thinking of this, Ye Cang's speed began to explode in vain, and the yellow sand in the sky became her best cover.

And as she continued to get closer, the chakra in her body began to surge, and her hands began to form seals.

Finally, when she was less than a hundred meters away from those guys, her seal was completed.

Behind her, four strange fireballs floated quietly...


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