"Someone is coming."

Xia Yan walked forward slowly, and suddenly he raised his eyebrows and whispered.

In this place where yellow sand is flying all over the sky, and it is also upwind, their visibility is very low.

But even at low altitude, Xia Yan, who has perception, can detect all the disturbances around him.

At first, he didn't pay too much attention. After all, he ran into someone else's house, and it was impossible for no one to notice this situation.

In addition, Xia Yan's mission must have been announced, so it is normal for someone to come to take over.

But soon, Xia Yan's brows frowned, because he found that the people who came over actually started to show chakra reactions.

And this chakra reaction is getting stronger and stronger. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are here to help, but more like you are here to cause trouble!

"Ready to fight."

Although Xia Yan didn't know what happened, it didn't mean that he would just surrender.

His many years of experience as an Anbu man told him that if he was weak in a mission like his now, the consequences would be self-evident.

Kakashi immediately became alert when he heard Natsuhiko's words, and the three Magatama Sharingan in the socket of his left eye began to rotate slightly.

Kakashi will definitely carry out Natsuhiko's orders. Although he also thought that the people who came over might be to help them, he believed in Natsuhiko's perception even more!


Sure enough, the next moment a hot fireball hit Xia Yan and the others!

The direction of the fireball was very clever, not only covering Natsuhiko and Kakashi, but also avoiding hitting Yashamaru behind them.

Upon seeing this, Natsuhiko and Kakashi immediately jumped up to avoid the fireball, but the directions of their avoidance were different.

Kakashi jumped directly to the side to avoid the fireball, while Natsuhiko jumped directly to Yashamaru's side without any ceremony.

He had already seen that the other party didn't seem to be hurting Yashamaru. In that case, he didn't mind letting Yashamaru be used as a punching bag.

If Yashamaru is really dead, it has nothing to do with him!

Sure enough, when he stood beside Yashamaru, the fireball that fell again did not hit him, but went directly in the direction of Kakashi.

"Rescuing people?"

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he drew out his ninja sword. He gently held the ninja sword in his hand, and the next moment he directly blocked a kunai that was flying quickly.

Behind him, Natsuhiko's left hand grabbed Yashamaru's body. He turned his body slightly and hid directly behind Yashamaru, and then knocked Yashamaru unconscious with a palm knife.

Although Yashamaru has his chakra sealed, he still has the ability to move, and Natsuhiko doesn't want this guy to cause trouble for him.

And after he finished all these actions, a figure began to gradually appear clearly in front of his eyes.

"This person...Ye Cang?"

Looking at the intertwined dark green and khaki hair in front of him, the beautiful face, and the fireball floating behind her, Xia Yan recognized who this woman was almost immediately.

It's just that Natsuhiko is a little confused. This woman is a very capable ninja in Sunagakure Village, and because she is free to deal with the sneak attacks in Kirigakure Village, she also has a good status in the village.

Logically speaking, she should be aware of some situations. Even if she didn't know about Yashamaru, she would still receive some notifications.

For example, Konoha would escort a 'lost' ninja from Sunagakure Village back to avoid some problems that shouldn't happen.

"Just what does this woman mean? Even if it means Sunagakure Village, it doesn't mean she doesn't care about Yashamaru at all, right?"

Xia Yan thought silently, but soon he shook his head, because there were no other Sunagakure ninjas in his perception, only Ye Cang.

Just send a Hagura over to cause trouble for them. Isn't this sending research materials to Konoha?

Although Natsuhiko has never paid much attention to things about Yashamaru, he believes that in addition to being tortured for information, this guy probably left his own blood in Konoha's laboratory.

Ye Cang was confident that he could deal with two ANBU, which would be no problem under normal circumstances. After all, her Burning Release was extremely dangerous.

But it was a pity that he met Natsuhiko and Kakashi, especially Natsuhiko, who was a loser, but he knew a lot of information about this woman.

"Who are you?" Ye Cang didn't know what Xia Yan was thinking. She asked directly in a cold voice: "Why did you arrest the ninjas of Sunagakure? Tell them your purpose, otherwise I will make it impossible for you to speak again." .”

Xia Yan looked at Ye Cang silently. He had no intention of answering, but he found that this woman was still somewhat rational.

Perhaps she saw from her and Kakashi's clothes that they were ninjas from Konoha, so she stopped and didn't continue the attack, right?

"Don't tell me?" Ye Cang seemed to have expected that these two Anbu were unlikely to speak, and her chakra became even more powerful: "Then I will not show mercy, even if Konoha and Sunagakure are allies. !”

"Alliance?" Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh silently when he heard this.

If this alliance is really useful, will Yashamaru fall into Natsuhiko's hands?

Will the future be so easily seduced by Orochimaru and really decide to attack Konoha?

Of course, Rasa's end was not much better. He was directly killed by Orochimaru, and his body was eventually exposed in the wilderness.

If we really want to say that this alliance was somewhat effective, it was during Gaara's reign. It was because Gaara was influenced by Naruto in his heart.

Moreover, Eara is still young enough and has not been hindered by issues such as interests.

Just as Xia Yan was thinking, Ye Cang had already attacked, and the huge fireball with strange colors was burning even more vigorously.

Natsuhiko simply pushed Yashamaru towards Kakashi. Although he didn't care about this guy's life or death at all, he was more interested in another thing now.

That is, the situation of this woman Ye Cang.

In Xia Yan's memory, this woman is a typical embodiment of "high attack, low imitation".

There is absolutely no doubt about her strength, and her death is definitely one of the most aggrieved.

Xia Yan can remember her not only because of her beauty, but also largely because of her aggrieved way of death.

She died at the gate of Kirigakure Village, and she was stabbed to death with a handful of kunai in the back. The most important thing is that she was betrayed by the village.

This is an extremely tragic character, and her tragedy begins with a mission.

Xia Yan didn't know when the mission started, but he also knew that it probably wasn't too far away.

As an ANBU, he can naturally get some information about other villages. For example, he knows that Sunagakure Village is extremely depressed by Kirigakure.

He also knew that the current senior management of Sunagakure might have to face Iwagakure directly, so it would be really strange that he was not curious when meeting Ye Cang in this place.

"If it is true, then it is equivalent to obtaining further information about Sunagakure Village. It would be a big loss if we don't try this kind of thing."

Thinking mentally, Natsuhiko made a gesture to Kakashi to tell him to look at Yashamaru, and then the ninja sword in his hand immediately glowed with blue light.

The moment Kakashi caught Yashamaru, Natsuhiko's figure had already rushed out, and his ninja sword struck Ye Cang fiercely with a series of blades.


Ye Cang snorted, and the next moment she turned around to avoid Xia Yan's knife, and the fireball behind her hit Xia Yan unceremoniously.

It's just that Xia Yan was very fast, and he didn't care about such an attack at all. He dodged the fireball with a slight flicker of his figure, and then he kicked Ye Cang without any hesitation.

Facing Xia Yan's kick, Ye Cang's face showed a cold smile. She was a blood successor ninja, and her blood successor limits made her not so afraid of close combat.

"Since you are seeking death, don't blame me!"

Pressing down quickly with both hands, Ye Cang blocked Xia Yan's kick, but her expression immediately changed slightly because she found that the force of this kick was quite strong.

At first, when she looked at the two ANBU guys, Natsuhiko and Kakashi, she was keenly aware that they might not be too old.

Although there are some monsters in the ninja world who are young but whose strength is disappointing, such people generally cannot exist in ANBU.

A young person's own strength will naturally be limited by her age. This is one of the reasons why she dares to take action. She is much ahead in terms of chakra.

However, this kick made her realize that something was not right. This boy seemed to be a little too powerful, right?

However, although there were some doubts in his heart, Ye Cang's movements did not stop at all.

Ignoring the powerful force, she grabbed Xia Yan's feet with her hands, and then the chakra in her body began to vibrate violently!

"Burning Escape·Steam Kill!"

With the burst of her chakra, Natsuhiko, who was caught by her just for a moment, let out a scream, and Ye Cang's eyes turned to look at Kakashi beside him.

Burning Escape is not a simple blood inheritance limit. Under Ye Cang's control, she can evaporate all the water in her opponent's body with one blow.

Although this move is relatively cruel, the enemies attacked by Ye Cangxueji turned into mummies.

But this effect is also very good, because it can bring fear to the opponent. Once there is fear in the heart, the flaws will naturally be exposed.

Moreover, Oversteam Kill has multiple attack methods. It can control the sphere created by the Burning Escape Technique and use it to attack in conjunction with physical techniques.

Obviously Ye Cang is doing this now, and the method of doing so is more covert.

Although she didn't want to kill anyone, especially since these people were Konoha's ANBU shinobi.

But she wasn't an idiot. Konoha's ANBU suddenly appeared in Sunagakure Village, which was a good reason to take action.

Especially these two ANBU are still holding a ninja from their Sunagakure Village hostage!


Just when Ye Cang was about to deal with Kakashi, she suddenly frowned, because the Konoha ANBU she attacked turned into a ball of smoke at this moment!

"Shadow clone? When?"

Ye Cang didn't expect that the one who attacked him just now and showed such power was actually a shadow clone.

But she couldn't think anymore, because a powerful chakra burst out in the distance!

"Turong Tulong Spear!"

Ye Cang was already prepared the moment she felt the chakra. When she felt the vibration coming from the ground, she immediately jumped up, which allowed her to narrowly avoid these rising waves. of ground thorns.

However, Xia Yan's attack was not over yet. Although he could still use water escape in the desert, the burden on his chakra would be too great.

And his mastery of earth escape has never been bad. After all, he has the help of the system. His use of earth escape is similar to that of water escape, but he usually prefers water escape to solve problems.

"Earth Release·Earth Stone Dragon!"

As Xia Yan formed the seal again, a huge earth dragon rose up from the ground at Ye Cang's feet, and then roared towards Ye Cang!

Ye Cang frowned and watched all this. Now that she was in the sky, there was really no way to avoid it, so she could only grit her teeth and let the fireball behind her hit it.


The moment Zhuo Eun's fireball collided with Xia Yan's earth dragon, a huge roar also sounded at this moment.

The yellow sand in the sky became even crazier at this moment, and even the yellow sand on the ground was rising towards the sky.

Ye Cang rolled and fell to the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner. There were already scars on her body. The explosion just now was too close to her, and she was also in mid-air, so there was no way to retreat in time.

This is how ninja combat works. Unless you reach the level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, as long as you don't pay attention, you may face death at any time in the next second!

Ye Cang frowned. The ANBU who attacked her didn't seem to show much strength, but the use and combination of every technique he used made her so embarrassed.

The most important thing is that there is a Konoha ANBU watching covetously next to that ANBU. This situation is very unfavorable for her.

"It seems that we must be more serious and be ready to retreat at any time."

Ye Cang silently thought that he would be really stupid if he was not serious when he was fighting one against two and obviously suffered a big loss.

And if she is really defeated, then retreat is inevitable, and she has more important tasks.

It is obviously not a wise move to waste time in this place now, and it would be an extremely undesirable thing to be killed here.

However, just as she was thinking, a kunai suddenly flew towards her quickly. This kunai did not fly very fast, and it seemed that it was not powerful enough due to the influence of the wind and sand.

Ye Cang turned slightly to avoid the kunai, and at the same time, the chakra in her body began to boil.

However, at this moment, Ye Cang's eyes could not help but dilate slightly, because she clearly felt that there was a ninja sword on her neck!

Then a gentle voice sounded in her ears: "It seems that you have no chance to fight."

Ye Cang didn't know what happened, and she didn't have the chance to ask.

Because there was a sudden pain in the back of her neck, and then her consciousness began to slowly fade away...


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