The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 132: New Ways to Use Flying Thunder God

"This Ye Cang?"

After Kakashi saw Natsuhiko knocking Ye Cang unconscious, he slowly walked over and asked curiously.

This woman, Ye Cang, still has a good reputation in the ninja world, especially for her Sword Release and the title of Hero of Sunagakure Village.

Naturally, she has also become one of the main targets for intelligence gathering by the ANBU in each village.

Although Anbu is not a place for people, one thing that is better is that when you encounter an enemy, you can more or less figure out who you are encountering.

Of course, letting you know who you are meeting is not to let you run away, but to give you the opportunity to try to use the intelligence gap to kill your opponent.

In the past few months since Kakashi came to Anbu, he has become more and more qualified as an Anbu. It can be seen that he has also worked hard on intelligence.

"Well, it should be her, if her photo in the information is correct." Xia Yan nodded, and then slowly said: "And the technique she used just now should be Burning Escape."

"Captain, what are we going to do with her now?" Kakashi looked at Ye Cang in front of him and asked curiously, "How about killing her directly?"

"It would be a pity to kill him. After all, it's Zhuo Dun." Xia Yan immediately shook his head, but then he started to think.

The main reason why he took action was to find out whether this woman had taken over the mission that led to her death.

But what about after getting the information?

For their mission, it is really better to kill them directly.

Because they now have a Yasha Maru in hand, and they only have two people, Ye Cang's follow-up processing is really troublesome.

But he was a little reluctant to kill Xia Yan directly. After all, this was the Burning Release of Sand Hidden Village, especially if the user of this Burning Release was handled well, he could produce unexpected effects.

Xia Yan, who wants to maximize his profits, is naturally not willing to miss this opportunity. This is an opportunity that can add a lot to his glory book.

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan hesitated before saying: "Let's do this, you take Ye Cang away, and I will be responsible for sending Yashamaru back."

"What?" Kakashi's eyes widened: "Captain, this is not a good idea, are you sure?"

"I am sure."

Xia Yan nodded directly, and then his voice became a little serious.

"Again, this woman is the owner of Zhuo Dun. Since she has fallen into our hands, maximizing her interests is the most correct choice.

It’s the same for our third brigade and the village.

Moreover, if a war breaks out with such a bloody ninja, it will definitely not be a good thing for us.

During the battle just now, I had observed through my perception that there were no other ninjas around at all.

And I had knocked out Yashamaru before the fight started, and the direction this woman was traveling was to the Country of the River.

Then even if she disappears temporarily, we won't be exposed so quickly.

What you have to do now is to secretly bring her back to Konoha, do you understand? "

Xia Yan was a little lucky now. Fortunately, he was worried that this guy Yashamaru would cause him some unnecessary trouble, so he knocked this guy unconscious directly.

Unexpectedly, this approach also had an unexpected effect, that is, Ye Cang's affairs might not be exposed.

Of course, Xia Yan also had to admit that he was gambling. Who knows if this guy recognized anything because of the fireball just now.

But no matter what, Natsuhiko still needs to get Kakashi away, not just for Konoha, because he has other actions!

Dragon Veins, Xia Yanke has never forgotten this matter. He was still thinking about how to get Kakashi away along the way.

As it turned out, by coincidence, the opportunity was delivered directly to him, so naturally he had to take advantage of it.

"Is that so?" Kakashi frowned, and then he continued to ask: "So, is the captain sure of coming out? You know, if he falls in, I'm afraid the Flying Thunder God will also..."

"I will not enter Sunagakure Village stupidly." Xia Yan smiled nonchalantly: "Of course, Sunagakure Village will not let me enter the village."

Naturally, Xia Yan did not dare to run into Sand Hidden Village at will, and he would not even enter the so-called Xiantian Pass.

He does have a good grasp of the Flying Thunder God Technique, but Sunagakure is still a great ninja village. Even though Natsuhiko feels that their seal barrier is extremely stretched, who knows if they have any backup plans.

You know, that woman Chiyo has even figured out the resurrection technique, Xia Yan really doesn't dare to be careless.

In addition, his chakra does not support long-distance teleportation. He is afraid that if he goes in too deep, he will not be so sure of coming out.

"However, speaking of Chiyo, her resurrection technique seems to be called Jisei Reincarnation. I don't know if it has been developed yet."

If reincarnation has been developed, then the value of this technique to Xia Yan is really unimaginable. Maybe he can get more things after some operations!

It's just that he just thought about it, although he felt that if he cooperated with Lizard Maru, he was really capable of running to Sunagakure Village and dancing.

But if you can’t run away after dancing, it’s just like delivering food!

In addition, even if Xia Yan obtained this technique, there was no way to verify the authenticity of this technique. Wouldn't it be a disaster if Chidai gave him a fake one?

These ideas have been developed based on this technique. If it is not developed, Xia Yan will be in greater trouble.

Xia Yan doesn't like to take risks, especially for unknown things like this. He doesn't want to try too much. Unless he has the necessary confidence, he will choose to try it.

"Okay, I understand." Kakashi didn't know that there were so many thoughts in Xia Yan's mind. He hesitated and nodded: "Then I will take Ye Cang out, captain, you must be careful. "

"Don't worry. In fact, for me, maybe it will be more convenient for me to be alone." Xia Yan smiled carelessly, and then his expression became a little serious: "There is one more thing, you must firmly remember."

"That means you must not be seen. Your mission is more important than mine in some ways. No one should discover your whereabouts. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"


After sealing Ye Cang's chakra, and then watching Kakashi tie him up and take him away, Natsuhiko could completely devote his energy to other things.

Natsuhiko still believes in Kakashi's guarantee. This guy has always been very reliable in many important matters.

Even at that time period in the original work, this guy was one of the most reliable, and leaving the matter to him was definitely a wise choice.

After Kakashi left, Natsuhiko also began to think about what he was going to do next. Although he already had a plan, many details needed to be added.

“For example, if Sunagakure wants to keep me here, how can I run away.

How to use your own advantages in the inevitable battle, and at the same time, how to find a way to get to Loulan without being discovered. "

Xia Yan silently thought that in fact, these three points can be combined into two points.

Whether fighting or running away, Xia Yan's main reliance at this stage is definitely the Flying Thunder God!

It's just that Xia Yan is thinking about a question, how can he set coordinates in advance to run away, and at the same time, he can also rely on these coordinates to carry out unexpected attacks?

"Unless these coordinates are movable, or they are large in number and extremely hidden."

This problem is indeed somewhat difficult. In his memory, it seems that neither Namikaze Minato nor Senju Tobirama can solve this problem well.

Otherwise, the two of them would not rely on kunai to transfer, but rely on moving coordinates to carry out more terrifying raids.

Thinking about it, Xia Yan was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

“I don’t have to think about the huge number of coordinate groups at this stage because I haven’t figured out what to do yet.

But with movable coordinates, maybe I really have some ideas! "

Thinking of this, Xia Yan quickly started to form the seal. When the seal was completed, he pressed his hand hard to the ground. The next moment, a puff of smoke enveloped him.

When the smoke slowly dissipated, only eleven small lizards appeared in front of him. They all stuck out their tongues and looked at Xia Yan curiously.

That's right, the movable coordinates that Xia Yan thought of were these little lizards!

These lizards are small enough to hide themselves in the sand in the desert.

Although Xia Yan is not sure whether all lizards can live in the desert, there is no problem with such psychic lizards!

Xia Yan's idea is very simple, that is, he relies on the concealment of these lizards, and at the same time uses the environment of the Kingdom of Wind to create a good fighting condition for himself.

As long as the marks of the Flying Thunder God are left on these lizards, and then they are dispersed and infiltrated into the yellow sand, and the flying Thunder God's movement distance is maintained acceptable to Xia Yan, this will definitely make Xia Yan's escape more convenient!

Moreover, these lizards were summoned by Xia Yan, and they were completely able to accept Xia Yan's command, so he could have several lizards surrounding him.

When the inevitable battle comes, these lizards are the perfect, mobile Mark of the Flying Thunder God!

"I never expected that my trip to Shouzaki Castle would bring me such unimaginable benefits in addition to Lizardmaru's super combat power and the little lizard that collects intelligence."

Xia Yan knelt down and picked up a small lizard that looked obviously different from other lizards.

This guy is really no ordinary lizard, it is the lizard that allows Xia Yan to communicate with animals!

Although Xia Yan himself can command these lizards, to be honest, it is really difficult for him to be distracted from doing this during battle, so he really needs a commander to help.

Let this lizard resonate with your own chakra, and use this lizard's mouth to help control other lizards.

This allows Xia Yan to concentrate completely during the battle without worrying about any problems.

"Moreover, if something happens, I can ask him to help me figure out the deployment of troops around me, which will also make it easier for me to escape..."


In Sand Hidden Village, in Kazekage's office, there was the towering Skyline Pass in the distance of Luo Sha. Especially when he looked through the pass and looked at the constantly flying yellow sand, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

The environment in the Kingdom of Wind is so harsh that it is unimaginable, but the sad thing is that they cannot get out of this desert at all.

Even though they are surrounded by some small countries, the existence of these small countries is more to isolate the direct borders between big countries.

This is beneficial because it can avoid more disputes, which will lead to irreversible and continuous large-scale outbreaks of war.

But this is not good for the Kingdom of Wind and Sand Hidden Village, because it makes it impossible for them to get out.

The most deadly thing is that they cannot completely control those small countries, because both sides are bordering each other, and naturally one village accounts for half of them.

It may even allow others to occupy more shares due to strength issues. The economic and mission losses caused by this are definitely not what Shaluo wants to see.

"Master Kazekage." Just as Luo Sha was thinking, a young ninja carrying special protective equipment from the Kingdom of Wind came in: "Over there in the Bear Kingdom and the Bird Kingdom, Iwagakure's movements are starting to get louder and louder. .”

"I know, our troops will be arriving soon." Luo Sha calmed down her emotions, and then said directly: "If they arrive, take a good position. If the situation changes, I will go there at any time and let them know at any time. Yet?"

"Yes, Lord Kazekage." The young ninja nodded, thoroughly remembering Luo Sha's words.

"Also, it's been a day since Ye Cang set out, right?" Luo Sha turned around and seemed to have thought of something.

"Lord Ye Cang has already left for a day." The young ninja quickly replied.

Ye Cang is a famous person in Sand Hidden Village, and the young ninja naturally knows her. Although she doesn't know exactly what she is doing, the young ninja will not ask.

Ninjas always have a lot of tasks, and some tasks are still confidential. If you ask them casually, you will cause trouble for yourself.

"Are you leaving for a day?" Luo Sha nodded. He pondered for a moment and then said firmly: "Inform Ebizo and ask him to give the letter to Viper, and ask him not to open it yet."

"Yes, Master Kazekage." The young ninja didn't quite understand the meaning of this order, but he still answered seriously.

"Also, let Ebizo pay attention to what's going on in Konoha." As if he thought of something again, Rasa continued.

“The people they want to send should come over, but they probably don’t dare to come in.

I hope Ebizo can personally lead the team to handle it, secretly, do you understand? "

"Yes, Lord Kazekage."

"Go on, Marky, get these things done and don't let me down."

"Yes, Kazekage-sama!"


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