The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 132 Animal Communication Ability

When Xia Yan had everything ready, he immediately set off carrying the unconscious Yashamaru.

This guy Yashamaru actually woke up once when Natsuhiko was preparing, but Natsuhiko decisively knocked this guy unconscious again in line with the idea that the secret should not be exposed.

Although it is indeed troublesome to carry this guy, Xia Yan feels that it is better than having some of his little secrets seen.

What's more, Xia Yan, who had cultivated a lot of basic attributes when he was a child, still has no problem with this weight. He even feels that he is fine carrying Yasha Maru in battle.

"But Yashamaru is a man, so I suddenly feel like I'm at a loss."

Xia Yan laughed to himself. Compared to carrying a man, he felt that it would be more psychologically comfortable for him to carry a woman.

After all, his wife was a man, and he didn't have any hobbies of courting men. It was just his decision to let Kakashi take Yakura back, so there was no need to complain or anything.

As he walked forward with Yashamaru, Xia Yan's face covered by the mask looked a little weird along the way, because it was not as quiet as he imagined.

"There are humans coming, be careful."

"This human won't eat us as food, right?"

"Come on, he looks like what humans call a ninja, so there should be no problem."

"Ninjas are the most terrifying. They will eat us alive when they are hungry. It is better to stay away."

"Huh? There's also a lizard, but it's a pity that it's too close to that human, otherwise it might be a good meal."


Xia Yan swore that this was the first time he discovered that there were so many inexplicable sounds in this kind of desert.

There are even some owners of voices who actually hit their own lizards for attention?

Speaking of which, this feeling is a bit strange. After all, this is his first time trying it, so naturally he is not used to it yet.

But it has to be said that these hidden animals are really everywhere, and they can also provide a lot of secret information to Xia Yan.

Just like Xia Yan's lizards, they are all hidden underground, and there is no way to detect them with the naked eye.

Even if there are sentient ninjas who notice it, they probably won't take them seriously without Xia Yan's complete information.

"Other than being uncomfortable with it, everything seems to be acceptable and everything is quite interesting."

Xia Yan walked forward slowly while carrying Yasha Maru, thinking silently. This feeling made him feel very wonderful, and he seemed to be more playful.

With his perception, he suddenly noticed that there was a snake around him, and this snake seemed to be a little afraid of him, and had quietly swam away when he came over.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Yan thought for a while and suddenly shouted. Although he could hear the animals talking, he had never tried to communicate with them.

Communicating with the lizards is nothing, it's more about using the resonance of chakra and the effect of the contract to let them understand each other's thoughts.

Xia Yan was also a little curious as to whether the words he spoke now were the language of animals, or whether they were still the language he mastered.

However, it turns out that what he said still belongs to the category of human language.

But as he opened his mouth, a strange chakra rhythm also came out.

The snake hidden in the desert seemed stunned for a moment, and then in Xia Yan's perception, it began to try to stick out its tongue to sense whether there were people of its kind around.

"I am that human being." Xia Yan felt very interesting, and he continued: "You can turn around and take a look."

"Human? I actually communicate with humans?" The snake obviously didn't believe what Xia Yan said, but it still stuck its head out and took a look.

I have to say that Xia Yan was really shocked when the snake turned its head, because he discovered that the snake was actually a rattlesnake.

The two tentacles on the snake's head look particularly conspicuous, and because of the color of its body, it blends into the surrounding environment extremely well.

If he hadn't had perception and the special ability of the little lizard, he really wouldn't have discovered that there was such an extremely poisonous guy not far from his feet.

"It's really strange. Am I crazy from hunger?" The snake saw Xia Yan, but it looked like it didn't believe what it saw.

"I don't know if you're hungry or not, but I know that I can indeed communicate with you." Xia Yan took a few steps forward, but he didn't dare to get close enough: "This is one of my abilities, I'm just doing it Just try.”

"You humans are crazy."

The snake saw Xia Yan's movements and took a few steps back calmly.

“Forget it, I still need to find food, if you don’t plan to eat me I will leave.

Damn it, a large group of people came to where I was originally. I didn’t expect to meet a guy like you when I came out. "

Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little funny when he heard the snake's complaint, but while it was funny, he couldn't help but think about what the snake said.

A large group of people came to where he was before?

This information caught Xia Yan's attention. For an ANBU, any information is worth recalling, because you don't know if there will be exactly what you need.

Especially since you are still within the enemy's hinterland.

"Where was the place where you foraged before?" Xia Yan thought for a moment and asked. At the same time, he took out a few raw eggs and waved them in front of the snake: "Tell me, these are yours."

"Over there." The snake pointed in the direction with its tail without any hesitation: "That is a completely different place from here. There are trees, water, and a lot of food there. ... "

"Okay, I understand." Xia Yan interrupted the snake directly.

The snake kept sticking out its tongue at him, but he could completely understand what it was saying. This feeling was too weird.

In addition, Xia Yan also roughly understood where the snake was talking about. It was a small oasis a few kilometers away from Sunagakure Village.

And this place is one of the few places in the Kingdom of Wind that is covered in green.

And because it is close to Sunagakure Village, almost everyone who comes to Sunagakure Village will go there to rest, unless they are in a hurry.

"Thank you, but there is one more question." Xia Yan put the raw eggs on the ground, and then asked with a smile: "So, do you know how many people there are?"

"Ten, right?" The snake's eyes were completely focused on the eggs, and it could be seen that it was indeed very hungry: "I don't know if anyone will come over later, I only know that there were only ten of them at that time. .”

"Very good." Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction, then stood up and looked into the distance.

Ten people, it can be seen that those guys have indeed made some preparations, and just like Xia Yan thought, they really have no intention of letting him leave easily.

"After all, this mission is a non-public mission..."


In the oasis outside Sunagakure Village, Ebizo stood here quietly waiting for something.

At this time, Ebizo has not yet retired. He is now the head of the ANBU of Sunagakure Village and is responsible for almost all intelligence and espionage work.

Even though he has retired in the original work, he still has a lot of hidden connections between major countries. You can imagine what a powerful person he is.

Normally, he would rarely take action on ordinary tasks, but this time the situation was different because this was an order given by Feng Ying himself.

"You know what to do, Minister Ebizo."

This sentence came to Ebizo's mind, and he naturally knew how to do it, especially a task that neither party would record, let alone record.

Although this was extremely unkind, both ninjas never took kindness to heart.

It is enough to leave a life like Yashamaru who is now being sent back.

Waiting quietly, according to the message from the ANBU in Konoha, the deportation personnel should be arriving soon.

Ebizo knew that those responsible for the deportation would never enter Sunagakure Village, and they would not do the same, not to mention that Ebizo would not allow these guys to enter the village.

Once a fight breaks out in the village, those people can be captured with greater certainty.

But similarly, once the opponent jumps over the wall in a hurry, the damage to the residents will be unimaginable.

Therefore, ambush outside the village is the best option.

"Sir." While Ebizo was waiting quietly, an ANBU from Sunagakure came to him and knelt down on one knee: "We have found the target."

"Oh?" Ebizo came back to his senses, and then looked over: "How many are there, and how far are they from here now?"

"Sir, we are very close, but..." The ANBU hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "There is only one person, and Yashamaru was brought here alone."

"Alone?" Ebizo frowned: "Who is so bold? Also, is there any information from Konoha?"

Ebizo really didn't want to understand, who dared to take on such a task and come alone?

To be honest, it is impossible for Konoha to fail to see how troublesome such a task is. After all, Yashamaru's identity is not simple.

If so, can it be understood as two types?

One is that he is strong enough that the difference in numbers does not matter at all, so he dares to act alone.

The other is that the person who comes here is worthless. Even if he is an ANBU, he doesn't know any information at all and he doesn't fear being caught when he comes here.

Ebizo sighed slightly. He rationally believed that Konoha had probably thought of this, so he simply sent a worthless Anbu over.

By doing this, you don't have to worry about intelligence leaks, and you don't have to worry about problems with the ANBU personnel, because there is no value in them catching them.

However, he still planned to ask about the situation first. Only by getting more complete information could Ebizo judge more information.

"Sir, there is an information." The ANBU immediately took out a scroll and handed it out: "Sir, the information is here. According to the information, the person who came here applied for it himself, and it is said that he is a captain. "

"Captain?" Ebizo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then he laughed: "It's really interesting."

The captain is no ordinary person among Konoha's ANBU.

How could Ebizo not be surprised that a captain came alone? How could he not find it interesting?

"When they entered the Kingdom of Wind, were they discovered by other troops?" Ebizo thought for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Also, are you sure you have carefully investigated and there is no one else around him?"

"Sir, it is true that no one else was found." The ANBU still lowered his head, and his voice was a little helpless: "As for their entry into the Kingdom of Wind, the troops stationed there did not notice it because the recent wind and sand were too big."

Ebizo couldn't help but glare at the ANBU when he heard this, but he didn't open his mouth to curse.

Wind and sand have always been a problem that the Kingdom of Wind cannot solve. The same wind and sand are also a natural barrier for Sand Hidden Village, just like Kirigakure Village has always been shrouded in heavy fog.

It is extremely easy for large troops to encounter danger and trouble when entering the wind and sand, but such wind and sand can also become a barrier and protection for small troops.

It's just that as a ninja of Sunagakure Village, it's still not appropriate for enemies to sneak in because of the wind and sand, even if it is something that can't be helped.

"Go and lure that guy over." Ebizo shook his head and was no longer bothered to dwell on this issue: "Also, let everyone get ready. Since he is a captain, naturally he cannot be allowed to leave."

"Yes, sir!" The ANBU nodded immediately, and then quickly retreated.

Ebizo withdrew his gaze. He was now more and more curious as to who had come to Sunagakure Village alone.

What on earth does this guy have to rely on to make such a lifeless decision...



Xia Yan, who was walking forward silently, suddenly noticed a stream of chakra approaching him, which made him stop slightly.

But soon he showed a smile, because the owner of this chakra had no intention of hiding himself, and he was even directly exposed to Xia Yan's sight.

This Sunagakure Anbu glanced at Natsuhiko, and then made a tactical gesture, which probably meant asking Natsuhiko to follow him.

"Interesting. It seems that the information about the snake is correct."

Xia Yan nodded slightly. He had to say that his ability to communicate with animals was really good.

The most important thing is that Xia Yan also knows how many people are hiding in that place.

With this information, he can make more preparations.

After secretly controlling one lizard to fall slightly behind, and then making the other lizards run forward quickly, Xia Yan walked towards the ANBU.

Everything was ready, but he wanted to see what other tricks these people from Sunagakure Village wanted to play...


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