"I never expected that Konoha would send such a young ninja. Are you really the captain?"

When Natsuhiko followed the ANBU to the oasis outside Sand Hidden Village, a voice quickly reached his ears, which made him look up curiously.

I saw an old man standing by the lake. He looked very inconspicuous, just like an ordinary person.

Xia Yan frowned the first time he saw the old man, especially when there were two masked ANBU ninjas standing behind him, which made Xia Yan's suspicion clear.

"I didn't expect it to be Lord Ebizo."

Xia Yan's voice sounded very gentle, and there was also a hint of surprise, as if he didn't expect that he would meet him.

Indeed, Natsuhiko never thought that the person who would take care of him would actually be the ANBU chief of Sunagakure Village, Ebizo!

Xia Yan still has some impressions of this old man, except that his sister is Chiyo.

The description of the ANBU chief of Sunagakure Village in ANBU alone is not much at all.

There are very few stories about him in the original work. That's because he is old and a lot of information has been sealed.

But the Anbu could see relevant information, so Xia Yan naturally couldn't miss it.

"It seems you know me." Ebizo nodded slightly, and then his eyes looked at Yashamaru on Natsuhiko's shoulder: "What's wrong with him? There is a seal on him, why do you need to knock him out?"

"After all, we are getting closer and closer to his hometown." Although Xia Yan was a little wary, his tone did not change at all: "In order to avoid some troubles and unnecessary disputes, it is better to let him rest."

"It seems that you are indeed qualified to be the captain. At least you are good at talking." Ebizo nodded slightly: "Then, let's put him down."

"No problem, Ebizo-sama." Xia Yan didn't mean to refuse, and he cooperated very cooperatively and slowly put down Yashamaru on his shoulders.

He didn't dare to move too much, as if he was worried about causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

At the same time, he also looked very alert, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

In fact, Xia Yan was indeed ready to take action. He deliberately made such a gesture to make them feel nervous.

Xia Yan learned very well how to paralyze the enemy and create better conditions for himself.

The moment he put down Yashamaru, Natsuhiko had already used his perception to locate the other hidden ANBU.

And when he stepped back and left Yashamaru, the little lizards also quickly crawled towards the position of those guys under his control.

"Lord Ebizo, it seems that my mission has been completed." After Xia Yan retreated to a sufficient distance, he spoke softly: "Then, I will take my leave."

"Wait a moment."

Ebizo shook his head directly. He asked an ANBU to confirm Yashamaru's status before he asked leisurely.

"I'm very curious, who are you? There is no captain as young as you in my memory.

Kusunoki is dead, you are his successor, right? "

"Why do you need to ask, Ebizō-sama." Xia Yan's voice was still as gentle as before, but he was already secretly preparing: "Ebizō-sama leads the ANBU. Don't you know the rules?"

"Of course I know, so I don't expect you to answer."

Ebizo smiled casually: "Those who are qualified to be selected as captains are basically squad captains.

There are not many squad leaders your age, and even fewer if you have silver hair.

You are a nightingale, right? "

Natsuhiko looked at Ebizo in silence. He had to say that this old man really knew something about Konoha's Anbu.

If it weren't for Natsuhiko himself working in ANBU, otherwise he would have to consider whether the statement 'Konoha's defense policy is to make people believe that Konoha is protected' is right.

Of course, Xia Yan also knew that in fact, every village was similar, and it was filled with spies of all kinds.

Except for the most confidential things, I'm afraid people in other villages really know you better than you do.

"It seems I guessed it right, Captain Nightingale." Ebizo looked at Xia Yan's silent look and couldn't help but chuckled: "It's really interesting that you have become the captain at your age."

Xia Yan still remained silent, but his chakra began to ripple slightly.

In his perception, the hidden Anbu of Sunagakure have begun to prepare.

"Aren't you going to talk?" Ebizo shook his head gently: "Forget it, it's just that we're a guest. Since you're here, you might as well rest for a few days before leaving. What do you think, Captain Nightingale?"

"I'm sorry, Ebizou-sama, I'm afraid I have to reject your kindness." Xia Yan spoke at this moment: "I still have a lot of work to do, and I'm afraid I can't accept Ebizou-sama's kindness."


Ebizo nodded slightly, and the next moment his expression became extremely solemn.

"So, Captain Nightingale of Konoha ANBU, do you have mission documents for your private invasion of the Kingdom of Wind?

If not, then I'm sorry, we have to arrest you, you Konoha have crossed the line! "

When it comes to changing his face, Xia Yan has never been convinced by anyone. When it comes to being shameless, Xia Yan has always felt that Danzo was the number one at the time.

But now he discovered that he still understood and knew too little. There are far more talents in this world than he imagined!

Listening to what Ebizo said, Xia Yan had nothing to say except shameless words.

Because he didn’t have the paperwork for the mission at all, and there couldn’t be any record of this mission!

"Do it!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ebizo waved his hand directly, as if all the harmonious scenes before were fake, and the two ANBU following him immediately moved.

Xia Yan stood motionless, looking as if he was frightened.

However, the moment these two Anbu were about to meet Xia Yan, he disappeared without a trace like a ghost!

The two ANBU collectively jumped into the air, and they looked around in confusion.

"What...is going on?"

Ebizo was also stunned at this moment, but when the screams continued to come from all around, his face suddenly turned livid!

He never dreamed that that young-looking kid could actually master such a technique!


Xia Yan directly activated the Flying Thunder God technique the moment the opponent took action. He already knew that this battle was inevitable, so naturally he would not hold anything back.

"Fortunately, I asked the lizards to prepare in advance. Although I don't think you will cause too much trouble to me even if you don't prepare, but I don't like trouble."

Xia Yan's current strength, even if his chakra is insufficient, is definitely enough to deal with these people. After all, he has flying thunder god and sage modes!

No matter what happens, he can just run away if he can't fight. This won't be any difficult for him.

As a moral vacuum, he has an extremely clear positioning of himself.

And now that he has made so many preparations in advance, it can be said that the risk has been reduced to a minimum, and he can also give full play to his strength.

When his figure appeared again, he had already come to a hidden ANBU. Then his ninja sword was instantly unsheathed and slashed hard at the ANBU's neck!


The screams sounded instantly, and all the birds living in this oasis were frightened away.

Perhaps Xia Yan did use Flying Thunder God too few times, and he had never killed anyone with this technique.

As a result, he is still not used to this method of suddenly attacking the opponent's vital points with precise force.

As a result, the guy he attacked did not die directly, but instead screamed.

But Xia Yan didn't care. After staying in ANBU for so long, he knew at a glance that this guy would probably not live long for such a type of wound.


Natsuhiko murmured, and then completely ignored the ANBU whose voice gradually became hoarse. His chakra moved slightly and then disappeared again.

Perhaps due to the reminder of the previous screams, and the sudden disappearance of Natsu Yan, these Sunagakure Anbu were extremely vigilant.

However, the existence of the Flying Thunder God is not something you can face if you are vigilant enough!

When Natsuhiko appeared again, blue chakra appeared on his ninja sword.

This blue chakra, with an extremely sharp aura, stabbed directly towards the back of another ANBU.

Now there is no problem with using the technique, but if there is a problem with attacking, then the best solution is to enhance one's offensive ability.

He is not Senju Tobirama, who can perform such cool moves as Flying Thunder God Slash - although he believes that it won't be a problem if he is given time.

But if it doesn’t work now, then be more pragmatic and learn more about how to use Rasengan with Flying Thunder God!

"the second."

The sharp ninja sword directly cut open the Anbu's throat. Even though the Anbu was prepared, he had no idea what was going on.

He could only cover his neck with his hands and keep making meaningless noises, while Xia Yan disappeared again the moment he fell.

Silent and traceless killings quietly unfolded in this small oasis.

And as Xia Yan's speed becomes faster and faster, and the number of times increases, his techniques become more and more proficient!


When Natsuhiko's ninja sword with blue chakra lightly sliced ​​open the sixth man's neck, he had to stop.

Six consecutive space transfers were not that big of a burden for him. Although he consumed a lot of chakra, his recovery speed was very fast.

The reason why he stopped was because his head was a little dizzy. He was fine with such continuous transitions, but he found that his ears were unbearable.

This feeling is like motion sickness, but for Xia Yan, a little rest is enough.

The main reason is that Ebizo has gathered all three ANBU who are still alive.

They surrounded Ebizo in a ring, and everyone guarded their own area collectively.

What's even more terrible is that Xia Yan also noticed that there was an ANBU one-handed seal, and there was a layer of yellow sand surrounding them.

"Is it Magnetic Release again?" Xia Yan stood firm, and then looked at Ebizo: "Master Ebizo, it seems that your side is really not that friendly. It is obviously an alliance but the relationship is so tense. Isn't this a bit damaging? What’s the relationship between us?”

"Hmph, no wonder you dare to come here alone. I never thought that Captain Nightingale would be such a genius."

Ebizo's face didn't look good. He lost six of his men in just a few seconds. This was a huge loss no matter where he was placed.

Having lost so many people but gained an extremely valuable piece of information, Ebizo felt extremely depressed and at the same time felt that everything was worth it.

An unusually young ninja has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God, and this guy is now in their Kingdom of Wind. Isn't this good news?

For Ebizo, this is good news!

Because he clearly realized that although this Nightingale had mastered such a powerful ninjutsu, his chakra was obviously not enough.

Even though Ebizo has never come into contact with the Flying Thunder God, he also knows one thing, that is, every ninjutsu requires a relative price.

Chakra is the key to driving a jutsu. It is true that the Flying Thunder God Jutsu can travel through space, but once your chakra is not enough, how far can you teleport?

"I'm not a genius." Xia Yan shook his head gently. He glanced around and then said slowly: "May I ask, Lord Ebizo, if I can leave?"

"You killed so many of us, and you broke into the Kingdom of Wind secretly." Ebizo looked at Xia Yan calmly, and then shook his head: "Do you think you can still leave?"

"That's hard to say."

Xia Yan couldn't help but whisper as he felt the chakra he had almost recovered and his brain that was no longer dizzy.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but frown.

Because he clearly felt that there were many chakras in the distance, moving quickly towards this side, obviously trying to surround him here.

This situation made Xia Yan secretly scold Sand Hidden Village for being shameless, even though he had already guessed such a result.

If he encountered something similar, he would never let the person who came in run out.

"Accept your fate." Chakra began to surge throughout Ebizo's body, and a powerful aura rippled crazily at this moment: "It will be a good thing for you to suffer less."

Compared to her action-oriented sister with a true temperament, Ebizo is the type who uses careful consideration and formulating strategies to plunge the opponent into chaos.

Xia Yan knew that he had shown extraordinary intelligence in the past wars, which made everyone in the Kingdom of Sand well-known at that time.

But to survive in such a big environment as the ninja world and serve as the head of ANBU, it is absolutely impossible without sufficient strength!

"That's not necessarily true." Xia Yan shook his head gently. He did not show much fear in the face of such momentum.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. His voice was still gentle and soft, but it had a hint of ridicule.

"The sky is actually colorless. It doesn't deceive you, it's just your eyes that deceive you.

As for me, do you really think I have no preparation? "


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