Seeing Xia Yan's sudden disappearance and Xia Yan's extremely harsh words before leaving, Ebizo's face became a little ugly.

In fact, when he saw the Flying Thunder God's Technique, he already knew that the boy codenamed Nightingale could definitely leave their siege.

Comparing oneself with others, if one has such a technique and runs into the enemy's hinterland, then one must make some preparations.

He now understood why this boy dared to come alone, not because he was worthless, but because he was too valuable, and he didn't need to worry about being besieged!

It is conceivable that once this kid returns to Konoha, even if this is a non-public task and there will be no records, it is unimaginable that Konoha's prestige will be improved.

And what a devastating blow it would be to Sunagakure's already precarious reputation!

Taking a deep breath, Ebizo shook his head helplessly, and then his eyes became extremely firm again.

"He should be gone, and you don't need to be so nervous." Ebizo said indifferently: "Gather the bodies of the dead, but pay attention to whether they have chakra reactions.

Also, go and personally notify the troops who have not yet come over and ask them to pass the message back.

All captains and division captains within the ANBU were dispatched to carry out the arrest mission.

Also, let all the garrison troops in the village be mobilized. This brat cannot be allowed to leave the Kingdom of Wind. Do you understand? "

"Sir, is this..." One of the surviving Anbu seemed a little hesitant after hearing Ebizo's order: "To launch a war in such a big way and even let the garrison take action..."

"Go back and inform Lord Kazekage." Ebizo glanced at the ANBU, and then slowly said: "Tell him that this is my decision, and also tell Elder Chiyo about this matter. Do you have any questions? ?”

"No more, sir." The ANBU immediately lowered his head, not daring to say anything more.

Ebizo's eyes lingered on this ANBU for a moment, and then he looked away.

He naturally knew that this guy was actually one of Luo Sha's people. Ever since Luo Sha took the throne of Feng Ying, he had been actively reclaiming power.

This is understandable, and Ebizo doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

But he was very dissatisfied that when he made a decision, he questioned himself in person. Is such a person really suitable to stay in ANBU?

Thinking of this, Ebizo shook his head helplessly. In fact, for his age, he was almost on the verge of retirement, and he himself was willing to retire.

He could see that the Fourth Kazekage was not really a generous person. The main reason why he was still willing to stand in the position of ANBU minister was because he and his sister supported him.

Moreover, he now controls almost all spy networks in major countries and villages, and he simply cannot do without him.

Once the people waiting for him begin to take over and become familiar with this information, I am afraid that he will not be far from being 'retired'.

Ebizo has his own pride. Instead of waiting for that time, it would be better for him to leave on his own initiative.

For him, his life is complete enough, and there is no need for him to stay in this position. Moreover, if he was really ambitious, it would not be difficult for him to compete for Feng Ying!

"But before that, let's deal with this brat's matter first."

Ebizo thought silently, then he turned around and walked towards Sunagakure Village.

What should be arranged has been arranged. What he wants now is the result, and in order for the result to develop in a good direction.

He must go to see his sister and the Fourth Kazekage-sama.

But what he didn't know was that in the ground beneath his feet, a lizard was sticking out its tongue...


The wind and sand in the Kingdom of Wind are still sweeping across this land, and in the center of the wind and sand, a lizard is hiding there.

This lizard looks no different from an ordinary lizard, if it weren't for a very weird-looking curse mark on its body.

Suddenly, the lizard seemed to feel something, and it quickly crawled out of the yellow sand. At this moment, a wave of chakra connected to the curse mark on his body.

The link speed was very fast, so fast that it seemed to have stopped completely without any warning.

At this moment, the figure appeared above the lizard without any warning, like a ghost.

"It seems that it has come out."

Looking at the yellow sand in the sky, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh slightly. He really didn't like the environment of this country.

However, as an Anbu, you cannot consider environmental issues at all when performing tasks.

Looking back at the small oasis that was nearly a kilometer away from him, Xia Yan walked directly towards the distance.

This is the limit of his flying thunder god. Don't think that one kilometer seems very far. For a ninja, this distance is probably less than a minute!

For speed ninjas, this may shorten the time even more.

To be honest, in Xia Yan's previous life, the profession of ninja was definitely a superhuman existence!

In his previous life, he ran one kilometer and worked very hard, and finally managed to squeeze into the four-minute mark.

But can he do it within a minute now? If he goes at full speed, it may not be a problem within thirty seconds.

"It's still a matter of chakra."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly, thinking that when Minato Namikaze was alive, he could take Buntai and Kyuubi to the outside of the village at once.

After death, he was reincarnated through the dirty earth and teleported directly from the Kingdom of Fire to the battlefield near the Kingdom of Thunder. This distance was really a big deal for him.

"Although we have to take into account the infinite chakra of the reincarnation in the dirt, our performance is not bad when we are alive. My chakra is really not enough."

Chakra is indeed the biggest problem that troubles Xia Yan, and this time he must find a way to solve his chakra problem.

Now that Kakashi has been dismissed by him, he has completed Yashamaru's mission.

Moreover, he is still running for his life, which gives him a reason why he cannot return to Konoha for the time being.

With his own life at stake, he naturally wants to avoid being hunted by the enemy and then look for an opportunity to return to Konoha, right?

In such a huge vacuum period, Xia Yan can finally run to Loulan with peace of mind. No matter what the final result is, he will never be willing not to give it a try.

"But before going to Loulan, I have to create an illusion for them that I am running towards the Kingdom of Rivers or the Kingdom of Rain."

Xia Yan was thinking as he walked, but at this moment he suddenly sensed something, and then he quickly formed the seal.

Along with a burst of smoke, a little lizard appeared in front of him.

Xia Yan deliberately left this lizard in the oasis to see if he could get any information.

He just left it casually, and he didn't think he could get anything useful.

But with the news transmitted by this little lizard through chakra, Xia Yan discovered the disparity in information at this moment, which was really a very refreshing thing!

"It's like playing a game. The opponent can only rely on inserting wards, but I just opened the whole map!"

For a moment, Natsuhiko seemed to understand why Kumogakure's guys didn't grab the Sharingan that was obviously more suitable for them, but turned around to find trouble for the Hyuga clan.

According to the guys like Kumogakure, especially the ninjas represented by the Fourth Raikage who are good at thunder escape chakra mode, their speed is a bit ridiculously fast.

And in such high-speed movement, the blessing brought to them by a pair of Sharingan is far more useful than the Byakugan which can only see distant information.

But now Xia Yan understands that his situation is too small.

In a one-on-one fight, the Sharingan is absolutely unbeatable.

But in a strategic sense, the value of the Byakugan far exceeds that of the Sharingan.

Your deployment of troops and even some small hidden moves are under the view of others. How else do you want to fight?

The reason why Konoha performed so well in the war was that they could even fight one against four in three battles, and finally won miserably.

In addition to the high quality of ninjas and their high-end combat capabilities, they rely on these intelligence battles to win!

As long as we know your layout and your preparations on the battlefield, then even if this battle is tragic, Konoha's chance of winning will be much greater.

"Intelligence, when no one person can destroy a country, the importance of intelligence is really incomparable."

Xia Yan sighed slightly, and then he let the lizard hide in the yellow sand. He had to think carefully now.

The old man Ebizo was really generous. He actually planned to use so many people in order to arrest him.

Not to mention those guys from ANBU, the garrison alone has to guard itself tightly, which is definitely not a good thing.

Of course, this is not a bad thing, because such a strict defense will inevitably lead to large-scale mobilization of troops.

It is true that Sunagakure wants to confront Iwagakure, but the number of troops sent out is definitely limited. If there are too many, once they are stretched, they may have to fight Iwagakure.

At the same time, even if the troops are to be dispatched, precautions should still be taken. If too many troops are withdrawn and the area is partially hollowed out, then it will be completely fun if someone breaks in.

Once such troops are mobilized, even if they only strengthen martial law and search efforts, other villages will immediately notice.

"Konoha has been keeping an eye on Sunagakure. If they move now and collect a little information, then my excuse will be even better."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile. He really wasn't worried that he would be caught.

He has the ability to communicate with animals, and he knows so much information. As long as he is careful, he believes that nothing will happen to him.

"But before that, it's better to leave some misleading information to the other party. It's best so that they can't easily discover that I'm heading towards Loulan."

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan had already turned around and headed in another direction. He had not forgotten that Ebizo had left behind many surrounding troops...


"Captain, where did you say that guy went?"

In the sand to the east of the oasis, there were about eight Sand Hidden Anbu searching for something. This direction was the direction leading to the River Country, and naturally it was also the direction that must be searched carefully.

In fact, the mission they received at the beginning was to surround the Konoha ninjas, but when they just arrived nearby, they were notified that the other party had run away and searched immediately.

This made them extremely depressed, but they had to accept the task.

The ANBU didn't have much room for negotiation, especially when a Konoha ANBU ran into the Kingdom of Wind. This was a slap in their face!

However, such a search is also very boring. Even though they have launched the task immediately, they still have found nothing.

"I don't know either."

A squad leader replied that they had two standard squads here, and the captain naturally replied to his team members.

"But everyone, please have some snacks, and be careful. Those who can escape will definitely not be mediocre."

Indeed, not to mention being able to break through such a tight siege, just being able to run into the Kingdom of Wind and already reaching this place is definitely not a simple thing.

"Yes, Captain."

Three people opened their mouths to answer, while the other four remained silent.

However, their eyes did notice that there was a lizard crawling towards them nearby.

"Really, no one was found, why are they all lizards..."

A Sunagakure ANBU complained, but before he could finish his words, a cold light grazed his throat like a meteor, and then his body fell softly to the ground.

"Alert..." Both captains saw a ghostly voice, and they couldn't help but shout loudly.

But before their words could be completely finished, the ghostly figure suddenly flashed, and the ninja sword in his hand quietly slid past one of them's throat with azure chakra.

At the same time, a kunai was inserted directly into the chest of another person, and the blue chakra was still blooming.

One breath, one of the three people went to the end, and the other five people seemed to have just reacted at this moment.

Unfortunately, their reactions had no effect at all.

Along with the rapid circulation of ninja swords and kunai bursting with blue light, the five Sunagakure ANBU had no idea what was going on.

Only when blood overflowed from their throats and chests, and when they noticed that their physical strength was rapidly draining away, and pain began to spread to their brains, did they notice that their consciousness had also begun to become confused.

It was at this time that they noticed a person wearing Konoha's black and white ANBU clothing standing in front of them.

The ninja sword in his hand was constantly dripping with blood. That was their blood...


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