"Damn guy!"

In Feng Ying's office, Fourth Generation Fengyun Luosha slammed a document on the table, and his expression looked unusually angry.

The old god Ebizo stood aside, looking neither happy nor sad, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Chiyo, who was also in this office as her elder sister, knew that her younger brother was probably as angry as the Fourth Kazekage.

Five teams, five ANBU teams, were wiped out one by one by this guy!

And judging from the examination of the bodies, these five teams, a total of twenty people, had never fought a decent battle at all.

They were killed by a sneak attack without any precautions!

In addition, when Ebizo led the team to intercept, six people were killed directly in front of him. This added together is equal to the six teams of Sunagakure ANBU killed by one person!

What kind of shame is this?

As the ANBU minister, his younger brother was probably under the greatest pressure, and the establishment of the ANBU had consumed his entire life, so how could he not be angry?

"The Flying Thunder God's Technique."

Chiyo mentally sighed secretly. She had naturally heard of and obtained information about this technique, so she naturally knew how terrifying this technique was.

But it is terrible and cannot be realized without the most intuitive feeling.

The third battle was when Namikaze Minato entered the big stage of the ninja world, but unfortunately, Sunagakure Village had not fought against Namikaze Minato, so naturally they could not feel how terrifying this technique was.

According to legend, Namikaze Minato relied on this technique to kill more than fifty ninjas in one second.

It was precisely because of his intimidation that everyone in the Iwagakure was in danger, coupled with the difficulties faced by Iwagakure Village at the time, that led to Onoki's stubborn decision to sign an armistice agreement with Konoha.

"Konoha, you are truly loved by God."

Chiyo thought silently, and now she had to increase the danger level of Konoha a lot again.

One Namikaze Minato had such an effect. If Nightingale, the ANBU captain, was added to the mix, the blow to Sunagakure Village would be unimaginable.


While Chiyo was thinking, Luo Sha seemed to finally calm down. He took a deep breath and then spoke.

"Convey my order and ask the guarding ninjas in the east and north to strengthen surveillance.

Inspections must be strengthened in any city or pass, and ANBU personnel must be allowed to pass immediately.

Also tell them not to act alone, and to call for support as soon as they find a target.

A single team cannot deal with him. I want to see if he can deal with the garrison!

Please remember, everyone, this is a moment that concerns the honor and disgrace of our Sunagakure Village. You must find this guy for me! "

"Yes, Kazekage-sama!"

Everyone in this office immediately responded loudly, even Ebizo and Chiyo.

Indeed, this was already a moment of honor and disgrace for Sunagakure Village, although they themselves knew that if this guy really wanted to run away, it would not be that easy to catch him.

But once the number of people increases and they surround him, even if this family can escape and his fighting power is strong, he will never be able to hold it back!

It is very terrifying for a single ninja to face the anger of a great ninja village. At least in this era, no one can face it.

"Master Kazekage, I suggest that the people from the sealing class also go together."

Chiyo thought for a moment, and then she suddenly stood up.

"Although it may not be possible to seal this Nightingale and use Flying Thunder God, once he reaches a certain place and triggers the seal, then we will be better able to hunt him down."

"Sealing class?" Luo Sha couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard this.

The seal class is extremely valuable, no matter which village it is in.

Especially in Sand Hidden Village, the sealing class is a strategic level existence, because Sand Hidden Village is really not good at sealing techniques.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Ichibi is very good at sealing arts, but the sealing arts reserves in Sand Hidden Village are really not that good.

In addition, the training of every sealed ninja is extremely difficult. Even a village like Konoha, which has taken away most of the Uzumaki clan's heritage, only has a dozen sealing classes.

Just imagine, these dozen or so sealing classes are a standard four-person team, which is only forty or fifty people.

There are hundreds of jounin in Konoha, and these ninjas who are good at sealing techniques are even rarer than jounin!

The economic conditions of Sunagakure Village are extremely difficult, and they have all begun to adopt the "elite ninja" model. One can imagine how pitiful the resources they can invest in sealing ninjas will be.

Luo Sha hesitated for a long time, and finally made a choice.

He was really reluctant to send the sealing squad there because he was afraid that the sealing squad would be wiped out directly by that Konoha nightingale. In that case, the situation would be terrible.

But Chiyo is right. With the help of the sealing class, it is indeed easier to catch people. If this guy is caught and tortured, they will get more!

"Okay, let the sealing team set off." Luo Sha gritted his teeth and made a decision: "But let the ANBU people go over to protect them, and we must not let anything happen to them. Do you understand?"

"I will let Viper lead the team and be responsible for protecting their safety." Ebizo said immediately.

Viper is a captain of Sunagakure ANBU and is very powerful. Luo Sha couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Although deep down in his heart, he also knew that the effect of being led by a viper would be very mediocre, but at least with this person as protection, he could feel a little at ease.

"Very good, let's adjourn the meeting." Luo Sha knocked on the table: "I leave this matter to you, don't let me down."

"Yes, Lord Kazekage!" Everyone nodded immediately, then turned and left the office.

Luo Sha also sighed, but when he was about to stand up, he suddenly found that Chiyo and Ebizo were still standing where they were, which immediately gave him another headache.

He naturally knew the purpose of these two people staying, and all of this was still closely related to damn Konoha!

He had not forgotten the information about Sunagakure in Konohagakure. However, during that operation, they actually encountered a person who was suspected of killing the Third Kazekage.

And according to Konoha's statement - I don't know if it was intentional or not, they actually gave two questionable options, one was Chiyo and the other was Scorpion!

According to Konoha, only Chiyo has such a powerful puppet control technique in the entire ninja world.

And, she has been missing for many years, but before she disappeared, she had shown that she was no weaker than Chiyo, and was dubbed the "Scorpion of Red Sand"!

Konoha's move was indeed disgusting. It was obvious that Chiyo's behavior was not so normal after getting the news.

"Chiyo-sama, I understand what you mean."

Luo Sha tried his best to suppress his emotions, and he persuaded her nicely.

"The importance of scorpion is unparalleled to us Sunagakure, and I will not believe Konoha's one-sided words.

I also hope that Scorpio's charges can be cleared as soon as possible, but don't we have more important things to do at this stage? "

"Thank you Kazekage-sama for your trust." Chiyo sighed slightly: "I also know that it is inappropriate to say this at this time, but Scorpion is my grandson, I..."

"It'll be okay." Luo Sha comforted him: "When we deal with this Konoha Nightingale, I will definitely use Sunagakure's power to investigate this matter."

"Then, thank you Kazekage-sama." Chiyo opened his mouth slightly, and in the end he could only nod his head: "Then, I'll go down first."

After saying that, Chiyo and Ebizo left the office, and Rasa's face darkened immediately after the two of them left.

He has no interest at all in looking for scorpions.

If it is true, then it is a good thing for him, and it is also a bad thing!

Because the Third Kazekage is dead, those stubborn ones still have hope in their hearts, and those who are waiting for the Third Kazekage's return can give up completely, which is very conducive to his control of Sunagakure.

But if the Third Kazekage was really killed by Scorpion, then Chiyo would also be implicated, and Rasa's rise to power was inseparable from Chiyo's support.

Once Chiyo is finished, he will definitely not have a good life.

One will be prosperous and one will suffer, so doing nothing is the best choice!

"Sister." In the corridor of the Kazekage Building, Ebizo stopped Chiyo: "You know he won't investigate, why do you still ask this question."

"I know, but I still can't help it." Chiyo sighed silently.

"That's my grandson, and I have the right to know the truth no matter what.

If it's true, I want to know why he got to this point, and finally I'll kill him myself!

If it is false, then Konoha..."

If it's fake, I'm afraid Chiyo won't let Konoha go!

Such rumors are extremely shameless in slandering a dead person!

Ebizo was a little hesitant when he saw this. He had long considered whether to tell his sister a piece of information.

Looking at his sister's current state, he felt that it would be better for him to tell her. After all, Scorpio was his grandson, and he also hoped to get the truth.

"Actually, sister, there is someone who knows the truth about this matter." Ebizo made a decision in his heart, and then he spoke.

"Oh?" Chiyo's eyes shone slightly, and she immediately asked: "Who is it? Who else knows about this?"

"That person is Nightingale." Ebizo said helplessly: "According to the information I received, after the members of the third team returned to Konoha, Nightingale stayed in the Konoha Medical Department for a week or two, and according to Other intelligence shows that he has been to Shouzaki Castle."

"You mean..." Chiyo thought very quickly, and she immediately knew what her brother meant: "Nightingale was on a mission in Shouzaki City, and happened to meet Kusunoki who was being hunted, and Kusunoki eventually died and he was in medical care. Is the department isolated for investigation?”

"If there are no accidents, that is."

"I see."

After getting this information, Chiyo nodded and walked directly outside, and this time her speed became a little faster.

Ebizo stood there without moving. He knew what his sister was going to do, and he had no intention of stopping her.

When he told this information, he was already mentally prepared...


"What a hell this place is!"

In the southern border area of ​​the Kingdom of Wind, Xia Yan wrapped his head in a scarf and walked forward step by step. At this time, the wind and sand were getting bigger and bigger, and he was getting closer and closer to Loulan.

Xia Yanzheng walked here for two days. Fortunately, he was well prepared and brought enough water and food, as well as some essential things in the desert.

Otherwise, he felt like he might lose people halfway.

Along the way, he saw countless animal remains that had turned into white bones, even camels. One can imagine how terrifying this place is.

In addition to enduring the torment of the desert, Xia Yan also had to be careful about the ninjas chasing him. This feeling was really uncomfortable at all.

Fortunately, according to the map, he has almost reached the location, which is good news.

"I just don't know whether Loulan is still in ruins at this time or is still a city with people living in it."

Xia Yan walked forward silently, thinking secretly in his heart.

In his memory, Loulan was finally destroyed due to war, which he learned from the mouth of the person who was suspected to be Naruto's daughter.

However, Loulan was destroyed, but everyone survived. But the question is when it was destroyed, Xia Yan didn't know.

"Forget it, there are so many, so it would be better if they have been destroyed." Xia Yan thought silently as he walked: "It's not bad if there are people, at least my supplies will not be a problem."

Supplies are Xia Yan's priority. Even if Xia Yan prepares a lot of things, his life will be over when all of them are consumed.


As he walked, Xia Yan suddenly felt a strong breeze blowing over him. When he looked up, he saw an oasis appearing in front of him!

Xia Yan remembered clearly that when Namikaze Minato and the others were on their mission, they passed through a forest and then arrived in front of the ancient city of Loulan.

"It seems that I have found a location."

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile. With such an oasis, he could hide in it, and this place could become his experimental base in Loulan City!

He needed to test his ideas and deal with the meat that was suspected to be Senju Hashirama, so he had to find a secret place.

And this place is his best choice!

"It seems that my luck is very good, and the next few days will be very busy."

Walking into this oasis, Xia Yan thought silently while observing the situation.

After he spent some time walking out of this oasis, what appeared in front of him was a towering, iron tower-like building.

And Xia Yan could still clearly feel the chakra transmitted from that building, even if it was several kilometers away.

That's the power of dragon veins!


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