In Konoha Village, in an office below the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked fascinated while looking at the report in his hand.

Danzo sitting opposite him and Owl standing behind him both looked a little confused. They had already read this report with Hiruzen Sarutobi, but they read it faster.

Unlike Hiruzen Sarutobi, you have to think carefully after reading it, and go back and read it carefully.

As the person who had been severely punished by Xia Yan, Owl naturally knew how terrifying that kid was, even though he was suspected of being attacked.

A ninja must not break his hand. Although Owl hates Xia Yan very much, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with what Xia Yan did.

This time Xia Yan took the initiative to accept the mission to go to Sand Hidden Village. Although he didn't show any performance, he was really happy because he knew that this mission was definitely not an easy task!

If I'm not careful, I'm afraid this damn kid will completely stay in the Kingdom of Wind.

What he never expected was that things turned out exactly as he thought.

Although I don’t know why he asked Kakashi to leave temporarily, this kid was indeed targeted by Ebizo.

But the next development completely stunned him. When facing Ebizo and his men alone, this kid killed six Anbu alone and then ran away?

Not only did he run away, he also killed five teams along the way, putting everyone in Sunagakure in danger, and even the garrison troops moved!

This result was completely beyond Owl's expectation, and at the same time, he felt a little scared in his heart.

If this guy had done this to him, would he still have survived?

This question has been lingering in his mind, and the final result he got was negative. If Xia Yan didn't hold back at that time, he would definitely be dead!

"Why does this kid have such strength?"

Owl gritted his teeth and thought that he had to admit that after he was taught a lesson by Xia Yan, he never wanted to be so calm in his heart.

But now this news is completely bad news for him!

Also feeling extremely uneasy was Danzo, who had paid some attention to Natsuhiko since he entered ANBU.

After all, he is a member of the Senju clan, and it is difficult for Danzo not to pay attention to it. After all, the things handed over by the Senju clan rarely fall into his hands.

And he doesn't believe that the Thousand Hands Clan will really take out everything. This is an opportunity for him, and he must seize it.

Then it was useless for him to have such an idea, because Hiruzen Sarutobi had no intention of letting him go, and he had no such intention from the beginning to the end, which made Danzo feel powerless.

In the next five years, this kid grew into a team leader and his strength became stronger and stronger.

In fact, all this is considered a normal development, but when this kid accidentally got the huge lizard in Shouzaki Castle, everything seemed to change!

With that lizard, the kid's overall strength rating has improved a lot. In addition, he has actually learned the art of Flying Thunder God.

Danzo, as a disciple of the Second Hokage, naturally knew how terrifying the Flying Thunder God was. He really didn't expect that this kid's talent was so good!

But he himself was very unlucky. First, he was beaten at the root and had to reorganize, and then he failed miserably in the Hokage bet, which caused him to lose the opportunity to control the ANBU.

Not long after, one of his only ANBU captains died on the way to the mission, which was a devastating blow to him.

If he hadn't known that it was all an accident, he would have wondered if someone was messing with him on purpose.

Now the roots have almost been reorganized, but the little devil is getting better and better.

When this brat was competing for the captaincy, Danzo tested Hiruzen Sarutobi's attitude, but the answer he got was no.

And with everything this kid has done now, he doesn't need to think about it to understand that if he goes to find Sarutobi Hiruzen again, he will be humiliating himself!

"Why do all the benefits belong to Hiruzen, but I get nothing!"

Danzo, who knew the connection between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Natsuhiko, felt extremely unbalanced at this moment. Sarutobi Hiruzen did not hide it from him, which was a kind of trust in him.

But this kind of trust often turns sour. Sometimes Danzo feels that Sarutobi Hiruzen is deliberately showing off to himself!

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage and he is not, many people want to be close to the Hokage instead of him!

"It's really interesting."

While Owl and Danzo were thinking inwardly, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally raised his head.

His face seemed a little surprised and a little happy, and at the same time there was something inexplicable about it.

Natsuhiko's performance at this moment is definitely something to be happy about, because what he did was completely slapped Sunagakure Village in the face!

The struggle between villages, apart from the most basic and direct way - war, is to destroy each other's reputation through various means.

Once the reputation of a ninja village is hit, the trust level of the village will continue to decrease, resulting in a sharp decline in their share of tasks in the ninja world.

Losing mission share means losing money, and the economic damage will prevent them from cultivating more ninjas.

Such a chain reaction is definitely not what the village is willing to face. What Xia Yan did can be seen as a severe blow to the reputation of Sunagakure Village.

Although what Natsuhiko did was not serious enough to make Sunagakure reach such a bad point.

Moreover, the reaction of Sunagakure Village was more of revenge, and they wanted to catch Natsuhiko and get more things through torture.

Just like the flying thunder god technique, but doesn't this also prove Xia Yan's value?

Six people were killed in just one encounter, and twenty more people were killed later. Moreover, these people had no power to resist, and it was a completely one-sided massacre.

Such strength and such ability are definitely a good thing for Konoha!

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen does have countless calculations in his heart, he will also find ways to deal with many people for his own benefit group.

But it is undeniable that he does want Konoha to become better and stronger.

Natsuhiko's potential can definitely become the mainstay of Konoha. As long as he is given time and enough resources, Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks he can see that day!

"I never thought that the one I chose just to get more information about Minato would reach such an extent."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the information in his hands. He was indeed surprised by Natsuhiko's performance, and now he must think more.

"Although I trust this boy so much, he does have the will of fire. Maybe I can give him more things..."

More, both the Fourth Generation and the Senju were nothing more than things given to him, which might be able to tie this kid tightly.

But before that, let's wait for this kid to come back.

Sarutobi Hiruzen touched the cigarette rod in his hand, and he suddenly felt that he might be able to do something.

"Owl." Thinking of this, he said directly: "Tell Takumi to lead the team personally and prepare to enter the Kingdom of Wind."

"Lord Hokage?" Owl was stunned for a moment, and then he asked incredulously: "Personally lead the team into the Kingdom of Wind? Formal or informal?"

"Of course..." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile: "Informal!"


"Okay, now it's time to wait for the results."

In an oasis a few kilometers away from Loulan City in the Kingdom of Wind, Xia Yan looked at the tall trees in front of him and couldn't help but nodded silently.

Xia Yan cut a hole in the tree, stuffed the piece of meat that seemed to be Senju Hashirama into it, and finally repaired the cut.

What he has to do now is to wait to see if there will be some changes in this tree, so that he may be able to extract some of the things he dreams of.

In addition to this tree, Xia Yan also made a lot of preparations, for example, he specially used Earth Escape to seal it in a tree.

He already has the seeds for Earth Release, but his system allows him to not only get one seed.

If his method is correct, then he can completely follow the same pattern and complete all his chakra attributes.

This was something he was looking forward to, because achieving the Blood Succession Snare through chakra fusion was an idea he had already prepared.

"However, Yin Escape and Yang Escape are still a bit troublesome."

Xia Yan sighed slightly, looking at the big tree in front of him, he quickly regained his composure.

“If I succeed this time, maybe I will be able to escape.

And according to the idea of ​​​​success this time, I can get a pair of Sharingan and plant it.

Maybe, there might be some seeds of Yin Escape. "

Putting the Sharingan into the tree and then extracting the seeds is the idea that Xia Yan can think of for the time being.

Because although there are many performances of Yin Escape in his memory, they are more of a display of 'skills'.

And the real thing that produced something physical was the Sharingan!

Of course, if Xia Yan's method of sealing chakra is successful, then he won't need so many tricks.

This time he stuffed the piece of meat into the tree. In fact, he also guessed what he would get if he succeeded.

Some of them might be Wood Release, after all, this is Senju Hashirama's famous stunt.

However, it seems that only the reincarnation of Asura can exert its power with Wood Release. In Xia Yan's memory, the first person to use Wood Release was Asura.

He didn't know whether he would use it in the next thousand years, but the only one who could bring out the brilliance of Wood Release again was Senju Hashirama.

The other people who can escape are Yamato, Obito, and a certain White Zetsu, but the power they exert is completely incomparable to Senju Hashirama.

This made him consider whether there was Asura's chakra as an influence, which could lead to such a situation.

"After all, there are many Mangekyō Sharingan, but the only one who wants to be as strong as Madara Uchiha is Indra."

Shaking his head, Xia Yan no longer thought about these things. Anyway, he had time now and could wait slowly.

After sealing these things or stuffing them into trees, although the same situation as the sealing technique left by Namikaze Minato last time did not happen, Natsuhiko didn't care that much.

Perhaps it was because Namikaze Minato was performing too well that he reacted immediately.

Or maybe the level of what Xia Yan wanted to get was too high, and it took time to brew before he responded immediately.

Therefore, he left himself one to two months as a limit. Once the time was up, he had to leave.

The first point is that his material resources may not be able to sustain it. Even if he goes to Loulan City to buy these things, after a long time, Shayin Village may come here to check.

“Even the paths of those guys I attacked were completely on the other side of the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Rain.

But since they used the garrison and I never showed up, I'm afraid they would also suspect that I was actually running away in the opposite direction and wait for them to put their guard down. "

Xia Yan is still very aware of his current situation. Any luck behind enemy lines may kill him.

Therefore, he must set a series of time plans for himself. Once he reaches this point in time, he must leave here no matter whether there is any result or not.

Even when he thought it was relatively safe, he took adequate protection for himself.

Around this oasis, he has already arranged for many small lizards to patrol, and he has always maintained the ability to communicate with the animals, monitoring everything around him at all times.

At the place where he lived during this period, he also used Earth Break to dig a hole in the ground, and covered it with shrubs and weeds.

If it weren't for the fact that he hadn't come into contact with any enchantment techniques, he wouldn't have been able to use his sealing technique to place some wards around him.

All in all, this place has been completely transformed by him into a fortress that is extremely conducive to concealment. Once someone comes from Sunagakure Village, he will definitely know it as soon as possible.

Then he can judge based on the number of people who come here, whether he should kill them or let them leave.

You can even judge the approximate position of these ninjas through their clothing, so you can know whether you have been exposed.

"Everything is ready and it's time to go."

Turning his head, Xia Yan looked at the tower-like place outside the oasis, and then Xia Yan set off and walked in that direction.

The yellow sand in the sky rolled up by the strong wind is like a curtain, covering the sun hanging in the sky, making the scorching sun at noon look like the setting sun at dusk.

However, Loulan in the distance still stood there, and the powerful chakra became more and more shocking as Xia Yan continued to approach.

This chakra is full of weirdness, but extremely powerful, and this chakra makes Xia Yan act more and more.

He knew that if he had such chakra, his strength would become stronger.

"But at the same time, as if I can't control it, I'm afraid it will be me who is in trouble..."


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