In fact, Xia Yan is really worried in his heart now. He is worried about whether he can really master such a terrifying power as Dragon Vein.

After coming to this place for a few days, even though he did not run to Loulan City, he could still feel the strange chakra from such a distance. It is completely conceivable how strong this chakra is.

Sometimes dreams are beautiful, but reality is extremely cruel.

The dragon vein was indeed an ownerless thing, and Xia Yan didn't pay too much attention to those residents of Loulan City.

Even if the dragon vein is indeed in Loulan City and can be suppressed by the Queen of Dragon Tower, Xia Yan knows that the future Loulan will be completely ruined.

Even the residents who stayed in Loulan City had left this place long ago, otherwise there would not have been a future Naruto and Baizu from Anlu Mountain traveling through time and space and going back to the past together.

"It's just that the dragon vein thing does seem a bit manic."

Standing at the sealing place of Dragon Vein, Natsu Yan frowned as he looked at the seal left by Namikaze Minato below and the chakra that kept roaring from the seal.

Violent, this is the only word Xia Yan can think of to describe the current situation of this dragon vein.

It was indeed violent enough. The sealing technique left by Namikaze Minato was the Four Symbols Seal. Natsuhiko also found this sealing technique in the family's information and learned it.

Although he is still in the primary stage of sealing, the entry level of the Four Elephants Seal is not very high, but it is difficult to master it and use the seal to its extreme.

Namikaze Minato's technique isn't too clever, but what's great about him is that he overlapped several four elephant seals here.

These sealing techniques are intertwined. Once one is damaged, the other will make up for the problem, and complete self-repair with the help of the chakra of the dragon vein.

This is also the reason why the strength of the dragon vein is so exaggerated, but there is no way to break through the seal.

Of course, another reason is that Dragon Vein does not have self-awareness. If this thing had its own consciousness, it might not be sealed so easily.

In addition, he also set up some problems that others could not solve at all, such as the sealing technique of Flying Thunder God.

Once the power of the Dragon Veins is too strong, Namikaze Minato may be able to feel it directly through the Flying Thunder God's curse seal, and he can also find a way to solve the problem.

"But his seal was too reliable, so until more than ten years after his death, the seal was intact."

Xia Yan looked at the specially made kunai at his feet and thought for a moment. After lurking into Loulan City, he really relied on the mark of the Flying Thunder God to find this place.

If he didn't have this mark, he might not be able to find it so quickly. Then he might need to visit the Queen of Loulan.

"But even if you come here, you can't completely gain nothing."

Xia Yan studied this sealing technique carefully for a long time, and finally made up his mind to get some benefits no matter what!

Faced with such a riot of chakra, Xia Yan clearly realized that he could not take it all at once, but he could always take away a little part!

However, it is not easy to take away part of it. The first point is how to squeeze out the chakra inside without destroying the seal of Namikaze Minato.

"Besides that, the mark of the Flying Thunder God must be dealt with properly, otherwise something may be exposed."

Although Xia Yan mastered the marks of the Flying Thunder God perfectly, the problem was that he had no way to block these marks.

Once the chakra impact of these dragon veins is too strong, then these chakras will have the opportunity to enter the mark. Such a situation will naturally make the person who set the mark aware of something.

Although Loulan is really far away from Konoha, Namikaze Minato dares to leave a seal here, which already explains some problems.

Even if he couldn't rush over immediately, he would probably know that something was going on here. Xia Yan didn't want to be aware of too many problems.

He has now shown a lot of things in the eyes of others, whether it is Lizard Maru or Flying Thunder God, these are one of his most powerful methods.

This not only brought him unlimited fame, but also exposed a lot of his own situation, giving people a chance to detect his shortcomings.

Therefore, he always kept Sage Mode as his trump card. Except for telling Minato Namikaze frankly, others really didn't know this at all.

As for the dragon vein, he also didn't plan to tell it, and he didn't even want to be discovered, even if he could get very, very little dragon vein chakra.

"If you want to not activate the Flying Thunder God's mark, but at the same time, let the chakra come out on its own without destroying the seal, then..."

Xia Yan's eyes were always focused on the seal. After thinking for a long time, he finally took action!

Weak chakra appeared on his fingertips, and then he gently pointed at the innermost node of the Four Elephants Seal.

Along with his chakra invasion, the four-image seal immediately wavered.

The position chosen by Xia Yan is the weakest link in this sealing technique. Once there is a problem in this link, the chakra of the dragon vein will attack outward crazily.

But no matter how hard they try, they can never completely break out easily, because there are still several seals waiting for them on the outside.

All Xia Yan needs is to continuously consume them and the sealing technique. He opens a small hole in the seal, and the sealed dragon veins will struggle to break free from the shackles of the seal.

In the process of constant wear and tear with other seals, the dragon's own chakra may also be damaged.

When Xia Yan squeezes out the seal, he just needs to catch it completely and prevent them from activating the Flying Thunder God and sealing it into his body.

As for the rest, it was naturally sealed again.

If you can't take it away this time, just wait until next time. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

What's more, after obtaining these chakras, Xia Yan still needs to study them carefully. After thoroughly understanding the situation of these chakras, he can make further plans.

"It seems that it's time to wait again."

Xia Yan silently looked at these tadpole-like sealing techniques that were constantly circulating, as well as the chakra that seemed to have found a breakthrough and kept roaring, and he nodded gently.

But when he turned around and was about to leave, the stone door behind him suddenly opened...


"What should we do now?"

Sara sat in her room and looked at the report in front of her, and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

As the queen of Loulan, she needs to take care of all the residents in Loulan. This is her task and her mission.

It's just that Loulan is really getting worse now. In other words, Loulan's situation has gotten worse and worse since the beginning of the Third War until now.

The war caused huge losses to the Kingdom of Wind, and also caused an unimaginable blow to Loulan, who settled in the Kingdom of Wind but was not ruled by the Kingdom of Wind.

Loulan is now unimaginably poor. Loulan, which originally developed to a peak period, has reached the edge of collapse in just a few years.

The most terrible thing is that Shayin Village seems to have looked over, as if they intend to bring Loulan into their arms, and they still ignore some robbers on important trade routes, intentionally or unintentionally.

The result of this is that Loulan, which was already in a precarious economic situation, is now in an even worse situation.

Sara calculated it herself. If this situation continues, Loulan will really become history in a few years.

However, despite knowing that the current situation was so dangerous, Sara was helpless because Loulan did not have his own military system.

This means that they have no way to clean up those robbers and reopen business routes.

And Loulan is within the Kingdom of Wind, so their voices may not be able to be heard.

If it was okay before, they could still find a way to pass some information to other villages, like Konoha before.

But it seemed that it was because of that incident that the Kazekage of Sunagakure Village distrusted them even more.

They want to convey their voices, but they have become even more helpless.

Faced with such a predicament, Sarah really had no choice.

Even though she now personally participates in some trade activities, this cannot stop Loulan's decline.

Seeing Loulan's situation getting worse and worse before her eyes, Sara felt powerless in her heart, but she was also helpless.


Suddenly, just when she was seriously thinking about how to get money, at least to help Loulan get through the current difficulties, she suddenly felt a powerful chakra vibration.

She was very familiar with this chakra, and she stood up almost immediately, because this chakra was the power of dragon veins!

As the queen of Loulan, and having experienced the Longmeng seal, she couldn't remember many details clearly, but she was very familiar with the chakra of the dragon vein.

"Damn it, could it be that there's something wrong with Dragon Vein again?"

When she thought of the dragon vein, Sara couldn't sit still at all. She immediately stood up and ran directly towards the sealed land.

There is a tower called the Tower of Thousands. Sara has never been there since the Dragon Vein was sealed by Konoha's current Fourth Hokage.

She didn't know why she didn't want to go there. She seemed to feel a sense of regret when she went there.

It seemed that she had lost a lot of important things in that place.

Rushing forward quickly, Sara's inner uneasiness became more and more intense, and the dragon's chakra became more and more violent.

And with such mania, it seemed that they had found an outlet, and they actually began to have a subtle impact on Loulan!

Sarah knew that there might be something wrong with the seal, and the dragon's veins looked like they were about to break the seal.

However, its breaking speed and strength were obviously not enough, and they were still stuck.

"It seems that the dragon vein has not completely come out. The seal left by the Fourth Hokage is still blocking it, but what happened?"

Sarah was full of doubts. Although she was an ordinary person, her physical fitness was still good.

In addition, her residence was not far from Thousand Towers, so it didn't take long for her to get here.

Feeling the powerful chakra that was constantly coming from the tower, and the increasingly violent aura of the dragon vein, Sara gritted her teeth and then directly opened the closed stone door of the tower.

As a queen, she naturally has such authority and ability.

But when she just entered it, she suddenly felt that her neck was being pinched from behind, and her mouth was also covered at the same time.

"Be quiet, otherwise if I exert a little force, tragedy may happen."

At this moment, an unusually gentle voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

Sara was filled with fear at this moment. She seemed to know why there was a problem with the dragon vein. It turned out that someone simply ran in.

What this person did was obviously for the dragon vein. Did he want to release the dragon vein?

Is this another person like An Lushan who wants to use these dragon veins to do some terrible things?

"Close the stone door and I will take your hand away. If you obey, nothing will happen. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be the only one who dies."

While Sarah was still doubting in her heart, this gentle voice sounded again.

But this time, no matter how gentle the voice was, Sana could feel the cold breath in it.

If she doesn't know how to kill her, then this means that this guy may take action against her residents!

This is definitely a more evil person than An Lushan, at least An Lushan is not so straightforward.

However, Sara could only cooperate. To him, the residents of Longlan were more important than anything else!

"very good."

Seeing the stone door behind him slowly closing under Sara's control, Xia Yan also let go of Sara.

Just as he was waiting for the dragon vein to change, someone suddenly broke in. He knew that it would most likely be the queen.

It is impossible for the person responsible for guarding the dragon's veins to not feel anything about the reaction of the dragon's veins.

Facts also proved that this woman was indeed here, which made Xia Yan a little helpless, because he really didn't want others to know about this.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to the queen. Through his perception, he had discovered that the queen's physical condition was not particularly good.

She didn't know whether it was due to fatigue or some other reason, but her blood flow was not smooth.

If she doesn't get adequate treatment, I'm afraid the queen won't live long.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly smiled. It was obvious that he had already thought about how to deal with the current situation.

"You should be the queen of Loulan, right?"

Xia Yan had already put on a mask and was not afraid of being discovered by the queen.

"It seems like your health is in bad shape. If you don't get treatment as soon as possible, I'm afraid you won't live long."

"Thank you for your concern."

The moment Xia Yan let go of her, Sarah had already retreated to the stone door, looking at Xia Yan warily.

"But who are you, sir, and why are you here?"


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