“It doesn’t matter who I am and why I’m here is simple.”

Faced with Sara's question, Xia Yan answered very calmly.

He has already figured out how to deal with the Queen of Loulan, so he won't worry about so many troubles at all.

Xia Yan did rely on the mark left by Namikaze Minato to find the seal of the dragon vein, but he also actually wandered around Loulan City.

After all, he needed to buy supplies to cope with the consumption during this period, and he also needed to find out whether Loulan knew about his affairs.

While wandering around, he discovered that Loulan was indeed completely disconnected from the intelligence relationship with Shayin Village, and they had no idea what was going on outside.

In addition, the current situation in Loulan seems to be very bad. There is no such prosperous scene as Xia Yan remembered after Naruto traveled through time.

Although a lot of things are still preserved here, Xia Yan can see all the dilapidated scenery.

He remembered that Loulan's ruin seemed to be caused by the war, but it seemed that was not the case now.

Although he didn't take the main road on the way here, he often saw some robbers and robbers entrenched around the main road.

Just imagine, such a situation occurs in the Kingdom of Wind, and there are no ninjas to clean it up. It is self-evident what this means.

Xia Yan guessed that this was probably the acquiescence of Sand Hidden Village and even the Country of Wind.

And the reason for all this probably has something to do with Namikaze Minato, right?

The task of the Kingdom of Wind fell to the Kingdom of Fire, which no one would be able to bear as the Kazekage, and there could be things like dragon veins buried under Loulan.

And the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind probably have no good feelings at all towards this person who was left behind in his own land but didn't listen to him at all.

After a little calculation between the two parties, Loulan's fate was basically determined.

"The queen is still insisting now, probably because of the residents of Loulan.

The person Naruto met in the future who was suspected of being his daughter seemed to have said that he wanted to protect his people.

Therefore, the most important thing to the queen is the residents of Loulan. "

Xia Yan figured it all out in the shortest possible time, and he also knew exactly how he should go.

Once a person's purpose or weakness is exposed, he will have to listen to you and be toyed with by you.

Xia Yan didn't intend to kill the entire Loulan City. It wasn't that he couldn't do it but it was pointless.

Moreover, he has absolutely no compassion for attacking innocent and defenseless people in a hostile state, but he is still unable to do so in a non-hostile state.

"So, what is your purpose?" Sara stared at Xia Yan, and finally she asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. I want to make a deal with Her Majesty the Queen." Xia Yan said with a smile: "Don't object in a hurry, let alone say that you have nothing. For the sake of you and your people, I think the Queen should consider it carefully. "

"Your goal is the dragon vein, right?" Sarah almost gritted her teeth and asked: "You don't understand what the power of the dragon vein means at all. It is not something you can control. Please put away your ambitions!"

"Sorry, you can't stop me." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and at the same time he slowly approached Sara: "And you don't have the right to refuse. I think Her Majesty the Queen should think more about her people. "

After saying this sentence, the significance of the threat was self-evident, and Sara's face turned a little pale at this moment.

Maybe she was really seriously ill. At this moment, she suddenly started coughing. Her face flushed for a while, and then turned extremely pale.

Xia Yan couldn't help but frown when he saw this, then he took out a tissue and handed it over, but unfortunately Sara didn't pick it up at all.

When the coughing ended, she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her hand, and then said viciously: "You can't attack innocent people!"

"It depends on you, Her Majesty the Queen." Xia Yan bowed slightly, although he continued to say in that gentle voice: "Moreover, even if I don't do anything, how long do you think you can last with your current situation? ?”

"Even if I die, I will not abandon my people!" Sara said with almost the firmest tone, but the helplessness in her expression also faintly appeared on her pale face.

This time, Xia Yan didn't mean to spoil her. He walked up directly and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with a tissue.

Sara turned her head away and wanted to reject Xia Yan, but Xia Yan still forced the tissue to the corner of her mouth.

Xia Yan's movements were very gentle, although combined with the mask he was wearing now, it looked extremely weird no matter how you looked at it.

But he didn't stop his movements, he said slowly while wiping.

"You are indeed a great queen. Your will is respected." Xia Yan said with a smile: "That's why I didn't do anything directly, but planned to make a deal with you."

"What deal?" Sara raised her head and asked coldly: "A deal with the devil?"

"Let me tell you what I can give you first."

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to Sara's attitude, and he continued after wiping.

"Your current situation must be very bad. The trade routes are different, the economy is frustrated, and neither Sunagakure Village nor the Kingdom of Wind like you very much.

In addition, your physical condition is extremely bad. I am afraid that your people will lose their queen and your daughter will lose her mother before long, right?

And after your death, have you considered what will happen to Loulan, what will happen to your daughter, and what will happen to your people? "

"You..." Sarah raised her head and looked at Xia Yan seriously. She found that Xia Yan's words really made her unable to refute.

She didn't know how Xia Yan knew these situations, because Xia Yan's words hit her heart every word.

Loulan's current situation is so bad that she can't even solve the problem herself.

And once she dies, such a heavy burden will probably fall on her daughter.

And her people will also become confused because of her death. It is really difficult to predict what the current situation of Loulan City will be like.

"So, I have an idea."

Xia Yan saw that Sara seemed to have a tendency to 'break the defense', so he struck while the iron was hot and spoke directly.

"I will find a way to help you solve your serious illness. Although I may not succeed, it is always right to try.

Second, I will provide you with money in the future as part of the transaction.

Finally, I will give you a suggestion, a suggestion for the future course of you and your people.

What do you think of this deal? "


Facing the conditions provided by Xia Yan, Sara really had no reason to refuse, or she didn't even know how to refuse.

She suddenly realized that what she thought was true. The person in front of her who wanted to make a deal with her was really making a devilish deal.

Because only the devil can peer into a person's heart, know what a person desires most deep in his heart, and thus put forward conditions that people cannot solve at all.

But after all, she is a queen. Even though she is still very young, she has developed some of the temperament of a queen after being a queen for so many years.

At least now she can force herself to maintain a calm attitude.

Instead of hastily agreeing to everything Xia Yan promised, without asking Xia Yan what he wanted.

"So, what are your conditions?" Sarah took a deep breath and then asked in a deep voice.

"My conditions are very simple. First, I need certain supplies."

Xia Yan said very calmly and gently.

"I've caused some little trouble recently, and this little trouble made Lord Kazekage very angry. I'm afraid there are quite a few people chasing me now.

But I also played a little trick. They thought I was running away towards the River Kingdom, but they didn't know that I had actually run here.

Secondly, you can tell just by looking at the seal. "

Upon hearing this, Sarah turned her head to look at the seal, seemingly not caring about what he said about offending Feng Ying.

In fact, she knew very well what Xia Yan meant, that is, Xia Yan was not worried about her talking nonsense when she went out!

After offending the Kazekage, he came here and made the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village spin around. This also proves how terrifying this guy is.

This is not complaining or exposing one's difficulties at all, this is simply a naked threat!

As long as they inquire a little about this kind of thing, they can figure out what happened. After all, this is the country of the wind.

Sara knew clearly that the guy in front of her was telling her that if she dared to talk nonsense, she would probably bring disaster to herself and her people.

Sarah, who is quick-thinking, will naturally not say these things, and if what this guy promises is true, then offending him will mean losing everything.

"The seal... has not been destroyed?" Sara looked at the seal for a long time, and finally could only hold back this sentence: "What on earth do you mean?"

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you can't see it." Xia Yan shook his head gently.

"Actually, it's very simple. Although the seal was slightly damaged by me, it is still functioning.

It is impossible for me to take away all this chakra at once. This time I will only take away a little by destroying it a little, and then I will come and take away all of it.

Therefore, I need someone to take care of me here, and you and your people are the best candidates. "

"Sure enough, your goal is still the dragon vein." Sarah sighed slightly, and then she said in a deep voice: "When will you come to get it, and how long will it take? There is also the question of money, how much specifically, and when do you plan to get it?" bring here."

Hearing this question, Xia Yan's face under the mask couldn't help but smile again.

He once again made the right choice. This Queen of Loulan was actually not that obsessed with dragon veins.

The most important thing to her is her daughter and her people, and I'm afraid she doesn't care about the rest.

Of course, it also has something to do with her current situation being too bad. After all, she is so poor that she is crazy.

"My goal is Dragon Vein, but I don't have such big ambitions as An Lushan.

In other words, that guy is simply an idiot. "

Xia Yan smiled casually, and then said slowly.

"The next time I come here, it may take half a year or even longer. After all, I still have my own things to do.

And you don’t need to worry about money, maybe... one million taels? "

Regardless of whether his name is An Lushan or Bai Zu, Xia Yan thinks he is an idiot.

Although the dragon vein is powerful, it is difficult for it to be effective when the owner of the powerful power is a pig, unless he is a member of Otsutsuki.

The unimaginably powerful Otsutsuki in Xia Yan's memory actually sometimes behaved like a pig possessing powerful power.

It doesn't matter if it's Otsutsuki Toneri or those guys in Incombustible later.

But even if they are pigs, their power is definitely beyond ordinary people's imagination. If nothing else, their eyes alone are enough to make people suffocate.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yan wanted Dragon Vein to expand his chakra, but other than that, he really had no other ideas.

And he was not sure about the next time he would come over. After all, as one of the three captains of Konoha ANBU, he really did not have the power to leave the village at will.

As for the question of money, Xia Yan put his chin in his hand and pondered for a while before asking with some uncertainty.

One million taels, the purchasing power in this world is actually not that great.

When he said such words, he actually blushed a little inside.

Because this is really too little. Although the reward for his missions over the years is not much, it is definitely not too little.

It's only a million taels, he can still take out a few, but can he save a little?

"What?" Sarah couldn't help being frightened when she heard this: "One million taels?"

"Um..." Xia Yan looked at her expression and couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Is it too little? So, two million taels?"

"Two...two million taels?" Sara's face changed, looking a little incredible.

This look directly made Xia Yan frown. Although he was very good at bargaining, he knew that he was obviously unreasonable in this kind of thing.

After all, the price he gave was a bit too low, but his own money wasn't much, and it would only be one-seventh of Asma's future bounty.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yan felt that it was better to leave this issue to Sara to think about on her own, as long as it was not too much.

"Okay, how much do you want?" Xia Yan asked helplessly: "Don't go too far, got it?"

"You...you let me choose by myself?" Sarah blinked. She already knew that Xia Yan had misunderstood, so there was nothing wrong with making mistakes: "Four million taels, what do you think?"

"Four million taels?" This time it was Xia Yan's turn to be stunned for a moment, and then he immediately said: "Deal, I will give it to you the next time I come here!"

At this moment, Xia Yan finally knew that he seemed to have underestimated how poor the queen was.

The purchasing power of four million taels, if converted into the yen of Xia Yan's previous life and the money of his own country, is probably about twenty W.

The money he had saved during his five-year ANBU career, excluding the purchase of some necessary equipment, was about five million taels.

Not too much, not too little, but the queen seemed very excited.

Xia Yan knew that he was being tricked, but he didn't care. After all, no matter how you look at it, he earned it with blood...


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