After completing the transaction with Sara, Xia Yan had completed part of his planned plan in Loulan.

With the help of the Queen of Loulan, Xia Yan no longer needs to worry about his excessive consumption of supplies during this period of time.

And with this queen helping to look after the dragon's veins, Xia Yan can spend more time where he needs to spend it.

For example, he gave information about treating Sarah's serious illness.

Xia Yan can be considered a layman when it comes to medical ninjutsu. Even if his constitution allows him to recover quickly after being injured.

However, he has never had any specific and standardized training in medical ninjutsu, and he rarely even reads information on this aspect.

However, Xia Yan dared to make such a promise because he had some ideas, or he planned to conduct some purposeful and very valuable experiments.

His Thousand Hands Secret Technique gives him the ability to extract the essence, the life force, of trees so that it can be condensed into seeds.

Xia Yan was thinking about what if he extracted this vitality but did not condense the seeds, and just used it as pure vitality.

So, can this be used as a medical ninjutsu to directly focus the vitality into other people's bodies?

Xia Yan has actually had this idea for a long time, and he has quite a few ideas.

For example, can he give the fruits that he has grown that he does not need to other people for consumption?

And after others take it, how to control these people who have taken it so that they will not cause any harm to themselves.

For example, the fruit contains Natsuhiko's own chakra, how can he use this chakra to counterattack.

These are the things he thinks and considers, and he can only consider these before he has no other means.

"It would be great if I had a Zanpakutō, or if I were from the Uchiha clan, I could have a Kyouka Suigetsu."

There is no need to think about the Zanpakutō. There are shinigami in this world, but they are completely different from the group of guys in my memory.

And the "Jinghua Years" thing gives Xia Yan the same feeling as other gods. I am afraid it is also a thing that must wait for the kaleidoscope before he can have it.

Therefore, it is not feasible for him to silently change the other party's consciousness and stance from a spiritual level, so he can only use some simpler and more convenient methods.

But he only thought about giving the fruit to others, and he didn't even have the ability to do the experiment.

The reason is very simple, that is, his own chakra is not enough. How can he cultivate it for others to use, and still use it as a fruit?

There was no way to deal with the fruit, but he could give it a try by extracting the vitality.

After all, it doesn’t cost much.

"And once I succeed, I will have a trump card again."

Once you have mastered this ability, whether you are saving others or saving yourself, this is like a trump card.

Although his body's self-healing ability is very strong, is it as strong as the direct infusion of life?

After thinking about it, the answer Xia Yan got was no, and he now has similar abilities, and this time he has such a good experimental subject.

If you are not sure about this, then Xia Yanke is a little stupid.

Therefore, in the following time, Xia Yan's life seemed to be very regular.

Sarah obviously still recognizes the reality very clearly, and the promise Xia Yan gave her also gave her hope.

Therefore, she will carefully observe and feel the changes in the dragon's veins every day, and will use the letter eagle to inform Xia Yan.

This made Xia Yan no longer need to keep his eyes in Loulan all the time, so he could concentrate on observing the situation of the two trees and the experiment of extracting vitality.

Along with his experiments, the animals in this oasis suffered.

Before using it on people, Xia Yan naturally needs to conduct experiments on animals. He has no crazy plans to capture some random people and use them for experiments.

Of course, he wouldn't feel this way if it were an enemy.

But he seemed to be hiding so well, there were no enemies in this area at all!

"Sometimes running too fast is not a good thing."

Xia Yan thought with self-deprecation, and to be honest, the results of his experiment were not very satisfactory.

He could indeed extract the life force from the trees without discovering the seeds.

And he can also control these powers and pour them into the injured animals' bodies.

However, the result is that he has no way to properly control this infusion, and the life force he extracted seems to contain something else.

The result was that once he poured these powers into the animals, almost none of them survived a day, and sprouts began to sprout on their bodies.

That’s right, it’s germination!

Xia Yan himself was shocked by this scene, let alone he could understand what these animals were saying.

That kind of painful wailing made Xia Yan shudder, even though they enjoyed it at first.

Two days later, these animals that Xia Yan injected with the vitality of the trees turned directly into pieces of wood.

"It's still completely turned into a piece of wood, and I can't even eat it."

For a moment, Xia Yan doubted whether he had drawn the power of nature.

Or maybe there is some uncertain but extremely pure power similar to Senju Hashirama among the trees?

Xia Yan didn't know this. He tried to analyze the life force extracted from the trees.

But unfortunately, he did realize that there were some forces that were not suitable for life, but he had no way to remove them.

"At least, not now."

Xia Yan sighed slightly. He still couldn't think of any solution for a week, which made him feel helpless.

He has a feeling that it may be because his bloodline is not developed enough, so he cannot control all this well, right?

After all, extracting life force is considered the power of his bloodline, right? The primary bloodline power can only be extracted, but cannot be returned back?

Xia Yan touched his chin. If this was the case, he might have to break the appointment.

Because there is no way to control such a power, once it acts on Sarah, Xia Yan is absolutely certain that the fate of this woman will not be any better than the animals he used for experiments.

This was not what Xia Yan wanted to happen, and this result really made him feel extremely depressed.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Xia Yan thought about this issue for a whole day.

And after watching a wild boar turn into a block of wood after he injected life force into it, he was basically sure that he really had no choice.

Faced with such a helpless situation, Xia Yan felt that he really didn't have any good solutions.

The matter of breaking the appointment made him feel a little difficult to deal with. After all, he had always considered himself a person with a moral bottom line.

Even if this moral bottom line seems a bit too flexible, it can be stretched up and down repeatedly.

But once the issue of interests is involved, the moral bottom line is still relatively solid, unless he had no intention of fulfilling his promise from the beginning.

Xia Yan really feels helpless now. He has been in this oasis for two weeks, but he has no choice.

And according to Sarah, the activity of the dragon vein is getting higher and higher now, so it won't be long before he can get some of what he wants.

It can be said that time is really running out now.


"It seems that the captain is in big trouble."

At the border between the Kingdom of Rivers and the Kingdom of Wind, Kakashi wore a black wig and took off his mask, pretending to be an ordinary person and wandering around the city.

Ever since he separated from Xia Yan, he brought Ye Cang here.

It's just that this time he didn't completely listen to Natsuhiko's words, and he didn't take Ye Cang back to Konoha.

Instead, he chose to wait for Xia Yan at this place where the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of River must pass.

After what Obito and Lin had gone through, Kakashi really didn't want someone who recognized him and whom he recognized to encounter such a misfortune again.

To be honest, he really wanted to support Xia Yan, but he forced himself to resist such an impulse.

Xia Yan owns the Flying Thunder God, and his one-on-one escape ability is much stronger than taking him with him.

Moreover, they also caught a Sunagakure blood successor ninja. I am afraid that Xia Yan would never allow him to throw away such a big fish.

Therefore, Kakashi could only stay here honestly, he did not dare to act rashly.

And because of its unique geographical environment, this city allowed Kakashi to get a lot of news from the Kingdom of Wind, so he chose to stay here.

But the news he got during this period was obviously not good news.

Sunagakure Village is obviously chasing someone, and their intensity is also very strong.

Even the ninja army guarding the border actually took action.

Kakashi didn't need to think too much to know that all of this was probably coming to his captain, Natsuhiko!

And as he continued to inquire about information in this city, Kakashi also unexpectedly obtained some information.

It's just that this information made him feel incredible but also natural, and at the same time, it made him extremely worried.

When Natsuhiko faced the head of Sunagakure Anbu Ebizo, he actually killed at least six of his men in one confrontation.

And in the process of escaping, he killed more than five teams?

And in the following time, Sunagakure was constantly attacked by him and finally returned to the Pure Land.

It is difficult for Kakashi to tell whether these news are true or false, after all, these are rumors.

However, Kakashi did remember what Natsuhi said when he and Natsuhi were chatting.

Only the news that the Hokage's office has not denied is the most trustworthy news.

Kakashi originally thought this was a joke, but now he really can't believe it.

The rumors outside have reached this point, but Sunagakure Village has never come forward. Is there really something wrong here?

Or is it that Sunagakure Village wants to wait until they have completely caught Xia Yan before promoting it?

Kakashi sighed helplessly, and walked all the way towards the hut where he was currently hiding.

After politely greeting the tenants around him, Kakashi returned to the room.

Looking at Ye Cang who was still unconscious and tied up so that he couldn't move at all, Kakashi calmed his expression and sighed helplessly.

If it weren't for this woman, he would now want to return to the Kingdom of Wind and help his captain share the pressure...


"Okay, you've passed the inspection."

At the other end of the city, a guard ninja from Sunagakure looked at the group of businessmen in front of him, and finally stamped their passes.

The border is now under full security and it is not easy to enter and exit at will.

However, there is no problem with the records of these people in front of them, and there are signatures of some senior ninjas from Sunagakure Village, so this makes the guarding ninjas even more reassured.

"Thank you, sir." A businessman smiled and said to the ninja: "Sir, why are you so strict now? Are those rumors..."

"Just listen to those things." The guard ninja glanced at the man in front of him, and then shook his head: "These things have nothing to do with you, all you have to do is do your own thing, don't ask too much, got it? ?”

"Yes, yes, sir!" The businessman immediately became a little frightened: "I understand, sir."

"Let's go." The guarding ninja waved his hand impatiently, and then asked the group to leave here quickly.

This group of people passed the checkpoint under the urging of the guarding ninjas, and then officially entered the land of the Kingdom of Wind.

The expression of the businessman who still looked a little frightened remained the same, but after they walked far enough away.

His expression also returned to calmness, and the panic look before was no longer visible.

He looked back at the checkpoint and the looming ninja troops formed into small groups in the distance, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Mr. Minister, it seems that Captain Nightingale has caused more trouble than expected this time." After observing for a while, he slowly said: "The inspection is so intense, I'm afraid I just don't want him to leave, and I don't want him to leave either." Go in and find him?"

"None of these things have anything to do with us." Murashima Takumi slowly pulled down the gauze covering his face, and said in an unusually indifferent tone: "We have our mission, and Nightingale has Nightingale's mission. Do you understand? ?”

I'm afraid the ninja at the previous checkpoint would never have dreamed that among the group of merchants he just checked, there would be the Konoha ANBU Minister!

Murashima Takumi still looked calm, and it seemed that he had not had any emotional changes at all because of entering the Kingdom of Wind.

This time he received a mission, a mission personally assigned by the Third Hokage!

Xia Yan had done something like this in the Kingdom of Wind. It would be a pity if he didn't make good use of it.

It's just that only Takumi Murashima knows about this mission, and other ninjas don't know much about it at all.

"Mr. Minister, our mission..."

"Assisting the Nightingales to leave is just assisting in other aspects. My goal is Ebizo."


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