Standing in the Tower of Thousands, looking at the dragon vein chakra that was constantly rolling and its aura became more and more obvious, he couldn't help but smile.

He doesn't know that what he caused actually caused Konoha to see an opportunity, and ruled out guys like Takumi Murashima to come over and try to attack Ebizo.

After all, the old man Ebizo is the ANBU chief of Sunagakure Village, and the secrets he holds will probably make the entire ninja world moved.

I am afraid that no matter who encounters such an opportunity, he will not miss it, because Ebizo is too dangerous.

Quietly looking at the roaring dragon veins, he received a notification from Sarah early this morning - the queen already knew where Xia Yan was hiding.

From the notification, it seems that Dragon Vein has reached its most violent point.

And Sara could clearly feel that the surging chakra was getting more and more solid.

This immediately cheered up Xia Yan. Although he was extremely depressed about having his life force extracted, he was still happy that there was progress in other aspects.

And Xia Yan also decided that if the matter was not settled before he left, then he would choose a showdown.

After all, he is a man with a flexible moral bottom line, and he has no intention of deceiving the queen Sarah.

At worst, he will study hard when he goes back and come over to help next time.

"Just doing this will make the queen passive and slow down."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Dragon Vein Chakra.

The dragon vein is indeed about to come out at this time, but the chakra that comes out is not much, and it is nothing compared to the huge dragon vein.

Moreover, because this chakra is constantly being consumed by the seal, it even feels like 'scarred all over'.

But this is more in line with Xia Yan's requirements. He is really afraid of the dragon vein chakra that is too strong.

"Thank you for your help, Her Majesty the Queen." Xia Yan smiled and nodded to Sara: "With these chakras, I think my goal has been achieved this time."

"We just each take what we need." Sarah shook her head and sighed: "I just hope that you can keep your promise, that's all."

Faced with such an answer, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little dumb. Fortunately, he was wearing a mask and Sarah couldn't see his expression at all.

After nodding casually, Xia Yan simply squatted down.

He has noticed that the movement of this chakra is getting louder and louder, and the seal seems to be becoming more and more intolerable to its mania.

Taking a deep breath, the chakra in Xia Yan's body began to surge in just a moment.

The quantity of his chakra is not large, but his quality is very high.

And in order to avoid all possible troubles, at this moment, red eye shadow appeared on his face under the mask!

"It's now!"

Xia Yan, whose perception was always shrouded in a seal, suddenly stretched out his hand, and blue chakra began to condense in his hand.

At this moment, a powerful chakra brought Mr. Run out of the seal violently!

It's just that they were very unlucky. They bumped into Xia Yan's hand as soon as they came out.

At this moment, Xia Yan began to activate the sealing technique. The seal he chose was the same as the Fourth Hokage, which was the Four Elephant Seal!

In Natsuhiko's memory, when Namikaze Minato sealed the half-length Nine-Tails into Naruto's body, he actually used the Eight Trigrams seal.

The corpse seal is to accurately divide the Yin attribute of the Nine Tails, and then seal it into one's own body.

The Bagua seal is composed of two double seals of the Four Elephants seal, which is somewhat similar to the seal in front of Xia Yan.

It's just that the overlap of the seal in front of him is higher than that of the Bagua seal, so Xia Yan didn't think that this thing was a Bagua seal.

"And this seal, to be honest, is not as strong as the Bagua seal."

Perhaps when Namikaze Minato sealed the dragon veins, the sealing technique had not yet reached the level of sealing the Nine Tails in the future.

Therefore, the overlap of this seal is not very high to be honest, which is why Xia Yan can find opportunities to destroy the seal.

But these are not important, what is important is that he has to deal with this chakra well now!

The overflowing Dragon Vein Chakra immediately felt a huge threat before he could be happy that he had broken free from the cage.

A force full of natural aura locked onto it, and a terrifying attraction pulled it crazily!

The dragon vein chakra that spilled out roared, even if it was only a small part, it was full of power.

In an instant, the upper part of the Thousand Towers was shattered.

The falling gravel formed a sky full of yellow sand under the influence of the roaring chakra shadow, and it swept the entire tower like a sandstorm!

Xia Yan frowned. Although this environment was a bit too bad, he had no intention of stopping.

Lines of spells appeared on his hands, and then they continued to spread towards these dragon vein chakras.

These dragon vein chakras are resisting and struggling with all their strength, but their resistance is still suppressed by Xia Yan's celestial chakra combined with the sealing technique.

Time passed little by little, the storm began to slowly subside, and the overflowing dragon vein chakra slowly became more honest.

This change also made Xia Yan slightly relieved. It has to be said that the struggle of these chakras is really strong enough.

Fortunately, he turned on the Sage Mode directly from the beginning. With the assistance of the Intermediate Sage Mode, he was able to control the chakra so quickly.

Otherwise, he didn't know if he could bear it.

"But I can't sustain it for that long in my current state, so I'd better end it as soon as possible."

Xia Yan knew that he might not be able to last long in his current sage mode, because his chakra was really too big.

This also made Natsuhiko sigh a little. Chuunin-level chakra was really too stretched.

Although combat effectiveness is not necessarily based on chakra, not having enough chakra is indeed not the same thing.

In his current state, he can only hold on for five to ten minutes at most before dying.

"But after this time, I believe my chakra won't be so uncomfortable anymore!"

Gritting his teeth, Xia Yan began to increase his strength. At this moment, the dragon vein chakra that originally spilled out began to rotate along with the black curse seals.

This rotation began to become faster and faster, and began to become more and more intense. The escaped dragon vein chakra began to enter Xia Yan's body under the guidance of the sealing technique.

Sara has been staring at Xia Yan. She can clearly feel the unwillingness of the dragon's chakra, and she can also feel that the chakra is starting to decrease.

Finally, with the last blast of wind, the overflowing dragon vein chakra completely dissipated.

At this moment, a strange sealing technique also appeared on Xia Yan's lower abdomen under his clothes.

Even if he didn't look at it, he would know that this was the completion of the four-image seal.

And these spilled dragon vein chakras have been sealed by him!



Sara looked at the dragon vein chakra that had completely dissipated, and Xia Yan who had squatted down to rearrange the seal, and she couldn't help but murmured softly.

Indeed, it is all over.

As Xia Yan reintegrated the seal, the originally manic Dragon Vein Chuck was also suppressed.

At this moment, the Tower of Thousands once again returned to its former tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, it's done." Xia Yan took a deep breath: "Although it's a bit troublesome, I have to say it's over for now."

"Then do I want to congratulate you?" Sara turned her head and focused her eyes on Xia Yan: "You finally got what you wanted?"

"Although there is nothing wrong with saying that, for now, my long-cherished wish has not been completely fulfilled."

Although Xia Yan felt a little tired, he still maintained a gentle attitude and said.

"Also, please rest assured that there will be no problem with my promise. I have my own moral bottom line."

Even this moral bottom line is a bit too flexible.

After Xia Yan silently made a mental decision, he also began to seriously feel the Dragon Vein Chakra in his body.

The Four Symbols Seal is still very good, and these dragon vein chakras may not be able to compare with the power of the Nine Tails.

At least the chakra spilled out was incomparable.

The result is that the chakra in Xia Yan's body is sealed very well by him.

Although these chakras seem to have lost the suppression of the immortal mode, which makes them not very honest.

That manic aura showed up again, but being trapped by the four-image seal, they couldn't leave the siege even if they were dishonest.

This result made Xia Yan completely relieved. He didn't want to have a bomb sealed in his body that was completely disobedient and could cause problems at any time.

"It's just a little bit less, but no matter how you look at it, it's more than I can use myself!"

The amount of chakra intercepted by Xia Yan was indeed not that much, especially after spending so many days with the sealing technique, the amount was naturally not satisfactory.

But no matter what, this is much more chakra than Xia Yan himself can use.

And the quality of this chakra is also very strong. How can Xia Yan not be happy?

But soon, Xia Yan's expression changed slightly.

Because he suddenly discovered that these chakras began to be extracted.

The sealing technique seems to have failed at this moment, and it seems that these chakras are not found to be 'escaped'.

The chakra left the seal directly, then entered Xia Yan's body and poured into his heart.

This discovery made him look a little ugly, but when he noticed the direction of these chakras, he seemed to calm down.

The position of the heart is where he planted those seeds. Could it be that the chakra directly entered his own seeds?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but close his eyes. The next moment, he did feel the chakra of those dragon veins, and he had indeed entered his planting area!

"Ignoring the seal directly, was it transferred directly by the system?"

Xia Yan looked a little strange. He knew that his system was somewhat powerful, but it could still extract the sealed power, which made Xia Yan somewhat unexpected.

However, this kind of extraction is also helping him to plant seeds, so Xia Yan naturally cannot complain.

Although he was a little depressed that he had just contributed the chakra he had just obtained.

But he was even more delighted, because this would definitely save him a lot of time, and he found that the amount extracted this way was not much!

"No matter how you look at it, it's not a bad thing, it's even a good thing for me!"

Xia Yan blinked. He now looked at his panel impatiently to see if there were any new changes.

After all, before he came here, all his seeds had inexplicably grown at a higher level because of the promotion of the captain.

In particular, the growth rate of jounin chakra seeds has reached 99%, and it is possible to complete the harvest at any time.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan was no longer willing to stay in this tower. He turned his head to look at Sara and said softly.

"I am very grateful to Her Majesty the Queen for her help. I would not have been able to do this without Her Majesty.

But now I need to go back and get used to my new power. Her Majesty knows where I am.

I think Her Majesty the Queen can come to see me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. "

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Sarah frowned when she heard this, and then she nodded slightly: "I understand, I just hope that when I go there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Your Excellency is still there."

"Don't worry, Her Majesty the Queen." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "I said, I have my moral bottom line."

After saying this, Xia Yan directly activated the Flying Thunder God and left the place.

Although he can also take a good look at it here, after all, this thing is completely within his retina and cannot be noticed by others.

But he had long been accustomed to observing these things alone in a deserted place, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so.

Everyone has their own secrets, and the attitude towards secrets is a very important thing.

Xia Yan's departure did not cause Sara to think too much, and it was obvious that this was not the first time she had seen this scene.

And now she still hopes that Xia Yan, this guy, will not break the contract.

After all, for her, she only hopes that her people can have a bright future.

Xia Yan, who left the Tower of Thousands through the Flying Thunder God, returned to the oasis almost as quickly as possible.

For him, getting Dragon Vein Chakra was simply something that made him extremely happy.

Especially now that his seed may have a breakthrough, how could he not feel happy?

After using his senses to explore the surroundings outside the oasis, Xia Yan dodged and came directly to the place where he temporarily lived.

Although no one from Sunagakure Village has come here yet, Xia Yan will never forget the necessary caution.

What he never expected was that when he got close to the tree where he had stuffed Senju Hashirama's meat, the system in his mind suddenly rang.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analyzing data, broken power of Asura."



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