"The broken power of Asura?"

When Xia Yan saw this name, he couldn't help but be stunned, because this name really made him have too many reveries.

But one thing that is certain is that the piece of meat Xia Yan found is definitely Senju Hashirama's!

But he also had a lot of doubts in his heart, because this was the first time he got something other than seeds.

In addition, he was also wondering whether the method he tried could indeed cultivate the seeds he wanted on a large scale.

However, this idea only existed for a few seconds before it was immediately shattered.

Because he didn't extract any seeds at all from the tree where he sealed the earth attribute chakra.

Even if he used the Thousand Hands Secret Technique to extract it, he could not extract anything except vitality.

"It seems that this approach is either random to a certain extent, or there is no possibility at all."

Xia Yan touched his chin. These were the only two explanations he could think of now.

But no matter whether these explanations were reasonable or not, he didn't have time to think more. He had more important things to do now.

The chakra in his body shook slightly. Xia Yan put his hand on the tree, and in an instant, dark green light appeared on his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yan felt a special force entering his body crazily.

This power is completely different from the power Xia Yan has come into contact with before, because this power is somewhat different from the existence of chakra.

And in this power, Xia Yan seemed to feel a strong vitality!

With the entry of this power, at this moment, he seemed to feel obvious fluctuations in his body.

Both his muscles and his chakra had undergone unimaginable changes.


Suddenly, Xia Yan's expression became distorted.

As more and more of these forces enter, the changes in his body become greater and greater.

Along with this change, a severe pain also appeared.

The pain seemed very mild at first, but gradually the pain began to increase geometrically.

The pain that seemed to come from the soul was simply unbearable for Xia Yan!

As an ANBU, he has a very high tolerance for pain.

But this was the first time he had encountered such pain, and he even felt like he was going to faint.

However, Xia Yan still gritted his teeth to prevent himself from actually passing out. Although his body was in great pain, the strange thing was that the more the pain deepened, the more he could feel that his body seemed to be getting stronger.

"What is going on? Even if Asura's broken power wants to improve my physical fitness, it won't be like this, right?"

Xia Yan still gritted his teeth and persisted, but his heart was not so peaceful.

He has never felt that his physical fitness is not good enough. You must know that he has planted countless seeds since he was a child to improve his basic attributes.

In addition, he himself is from the Thousand Hands clan, and his physical fitness has always been very strong.

He sometimes felt that as his body continued to grow, even if he couldn't compare to a pervert like Senju Hashirama, at least he wouldn't be too far behind, right?

But now he discovered that if it was just the broken power of Asura, it would have such an effect.

So how terrifying is the complete power of Asura that belongs exclusively to Senju Hashirama?

Or to put it another way, how terrifying was Asura, the ancestor of their Thousand Hands Clan?

Gritting his teeth, Xia Yan silently endured everything.

Fortunately, the pain did not last long.

In less than five minutes, this force was completely integrated into his body, and the pain stopped at this moment.

"Is it finally over?"

Xia Yan gasped and sat up slowly. Although the pain in his body had not completely dissipated, the pain from his soul still echoed in his body.

But he has now regained some mobility, and his body's recovery is better than imagined.

He raised his hand and looked at his still white arm. There was no black mud on it at all, which made him feel relieved.

"However, it seems that my chakra has become more and stronger?"

Silently feeling his own situation, even though he was still very weak, he also noticed that his changes seemed to be exaggerated.

The chakra that was originally insufficient seemed to be no longer insufficient at this moment. Instead, he felt like he had too much chakra!

Beyond that, his base attributes seem to have been enhanced once again.

Whether it is his strength or speed, or his body coordination and reaction speed, they have all been greatly improved.

All these changes made Xia Yan a little stunned. He didn't know what happened.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yan directly opened his panel. Maybe he can find the answer here!

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Elite Jonin (system judgment without using any ability) (Kage level chakra reserve)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique)

Seed: None

Fruit: Advanced Chakra Fruit, Advanced Earth Release Fruit, Advanced Water Release Fruit, Elementary Wood Release Fruit (Advanced Water Release, Earth Release, and Yang Release are required to control to take effect)

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (11% progress)

Xia Yan blinked, thinking he had seen it wrong.

When he took a closer look at his system panel again, he was completely silent.

What's happening here?

The level rating given by the system has reached the level of elite jounin?

And that’s without counting your immortal mode, flying thunder god and other spells?

The most important thing is that his chakra has actually become a shadow-level chakra reserve assessed by the system?

In addition, all of his fruits are actually ripe?

Although the ripeness of the fruit was not beyond Xia Yan's expectation, after all, it had been planted for so long and the maturity level had reached over ninety-five.

No matter how you look at it, a wave of maturity is a reasonable thing.

But it was so easy to complete it all, Xia Yan himself felt like he was dreaming.

Of course, these are not the key. The key is that he actually has an extra wood escape fruit in the fruit column?

"Moreover, the development level of bloodline has actually reached the intermediate level. This..."

Xia Yan watched all this in silence for a long time, and suddenly he felt that his fist was so hard that he couldn't bear it.

If I'm not mistaken, his direct ascension this time is absolutely inseparable from the piece of meat in Senju Hashirama!

Who is Senju Hashirama?

That is the chakra reincarnation of Asura!

What Xia Yan obtained through this operation was only the broken power of Asura. After all, Senju Hashirama had been dead for so long.

I'm afraid his strength has almost evaporated, and it's good to have a little bit left.

And the improvement brought about by this little bit is something Xia Yan can hardly imagine!

"Sure enough, this world is still a world of blood."

Xia Yan endured it for a long time, and finally let his fist soften, and then he lay directly on the ground.

He knew that it would be useless no matter how hard his fist was, because it was a coincidence that he could get the meat of Senju Hashirama.

Without his previous series of planting and gaining enough strength, he would never have been able to get the Lizard Pills, nor would he have had the chance to kill Nanmu.

In this case, he probably wouldn't even need to consider whether he could get Senju Hashirama's meat.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan no longer struggled with this issue, but began to think about other, more valuable things.

The world of Naruto is essentially a world that places great importance on blood.

Only by having a strong enough bloodline can one continue to move forward in this world.

Although this world still gives ordinary people a real opportunity to reach the top.

But on the way to the top, it is difficult for ordinary people to beat these guys with blood no matter what.

"However, this does give me an idea."

Sitting up again, Xia Yan raised his hand, and chakra began to condense in his hand.

Along with this condensation, something like a fruit appeared in his hand.

“Bloodline is indeed important, and it is also the one that can improve me the fastest at this stage.

And with this experience, can I think that I can improve the development of my bloodline through the reincarnation of Asura?

Moreover, in addition to Asura, I can't find the power of Indra, so can I wait for more power? "

Looking at the fruit appearing in his hand, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

If this is the case, then Natsuhiko can, to some extent, trace his bloodline power back to Otsutsuki Hagoromo's level!

After all, the power of this Six Paths Sage is actually the combination of the power of Indra and Asura.

I just want to achieve this step, it is not difficult but the time span is a bit long.

After all, it may take sixteen years to wait for the new generation of saviors to awaken their power.

And in these sixteen years, he must have a good relationship with these two saviors.

Otherwise, even if you want to get something, it may not be a simple matter.

“In addition, the improvement of chakra needs to continue.

Although I have now liberated my chakra because I did not plant seeds, it is obvious that I still need more seeds.

Whether it is fire escape, thunder escape, or wind escape, these are extremely chakra consuming. "

Xia Yan thought calmly. He was not overly excited because of the sudden improvement in his strength.

Although he is indeed very excited now, after all, he has obtained things like Mu Dun and Yang Dun!

But knowing how far those gods in the future have reached, he really doesn't think his strength has any effect.

And Xia Yan himself is not sure whether there are other levels of seeds above the high-level seeds.

What's more, his Immortal Mode has not yet reached the advanced level, and Wood Dun and Yang Dun are both beginners, so he still has a long way to go!

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan looked at the fruit in his hand, and then he stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Suddenly, a bitter taste filled his taste buds, but Xia Yan did keep smiling this time...


Two days later, in an oasis a few kilometers away from Loulan City, Xia Yan's hands glowed green and he continuously introduced chakra into Sara's body.

Sarah closed her eyes tightly, and as the green light continued to enter, her face began to look better and better.

Not only that, under the shroud of Xia Yan's perception, the situation in her body was also constantly improving, and her poor body was corrected by this majestic vitality!

In two days, Xia Yan's changes could be said to be completely different.

Two days ago, he had no way of controlling the life force extracted from the trees.

But when he unexpectedly gained the broken power of Asura, everything became different.

To be honest, Xia Yan didn't know much about the elementary Yang Escape secret technique, but as he practiced it, he roughly understood what it meant.

There is no doubt that trees contain a huge amount of life force.

These vitalities can be regarded as a manifestation of Yang Escape, but the components of these Yang Escape are very complex.

Some are suitable for life, and some are completely harmful to life.

When Xia Yan was at the primary bloodline level, there was no way to subdivide these components.

Even if he noticed it, he could only pour it into the bodies of other beings.

This also caused those harmful ingredients to grow crazily in the living body, and used their flesh and blood as food, and finally turned into plants directly!

But things are different now. With the elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique, Xia Yan can accurately grasp these things, distinguish them, and even fuse them to make them harmless in the true sense.

Although this is only the most basic one, Xia Yancai only discovered how to use it.

But this is enough to solve his current troubles. Moreover, these things are very valuable for development. Xia Yan still has a long way to go.

"It's alright, Her Majesty." When the green chakra slowly dissipated in Xia Yan's hands, he said to Sara in a gentle voice: "I think Her Majesty the Queen should also feel it, right?"

"Thank you for your treatment. I do feel better." Sarah felt the condition of her body and said with a smile.

Indeed, now she can clearly feel that her body has become unusually relaxed.

The pain caused by the serious illness seemed to disappear at this moment.

She hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time, and this feeling made her extremely comfortable.

"That's good. I'll need more help from the queen in the days when I'm not here." Xia Yan said to her with a smile: "After all, dragon veins are still very important to me."

"I understand. As long as you keep your promise, I will definitely keep my promise." Sara nodded seriously, and then she seemed to notice something: "Sir, are you planning to leave?"

"Well, yes." Xia Yan smiled and looked into the distance: "I am planning to leave. After all, I have been out for so long..."

"It's time to go back..."


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