After leaving Loulan, Xia Yan set off towards the Country of River without any hesitation.

This trip to Loulan has already brought him enough harvest.

Even this kind of harvest has completely exceeded his expectations!

Originally, what he wanted was to get the chakra of the dragon vein and see if he could get something good from the Senju Hashirama meat.

Finally, you need to check whether the chakra fruit is mature so that you can have more chakra to face all kinds of troubles.

But now, Xia Yan has not only solved the chakra problem - although he will definitely still plant it in the future, at least now his chakra is at its peak!

In addition, he also unexpectedly obtained the most important thing to the Thousand Hands Clan, which was the Wood Release.

On the surface, Wood Release has disappeared from the ninja world, but behind the scenes, Xia Yan knows that there are still some people who can use Wood Release.

However, the sad thing is that none of these people are members of the Thousand Hands Clan.

Xia Yan, a descendant of the Thousand Hands with strong roots, got Mudun. You can imagine how exciting it was for the Thousand Hands clan.

Yes, Natsuhiko did intend to reveal this matter, but only to Senju Xiangma.

Sometimes the value of a secret lies not only in keeping it secret, but in revealing it to certain people so that the secret can become something more beneficial.

"However, the requirements for wood escape are really high. In addition to the advanced earth escape chakra and advanced wood escape chakra, it also requires the cooperation of Yang escape to use it."

As Xia Yan hurried on, he silently thought to himself. Actually, if you think about it carefully, this is quite normal.

The reason why Wood Release is powerful and can resist Susanoo, the ultimate product of Yin Release, is probably because it is superior to the ultimate Yang Release.

If there is no strong Yang Dun to cooperate with, I am afraid that the value of Wood Dun is not as high as imagined.

For specific circumstances, you can actually refer to Yamato's Wood Release.

To be honest, Xia Yan felt that the reason why Yamato's Wood Release became a 'Master of Architecture' was probably because he did not have enough Yang Release to exert the power of Wood Release.

With Xia Yan's current Wood Escape power, he couldn't try it in all aspects. After all, he didn't have any information in this area.

Even if he had this information, he would never use it blatantly.

He planned to keep it and take it out after finding a suitable reality.

But even if he doesn't have the information now and doesn't plan to use it blatantly, he also has some more interesting ideas.

Those are seeds. Xia Yan found that even if he couldn't make branches now, he could make some tree seeds.

These tree species are completely condensed by his chakra, and can cover all around him silently.

After several attempts, Xia Yan was basically able to use this technique quantitatively, which was a great improvement in his combat effectiveness!

This almost allowed him to face enemies with ease that he would have found difficult before.


Silently and quickly traveling through the Kingdom of Wind, the dazzling sunlight drew a long figure in the desert.

Xia Yan has left Loulan for almost five days, and he has been on the road during these five days.

I don't know if his previous performance was too deceptive, but he didn't encounter a single ninja along the way.

This actually made Xia Yan a little depressed, because he was almost at the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Rivers.

But at this moment, Xia Yan suddenly noticed something and raised his head slightly.

A tamed falcon flew across the sky quickly, its sharp and unusual piercing sound.

Along with this cry, he clearly felt that many people were coming in his direction, which made him laugh a little.

"Finally here."

Xia Yan muttered something softly, and then he didn't care about the ninjas coming over and continued to move forward.

He really didn't plan to go back so easily. He also wanted to test what he had obtained.

And he has not forgotten that Ye Cang is now in the hands of Kakashi. If nothing unexpected happens, Kakashi should take Ye Cang back to Konoha.

Xia Yan has some understanding of Ye Cang's situation, but he still needs to know more.

This requires the support of intelligence. After all, it is difficult for him to make plans without enough intelligence.

If everything goes well, maybe he can get more benefits and chips.


Just as Xia Yan continued to walk forward silently, suddenly countless kunai flew towards him in an instant.

These kunai completely covered Xia Yan with the sound of breaking through the air. Xia Yan looked at all this indifferently, and then the majestic chakra surged out from the seal he made with one hand in an instant.

If it were before, I'm afraid he would have chosen to use the teleportation technique to escape from this area.

But it was different now. Without seeds to contain his chakra, he could use a simpler method.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

Following his seal, a huge earth wall suddenly rose from the ground!

Moreover, on this earth wall, Xia Yan also carved a huge lizard head with five beads in a very wicked way. This is the image of Lizard Maru.

Under the protection of this huge earth wall, all the kunai were unable to break through. They were all inserted into this thick earth wall one by one.


Suddenly, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and the next moment he jumped up and avoided the earth wall he built.

Just after he jumped up, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and a strong explosion stirred up yellow sand all over the sky. Xia Yan's earthen wall was also blown down at this moment!

Detonating Talisman, it was obvious that these sand ninjas who came to chase Xia Yan all used detonating talismans, and these sand ninjas were obviously very experienced. They launched another attack the moment Xia Yan landed.

"Wind Release·Hao Kong Cannon!"

"Wind Release·Wind Cut!"

"Wind Release·Wind Blowing Cut!"

Several wind escape ninjutsus bombed directly at Xia Yan without any pause, and the wild sand in the sky seemed even more crazy at this moment.

It can be seen that these sand ninjas are obviously a group of people with very good coordination ability. If they are ordinary ninjas, they may not be able to withstand this round of bombing.

However, it is a pity that they chose the wrong opponent, especially this opponent is still in a state where chakra has just been completely liberated!

"It's really interesting. I just wish there were more people. After all, this is a rare opportunity to squander chakra."

Feeling the manic chakra coming with the strong wind, Xia Yan showed a smile on his lips.

Along with his smile, a touch of red eye shadow instantly appeared on his face under the mask...


"Report, a flare was found in the northeast direction, and strong chakra fluctuations were detected."

In the Sand Hidden Village stronghold on the border between the River Country and the Wind Country, a ninja quickly reported everything he discovered to Chiyo and others.

This place was originally just an ordinary Sunagakure stronghold. There were many such strongholds on the border between the two countries.

But with the occurrence of this incident, this stronghold occupying an excellent geographical location instantly turned into a small headquarters.

Not only are there a lot of ANBU ninjas gathered in this stronghold, but even the perception team has come here. Even Chiyo and some captains are here waiting for news.

In fact, everyone is confused as to why Chiyo has to come to this place. According to her level, she does not need to participate in this operation.

But Chiyo's level is too high. As the elder of Sunagakure Village, he is also the leader of the puppet class.

It can be said that except for Kazekage, almost no one can surpass her in level.

Even people from the ANBU must listen to her honestly. You must know that the head of the ANBU is her brother.

"Did you find that guy?" Chiyo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

They had not received any information for such a long time, which made them wonder if the nightingale from Konoha had run away.

If this guy runs away, it's really not a good thing for Sunagakure, and it's also not a good thing for Chiyo.

According to Ebizo's tips, Chiyo is now very interested in capturing Nightingale.

She believed what her brother said. This Nightingale might really know a lot of information about Scorpion.

"Very good, then send troops for reinforcements." After thinking quickly, Chiyo immediately said: "Everyone knows that that guy is suspected of mastering the Flying Thunder God Technique. You must be careful about this, and you must also be careful. We can’t let him run away!”

"Yes, our troops will set off immediately." The commander in the stronghold replied loudly, and then left without looking back.

The garrison troops have already received the mission, although not many people can actually be sent there, because they need to bear the responsibility of defense.

But having these people as a check would definitely not make that nightingale live so comfortably.

Chiyo nodded silently. She also knew that the main force this time would not be the garrison troops, so he immediately looked at the ANBU people.

"Viper, you continue to stay here to protect the sealing class and let the sealing class maintain the stability of the barrier. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Chiyo-sama!"

"Vulture, you lead your brigade to set off. The garrison is only to assist and contain you. You are the main force. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Chiyo-sama!"

As Chiyo gave the order, the two ANBU captains immediately turned around and ran out.

They also knew the importance and troublesomeness of this mission. Once this damn guy named Nightingale hid, he would become silent and unable to carry out the mission.

I don't know if he showed up because he had been hiding for too long and was planning to leave, otherwise they might not be able to find him.

Especially since this guy has the Flying Thunder God technique, it will be really difficult to catch him once he breaks through.

Looking at the ANBU captains leaving quickly, Chiyo took a deep breath, and then she quietly left the command room.

She didn't come here to conduct, but she wanted to meet this nightingale.

If Nightingale is caught, all is well. If there is no way to catch him, then Chiyo will have to meet him alone in private...


"Immortal Technique·Earth Escape·Tulu Return!"

Facing the wind escape, Xia Yan slowly raised one hand with his index finger and middle finger standing together. With just this seal, he directly completed a technique!

The benefits brought to him by the advanced earth escape fruit were fully reflected. After taking this fruit, he had a profound understanding of the use of earth escape and the changes in the two properties.

This also allows him to completely achieve "whatever technique he wants with his hands together" when using Earth Release Ninjutsu.

But when it comes to closing his hands, Xia Yan prefers to form the seal with one hand. After all, he is a ninja who is very good at using the Ninja Sword!

As the earth wall still engraved with the lizard head was erected, those wind escapes that tore through the sky hit it hard, and the violent wind and sand that had already appeared in an instant became even more terrifying.

A powerful hurricane quietly formed at this moment, and then covered this area!

The scorching sun standing in the sky seemed to be blocked at this moment, leaving only a few afterimages and the slightest trace of afterglow.

This situation made the ninjas of Sunagakure frown. Even though they lived in the Country of Wind all year round, they obviously didn't like this situation.

Vision is a very important thing. If you don't even know where your enemy is, how are you going to deal with your enemy, especially if this enemy can fly the Thunder God Technique!

"Everyone, come closer!" Feeling the trouble caused by the yellow sand in the sky, a commander of Sunayak Village immediately shouted: "Form up a formation and support each other at any time. Our backup troops are coming soon!"

Following the commander's words, all the sand ninjas present immediately took action. Having lived in the Kingdom of Wind all year round, they still have strong adaptability to such flying sand.

In just a moment, they had found their teammates and formed teams.

And in order to facilitate mutual support, the distance between each of their teams is very small. If any problem occurs, they can definitely support each other as soon as possible.

The violent hurricane began to slowly subside. Without chakra replenishment and encountering huge obstacles, these techniques could not last long.

But the flying sand has not dissipated yet, it is still flying all over the sky, affecting everyone's sight.

Suddenly, a powerful chakra burst out just before all the flying sand fell!

The sheer size of this chakra and its intensity made all the Sand Ninja present swallow their saliva.

There were more than twenty of them in total, but when facing such chakra, they suddenly felt that they were extremely insignificant!

"Immortal Technique·Earth Release·Earthslide!"

When this vast chakra burst to its extreme, the earth began to tremble violently at this moment, and countless fine sands eroded towards the sand ninjas like a sea tide!

"Get out of the way!"

At this moment, these sand ninjas have no way to continue to maintain such a defense. If they don't dodge, they will definitely be swallowed up by these sand and stones in the next moment.

But just as they quickly dispersed, a figure had quietly arrived and rushed in front of them...


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