With a punch, a sand ninja flew backwards.

Under the tremendous force, his sternum collapsed instantly, and blood flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Taking a step forward gently, the long knife with a cold glow almost slashed down Xia Yan's back.

But the next moment a kunai appeared in his hand, and with a light turn, the kunai with a little bit of chakra sank into the sand ninja's chest.

At the same time, Xia Yan's right hand also grabbed the sand ninja's knife-holding hand, and then pulled it aside.


A crisp metallic chirping sound suddenly sounded, and the next moment the sand ninja's hand was completely twisted.

And the ninja sword in his hand stabbed directly into the chest of another sand ninja in a weird arc!

After killing three people in an instant, Xia Yan didn't stop at all. He jumped directly towards the other scattered Sand Ninjas.

In the state of intermediate immortal mode, coupled with Xia Yan's own perception that has been enhanced again due to the improvement of his bloodline, the destructiveness he shows is unimaginable!

His speed, reaction speed, strength and physical coordination were perfectly displayed at this moment.

And with the shroud of perception, he can clearly understand the situation around him. Even if he does not have strong insight, he can avoid a lot of trouble in advance!

Natsuhiko can now roughly guess why Uchiha Madara did not gain any advantage in the extreme Taijutsu duel with Senju Tobirama when he had the Mangekyou Sharingan, and even continued to suffer losses.

In addition to Senju Hashirama's terrifying and unimaginable healing ability, I'm afraid he also has such a state, right?

The general situation is no worse than yours, and the lack of details can be made up for by the healing ability. Uchiha Madara was really depressed when he lost back then.

No wonder Uchiha Madara often commented on Senju Hashirama's fighting style, which was simply inelegant.

I'm afraid this is also a sign of his displeasure. After all, I hurt you, but you recovered in the blink of an eye.

And you were injured, but I couldn't heal myself. Who could bear this?

Naturally, this gap in details becomes an "extremely inelegant" performance.

"But that's also when dealing with someone like Uchiha Madara, who has the Mangekyou Sharingan, or even the Eternal Eye. It's probably just a dream for others to hurt Senju Hashirama!"

This kind of inelegance also depends on the person. Xia Yan doesn't think that just a random person can easily hurt the First Hokage.

The same is true for Xia Yan, he is unwilling and will not be easily hurt by others!

Walking among these dozens of ninjas, Xia Yan showed such ease.

No matter who's attacking, it seems so powerless under the shroud of his perception.

And his physical skills that blossomed into the intermediate immortal mode also fully blossomed at this moment!

In less than a minute, nearly ten Sand Ninjas had fallen under his hands.

And his movement speed was so fast that the sand ninjas couldn't lock him with ninjutsu.

Now these sand ninjas are full of fear in their hearts, because the combat power shown by Xia Yan is really terrifying.

Especially since this guy did this without even using the Flying Thunder God, and they were directly dispersed by Xia Yan's technique. How could they not be afraid in their hearts?

He kicked the sand ninja in front of him away, and then he pulled out a kunai again.

The kunai suddenly glowed with blue light, and the next moment the chakra with a strong sharpness directly passed through the throat of a sand ninja!

Blood splashed out directly, but before the blood fell on the ground, Xia Yan had already taken out a detonating talisman and stuck it on his body.

Then he kicked out again, and the sand ninja who was holding his hands and letting out hoarse wails fell directly next to the guy who was kicked away before.


A violent explosion sounded instantly, and the bloody stone sand splashed up along with the broken corpses.

Obviously, these two people were blown to pieces at this moment!

Such cruel methods made all the surviving sand ninjas around them feel a little scared.

At this time, they had regrouped, but they also lost most of their teammates.

But even so, the enemies they faced were still unscathed!

Such a huge gap really makes them a little desperate, but as ninjas they also know that they must not retreat.

Even though many of them had their hands shaking, they still stood there honestly.

Looking at the masked figure in the distance, although the figure made no further movements at this moment, it just stood there quietly.

But all the sand ninjas felt that that guy was simply an evil ghost Shura!

"Are you scared?"

Suddenly, Xia Yan spoke, his voice was still so gentle and soft, as if he was talking to an old friend.

"Fear shows that you still have hope and a desire for life.

Don't be too insistent, after all, it is difficult to master the power of stepping on ants without killing them. "

"Don't talk nonsense here!"

When Sunagakure's commander heard this, he couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Although you are scary, you have to know what you are facing!

We are the ninjas of Sunagakure Village, and we will not back down.

I believe that even if I die, the village will avenge us! "

"Really? You're waiting for those backups, aren't you?"

Natsuhiko slowly drew out his Ninja Sword, and in just an instant blue chakra appeared on the Ninja Sword.

"You know, what you call trust does not mean trusting yourself, but has the same meaning as dependence. That is the behavior of a weak person.

In fact, for ninjas, especially in the current situation, this kind of trust is unnecessary, because you'd better believe in yourself. "

"You talk nonsense, you will definitely not be able to escape from the Kingdom of Wind!"

The commander of Sunagakure Village gritted his teeth, knowing that his words had been misinterpreted and used to attack him.

But he had no way to defend himself, especially in this situation.

All he can do now is hold Xia Yan down and wait for support from other troops. Only in this way can they be saved.

"Whether I can get out or not, you can't actually see me."

Xia Yan sighed slightly, and then he started to move.

His steps were very slow, but with every step he took, it seemed as if a majestic momentum was pressing towards these sand ninjas.

The wind was still blowing, and while it was picking up the yellow sand, it was also blowing up the cloak behind Xia Yan, and it was constantly fluttering behind him.

"Bye now."

When Xia Yan was less than ten meters away from these sand ninjas, he suddenly spoke again.

"But we probably won't have the chance to meet again."

Without speaking, his figure disappeared instantly, leaving only the screams echoing in the desert...


When Natsuhiko's ninja sword lightly scratched the neck of Commander Sunagakure, blood immediately spread all over the ground along his ninja sword.

The commander of Sunagakure covered his neck with his hands. He wanted to say something, but the blood had already rushed out of his throat, and only blood bubbles continued to gush out as he continued to speak.

Xia Yan watched all this calmly, and he didn't feel much at all about the tragic death of this sand ninja.

After so many years in ANBU, he has long been accustomed to seeing similar scenes, and he has done it himself quite often.

Maybe he still feels a little disgusted now, but he no longer has that boring sympathy in his heart. Maybe this can be regarded as a kind of growth.

Xia Yan casually shook off the blood-stained Ninja sword in his hand and looked at the corpses on the ground. Xia Yan turned around and walked forward directly.

The reason why Xia Yan attracted these guys out was that besides Xia Yan wanting to test his own strength and get used to the newly acquired power, he obviously had another purpose.

The purpose is very simple, that is, through this relatively high-profile 'breakout operation', you can gain higher prestige!

In fact, Xia Yan had thought about this when he came and was mentally prepared.

What he didn't expect was that the results of this operation were completely beyond his expectations.

And this situation also made him more determined about one thing, that is, he must not leave this place low-key.

Although the selection and promotion of ANBU ministers depends largely on the will of the Hokage.

But there is also a key issue here, that is, the person selected must have sufficient qualifications.

This qualification is not limited to the number of tasks, but also includes his prestige in the ANBU and his personal strength.

Natsuhi is not very familiar with Takumi Murashima, but some of his legendary experiences are familiar to Natsuhi.

The reason why this guy was able to secure that position was because of the support of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

After all, this kind of machine is as rigid as a person to the extreme, and he will not do any exchange of interests to stabilize his position.

But if he doesn't have enough achievements and strength, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen supports him, it will be useless.

Natsuhiko longs for the position of Hokage, so he must first get the ANBU minister.

Only by obtaining this position can he go further openly.

After all, he is not Kakashi, he does not have such a good background, and he does not have such good luck.

ANBU really didn't quit just because they wanted to, and Natsuhiko really wouldn't consider an individual case like Kakashi.

All he considers is the best way for him.

"However, I'm afraid there will be some trouble next."

Raising his head slightly and looking at the tame falcon that kept singing in the sky, Xia Yan knew that the enemy's large army was probably coming.

Moreover, I am afraid that all of these people are now filled with anger and vigilance.

After all, the first thing Xia Yan did when he ran to the Kingdom of Wind was to kill so many people in front of Ebizo, and then he hid for so long.

The previous garrison troops had explained everything, and coupled with the intelligence he had received before, he knew that he would definitely face many enemies.

He made a slight seal with one hand, and the next moment several small lizards appeared in front of him.

Xia Yan lowered his body and whispered, and then left marks on these lizards.

After doing all this, he stood up and continued walking forward.

His speed was unhurried, and more and more chakra began to gather towards him in his perception.

"come yet?"

When he once again crossed a sand dune and looked at the dense crowd of Sunagakure running towards him, Xia Yan felt a little nervous in his heart.

It is true that he has gained enough strength and his chakra is now unrestricted, but I have to say that this is the first time he has encountered such a scene.

In the past, when he performed missions, the enemies he faced were small groups of elite troops. In addition, he had never been on the battlefield, so naturally he had no chance to see such a posture.

Fortunately, he had already left a way out for himself, and he quickly calmed down.

Although the number of enemies is indeed quite large, at a rough glance, there are probably more than a hundred ninjas.

And among them, Xia Yan also noticed some ANBU figures.

But Xia Yan is not that easy to deal with. Even if he can't use Senju Hashirama's wood escape, it is unrealistic for these people to really want to catch him!

"Find target, repeat, find target!"

"Catch him as much as possible. If it doesn't work, kill him. Don't let him escape!"

"Everyone, be careful. It is said that this guy knows space ninjutsu. Be careful of being attacked by him!"

When these Sand Ninjas saw Xia Yan, they had already determined their target, and many Sand Ninjas, under the command of their captain, rushed towards Xia Yan without any hesitation!

Natsuhiko watched this scene quietly, and for some reason he suddenly thought of the scene when Uchiha Madara faced the ninja alliance alone sixteen years later.

But it's a pity that he is not Uchiha, and these people in front of him are not a ninja coalition.

Slowly drawing out his ninja sword, Xia Yan walked forward slowly.

The wind and sand were still floating in the Kingdom of Wind, rolling up the cloak behind Xia Yan. The cloak was constantly dancing under the blow of the wind and sand.

His breathing was steady, and with his breathing, the chakra on his body became richer with every step he took.

Finally, his pace began to speed up, and his breathing changed at this moment, and the chakra in his body began to boil at this moment!

For some reason, the speed of the sand ninjas charging towards him began to slow down inexplicably.

Many people's expressions became a little strange, and some even clenched their kunai tightly and swallowed subconsciously.

There was obviously only one person in front of them, and this person's aura and chakra were so close to nature.

But everyone who comes into contact with this aura seems to feel a great pressure!


At this moment, a ninja suddenly shouted, which made all the sand ninjas affected by Natsuhiko's momentum come back to their senses.

And at this moment, Xia Yan's figure had quietly arrived in front of the Sand Ninja at the front.

His ninja sword was as fast as lightning, slicing directly through the sand ninja's throat...


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