After the first Sand Ninja was instantly killed by Natsuhiko, the other Sand Ninjas also reacted at this moment.

Someone suddenly let out a roar, and then the entire Sunagakure army erupted.

Except for the ANBU who still remained calm, everyone roared and rushed madly in the direction of Xia Yan!

Xia Yan himself didn't understand the situation, but that didn't stop him from taking action.

Perception instantly covered everything around him, and the red eyeshadow of the intermediate sage mode appeared on his face again.

In an instant, everything on the battlefield seemed to be under his control, and he seemed to be aware of every movement of every ninja more than ten meters around him.

Although there are still serious deficiencies in details, it is completely enough for him!

At an extremely fast speed, he avoided a sand ninja and stabbed the kunai. Natsuhiko then swung out the ninja sword exuding azure chakra.

He didn't need to figure out exactly where he hit. This kind of nitpicking was the specialty of the Uchiha clan.

All he needs to do is just let this ninja sword, covered with the ultimate water escape chakra, hit the opponent!

Sure enough, the ninja who was hit by the knife burst out a burst of blood mist, and then fell directly to the ground and couldn't get up at all.

The figure turned slightly, like a stream of light with an afterimage, Xia Yan almost dodged the backstab from behind.

Then he pulled the ninja sword in his hand horizontally, killing the sand ninja behind him immediately.

He raised his left hand slightly to form a one-handed seal, and in the middle of pulling the sword horizontally, he suddenly changed direction and moved forward.

The ninja sword with azure light immediately pierced a sand ninja, and the substitute technique he prepared quietly activated at this moment.


The sound of kunai piercing the flesh suddenly sounded, but what people never expected was that the one who was pierced was not Natsuhiko, but an innocent Sand Ninja!

The next few sand ninjas who took action were killed by Xia Yan who suddenly appeared from behind.

At this time, Xia Yan really felt as if he had broken into a sheepfold.

Although all the enemies are not bad in strength, when they face themselves, they have no power to fight back!

Whether it was speed, reaction, etc., Xia Yan crushed them all.

Even though the Immortal Mode is helping to a large extent, Xia Yan's foundation has also improved, and his Immortal Mode strength has naturally increased as well.

He was like a ghost, constantly wandering around the Suna Ninja, and every time he appeared, the Suna Ninja would lose one or two people.

Even if these people are not dead, they basically have no fighting ability.

"It's almost done. Those ANBU should also take action."

The ninja sword with blue chakra slashed across the chest of a sand ninja, and Xia Yan glanced at the battlefield.

At this moment, the sand dune he was on was already covered in blood, and there were at least twenty or thirty ninjas lying on the ground.

Although the other sand ninjas showed fear on their faces, they still rushed towards him tremblingly.

But Xia Yan no longer paid attention to them, his perception had long been locked on those Anbu ninjas.

At this time, the ANBU ninjas had dispersed into several small teams, quietly surrounding Xia Yan.

As an ANBU, he was still a little wary of these guys.

In addition, Xia Yan also saw a distress signal rising into the sky. It was obvious that his actions had completely attracted the nearby garrison.

You can imagine what it will be like when these guys come over in full force.

He is not Senju Hashirama, nor is he Uchiha Madara. If he confronts such a large-scale army, he will probably end up with only one outcome.

He didn't want to be resurrected in a special form by Yakushi Kabuto, the person who fulfilled his dream, sixteen years later. That would be too embarrassing.

Although after being resurrected like that, he might actually be able to play like a low-end version of Senju Hashirama.

But with the help of plug-ins alive, he might not be dreaming about getting to this point. Why should he be in trouble with himself?

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko dodged slightly to avoid the kunai stabbed by a sand ninja that rushed in front of him.

Then he directly grabbed his hand and turned his body slightly. The sand ninja couldn't control himself at all and stabbed the kunai in his hand towards his teammates behind him.

The moment he pierced his teammate's chest, Xia Yan exerted slight force on his wrist, and the sound of bones breaking suddenly came from the sand ninja.

Immediately afterwards, the ninja sword in Xia Yan's right hand penetrated directly through his chest from bottom to top!

After killing these two sand ninjas, Natsuhiko didn't give anyone else, including the ANBU, any chance.

The chakra in his body paused for a moment, and the next moment his figure disappeared.

When he was discovered again, he had escaped from the encirclement and completed a seal with one hand!

"Immortal Technique·Earth Release·Tulong Spear!"

Along with the crazy surge of chakra in his body, countless sharp rocks suddenly appeared under the soft yellow sand!

These sharp rocks covered a huge area. Although they were scattered, they completely covered the entire battle area.

Faced with such a change, all the Sand Ninjas couldn't help but jump up. Those who reacted a little slower were not so lucky.

When the Tulong Gun stopped completely, the entire sand dune had turned into a sharp stone forest!

Under the guidance of the magic chakra, and accompanied by Xia Yan's chakra supply regardless of the cost, those sharp rocks became extremely huge.

Sharp boulders more than three meters high stood here and there, and some unlucky ones and the injured who had already fallen on the ground were directly pierced through like those corpses.

And as these stone pillars continued to grow larger, these people were hung in the sky one by one.

Blood continued to drip from these corpses, and a lot of blood also dripped on the heads of the Sand Ninja below.

Seeing their originally living teammates turned into corpses in an instant, and dying so tragically, the surviving Sand Ninja was filled with anger and hatred.

They are not willing to give in, they are also eager to avenge their teammates!

But just when such emotions were just ignited, their hearts were suddenly covered by invisible fear as they looked at their teammates hanging in the air and dying tragically.

"This this guy really a human?"

"With this speed and this amount of chakra, can we really deal with him?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

Many sand ninjas seemed to have lost their fighting spirit at this moment. They were still intact despite facing the impact from above. It can be said that this was a one-sided battle!

This kind of performance was simply beyond their cognitive scope, especially the speed of this guy made them feel scared.

They couldn't see the figure clearly at all. It seemed that they could only see a stream of light passing by, and then their man fell to the ground.

Even this guy doesn't seem to be using the Flying Thunder God Technique!

It's too strong, it's really scary!

When did such a guy appear in the ANBU of Konoha?

Could it be possible that this guy is actually the head of ANBU?

I don't know how many Sand Ninjas have such thoughts deep in their hearts at this moment.

They knew that the person they wanted to block was a Konoha Anbu, but the specific body was not explained at all. No wonder they were thinking in this direction.

"Be careful! Don't be in a daze, he's coming again!"

At this moment, a shrill voice suddenly came over, and this voice also brought all the sand ninjas back to their senses.

The next moment, they saw countless kunai flying over from all directions...


"Who is this guy?"

Chiyo hid aside and watched all this silently. She couldn't help but want to take action several times, but every time she was on the verge of taking action, she held back.

It's not that she doesn't want to help, it's that Sand Hidden Village is extremely important to her, and she naturally hates it when she meets a guy like Xia Yan.

But she is very clear-headed, and she knows that the most important thing at this moment is not to take action, but to find out the information about this guy, so that she can better capture him, or even kill him!

Even though Chiyo wanted to get Xia's information from Natsuhiko, even though her heart was extremely concerned about Xia, all of this seemed insignificant compared to the village.

Especially looking at the Sunagakure ninjas who were tortured and killed by Xia Yan, and looking at the erected stone forest, the anger in her heart could not be suppressed.

But after getting angry, she also calmed down, and then her expression became extremely solemn.

Chiyo, who had been holding back her anger and watching all this, naturally had her own assessment of the Nightingale's strength.

But it was because she witnessed all this that she felt so confused in her heart.

Because she was shocked to find that although she had obtained a lot of information, it seemed to be of no use at all!

This nightingale is incredibly fast, almost unbelievable!

Even Chiyo herself found that she couldn't see the trajectory of this guy's movement at all.

If it's just fast, then forget it. In addition to being fast, this guy is also very powerful.

Moreover, the quality and quantity of his chakra are extremely high, and his earth escape and water escape seem to be unbelievably strong!

Yes, Chiyo could see that the blue chakra covering the ninja sword was actually the water release ninjutsu.

Using such high quality water escape in such an arid area, you can imagine how terrifying his water escape skills are.

Not only his water escape, his earth escape also made Chiyo look at him.

"Does this guy have no weaknesses?"

Chiyo murmured to herself, especially since she knew that this guy still had the Flying Thunder God Technique that he had never used before!

She really didn't expect that she would meet such a guy, a guy who seemed like she had no weaknesses at all.

Looking at this guy's figure, even Chiyo could tell that this guy was definitely not old even if he couldn't see him.

A young man who has already become one of the three captains of Konoha ANBU. This man's future is completely imaginable!

"Why, God, do you always prefer Konoha so much?"

Chiyo sighed slightly. She really felt that God was a little unfair now.

The land of fire where Konoha is located has the most superior geographical environment in the entire shinobi world. Not only is the transportation convenient, but the land is also extremely fertile.

The Daimyo of the Fire Country is not a stingy person, and has enough financial support to support the development of Konoha.

With money, more ninjas can be trained, and Konoha itself is competitive enough that geniuses are born almost every once in a while.

From Sakumo Hatake back then, to the Sannin later, to Kakashi now, and to the ANBU named Nightingale in front of him.

Any one of these people appearing in their Sand Hidden Village would make Chiyo extremely happy.

However, it is a pity that at present, Sunagakure Village does not have a genius that makes people shine.

Maybe Ma Ji is one, but compared with the person in front of him, Chiyo can only sigh.

"We must find a way to keep this guy!"

Chiyo's eyes became gloomy, even though she knew it would be extremely difficult for her to face this guy, even though she knew what would happen if she got close to this guy.

But as a ninja from Sunagakure Village, Chiyo will never be captured without mercy.

And as an experienced ninja, she knows one thing from beginning to end, that is, it is always a profession that can be used for everything!


At this moment, Chiyo suddenly noticed that Natsu Yan was moving in the distance, and Natsu Yan suddenly took out a sealing scroll from his ninja bag.

As he unlocked the seal, dozens of kunai appeared in his hands.

Blue chakra appeared in his hands. When the chakra covered these kunai, he shot these kunai directly towards the sand ninja scattered in the stone forest.

At this moment, Chiyo knew that this guy was going to be cruel!

Sure enough, when these kunai shot into the stone forest, Xia Yan's figure suddenly disappeared.

In an area on the upper left side of the stone forest, before a kunai could land, Xia Yan's figure suddenly appeared!

Then he slashed at a Sand Ninja who didn't react at all. He killed the Sand Ninja without any resistance.

However, he did not leave immediately. After killing one person, his ninja sword continued to move forward and hit another sand ninja accurately.

"He's over here! Watch out!"

At this moment, the Sand Ninja in this area reacted. After shouting, they quickly maintained their formation and rushed towards him.

However, before they could catch up with Xia Yan, Xia Yan disappeared again.

In the other area, Xia Yan suddenly appeared.

His ninja sword sank into the body of a Sunagakure again without any hesitation, and then disappeared again before the Sunagakure could react.




Screams erupted one after another in the stone forest, and Xia Yan, who once again hit the crowd, took full advantage of his advantage!

Those kunai were all nodes of the Flying Thunder God. Even though these crisscrossing stone forests blocked his sight, they did not affect his perception at all.

He could clearly sense the location of every Sand Ninja in this area!

Every time he appeared, a sand ninja died quietly, and every time he swung his sword, a figure fell to the ground.

Even these sand ninjas had quickly avoided his kunai, and some had even withdrawn from the stone forest.

But he didn't care about those who ran outside the stone forest at all. As long as the distance was not too far away from Kunai, he could use his speed to catch up directly!

In such extreme fear of death, the Sand Ninjas suffered both neurological and physical torture.

Perhaps at this moment, they could feel what the Iwagakure ninjas were feeling.

Because you simply don’t know when a deadly ghost will suddenly appear next to you...


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