"Minister, something's not quite right."

In Sunagakure Village, the hinterland of the Land of Wind, Murashima Takumi and others were hiding in a small house.

They have been in Sand Hidden Village for a few days, and during these days, except for seeing the ANBU hidden in Sand Hidden Village, they have been hiding in this small house.

Their target is Ebizo, this has never changed, but unfortunately, Ebizo seems to be hiding now, and no one knows his whereabouts at all.

Even those who were turned to them by Konoha through various means were unable to obtain relevant information about Ebizo.

This situation really put Murashima Takumi and others in a bit of a dilemma. They had not considered sneaking into the Anbu of Sunagakure Village to investigate the situation.

But it is a pity that due to the last operation of the roots, the Anbu of Sunagakure Village is not that easy to enter now.

Even the most elite members of the Anbu would feel troubled and powerless about this.

After all, no matter how strong they are, they can never do much to defeat the entire village's defense on their own!

Although the lone wolf did it before, it was a war period at that time. Almost all ninjas went to the front line, and the internal defense of Sunagakure Village was already weak.

Even so, Lone Wolf's team paid the price of almost being wiped out before Lone Wolf could escape alone.

While they were patiently lurking and constantly using various ANBU tricks to find out information, they suddenly became acutely aware that the situation in Sunagakure Village today was a little different.

The Swift Eagle is the most common method used by ninjas to communicate with each other. However, the number of Swift Eagles today is obviously much higher.

Moreover, the mobilization of ninjas in Sunagakure Village seems to be a bit frequent now, especially now that the alert seems a bit strict.

This situation can only mean one thing, and that is something wrong with Sunagakure Village!

There are really a lot of problems in Sunagakure Village now. On the one hand, they have to face the pressure from Iwagakure, and even the Kazekage has to go to the front line.

On one side, Kirigakure carried out various sneak attacks on their mission ninjas. In addition, there was a Nightingale who also made them anxious.

It is conceivable that any disturbance can make them extremely vigilant. After all, any action with a greater threat will make them worried.

"It seems that there is no way to continue our mission." At this time, a guy with a pineapple head sighed: "Mr. Minister, we have also discovered a lot of information about Sunagakure these days, and they are all like frightened birds. Generally speaking, it’s really difficult to deal with.”

"Indeed." Another person also said: "After all, they are really in trouble internally and externally. Once there is a little bit of movement, they need to worry about someone taking advantage of troubled waters."

Sunagakure Village is really worried about being fished in troubled waters now, because the trouble they encounter is as simple as one or two.

First, they had been tortured by Kirigakure for a long time. These guys kept attacking their mission ninjas, which was enough to give them a headache. Now there was a Konoha ANBU who had mastered the Flying Thunder God.

Whichever one catches their attention, they have to be wary of the other one stabbing them in the back.

If there was no confrontation with Iwagakure, then they still had enough ninjas to deal with all these troubles. Unfortunately, the current deployment of large forces also left Sunagakure village feeling empty.

Once someone takes advantage of troubled waters at this time, the casualties and losses caused are definitely not what anyone is willing to face.

Murashima Takumi frowned. For him, the mission was his life, and the current troublesome situation gave him a huge headache.

Although when he set out, Sarutobi Hiruzen solemnly emphasized to him that this task required sufficient flexibility. After all, on the surface, they were here to assist Nightingale in leaving Sunagakure Village.

It would be a great thing if Ebizo could be killed in the process of assisting.

That's why Takumi Murashima wants to find Ebizo's location so strongly and kill the ANBU chief of Sunagakure Village!

"Mr. Minister, with the current situation, I'm afraid we can't continue to cause trouble for Ebizo."

Just as Murashima Takumi was thinking about how to deal with it, the owl who also followed him spoke.

“And Mr. Minister, even if it still needs to be implemented, I propose that we should be more flexible now.

For example, just focus on supporting Captain Nightingale and creating chaos in Sunagakure Village. Only in this way can we attract the real big shots, right?

If he were in Sunagakure Village. "

Owl's words immediately made the other ANBU present frown, because according to Owl's words, all of them would be very dangerous.

Even though they had been mentally prepared after receiving this mission, no one was really willing to die.

But this guy Owl has always been one of Hokage's most trusted ANBU ninjas, and his relationship with the ANBU minister Takumi Murashima is also extraordinary.

There is a rumor in the ANBU that there are only two people who can dissuade Murashima Takumi, one is the Third Hokage and the other is Owl.

They are really nervous now. If the ANBU minister listens to the owl and does what he says, then they have absolutely no right to refuse.

But the results and the price they paid really made them feel worried.

Murashima Takumi frowned. He knew very well the purpose of the owl following him. In fact, the reason why this guy followed him was very simple.

That is, he is responsible for stopping some of his own actions. After so many years, he has already had a certain tacit understanding with the owl, and he naturally understands what the words of persuasion in the owl's tone mean.

Flexibility, this is the most important thing, this is what the Hokage told him alone before they set off.

And now that the owl has said it, it is obviously to remind himself that it is time to make a flexible judgment on this matter.

And this judgment owl has already made a decision for him, that is, they cannot continue to dwell on some unlikely things now.

The last sentence is also very clear, because they have no information about Ebizo, so they are not sure whether this guy is in Sunagakure Village.

After understanding this, Murashima Takumi nodded silently, and then said in a cold tone: "Indeed, it is indeed impossible to judge whether Ebizo is in Sunagakure Village now. Although I want to kill him more, the mission of Lord Hokage is that we You can’t give up either.”

After saying this, the eyes of all the Anbu who followed him suddenly lit up.

The pineapple-headed ANBU even asked in a low voice: "Then, Mr. Buchou, what should we do now?"

"Naturally, we will cover Nightingale's departure. Our target is the garrison on the edge of the village. Let them get into chaos and not be able to easily pass on orders. Then we will evacuate as soon as possible and take some of the people with us. Got it."

"Yes! Mr. Minister!"


Xia Yan didn't know that there was such a play in Sand Hidden Village.

If he knew, he would definitely find a way to find those people, and then wait for an opportunity to kill Murashima Takumi!

A Konoha ANBU minister who died outside Konoha, still in the territory of Sunagakure Village, is definitely an extremely interesting thing.

People from Sunagakure would even take the initiative to take the blame for him. After all, this was a huge honor for Sunagakure Village.

Also for Natsuhiko, this is also an excellent opportunity to attack the Third Hokage's control over Anbu, and it is also an excellent preparation for him to find a way to become the Minister of Anbu in the future.

It's just a pity that he doesn't know about this at all, and all his energy is now focused on dealing with these sand ninjas.

His movements were very clean and neat, and with the cooperation of his increasingly proficient flying thunder god and celestial magic, more and more sand ninjas began to fall to the ground during his efficient and ruthless killing.

Fear spread silently around them. If they didn't have clear discipline, they might really turn around and run away.

"Do it!"

At this moment, the ANBU seemed unable to handle Xia Yan's unscrupulous behavior.

They originally wanted to collect more information about Xia Yan, but at the same time, after delaying it until this guy's chakra and physical strength began to decline significantly, they took action to kill him in one fell swoop.

But what shocked them was that this guy didn't seem to have any change at all, either in terms of physical strength or chakra.

Isn't he tired?

He has used the Flying Thunder God so many times, and once used that large-scale ninjutsu, why does his chakra still feel so full?

No matter what the reason was, these ANBU knew that they could no longer continue to observe, nor could they continue to wait or think of ways to surround this guy.

If you continue to wait, more people will die. The number of ninjas that originally numbered more than a hundred is now less than thirty!

More than seventy ninjas stayed here forever in waves of confrontations, or to be precise, massacres.

If it were a normal battle, and if they learned something about this guy and his relevant information, then the ninjas would basically choose to retreat.

But these ninjas were not qualified to retreat at all. The order from above was to keep him at all costs or to kill him.

They simply don't dare to disobey orders from above!

"Are you finally willing to move?"

Seeing that the ANBU finally took action, Xia Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, he was not as relaxed as he looked.

While constantly using the Flying Thunder God Technique and still maintaining the sage mode, his chakra consumption is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Although maintaining this state has almost given him an unprecedentedly powerful combat power in this period, you can understand it just by looking at the corpses all over the ground.

If it were Xia Yan a few days ago, he would probably make a sneak attack, then use kunai and lizards to kill some people, and then turn around and run away.

After all, he was very fast, and his immortal mode at that time could not last more than a few minutes.

What he is doing now is very shocking, simple and effective, and it fully utilizes his advantages, but the consumption is also unimaginable!

"If it weren't for my recovery ability, which is not weak in the first place, plus my chakra is currently in a liberated state.

There are no seeds to devour my chakra, which allows me to be so effective.

But no matter how fast my recovery speed is and no matter how much chakra I have, I may not be able to hold on if I continue to consume it like this.

But what surprises me is that my physical strength has actually improved so much. It seems that the improvement of bloodline is more comprehensive than I imagined. "

Looking at the ANBU who rushed over instantly, Xia Yan thought mentally while taking a step back to avoid the first wave of attacks.

And these ANBU seemed to have been observing Xia Yan for a long time. Even when they were moving forward, they still maintained a complete formation. It seemed that they did not intend to give Xia Yan any chance to use the Flying Thunder God to attack.

And it seems that the effect is good, because Xia Yan is not attacking at all, as if he feels embarrassed.

But in fact, they were mistaken. The main reason why Xia Yan did not take action immediately was that his perception had already detected that a larger force was coming towards this direction.

That troop looked close to the size of two hundred people. It was almost no problem to use this size to raid some small countries.

In addition, he also vaguely felt that there were quite a few people coming towards this direction from a farther direction. This scale might have caused the entire border guarding force to move.

"It seems that the commotion this time is really big. Is it necessary to send out so many people, unless..."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He seemed to understand the fourth generation Kazekage's plan. I'm afraid he wanted to get the Flying Thunder God's Technique, right?

If he is captured alive, he will be tortured first to force the result.

If he kills it, then he can just take the head back and take out the secret he wants from it!

Thinking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on Xia Yan's lips. This Luo Sha is really big-hearted. Even if he gets the Flying Thunder God, is he sure there is someone in Sand Hidden Village who can learn it?

"However, it's time to leave now."

Xia Yanren drew out his sword and slashed at an ANBU in front of him. His blade was extremely fast. Even though the ANBU had already evaded, there was still no way to dodge this attack.

But this ANBU seemed to understand that he was doomed. The moment Natsuhiko's Ninja Sword cut open his body, he actually grabbed Natsu Yan's Ninja Sword directly with one hand that was not afraid of death.

His move also made Xia Yan pause slightly, and this pause immediately caused other Anbu to pounce on him.

But it is a pity that space ninjutsu will always be one of the most mysterious and helpless ninjutsu.

The moment they were about to pounce on Xia Yan, his figure had disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already more than ten meters away.

But this time, even though he had traveled a certain distance, he was still surrounded.

Those sand ninjas are not stupid either. Even though not many of them have died, they are still wary of the kunai left behind by Natsu Yan.

It's just that they didn't get close enough, which gave Xia Yan enough time to react.

"Then let it end."

Xia Yan mentally muttered silently, then he raised his left hand with one hand, and the chakra in his body surged crazily.

"Ninjutsu: Psychic Technique!"


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