"Why is this technique?"

Xia Yan frowned and looked at the scroll in his hand. He now felt that his head was a little swollen.

The Flying Thunder God technique is really not a simple technique.

It is very strong, so strong that it can even destroy the suppression of the bloodline level!

Just look at Namikaze Minato. He was obviously born as a civilian ninja, but after learning the Flying Thunder God technique, his combat prowess was unmatched by even the Blood Successor Family!

Killing fifty ninjas instantly, including powerful ninjas such as Jonin, you can imagine how terrifying this is.

It was because of his existence and the fact that Iwagakure had to face Kumogakure's revenge on the second front that he chose to call a truce with Konoha.

"It's just that this technique is not something that can be learned easily."

Xia Yan was a little helpless. As a member of the Thousand Hands clan, he had asked his elders about this technique since he was very young.

As a result, the answer he got almost made him give up on learning this technique.

It's very simple. The difficulty of this technique is beyond imagination!

To learn this technique not only requires extremely high talent, but also terrifying reflexes and physical coordination.

The characteristic of Flying Thunder God is to suddenly travel through space, and then surprise attack the enemy to launch a fatal attack.

Therefore, this technique has extremely high requirements on reaction nerves and one's own body coordination.

If you don't have enough reaction nerves, you may not be able to react even after landing.

And without enough body coordination, you can't even maintain balance.

In this case, let alone launching a surprise attack, it is possible for you to fall directly to the ground, or even directly hit someone else's knife.

This wasn't a raid at all, it was suicide.

Konoha's inheritance is almost fifty years old and has gone through four generations of Hokage.

However, the only ones who have learned how to fly the Thunder God so far are the second-generation Hokage, who has died long ago, and the fourth-generation Hokage, who is currently almost ignored.

In fact, it's not like Namikaze Minato has never tried to teach this technique, he even split it up to simplify it.

In fact, he did it, but even if he did it, it was of no use. Shiranui Genma, Tamazashi Raido, and Iwahi had learned it, but there was no way they could use this technique to fight.

Even when used for teleportation, the three of them seemed to have a little difficulty.

"The requirements of this technique are really too perverted."

After Natsuhiko sent Uesugi Yuan away, he returned to the room and thought, while slowly opening the scroll in his hand and reading it.

"However, my years of cultivation of basic attributes have still yielded some results. I passed the first part, but the second part..."

The torturous thing about Flying Thunder God is that it not only places extremely high demands on your body, but also on your mastery of techniques.

This technique is not an ordinary technique, but a sealing technique!

The curse seal of the Flying Thunder God is actually a variation of the sealing technique.

It can only be mastered by learning the sealing technique, and if you want to skillfully and quickly arrange the seals, your control over the sealing technique must not be low.

Don't think that Flying Thunder God only throws kunai. He also needs the user to quickly leave a curse mark on the enemy when his frequent surprise attacks fail.

For example, when Minato Namikaze faced Obito in the future, he quietly left a mark. Finally, he used this mark to successfully attack Obito and completely severed the link between Obito and Kyuubi.

"In general, the level of trouble the Flying Thunder God is in is beyond imagination."

Xia Yan quickly read the scroll, and then after making sure that he had completely written down these things, he lit the scroll directly.

Looking at the scroll that was constantly turning into ashes and emitting bursts of green smoke, Xia Yan sighed quietly.

"It seems that from now on I will spend more time on sealing techniques and carving my own curse seal."

Although Flying Thunder God is troublesome and even very difficult to learn, Xia Yan has no intention of giving up.

You must know that he is a little different from others, because he has plug-in help.

The biggest difficulty for him is not to use this technique skillfully, but how to use it completely for the first time!

His plug-in characteristic is that once he uses a certain technique completely, he can basically master it completely.

I have to say that this feature is really popular. His water escape is like this, and the earth escape that he has not used yet is also the same.

It is because of this kind of control ability, coupled with his experience in performing tasks in ANBU all year round, that even though he only has Chuunin level chakra, he has the strength of Jonin level.

With the help of this characteristic, Natsuhiko feels that he can definitely master Flying Thunder God, and can even play it more skillfully than Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato!

Of course, there is another very important prerequisite before this, and that is the sealing technique.

Although Xia Yan is from the Thousand Hands Clan, there are also many sealing scrolls in the family.

But he really didn't think he had much talent, especially since the system of sealing techniques was completely different from the systems of other escape techniques.

This is a completely new challenge for him. You must know that he secretly tried it when he was a child, but it never worked.

"In order to fly the Thunder God, it seems that I have to fight hard. Besides, Kakashi is also under my command now. If it doesn't work..."

If that doesn't work, then the only option is to find a way to ask Kakashi to do a favor and take him to visit the Hokage's wife.

Uzumaki Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki clan and the most important member. The sealing technique she masters is absolutely amazing.

I'm afraid even Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Jutsu has a lot of credit behind it.

If she had taught her, Xia Yan thought he could definitely learn something!

His requirements are not high. He only needs to master the basic sealing skills and the sealing skills that condense the Flying Thunder God's spell.

With his own plug-in, he can use it skillfully to complete the most troublesome step of flying Thunder God.

As long as you complete these things thoroughly and use them completely, then...

"Although the things you explore by yourself are more suitable for you, the current situation is that it is better to be directly taught by others, especially Kushina's ability is beyond doubt."

When he thought that in the original work, the sealing technique was used to immobilize the Nine-Tails, and even after death, the remaining chakra helped Naruto successfully seal the Nine-Tails, Xia Yan felt hot in his heart.

Kakashi is really valuable, and the help he can do is unimaginable.

When Natsuhiko opened his mouth to remind Kakashi, he was just planning for the future, and by the way, he tricked the relationship between the Fourth and Third Generations.

He didn't know if it was useful or not, and he didn't care.

But now it seems that I still have some value, but whether it is a positive or negative effect is not clear.

"However, whether it is positive or negative, I can adjust it secretly. This is my advantage."


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